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Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A. — Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/Part B) |
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Íàçâàíèå: Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/Part B)
Àâòîðû: Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A.
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1964
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 416
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.03.2008
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Cummerow, R. L. 366 372(8)
Curie temperature 194 197—200
Curie — Weiss law 174
Curie’s law 172—173
Curtis, H L. 4
Curved electrode 27
Cusano, D. A. 298 356
Cutler- M. 99 100 60(a) 109
Cyclotron resonance 241—242
Cylindrical cavity resonator 19—20
Czerny, M. 253
D. C. bridge methods 40—43 58—59
Dabbs, J. W. T. 185
Daeschle. C. N. 51
Dahl, A. I. 122
Dail, H. W., Jr 242
Dakin, T. W. 17
Dash, W. C. 273
Date, M. 240
Daunt, J. G. 73 75(8)
Dauphine, T. M. 153
Davey, J. 129
Davidson, C. R. 117
Davies, C. 223
Davis, L. 142
Davis, R. E. 147
Davis, W, L 310
De Boer, J. H. 129 385
de Gier, J. 303
de Groot, S. R. 115
de Groot, W. 310
De Haas, W. J. 191
de Haas-van Alphen effect 190—191
de Klerk, D. 184 188 20
de la Provastaye, M. F. 253
De Mars, G. A. 142
DeBlois, R. W. 221 226
Decay of luminescence 308—313
Decay of luminescence, of photoconductivity 347—348
Dehmelt, H. G. 234
DeJcan, P. 207
Demagnetization factors 191—193
Dember effect 365
Dember, H. 365
Demishev, G. K. 59
DeNobel, D. 321 344
Des Ccudres, T. 154
Desains, P. 253
Destriau, G. 293 299 300 317 320
Detection channel 238—239
Detectors for bridge use 23 24
Detectors, microwave 238
DeVore, H. B. 381
Dewdney, J. W. 381
Dexter, D. L. 326
Dexter, R. N. 241
Dezoteux, J. A 133
Dhillon, J, S. 57
Diamagnetic anisotropy 246—247
Diamagnetic atomic susceptibility 192
Diamagnetic resonance 241—242
Diamagnetism 171 (see also Magnetic susceptibility)
Dickey, J. 135 142 378 379 380 7 381 383 384
Dielectric cell 43—44
dielectric constant 1
Dielectric loss 48
Dielectric measurement, auxiliary test equipment 30—31
Dielectric measurement, free waves 22—23
Dielectric measurement, generators and detectors 23—24
Dielectric measurement, intrinsic electric strength 24—31
Dielectric measurement, method of mixtures 7—8
Dielectric measurement, miscellaneous arrangements 7—8
Dielectric measurement, nonuniform electric field 5—7
Dielectric measurement, null devices 8—15
Dielectric measurement, procedures 1—31
Dielectric measurement, specimen configuration 3—8
Dielectric measurement, uniform electric field 3—5
Dielectric measurement, “spectrometer” 23
Dielectrics, effective conductivity of 2
Dielectrics, resistivity measurements 70—71
Diemer, G. 84 298 299 315 318 344 355 33
Diffused contacts 51
Diffusion junction 88
Diffusion length measurement 105 107
Dike, P. H. 116
Dilute magnetic solids 171—174
Dingle, K. B. 251
Dirkscri, H. J. 348
Domenicali, C, A. 54 118 127 206
Donoghue, J. J. 153 154 48
Donovan, B. 152
Dorendorf, H. 330
Double refraction see Birefringence
Double resonance technique 243
Double-beam spectrophotometer 304— 305
Douglas, H. W. 327
Dowling, P. H. 211
Downing, A. C. 152
Dresselhaus, G. 241 242 40
Drift mobility measurement 91—95
Drude polarimetric method 280—281
Drude, P. 240 259 281
Druyvesteyn, M. J. 117
du Bois, H.f 253
Du Bridge’s method 383
DuBridge, L. A. 379 380 381 383
Duerig, W. H. 330
Dunlap, W. C., Jr 32 43 52 58 61 66 87
Dunnington, F. G. 303
Dunsmuir, R 19
Durrant, N. F. 109
Dusehinsky, F. 312
Dushman, S. 128
Dutta, A. K. 53
Dutton, D. 333
D’Altroy, F. A. 60 110 111 1 112
Eatherly, W. P. 153 154 48
Eaton, G. K 253 259 262
Ebert, T. E. 83
Eddy currents 216—218
Edwards, P. L. 179
Efficiency of phosphors 306—308
Ehrenberg, W. 50
Einstein mobility relation 94
Eisenstein, J. 73
Elasto-optical effect 272—273
Electrical properties of solids 1—143
Electro optical effect 273—275
Electrode configurations, in dielectric measurements 3—8
Electroluminescence 294—295 315—321
Electroluminescence, cells 316—318
Electroluminescence, crystal mounts 318
Electroluminescence, methods of observation 319 320
Electroluminescence, properties of 315—316
Electroluminescence, surface effects 320—321
Electroluminescent phosphors 299—300
Electrolytes, resistance measurements 67—70
Electrolytic coloration 328
Electrolytic solutions 67—69
Electrometers 38—40
