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Fermi E. — Nuclear Physics |
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Mott 30
Multipole expansion 92
N-component 219 222
Negative energy levels 48
Neutral meson 151 221
Neutrino 69 84—87
Neutrino, antineutrino 85
Neutrino, flux from sun 85
Neutrino, mass of 79 84
Neutrino, virtual 87
Neutron sources 179—181
Neutron sources, thermal 4 191—194
Neutron, age equation 187—188
Neutron, beams from Berkeley cyclotron 122
Neutron, capture in light nuclei 174
Neutron, crystalline diffraction 200—202
Neutron, decay of 70
Neutron, density in atmosphere 220
Neutron, diffusion theory 187—194
Neutron, elastic scattering 181—183
Neutron, graphite filter 203
Neutron, in cosmic rays 220
Neutron, index of refraction 201—202
Neutron, interference of 196—203
Neutron, micro crystalline scattering 203
Neutron, nascent 191
Neutron, neutron-neutron forces 129
Neutron, neutron-proton forces 113—123
Neutron, neutron-proton potentials 122—123
Neutron, neutron-proton scattering 117—120
Neutron, polarization 204—207
Neutron, scattering in ortho- and para- hydrogen 199—200
Neutron, slowing down 181—183
Nuclear forces 111—129
Nuclear forces, non-central, 113—114
Nuclear forces, sin-dependent 114—115
Nuclear reactions, listed individually under Reactions 144—145
Nuclear shells 150 167
Orbit model of nucleus 150 167
Packing fraction 2
Pair formation 38 47 54
Pair formation, in electric field 73
Pair formation, mean free path for 49
Paneth 84
Parent-daughter activity 25
Parity compound nucleus 149—152
Parity in beta decay 81
Parity in gamma decay 98—99
Partial wave theory 117—120 194—195
Pauli 137
Pauli, principle, proton-proton scattering 123
Pauli, saturation of nuclear forces 112
Penetration of nucleus in internal conversion 104
Periodic shell structure 9
Persistence of velocity 186—188
Photodisintegration of deuteron 175
Photoelectric absorption 8
Photonuclear reactions 175
Physical constants 240
Piles, chain-roacting theory by Fermi 208—213
Piles, neutron yield 180—181
Piles, thermal column 195—194
Planck radiation law 94
Plane wave in polar eigenfunctions 172
Polar vectors 99
Polarization of neutrons 204—207
Polynomials, Legendre 15
Pomaranchuk 224
Positron 48 54
Positron, emission 70—72
Powell 131
Poynting vector 89
Primakof 137
Primary cosmic radiation 215
Primary cosmic radiation, charge of 233
Protone in cosmic rays 215 222
Protone in cosmic rays, potential 128
Protone in cosmic rays, proton forces 125—128
Protone in cosmic rays, scattering results 128
Quadrupole moment 15 21
Radiactive capture, n by H 171
Radiation 80—106
Radiation, length 47
Radioactivity 17
Radioactivity, biological effect 18
Radioactivity, geological aspects 19
Radius of nucleus 65
Range of s electrons 31—32
Range of cosmic ray particles 222
Rarita 123
Rasetti 237 101
Reactions: 179
Reactions: reactions 179
Reactions: 70
Reactions: 180
Reactions: 176
Reactions: 70
Reactions: resonance 149
Reactions: 70
Reactions: 147
| Reactions: 152
Reactions: 180
Reactions: 151 152
Reactions: 151 152
Reactions: 70
Reactions: 86
Reactions: Silver res. 147
Recoil experiment 84
Rectangular barrier 55
references 237
Resonance, -Meson 131
Resonance, absorption of dipole radiation 100
Resonance, experimental data 157—159
Resonance, nuclear 145
Resonance, theory 152—157
Richtmeyer 41
Roentgen and rep 18
Rosenfeld, L. 237
Rossi 6 49 54 216 222
Rutherford, E. 4 54
Saturation of nuclear forces 111—112
Scattering angle for electrons 37
Scattering angle for electrons, compton 40—42
Scattering angle for electrons, cosmic ray electrons 53
Scattering angle for electrons, coulomb 34—36 125—127
Scattering angle for electrons, of neutrons 181—185 187 194 195
Scattering angle for electrons, of neutrons, in crystals 196—203
Scattering angle for electrons, partial wave theory 117—120
Scattering angle for electrons, Thomson 40
Scattering cross section 118—120
Scattering cross section, high-energy 121—122
Scattering cross section, low-energy 119—120
Scattering length 194—201
Schem 216 218 222 233
Schiff 237
Schwinger 123 199
Secondary cosmic radiation 217 223
Secular equilibrium 17
Segre and Helmholz 89
Segre chart 1
Selection rules 96—100
Selection rules, beta decay 80
Selection rules, Gemow — Teller 81—82
Semi-empirical atomic mass 6
Shadow effect 232
Shell structure of nuclei 9 167
Sherwin 84
Showers 49 218—219
Simpson, J.A. 221
Snyder 131
Soft component of cosmic rays 217 221 225
Spectra, band 11
Spectra, hyperfine 10
Spherical harmonics 97
Spin see also “Angular momentum”
Spin, dipole radiation 98
Spin, eigenfunctions 123—125
Spin, flip 196—196
Spin, inherent 9—10
Spin, multiplicity 142 156
Spin, nuclear 74
Spin, operator 173
Spontaneous emission 89—94
Spontaneous emission of two quanta 105
Stars 131 162 175 217
State function, molecular 12
Statistics 12
Statistics, of nuclei 73
Stern — Gerlach 12
Stoermer 226
Stratton, J.A. 44
Sun's magnetic field 215
Symmetry and parity 150
Synchro-cyclotron 24
Tantalum, -absorption res. 175
Teller 175 199 133
Thermal column 195—194
Thermal neutrons 191—194 203
Thomas — Fermi atom model 37
Thomson cross section 40
Threshold, for nuclear reactions 141
Threshold, photodisintegration 4
Threshold, reverse 5
Tiomno and Wheeler 237
two-quantum emission 105
Uncertainty principle 148 155 136
Vallarta 232
Virtual state of deuteron 120
Wentzel 137
Wheeler 166 133
Width, , decay of compound nucleus 154
Width, , 154 158
Wigner elements 83
Williams, E.J. 36
WKB method 62
X-radiation 101
Yukawa 131 134 137
Zeeman effect in Solar spectrum 215
“Golden Rule #1” 136 148
“Golden Rule #2” 142
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