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Castelfranchi C. — Recent advances in Atomic Physics Volume II Quantum Theory |
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Taylor, J.B., magnetic moment of H atom ii.254
Tear, J.D., ether waves i.325
Telekinematograph ii.195
Telephotography see "Phototelegraphy"
Television ii.192
Temperature, absolute i.59
Temperature, critical i.74
Temperature, inversion i.78
Term, Spectral, of atom ii.65
Thales of Miletus i.3 39
Thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity i.175
Thermal excitation of atoms ii.90
Thermionic effect i.181
Thermionic effect and quantum statistics ii.384
Thermionic emission, Theory of i.185
Thermionic valve i.191
Thermopile ii.26
Thibaud, J., grating spectrograph for X-rays i.240
Thomson effect i.76
Thomson, G.P., diffraction of electrons ii.300 303
Thomson, J.J., atomic structure i.338
Thomson, J.J., measurement of ejm i.134
Thomson, J.J., positive rays i.198
Thorium i.310
Threshold, Photoelectric ii.163
Townsend, J.S., electronic charge i.151
Transformation constant in radioactivity i.296
Trillat, J.H., testing materials with X-rays i.253
Triode, Characteristics of i.194
Triode, circuits i.192
Triplets in Zeeman effect ii.135
Tuyn, A., superconductivity i.171
Uhlenbeck, G.E., magnetic moment of electron ii.129
Ultra-violet radiation i.47
Uncertainty principle ii.309
Uranium i.297
Uranium, series i.297 309
Valve with three electrodes i.192
Valve with two electrodes i.191
Valve, thermionic i.191
Van den Broeck, A., nuclear charge and atomic number i.337
Van der Waals, Equation of i.71 73
Van der Waals, kinetic theory of gases i.51
Vector, Luminous i.43
Velocity of light i.31 43
Velocity, Molecular, in various gases i.60
Viscosity of gases i.83
Viscosity, coefficient of i.85 87
| Volta effect and new statistics ii.387
Volta, A., kinetic theory of gases i.51
von Helmholtz, H., atomic nature of electricity i.16 129
von Karman, Th., specific heats i.148
von Laue, M., diffraction of X-rays by crystals i.217
von Laue, M., nature of X-rays i.216
Waals see "Van der Waals"
Wagner, E., Planck's constant ii.176
Wang, S.C., energy of H molecule ii.322
Warburg, E., flow of gases through tubes i.97
Wave mechanics ii.276
Wave theory of light i.23
Wave-length measurements, Precision of i.34
Wave-length of -rays ii.178
Wave-length of X-rays i.215
Wave-number ii.41
Weber, W. i.41
Wehnelt, A., oxide-coated cathode i.184
Wehnelt, A., value of e/m i.183
Weiss, P., paramagnetism ii.242
Wentzel, G., X-ray spectra ii.138
Wiedemann — Franz law i.49 177
Wiedemann, G.H., law of conductivities i.177
Wien, W., black-body radiation ii.14 24
Wien, W., emission of atoms ii.105
Wien, W., positive rays i.197
Wilson, C.T.R., cloud apparatus i.150 317
Wilson, C.T.R., passage of -particles through atoms i.328
Wilson, C.T.R., recoil electrons ii.207
Wilson, C.T.R., tracks of -particles i.317
Wilson, H.A., electronic charge i.151
Wood, R.W., ortho- and para-molecules ii.324
Wood, R.W., piezoelectricity i.278
X-rays i.212
X-rays, Absorption of i.243
X-rays, Hard i.214
X-rays, Penetrating power of i.253
X-rays, Polarisation of i.243
X-rays, Practical applications of i.251
X-rays, soft i.214
X-rays, spectra i.229 ii.72
X-rays, tubes i.212
X-rays, Wave-length of i.215
X-unit = cm. i.232
Xenon, Electron grouping in ii.143
Young, Thomas i.25
Zeeman effect, anomalous ii.131
Zeeman Normal ii.121
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