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Billington D.S., Crawford J.H. — Radiation Damage in Solids |
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reactions 80 370 380
reactions, damage rate 94
reactions, effeet, borositicate glass 235
reactions, lithium fluoride 290 figures 808 301
reactions, recoil energy 94
reactions, spikes in lithium fluoride 301 306
reactions, photo-neutrons 47
reactions, range of recoils 47
, reaction 12 158 235—236
, gamma-ray energy 90
, half-life 90
, gamma-ray energy 90
, half-life 90
, reaction 12
, range of product 12
System 221
, alpha-particle bombardment 177 179
, disordering 177
, displacement energies 25
, displacement theory 181
, domain size 178
, electron bombardment 180
, energy of vacancy formation 64
, gamma-ray bombardment 180
, hardness 181
, ordering 176—177
, replacement mechanism 181
, resistivity 177—180
, thermal spiko 181
-disordered, resistivity 115
-ordered, resistivity 115
(n, p) reaction on , recoil effects in sodium axide 283
Abeles, B. 304
Activation energy for annealing, alpha-particle bombardment 112—113
Activation energy for annealing, aluminum 112—113
Activation energy for annealing, copper 112—113 145
Activation energy for annealing, deuteron bombardment 112—113
Activation energy for annealing, iron 145
Activation energy for annealing, nickel 145
Adam, J. 102 180
Aerts.E. 300
Alkali halides, cation-anion vacancy pairs 63
Alpha-brass, resistivity 115
Alpha-iron, creep, compressive 164
Alpha-particle bombardment, 177 179
Alpha-particle bombardment, aluminum 110
Alpha-particle bombardment, cadmium 160—162
Alpha-particle bombardment, copper 110 112—113
Alpha-particle bombardment, CuAu 177
Alpha-particle bombardment, defects produced by 19 figures
Alpha-particle bombardment, diamond 239 241 247
Alpha-particle bombardment, germanium 327 figures
Alpha-particle bombardment, germanium at low temperature 352 figures
Alpha-particle bombardment, zinc 161—162
Alpha-particle bombardment, zircon 228
Aluminum antimonide, ionization energy of defects 338
Aluminum antimonide, limiting position of Fermi level 338
Aluminum antimonide, mobility in neutron bombarded 347
Aluminum antimonide, n-type, effect of irradiation 314
Aluminum antimonide, p-type, effect of irradiation 314
Aluminum oxide, density change 237
Aluminum oxide, long-wavelength neutron scattering 104 282
Aluminum oxide, optical absorption in irradiated 281 305
Aluminum oxide, oscillator strength of neutron band 282
Aluminum oxide, thermal conductivity 237 305
Aluminum oxide, Young’s modulus 238
Aluminum, alpha-particle bombardment 110 112—113 161—162
Aluminum, annealing 112—113 121
Aluminum, compressibility 103
Aluminum, creep 161—162
Aluminum, critical shear stress 110
Aluminum, deuteron bombardment 112—113
Aluminum, elastic constants 102
Aluminum, hardness 131—132
Aluminum, internal friction 128
Aluminum, resistivity 110 112—113 115 121
Aluminum, shear modulus 102
Aluminum, stored energy 105
Aluminum, tensile properties 134
Aluminum, yield strength 135
Amelinekx, S. 73 300
Amorphism, radiation-induced, beryl 234
Amorphism, radiation-induced, diamond 220
Amorphism, radiation-induced, gallium antimonide 222
Amorphism, radiation-induced, indium antimonide 222
Amorphism, radiation-induced, quartz 231
Andrade, E.N. da C. 92 150 161
Andre, P. 343
Andrew, A. 86 97 08 161
Anisotropic expansion, barium titanate 235
Anisotropic expansion, beryl 234
Anisotropic expansion, chrysoberyl 234
Anisotropic expansion, garnet 234
Anisotropic expansion, phenacite 234
Anisotropic expansion, quartz 228
Anisotropic expansion, topaz 234
Anisotropic expansion, zircon 228 234
Anisotropic expansion, zirconia 234
Annealing of defects, graphite 403 figures 415—416
Annealing of radiation hardening, stainless steel 347 145
Annealing, copper 112—113 117 122
Annealing, effect of impurity content 117
Annealing, resistivity 117
Annealing, uranium 384
Anomalous resistivity changes in alloys, copper-aluminum 201*
Anomalous resistivity changes in alloys, copper-gallium 201
Anomalous resistivity changes in alloys, copper-zinc 201
Ansell, O.S. 185
Antal, J.J. 103 282 414 417
Antimony, resistivity 115
Argon ion bombardment, dosa-lime glass 47
Argon ion bombardment, range of ions 47
Aronin, L.R. 182—184
Atomic orbitals of defects 322
Augustyniak, W. 110 135 319 358