Electron spin resonance techniques 234—241
Electronic band structure by X-ray spectroscopy 281—292 (see also X-ray spectroscopy)
electrophotography 356—357
Electrophotoluminescence 295
Elliot, J. O. 304 313
Elliott, A. 253
Elliptic polarization, azimuth and phase angle measurements 258—261
Elliptic polarization, measurement of 258—262
Elliptic polarization, principle angle of incidence and principle azimuth measurements 261— 262
Emerson, W. H. 212
| Endicott, H. S. 7
Energy level diagram, “one-electron jump” 282
Epstein, A. S 67 117
Erickson, R. A. 185
Estevmann, I. 330
Ettingshausen effect 166 169
Ettingshausen — Nernst effect 166
Etzel, H. W. 330 334
Evans, J. 156
Evaporated contacts 51
Ewlcs, J. 119
Excess carriers 84—87
Excess carriers, collector measurements 85—86
Excess carriers, contactless detection methods 86—87
Excess carriers, detection by sample conductance 84— 85
Excess conductance 84—85
Exciton 285
Exclusion 83—84
Extinction coefficient 250—263
Extrinsic radiation 321
Frsterling, K. 261
F-band 324—325
F-centers 324
Faber, T. E. 76 77
Fairbank, W. M. 77
Fan, H. Y. 60 84 85 94 95 96 49 99 17 101 102 17 104 23 105 21 110 111 1 112 263 3 40 366
Faraday effect 275—276
Faraday method 178—179 181 184
Farnsworth, H. 131 132 10
Farrar, R. T. 303
Fast decay of luminescence 311— 313
Fateev, N. P. 127
Fatt 1 67 69
Fawcett, E. 57 76 241 242
Feher, G. 235 238 239 243
Feofilov, P. P. 334
Fereday, R. H. 207
Ferrimagnetism 176—177 193—208
Ferrimagnetism, body force method 201—208
Ferrimagnetism, calibration and error 208
Ferrimagnetism, experimental method 201—208
Ferrimagnetism, induction method 201—202
Ferrimagnetism, oscillating pendulum 204—205
Ferrimagnetism, theory of 194—197
Ferrimagnetism, torsion balance 207—208
Ferrimagnetism, vibration system 203—204
Ferrites, study of in region of Curie temperature 198—200
Ferromagnetic anisotropy 243—244
Ferromagnetic domains, observation 277
Ferromagnetic equation of motion 215 224—227
Ferromagnetic materials, Hall effect in 148—149
Ferromagnetic resonance 240
ferromagnetism 193—208
Ferromagnetism, body force method 204—208
Ferromagnetism, calibration and error 208
Ferromagnetism, experimental methods 201—208
Ferromagnetism, induction method 201—202
Ferromagnetism, oscillating pendulum 204—205
Ferromagnetism, theory of 193—194
Ferromagnetism, torsion balance 207—208
Ferromagnetism, vibration system 203—204
Ferromagnets, losses in 209—227
Field effect apparatus 139
Field, R. F. 11 12 21
Film thickness measurement 64
Films, characteristics 63 64
Films, conductivity 64—65
Films, for phosphors 298—299
Films, nonabsorbing refractive index and Films, thickness 279—280
Films, optical definition 279
Films, resistance measurements 63—65
Films, thickness 279
Fine, S. 336
Firle, T. E. 109
Fischer, A. 298
Fiske, M. D. 74
Flanagan, W. F. 150
Flinn, P. A. 150
Flood, W. F. 322
Fluorescence 294
Fonda, G. R. 293
Foner, S. 60 148 149 152 190
Fonger, W. 373
Forgue, S. V. 336 341 354
Forsbergh, P W. 269
Forster, J. H. 89 90 38
Forster, L. S. 308
Foster, F. G. 277
Four-point probe method 36—38
Fowler function 380—381 383
Fowler, C A., Jr 276 277 278
Fowler, R. H. 380
Fredericksz, V. 261
Francois, M. 119 127
Frank, N. H. 145 162
Frankl, R. D. 318
Frcrichs, R. 335 336 2 344(2)
Frederikse, H. P. R. 118 124 29 128 341 342
Frenkel, J. 365
Frequency variation circuit 17—18
Fritzsche, H. 67 117
Frocht. M. M. 271
Froelich, H. O. 296
Fryer, E. M. 276 277 278
Fukuoka, N. 128
Fukuroi, T. 118 127
Fuller, C. S 366 372 10
Funatosawa 2 120
Furth, H. P. 164
g — Factor 228
Galien, H. B. 227
Gall, D. C. 152
Galt, J. K. 117 242 246
Galvanomagnetic effects 145—170
Gang, R. 145 218
Gaoler, P. S 30
Garbuny, M. 103
Garfunkel, M. P. 77
Garlick, G. F. J. 293 314
Garrett, C. G. B. 136 137 2 138 139 141 6 8 142
Gas thermometers 124
Geballe, T. H. 123 128 170
Gebbie, H. A. 85 94 21 101 21 104 21 105 21 340
Generators for bridge use 23—24
Gere, E. A. 243
Gericke, H. 131
Gerlach, W. 166
Gerlich, D. 79 83 8 96
Germer, L. H. 132
Gerritsen, A. H. 32 40 2 41 54
Gerritsen, H. J. 240
Gevers, M. 212
Giacoletto, L. J. 108 109 81
Gibson, A. F. 79 83 5 86 94(5)
Gibson, A. H. 93 94
Gibson, G. E. 307
Gilbert, T. L 225
Gillod, J. 69
Gillod, P. 379
Gilmore, E. H. 307
Ginsberg, V. L. 77
Gladis, J. B. 302
Glover, R.E.,III 77
Glow curves 313—315
Gobrecht, H. 320
Golay, M. J. E. 253
Gold, L. 147
Goldberg, G. 65 147
Goldey, J. M. 110 111(4)
Goldman, J. E. 209
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