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Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A. — Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/PartA)
Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A. — Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/PartA)

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Название: Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/PartA)

Авторы: Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1964

Количество страниц: 466

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2008

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Предметный указатель
Septxer, A.      177
Sequin, P.      60
Servi, I.S.      164(152) 176 352
Severeins, J.C.      94
Shadow casting      182—183
Shadow microscope      184
Shaffer, P.A.      236
Shaverdova, E.I.      22
Shear failure      311
shear modulus      297 299—301
Shearing apparatus      422
Shelton, S.M.      394
Shenfil, L.      223
Shenker, H.      389
Sherby, O.D.      314
Sherman, J.      30
Shewmon, P.G.      372
Shinohara, K.      275
Shirn, G.A.      366 368(18)
Shock wave apparatus      435—436
Shock waves at high pressure      434—436
Shockley, W.      152(97) 175 338
Shull, C.G.      278 281 282
Shuttleworth, R.      154(26) 173
Siddall, G.      130
Sidles, P.H.      400
Siebel, G.      118
Siegbahn, M.      205 227
Siegel, S.      300
Significance of results      7—8
Silica replica technique      179
Silicate glasses, binary      142
Sils, V.      243 283 284(4) 285(4) 291
Simard, G.S.      152(47) 173
Simon, I.      437
Simple freezing-in      44
Simpson, J.A.      275
Simpson, O.      128
Sims, R.B.      320
Simultaneous segregation of two impurities      61
Sinclair, H.      221 227
Single crystal diffraction patterns      273—276
Single crystal diffractometers      218
Single crystal growth      86—121
Single crystal instruments for X-ray scattering      218—219
Single crystal orientation      238—240
Single crystal technique for structure determination      229—231
Sivertsen, J.M.      300
Slade, B.N.      66
Slichter, C.P.      364
Slichter, W.P.      45 47(19) 48(19) 58 62 66 67(47) 69(19 47) 70
Slifkin, L.      365 366 368 369 370
Slykhouse, T.C.      432
Smakula, A.      228 243 283 284(4) 285 291 309
Smales, A.A.      31
Small angle scattering of X-rays      244—245
Smirnov, S.P.      421
Smith, A.H.      298 415 419 420
Smith, C.S.      123 182 302 319
Smith, E.      181
Smith, E.R.      286
Smith, G.W.      241
Smith, K.C.A.      184
Smith, P.C.      265 266(54) 271(54)
Smith, P.L.      378 431
Smith, R.L.      71 307 371
Smith, V.G.      47
Smithells, C.J.      71 152(78) 174
Smits, D.W.      224
Smits, F.M.      83
Smoluchowski, R.      119
Smyth, H.D.      26
Snyder, C.W.      38
Snyder, R.L.      184
Soled, J.      56 62 94 97
Solid state studies under high pressure      407—437
Solids, elastic, anelastic, and plastic properties      291—321
Solids, high precision density determination      283—291
Solids, load-deformation-time tests      313—314
Solids, plasticity and fracture      309—321
Solids, strain in single crystals      314—317
Solids, tension test and other load-deformation tests      310—313
Solvent, choice in crystal growing      69
Sonder, E.      365
Sondheimer, E.H.      355
Soseser, W.F.      370
Sosnowski, L.      128
Sosoka, J.      433
Spaeth, W.      318
Sparks, M.      58
Specific heat      see “Heat capacity”
Spectroscopic methods of impurity detection      30
Sperry, P.R.      241
Spezia, G.      107
Spicer, H.C.      407
Spillett, E.E.      23
Spink, J.A.      248 257 258 261 274
Spiral pit      see “Hopper crystal face”
Spiridonova, N.I.      311
Sproull, R.L.      112
Sproull, W.T.      261(32) 262 263(32)
Square dislocation loop      327—329
Stacey, F.D.      429
Standard deviation      3—4
Standard error      see “Standard deviation”
Starkiewicz, J.      128
Starr, C.      424
Static high pressure      407—414
Static high pressure, generation at low temperatures      413—414
Static high pressure, range, 0-2000 bars      407—408
Static high pressure, range, 12,000-30,000 bars      411—412
Static high pressure, range, 2000-12000 bars      408—411
Static high pressure, range, over 30,000 bars      412—413
Statistical methods      2—5
Stavrolakis, J.A.      321
Steady heat flow      402—404
Stearns, C.      62 94
Steenbock, H.      26
Steijn, R.P.      152(100) 175
Stello, P.E.      106
Stephen, R.A.      242
Stephens, R.W.      391
Stephens, W.W.      27
Stern, O.      246
Stewart, J.W.      152(99) 175 413
Stirring during crystal growth      95
Stirring modulation method      69
Stober, F.      88 92
Stockbarger, D.C.      90
Stokes, A.R.      241 242
Strain gages      see “Strain measurements”
Strain in single crystals      314—317
Strain measurements      291—294
Strain measurements, electrical methods      293—294
Strain measurements, mechanical methods      292
Strain measurements, optical methods      292—293
Straughan, B.W.      165(131) 170(131) 176
Straumanis method      215
Straumanis, M.E.      285
Strauss, H.E.      25
Stress field      327
Strijland, J.      429
Stripping of replicas      see “Replica techniques”
