Авторизация |
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Cohen E.R. — Fundamental Constants of Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Normal gravity 17
Nuclear forces, charge dependence 49
Occhialini, G.P.S. 62 (ref.85) 66 77 87 95 97
Odian, A. 74 (ref.142) 75 99
Oehme, R. 78 (ref.162d) 100
Ogren, V.G. 61 (ref.82) 95
Ohlin “valleys” 148 219
Ohlin, P. 147 (ref.64) 150 209 181
Oil-drop experiment 112—115
Olbert, S. 66 (ref.106) 78 97
Olpin, A.R. 172
Omegatron 190—193
Orear, J. 48 63 70 71 74 98 96 98 99
Ortel, W.G. 66 (ref.107) 77 97
Osborne, N.S. 20 28
Osher, J.E. 72 (ref.140c) 73 74 99
O’Ceallaigh, C. 66 (ref.107) 77 97
Packard, M. 188 (ref.8) 220
Page, D.I. 69 (ref.118) 70 72 138) 80 100
Pais, A. 78 (ref.162c) 88 100 102
Pal, Y. 77 99
Palmer, H.H. 147 (ref.60) 150 172 181
Panofsky, W.K.H. 38 39 42 43 45 46 48 59 78 144 147 149 150 177 216 chap.5) 93 95 100 181
Parity, conservation in meson decay 60 64
Parity, intrinsic 51
Parity, intrinsic, of mesons 48 74
Parry, J.V.B. 6 13
Pearson, F. 107 108 110 111 112 184 179
Pease, F.G. 107 108 110 111 112 184 179
Peaslec, D.C. 90 (ref.204) 102
Perkins, D.H. 66 (ref.107 108) 67 77 84 97 101
Perot, A. 4 13
Perry, C.T. 134 137 180
Peters, B. 63 (ref.94) 96
Peterson, J.R. 66 (ref.108) 67 108a) 97
Pevsner, A. 66 (ref.109) 67 70 132) 72 132) 97 98
Peyrou, C. 66 (ref.105 106) 69 72 77 78 79 80 87 91 97—99 101
Phillips, R.H. 38 39 56 58 98
Photoelectric determinations of h/e 151
Physical constants as units 2
Physical scale of atomic weights 129 271
Pi-meson 34—51
Pi-meson, capture Y-rays 38
Pi-meson, lifetime 42 47
Pi-meson, mass 34 46
Pi-meson, momentum 34
Pi-meson, parity 48
Pi-meson, pi-mu decay 43
Pi-meson, range 34
Pi-meson, spin 48 50
Piano, R. 86 101
Piatt, J.B. 41 (ref.25) 98
Piccioni, O. 61 (ref.80) 78 95 100
Plackett, R.L. 224 (ref.3) 246
Planck’s constant, h 103 117
Plattanaik, B. 116 (ref.14) 179
Plyler, E.K. 184 188 220
Point of maximum bending 149 210 216
Polkinghorne, J. 90 (ref.204) 102
Pollock, F. 206 221
Postulate of reproducibility 2
Pound, R.V. 188 (ref.9) 220
Powell, C.F. 62 63 64 66 77 84 87 95—97 101
Powell, W.M. 85 (ref.184) 86
Poynting, J.H. 16 28
Prentki, J. 90 102
Preston, T. 112 (ref.8) 179
Prilezaev, S. 172
Probability distribution, conditional 230
Probability distribution, conditional, marginal 230
Probability hill 229
Prodell, A.G. 201—206 254 266 221
Prokofiev, A.Y. 91 (ref.206) 102
Propagation of errors 231 242
Propagation of errors, correlated variables 233
Propagation of errors, generalized law 244
Proton cyclotron frequency 190
Proton magnetic moment 197
Proton magnetic resonance 27
Purcell, E.M. 32 188 197 201 203 220 221
Quantum limit of the continuous x-ray spectrum 207
Rabi, I.I. 201 (ref.29) 221
Radiation constants 156
Rainwater, J. 54 (ref.63) 56 59 60 94 95
Ramsey, N.F. 190 220
Range straggling 36
Rasetti, F. 61 (ref.77) 95
Rau, R.R. 76 (ref.150 151) 88 99 102
Rawitscher, G.H. 59 (ref.72a) 95
Ray, B.B. 55 (ref.67) 94
Redding, J.L. 59 (ref.71) 95
Rediker, R.H. 78 (ref.161) 79 100
Refractive index of x-rays 123
Refractive index of x-rays, in diamond 142
Regression line 230
Reines, F. 91 (ref.205) 102
Relative fractional error 223
Renard, F. 66 (ref.110) 97
Residual 223
Retallack, J.G. 51 94
Retherford, R.C. 194 (ref.18 19 21) 221
