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Castelfranchi C. — Recent advances in Atomic Physics Volume II Quantum Theory |
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Orthohydrogen ii.331
Ortner, G., expulsion of protons i.358
Oscillator in wave mechanics ii.282
Oscillator, Valve i.194
Oscillograph, Cathode ray i.137
Packing effect i.204
Paneth, F., range of -particle i.316
Parahydrogen ii.323 331
Paramagnetism ii.235
Paramagnetism of alkali metals ii.388
Paschen — Back effect ii.133
Paschen, F., anomalous Zeeman effect ii.133
Paschen, F., Rydberg constant ii.50
Paschen, F., spectral series ii.43
Path of -particles i.313
Pauli, W., exclusion principle ii.139 358 368 389
Penetrability of X-rays i.253
Penetrating power of radioactive radiations i.286
Period, Half-value, of radioactive substances i.297
Periodic classification of elements i.13
Periodic system ii.139
Peripheral electrons, Number of, and Thomson's theory i.338
Permanence of atoms in their quantum states ii.105
Permeability (magnetic) i.40
Perrin, Jean, cathode rays i.131
Perrin, Jean, measurement of soap films i.18
Pettersson, H., disintegration of atom i.357
Phipps, T.E., magnetic moment of H atom ii.254
Photo-electrons ii.164
Photo-telegraphy ii.190
Photoelectric cells ii.188
Photoelectric cells of resistance type ii.186
Photoelectric cells, Applications of ii.188
Photoelectric cells, Sensitisation of ii.187
Photoelectric conductivity of solids ii.186
photoelectric effect ii.162
Photoelectric threshold ii.163
photons ii.209
Pickering, E.C., spectral series ii.46
Pierce, S.E., absorption of X-rays i.249
Piezoelectricity i.274
Pile, Thermoelectric ii.26
Pitchblende i.283
Planck's constant h i.238 ii.4
Planck's constant h, Determination of, by photoelectric effect ii.173
Planck's constant h, Various determinations of ii.182
Planck's formula ii.19 22
Planck, Max, quantum theory ii.3
Planes, Lattice i.223
Plate current i.194
Plate of thermionic valve i.192
Plate potential in thermionic valve i.194
Platinocyanide of barium i.214
Poincare, H., degrees of freedom i.94
Poincare, H., radioactivity i.279
Poiseuille, J.L., law of flow of fluids i.84 97
Poisson, S.D., probability law i.300
Polarisation of light i.27
Polarisation of X-rays i.243
Polonium, Discovery of i.283
Positive rays i.196
Postulates of Bohr regarding atomic structure ii.35
Potential of plate in thermionic valve i.194
Potential, Contact ii.172
Potential, Excitation ii.97
Potential, intrinsic ii.385
Potential, ionisation ii.93
Potential, Second order ionisation ii.100
Precession of Larmor ii.122
Precision of wave-length measurements i.34
Preece, W.H., thermionic emission i.182
Pressure of degenerate gas ii.361
Pressure of gas i.58
Pressure of light i.47
Pressure of radiation ii.5
Pressure, critical i.74
probability i.110 116
Probability in radioactivity i.298
Protons, Range of i.353
Proust, J.L., law of combination i.4
Prout, W., integral atomic weights i.8
Prout, W., nature of matter i.203
Przibram, K., charge of electron i.164
Pugno-Vanoni, Enzo, applications of X-rays i.254
Pumps for high vacua i.104
Pumps, Gaede's i.104
Pumps, Holweck's i.105
Pyrites, Space lattice of i.268
Quantisation, spatial ii.124
Quants, Light ii.167 183 209
Quantum, Azimuthal ii.54 81 124
Quantum, number, magnetic ii.128
Quantum, number, Total ii.54 79
Quantum, Radial ii.54 81 124
Quantum, theory of radioactivity ii.332
Quartets in Zeeman effect ii.135
Quartz, Piezoelectric i.274
