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Cohen E.R. — Fundamental Constants of Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Wavelength of annihilation radiation 157
Webb, F.H. 67 82 84 97 100 101
Weichert, E. 132 180
Weight, of observational equation, Weight matrix 226
Weinrich, M. 59 64 75 j95
Weisskopf, V.F. 49 (ref.44) 94
Wensel, H.T. 157 172 181
Whaling, W. 29 (ref.1) 30 92
Wheeler, J.A. 40 142 93 181
Whiddhigton, R. 153 172
White, H.E. 112 (ref.7) 179
White, H.S. 68 70 72 82 84 176b) 97 98 100
Whitehead, M.N. 49 (ref.45) 50 60 67 94 97
Whittaker, E. 224 (ref.2) 246
Wick, G.C. 51 (ref.54a) 94
Wickman, E.H. 54 (ref.68) 94
Widgoff, M. 66 (ref.109) 67 97
Wiegand, C.E. 43 45 98
Wiehers, E. 130
Wien’s displacement law 156
Wightman, A.S. 51 (ref.54a) 94
Wigner, E.P. 51 (ref.54a) 94
Wilcox, H.A. 49 (ref.45) 50 94
Williams, D.B. 77 99
Williams, R.C. 31 173 92
Wilson, H.A. 112 179
Wilson, R. 49 (ref.46) 50 94
Wittke, J.P. 204—206 221
Wliittemore, W.L. 59 (ref.71) 82 85 86 88 95 100 101
Wold, D.C. 68 (ref.113b) 83 97
Wolf, F. 142 181
| Wolfendale, A.W. 59 (ref.71) 95
Wolz, K. 134 180
Woodroofe, E.G. 153 172
work function 145
Wright, K.H.R. 154 155 181
Wright, R.W. 85 (ref.184) 86 101
Wu, C.S. 64 75 90
Wyld, H.W. 69 (ref.115) 79 98
X-ray photoelectric effect 154
X-ray quantum limit 212
X-ray spectrum, thick target 208
X-ray spectrum, thin target 208
X-ray wavelengths, ruled grating measurements 118
X-rays, mesic 40
X-unit 121
X-unit, definition in terms of calcite 121
Y-particle see “Mesons hyperfragments”
Yang, O.N. 49 63 75 78 94 96 99 100
Yasin, M. 87 (ref.191) 101
Yates, J.O. 6 13
Yeh, C.S. 147 (ref.60) 150 172 181
York, O.M. 69 (ref.119) 70 84 87 88 91 98 101
Yukawa, II. 32 92
Zacharias, J.R. 6 201 13 221
Zago, G. 78 (ref.102) 100
Zemaeh, A.C. 200 (ref.45) 221
Zorn, G.T. 66 (ref.109) 67 97
Zwicky, F. 119
“Knees”, in isoehromats 147
“Strangeness” 88
“Strange” particles 88
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