Reynolds, G.T. 62 (ref.83) 66 70 71 76 88 95 97—99 102
Richardson, J.R. 42 45 98
Richman, C. 49 (ref.45) 50 94
Ridgway, S.L. 72 (ref.140b) 73 99
Rigden, P.J. 116 (ref.14)
Rinehart, M. 53 (ref.61) 94
Ritson, D.M. 64 (ref.97) 66 67 70 132) 72 132) 74 75 96—99
Roberts, A. 49 (ref.46) 50 94
Robinson, C.F. 31 92
Robinson, G. 224 (ref.2) 246
Robinson, H.R. 155 167 173 177
Robinson, K. 70 (ref.125) 98
Robson, J.M. 91 (ref.206) 102
Rochester, G.D. 59 (ref.71) 63 95 96
Roebuck, J.R. 8 18
Rogers, K.G. 53 (ref.61) 94
Rollett, J.S. 218 (ref.50) 261 221 271
Romer, O. 105
Rosa, E.B. 22 (ref.10) 111 112 28 179
Rosenfeld, A.H. 49 (ref.52) 69 80 81 85 94 98
Ross, P.A. 147 (ref.62) 150 156 167 172 173 181
Rossi, B. 60 61 78) 63 66 72 78 79 80 95—98
Rossini, F.D. 20 28
Rough, J.D. 152 (ref.67) 181
Rout, R.J. 70 (ref.124) 98
Ruderman, M.A. 33 88 92 102
Rutgers, G.A.W. 157 181
Rydberg constant 253 266
Rymer, T.B. 154 155 181
Rytz, A. 69 (ref.118) 70 72 98
Sachs, A. 47 98
Sachs, R.G. 78 (ref.162c) 88 90 100—102
Safford, R. 66 (ref.106) 72 78 79 80 97 98
Sagane, R. 53 94
Sahair, A.B. 69 (ref.118) 70 72 98
Salam, A. 90 (ref.204) 102
Salandin, G. 66 (ref.107) 77 82 97 100
Salant, E.O. 67 97
Salpeter, E.K 206 (ref.43) 221
Samios, N.P. 72 (ref.140a) 73 74 80 81 83 85 86 88 99 101
Sanders, J.H. 193 194 260 220
Sands, M. 60 (ref.74) 61 95
Sandweiss, J. 66 (ref.108) 67 97
Saphir, G. 85 (ref.184) 86 101
Sard, R.F. 60 (ref.74) 61 95
Sargent, G.P. 53 (ref.61) 94
Schaitberger, G. 147 (ref.63) 150 172 181
Scharff, M. 36 (ref.18) 66 77 92 97
Schein, M. 58 (ref.70) 77 94 99
| Schneps, J. 68 (ref.113b) 77 78 82 83 84 85 88 97 99—102
Schulte, H.J. 41 (ref.25) 93
Schulz, A. 43 (ref.33) 45 93
Schwartz, M. 72 (ref.140a) 73 74 80 81 83 85 86 88 99 101
Schwarz, G. 147 (ref.65) 149 151 212 251 181
Schwinger, J. 90 (ref.204a) 197 202 102 221
Scott, A.F. 26 28
Searsi, L. 62 (ref.85) 64 66 77 87 95—97
Sechi, B. 66 (ref.107) 77 82 97 100
Second, definition of 5
Seymour, D.W. 60 61 95
Shacklett, R. 42 93
Shane, C.D. 31 173 92
Shapiro, A.M. 62 96
Shapiro, M.M. 62 96
Shaw, A.K. 134 139 140 173 181
Shcppard, J. 70 (ref.124) 98
Shiba, K. 116 (ref.14) 179
Short wavelength limit of the continuous x-ray spectrum 207 251
Short wavelength limit of the continuous x-ray spectrum, “discrepancy” 211 213
Shortlcy, G.H. 132 (ref.35) 180
Shrikantia, G.S. 59 (ref.71) 95
Shutt, R.P. 59 (ref.71) 82 85 86 88 95 100 101
Sidereal time standards 6
Sidrov, V.M. 50 (ref.50) 94
Siegbahn — Avogadro number 127 250
Siegbahn, K. 153 154 181
Siegbahn’s scale of wavelength 121
Siegbalm, M. 117 119 121 122 125 178 180
Silsbee, F.B. 10 22 chap.2) 13
Smith, F.M. 34 (ref.16 17) 36 37 52 56 57 65 66 111) 67 74 77 82 92 93 96 97 100
Snow, G.A. 68 (ref.113b) 74 77 78 82 83 84 85 97 99—102
Snyder, A.L. 72 (ref.140) 73 80 81 99
Soderman, M. 121 124 172
Sokolov, V.S. 91 (ref.206) 102
Solmitz, F.T. 69 (ref.116a) 80 81 85 98
Sommcr, H. 32 190 191 198 201 251 260 263 220
Sorrels, J.D. 87 (ref.186) 91 101
Sosnovsky, A.N. 91 (ref.206) 102
Sowerby, M.G. 79 (ref.164) 100
Spedding, F.H. 31 173 92
Spin, of mesons 48 50 58 74
Spivac, P.E. 91 (ref.206) 102
Sreckantan, B.V. 66 (ref.106) 78 97
Stadler, H.L. 50 (ref.51) 94
Stallwood, R.A. 50 (ref.49) 94
Standard atmosphere 11
Standard errors 227
Starkweather, H.W. 19 28
Steams, M.B. 41 56 93