Radiation from radioactive bodies i.284
Radiation, pressure of ii.5
Radio-metallography i.253
Radioactive constant see "Transformation constant"
Radioactive disintegration, Law of i.296
Radioactive elements i.294
Radioactive equilibrium i.303
Radioactive evolution i.295
Radioactivity i.279
Radioactivity and probability i.298
Radioactivity, Quantum theory of ii.332
Radiograph of rock-salt i.227
Radiograph of sylvine i.227
Radiograph, Laue i.220
Radiography i.214 251
Radiometry ii.25
Radioscopy i.251
Radiotelegraphy i.192
Radiotelephony i.194
Radium B i.296
Radium C i.296
Radium C' i.315
Radius of atom i.268
Radius of electron i.145
Radius of electronic orbit in hydrogen atom ii.40
Radius of hydrogen atom ii.44
Radon (radium emanation) i.292 297
Radon, Electron grouping in ii.143
Raman, C.V., scattering of light (Smekal — Raman effect) ii.339
Ramsauer, C., mean free path of electrons (Ramsauer effect) i.164
Ramsay, Sir Wm., transmutation of elements i.348
Range of -particles i.313
Range of protons i.353
Rare earths in Bohr's theory ii.71
Rasetti, F., the Raman effect ii.346
Rayleigh, Lord, black body radiation ii.25
Rayleigh, Lord, blue of the sky i.126
Rayleigh, Lord, kinetic theory of gases i.51
Rayleigh-Jeans formula ii.161
Recoil atoms i.321
Recoil electrons ii.202
Refractive index i.43
Regener, E., counting -particles i.290
Relativistic theory of hydrogen atom ii.56
Relay, Valve i.193
Resistance, Electrical, of metals i.168
Resistance, photoelectric cells ii.186
Resonance ii.99
Resonance, energy ii.90
Richardson, O.W., magneto-mechanical effect ii.252
Richardson, O.W., thermionic emission i.185
Richtmyer, F.K., absorption of X-rays i.250
Riecke, E., theory of conduction i.175
| Righi, August, photoelectric effect ii.162
Righi, August, saturation current i.149
Ritz correction ii.82
Ritz, W., spectral series ii.30
Robinson, H., magnetic spectra ii.177
Rock-salt, Space-lattice of i.229
Roemer, O., velocity of light i.31
Roentgen (unit) i.252
Roentgen rays see "X-rays"
Roentgen, W.G. i.212
Rosa, E.B., and N.E. Dorsey, ratio of electrical units i.41
Rosseland, S., collision of second kind ii.100
Rotating electron ii.130
Rotation of molecules ii.156
Rotation of sun i.37
Rotator in wave mechanics ii.284
Roth, A., susceptibility of alkali vapours ii.262
Rowland, H.A., diffraction grating i.28
Rowland, H.A., ratio of electrical units i.41
Rubinowicz, A., selection rule ii.127
Rupp, E., diffraction of electrons ii.303
Russell, H.N., displacement law i.308
Rutherford, E., charge and mass of -particle i.289
Rutherford, E., condensation of radon i.293
Rutherford, E., counting -particles i.301
Rutherford, E., disintegration of elements i.348 351
Rutherford, E., passage of -particles through atoms i.330
Rutherford, E., radium in uranium minerals i.306
Rutherford, E., range of protons i.353
Rutherford, E., scattering of -particles i.331
Rutherford, E., theory of atomic structure i.327 344 358
Rydberg constant ii.42 49
Rydberg correction ii.82
Rydberg formula ii.82
Rydberg, J.R., spectral series ii.30 82
Saturation current in ionised gas i.149
Saturation curve of thermionic emission i.188
Scattering of light ii.339
Scattering of X-rays by crystals i.217
Scherrer, P., X-rays and crystal structure i.265 269
Schmidt, G.C., disintegration of atom i.357
Schottky, W., electronic charge i.194
Schroedinger, E., atomic heats ii.153
Schroedinger, E., wave mechanics ii.269 273
Schumann rays i.47
Schumann, V., ether waves i.325