Strohmaier, K.      134
Strong, J.      90 127 131 132 269 365
Struthers, J.O.      58 67(47) 69(47)
Student’s t function      6
Studer, F.J.      133
Sturkpy, L.      257
Sublimation      22
Sucksmith, W.      152(35) 158(35) 173
Suhrmann, R.      261(37) 262
Suiter, J.W.      152(60) 174
Suits, J.C.      345
Sullivan, M.V.      153(23) 173
Sully, A.H.      313
Sun, C.H.      261
Supersaturation produced by changing properties of the solvent      109
Supper, C.E.      224
Surface damage, depth from abrasion      149
Surface damage, factors      149
Surface melting      63—64
Surface preparation of solids      147—176
Surface preparation of solids, reasons for etching      148
Surface preparation of solids, steps involved in preparing      148
Surface, constant concentration      73—74
Surface, creation and nature      148—149
Surface, depth of damage      148
Sushkin, N.G.      183
Suzuki, T.      317 346
Svensson, H.      26
Swenson, C.A.      413 414
Swiggard, E.M.      29
Tabor, D.      307 308(38) 309(34)
Takaki, H.      90
Takeyama, S.      109
Tammann, G.      89 117 159U27) 176
Tamura, S.      116
Tanenbaum, M.      28 68 71 85
Tang, T.-Y.      423
Tannhauser, D.S.      302 365
Taoka, T.      165(144) 176
Tarasov, L.P.      308
Tate, D.R.      308
Taylor, A.      221 224 227
Taylor, C.A.      233 236
Taylor, G.I.      116
Taylor, G.R.      246
Taylor, J.K.      286
Taylor, W.E.      94
Taylor-Jones, E.      261
Teal, G.K.      58 62(52) 94
Teghtsoonian, E.      356
Teicher, H.      24
Temperature at equilibrium between solid and liquid      42
Temperature measurement at high pressure      417
Templin, R.L.      321
Tennery, V.J.      164(149) 176
Tennevin, J.      243 353
Tension tests on solids      310—313
thermal conductivity      385—405
Thermal conductivity, apparatus for measurement by direct static method      393
Thermal conductivity, at high pressure      424
Thermal conductivity, direct static method      388—395
Thermal conductivity, dynamic method of determination      399—405
Thermal conductivity, electrical methods      397—399
Thermal conductivity, lateral heat flow      395—396
Thermal conductivity, methods of measurement      386—405
Thermal decomposition      25
Thermal measurements at high pressures      423—424
Thermal properties of solids      375—406
Thermal relaxation time      386
Theurer, H.C.      22 28 56 59 97
Thibault, N.W.      308 309
Thielsch, H.      182
Thin films preparation      122—134
Thin films preparation, evaporation in vacuum method      123—129
Thin films, definition      122
Thomas, D.E.      85 216 227(25)
Thomas, E.E.      163(128) 171(123) 176
Thomas, G.      179
Thomas, L.A.      107
Thompkins, F.C.      157(121) 175
Thompson, D.O.      296 297
Thompson, H.      148 150(12) 151(17) 172 173
Thompson, J.G.      27
Thomsen, E.G.      312
Thomson, G.P.      246 248 257 258 264 267(41) 273 274
Thrower, E.N.      319
Thurmond, C.D.      44 45 61 65(4) 66 70 81(78)
Tilden, S.G.      238
Tiley, J.W.      154(24) 173
Tiller, W.A.      25 45 47 49(13) 55 71
Tilton, L.W.      286
Timmerhaus, K.D.      431
Tipson, R.S.      52 56(26) 57 71(26)
Tol, T.      247
Tolansky, S.      152(82) 159(82) 174 343
Tomizuka, C.T.      365 366 369 370(23)
Tomlinson, H.M. (nee Murphy)      348
Tooley, F.V.      146
Torrey, H.C.      364
Torsional pendulum      304—305
Torsional pendulum, shear modulus measurement      299
Total vaporization method      35
Tournarie, M.      228
Tousey, R.      126
Transinet method of measurement of thermal conductivity      404—405
Trapeznikov, O.N.      423
Trendelenberg, F.      264
Treybal, R.E.      24
Trillat, J.J.      260
Trolan, J.K.      185 186
Trost, A.      219
Trousil, Z.      81
Troxell, G.E.      317
Truell, R.      307
Trumbore, F.A.      70
Tsien, L.C.      121
Tuckerman strain gage      293
Tunell, G.      236
Turnbull, D.      87 117 349
Turner, F.J.      408 433 434
Turner, R.W.      119
Tuttle, O.      410
Twichell, L.P.      24
Tyler, W.W.      112 352
Ubbelohde, A.R.      218
Uhlir, A.      148(7) 152(7) 171(7) 172
Ulrey, C.T.      204
Ulrich, H.      22
Ultra centrifugation      26
Ultra-sonic methods for determining elastic constants      301—302
Ultrasonic method in anelasticity      306—307
Uniform impurity distribution      57 (see also “Zone leveling”)
Unit cell, internal structure      197—199
Unit cell, mass of      284
Unit cell, volume of      284
Universal testing machines      318
Unsupported area packing      408
Urbach, F.      71
Uyeda, R.      258
Vacancy-interstitial pair      357
Vacuum spark method      33
Vacuum systems for electron diffraction apparatus      269
Valdes, L.B.      68
Valeton, J.J.P.      104
Vallauri, M.G.      425
Valmet, E.      26
Van Alten, L.      26
van Arkel, A.E.      25 116
van Bergen, H.      226 285
Van Cleave, A.B.      157(119) 175
van den Boomgaard, J.      25 57 60 61
Van der Heurk      410
van der Vorsi, W.      349
van Dijck, J.A.B.      165(143) 176
Van Dusen, M.S.      394
Van Horn, W.      56 97
van Laer, P.H.      378
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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