Stearns, M. 41 56 98
Stefan — Boltzmann law 156
Steinberger, J. 33 42 43 33) 45 33) 47 49 50 51 72 73 74 80 81 83 85 86 88 92—94 99 101
Stenstrom, W. 123 180
Stevenson, M.L. 50 (ref.48) 70 71 75 147) 94 98 99
Stewart, R.L. 139 181
Stimson, H.F. 20 28
Stork, D.H. 66 (ref.108) 67 97
Stranathan, J.D. 131 (ref.34) 180
Sutton, R.B. 50 (ref.49) 94
Swami, M.S. 68 (ref.113b) 77 78 82 83 84 85 88 97 99 100—102
Swann, W.F.G. 60 61 95
Taffara, L. 74 (ref.144) 99
Tallone, L. 82 (ref.178) 100
Tauons see “Mesons classification of
Tautfest, G.W. 53 (ref.60) 94
Taylor, S. 48 70 71 74 93 98 99
Temperature 7
Temperature Scale, International 7
Temperature scale, Kelvin 7 271
Thermochemical calorie 20
Thermodynamic scale of temperature 8
Thetons see “Mesons classification of
Thibaud, J. 120 180
Thirring, W. 53 (ref.58) 94
Thomas, H.A. 32 189 190 191 198 201 250 251 260 263 220
Thomas, J.E. 44 (ref.34) 45 98
Thomas, R.E. 61 (ref.82) 95
Thompson, R.W. 62 63 68 78 79 84 87 89) 96 98 100 101
Thomson, G.P. 131 (ref.33) 180
Thomson, J.J. 112 131 134 179 180
Thomson, Sir William 8 13
Thorndike, A.M. 82 (ref.177) 85 86 88 100 101
Ticho, H.K. 61 (ref.79) 84 95 101
Time 5
Tinlot, J. 54 (ref.62) 77 94 99
Tollestrup, A. 29 (ref.1) 92
Tolman, R.C. 2
Tomasini, G. 66 (ref.107) 77 81 97 100
Toral, T. 19 28
Tornabene, S. 49 (ref.37a) 98
Torrey, H.C. 188 (ref.9) 220
Touschek, B. 64 (ref.98) 74 96 99
Townes, C.H. 177
Townsend, J.S. 112 179
Treiman, S.B. 76 (ref.150 151) 78 88 199) 99—102
Trent, P. 59 (ref.71) 95
Triebwasser, S. 194 197 250 220 221
Trigger, K.R. 194 260 220
Trilling, G.H. 65 70 71 79 87 91 96 98 100 101
Tripp, R.D. 69 (ref.116a) 80 81 85 98
Tu, Y.C. 119 (ref.16) 180
Turberfield, K.C. 193 194 260 220
Tuyn, W. 8 18
Tyren, F. 121 124 178 249
Unitary nature of electrical charge 114
units of measurement 3
Universal constant of gravitation 14—17
Universal constant of gravitation, measurements of 10
Universal gas constant see “Gas constant”
V-particles 88 (see also “Mesons hyperfragments”)
Van Atta, L.C. 153 173
Van Lint, V.A.J. 65 79 87 189) 88 91 189) 96 100 101
Van Patter, D.M. 30 92
Van Rossum, L. 77 (ref.153) 99
Variance 235
Variance, of residues 244
Vedder, J. 53 (ref.59) 94
Vekutieli, G. 70 (ref.127a) 71 76 98 99
Velocity of light, by cavity resonance 184
Velocity of light, by eclipse of Jovian moon 184
Velocity of light, by geodimeter 109
Velocity of light, by Kerr cell 108
Velocity of light, by microwave interferometer 180
Velocity of light, by rotating mirror 107
Velocity of light, by Shoran 109
Velocity of light, by toothed wheel 106
Velocity of light, measurement of 105—112 183—188 251 266
Vigone, M. 82 (ref.178) 100
Vinal, G.W. 22 (ref.10) 23 25 177 249 28
Violet, C.E. 68 70 72 82 84 97 98 100
Viscosity of air 115
Vitale, B. 64 (ref.98) 96
Voltameter, iodine 23
Voltameter, silver 22
Voltameter, sodium oxalate 26
Volume, definition of units 4
von Friesen, S. 155 167 173 177
von Steinwehr, H. 20 28
Waddington, C.J. 87 (ref.191) 101
Wagner, E. 208 221
Waldman, B. 65 (ref.102) 96
Walker, W.D. 85 86 101
Wapstra, A.H. 31 92
Warren, B.E. 125
Washburn, E.W. 23
Watson, B.B. 157 181
Watson, K.M. 33 92
Wattenberg, A. 74 (ref.142) 75 99
Watts, H.M. 144 (ref.58) 147 149 211 chap.5) 212 251 181
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