Schwarzschild, K., the Stark — Lo Surdo effect ii.117
Schweidler, E., fluctuations of radioactive phenomena i.301
Secchi, A., spectra of stars i.38
Selection rule ii.127
Selective photoelectric effect ii.187
Selenium, Photoelectric conductivity of ii.186
Sella, Quintino i.128
Sensitization of photoelectric cells ii.187
Separation factor (Lande) see "Splitting factor"
Series, Balmer's ii.42
Series, Bergmann's ii.80
Series, Diffuse, in spectrum ii.80
Series, Fowler's ii.46
Series, Lyman's ii.43
Series, Paschen's ii.43
Series, Pickering's ii.46
Series, Principal, in spectrum ii.80
Series, Sharp, in spectrum ii.80
Sharp series, in spectrum ii.80
Sharp, H., the Compton effect ii.201
Shells, Electron ii.68 142
Siegbahn, M., refraction of X-rays i.215
Skinner, H.W.B., wavelength of -rays ii.180
Slater, J.C., the Compton effect ii.208
Smekal, A., scattering of light (Smekal — Raman effect) ii.339
Smekal, A., X-ray spectra ii.138
Smoluchowski, M., theory of density fluctuations i.120
Soddy, F., condensation of radon i.293
Soddy, F., displacement law i.308
Soddy, F., isotopes i.202
Sodium, Arc spectrum of ii.83
Sommerfeld, A., conductivities of metals ii.379
Sommerfeld, A., electron orbits ii.51 53
Sommerfeld, A., selection rule ii.127
Sommerfeld, A., specific heats i.181
Space-lattice of metals i.266
Space-lattice of rock-salt i.229
Space-lattice of sylvine i.229
Space-lattice, Crystalline i.221
Space-lattice, dimensions for sodium chloride i.258
Spark discharge ii.149
Spark spectra ii.77 93
Specific heat of gases i.90
Specific heat of hydrogen i.91
Specific heat of solids i.96
Specific heat, i.91
Specific heat, i.90
Specific heat, Debye's theory of ii.149
Spectral analysis i.37
Spectral emission ii.91
Spectral lines, Breadth of i.64
Spectral term of atom ii.65
Spectrograph i.38
Spectrograph, Aston's i.206
Spectrograph, Dempster's i.208
Spectrograph, Mass i.198
Spectrometer De Broglie's i.261
Spectrometer for X-rays, Bragg's i.260
Spectroscopy ii.30
Spectrum, Arc ii.77
Spectrum, Band ii.108
Spectrum, Continuous X-ray ii.174
Spectrum, Emission i.37
Spectrum, Magnetic i.319
Spectrum, Mass i.201
Spectrum, molecular ii.108
Spectrum, Spark ii.77 93
Spectrum, X-ray i.229 ii.72
Speech, Power dissipated in i.107
Sphere of action i.71
Spinthariscope i.288
Splitting factor (Lande) ii.135 316
Spurs of -particle tracks i.318
Stark effect and wave mechanics ii.281
Stark — Lo Surdo effect ii.115
States of atom, Excited ii.64
States of atom, Normal ii.64
States of atom, Stationary ii.64
Stationary state of atom ii.64
Statistical mechanics i.110
Statistics, Bose's ii.369 373
Statistics, Fermi's ii.357
Statistics, New ii.350
Stefan, J., black body radiation ii.10
Stern, Otto, direct measure of molecular velocity i.69
Stern, Otto, magneton of Bohr ii.247
Stetter, G., expulsion of protons i.358
Stokes, Sir G.G., law of fall of spherical particles i.85
Stokes, Sir G.G., rule for fluorescence ii.343
Stoletow, A.G., photoelectric effect ii.162
Stoner, E.C., atomic theory ii.70
Stoney, J., atomic nature of electricity i.129
Structure of Roentgen spectra ii.137
Structure, Fine, of spectral lines ii.58 115
Sun, Rotation of i.37
Sun, temperature of ii.13 18
Superconductivity i.168
Supersonics i.274
Supersonics frequencies i.276
Susceptibility, magnetic ii.231
Sutherland, W., manometer i.107
Tails of -particle tracks i.318
Taylor, G.I., light quants and interference ii.218
Taylor, G.I., magneton ii.251
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