Austerman S.R. 110 177 417—418
Auzms, P. 281
Averbach, B.L. 164
Avery, E. 280
Baldwin, E.E. 156
Balluffi, P.W. 101 119 122
Band structure of graphite 397
Barium titanate, anisotropic expansion 235
Barium titanate, radiation-induced phase change 235
Barnes, B.S. 130—131 162 380 382
Baroody, E.H. 41
Bart, W.L. 68
Bartlett, J.H. 64
Bartz, M.H. 133 136 143
Baruch, P. 343 358
Bashers, D.N. 129
Bates, J.C 383
Beams, J.W. 68
Beard, A.P. 391
Becquerel, H. 5
Beer, A.C. 346—347
Beid, F.J. 345—347
Beily, G.J. 154
Benny, A.H.B. 247
Berggren, R.G. 80 133 143—144 151 153—154 156
Berman, R. 231—232 304—306 308
Berry, C.A. 286
Beryl, amorphism in 234
Beryl, anisotropic expansion 234
Beryllium oxide, density change 237
Beryllium oxide, thermal conductivity 237
Beryllium, bubble formation 383
Beryllium, neutron scattering 104
Beryllium, resistivity 115
Beryllium, yield strength 136
| Berzelius J. 6
Beta emitters, energy 92
Beta emitters, half-life 92
Beta-brass, alpha-particle bombardment 181 figures
Beta-brass, resistivity 182
Betatron, reactions 89
Betatron, recoil range 89
Bickford, F. 259
Bilby, B.A. 68
Billington, D.S. 185 188—189 191—192 202
Binder, D. 290—292 294
Bismuth, resistivity 115
Blatt, F.J. 98 104
Bleiberg, M.L. 152 156 196 385—387
Blewitt, T.K. 37 50 80 98 102 105 108 115 117 121—123 134 140—141 147 158 178—180 190
Blizard, E.P. 79
Blount, E.L 322 345
Blount’s model of defect energy levels 322 345
Bnggs, G.H. 92
Boas, W. 371
Bohr, N. 29 45
Bollman, W.B. 73
Boltax, A. 195—197
Bondelid, R.O. 35
Bone, B. 101
Booth, A.H. 382
Bopp, C.D. 236
Borosilicate glass, reaction 235—236
Borosilicate glass, birefringence 236
Borosilicate glass, density change 233—236
Borosilicate glass, volume contraction 236
Bowen, D.B. 179
Bowers, R. 362
Bowman, F.E, 181
Boyd, C.A. 280
Bragg, W, L. 5
Brattaua, W.H. 20
Bray, P.J. 294
Breazeale, J.B. 68
Brittle fracture 150 figures
Brittle fracture, low carbon iron alloys 150
Brittle fracture, molybdenum 150
Brlnkman, J.A. 31 37 41 43 44 46 47 95 122 176 180 385
Broegger, W.C. 7
Brooks, F, C 177
Brooks, H. 41 42 46 147 313 318 360
Broom, T. 64 166 206
Brophy, J.J. 239—240
Brown, C S. 256
Brown, W.L. 39 48 319 352 357
Bruch, C.A. 109—110 123 141 143 156 162
Buffington, E.S. 164
Bupp, L.P. 399 400 402 407—412 421
Burke, J.E. 373
Burton, M. 5
Bush, S.H. 376
Cadmium telluride, effect of irradiation 314
Cadmium, alpha-particle bombardment 161—162
Cadmium, creep 161—162
Cadwell, J.J 376
Carrier scattering mechanisms, disordered regions 347
Carrier scattering mechanisms, ionized impurity scattering 318 344
Carrier scattering mechanisms, thermal scattering 317
Castleman, L.S 156
Caswell, R.S. 270—272 274—275
Catalysis, alumina 213
Catalysis, H-D exchange 513
Catalysis, silica 213
Champion, F.C 240 247
Chang.R. 302
Charge carriers in semiconductors statistics 314
Charlesby, A. 102
Chemical impurities, reactions 12
Chemical impurities, fission products 12
Chemical impurities, irradiation-induced 11 figures
Chemical impurities, radioactive decay 12
Chemical reactivity, graphite 415 420
Chemical reactivity, graphite, oxidation kinetics 420 figures
Childs, B.G. 206—207
Chiswik, H.H. 371 375
Christy, R.W. 273
Chrysoberyl, anisotropic expansion 234
Chukichov, M.V. 340
Churchman, A.T. 142 155—156 380
Claney, E.F. 38
Clark, A.C. 383
Clark, C.D. 241—244 246 248
Clark, F.H. 36
Cleland, J, W. 12 35 191 313 321 325—326 328—329 332 336—338 340—343 345—349 351—353 359 360 382—363
Cnrrie, L.M. 395
Cobalt, resistivity 115
Coesite, lattice expansion 233
Coffin, L. 85 162
Cohen, A.P. 225 294 306—307
Cohen, M. 164
Cold-working, defect forniation 64
Cold-working, density decrease 69
Cold-working, internal friction 64
Cold-working, lattice distortion 69
Cold-working, neutron bombardment 125
Cold-working, resistivity increase 69
Color centers see also “Optical absorption”
Color centers, -centers in alkali halides 275 279
Color centers, -centers in alkali halides 275 278—280
Color centers, colloidal band (R') in sodium chloride 278—279 287
Color centers, diamond 237 figures
Color centers, F'-centers in magnesium oxide 281
Color centers, F-eenters in alkali halides 268 274 278—280 285 300
Color centers, F-eenters in magnesium oxide 281
Color centers, K-band in sodium chloride 280
Color centers, M-centers in alkali halides 276 278—279 200 302
Color centers, N-centers m alkali halides 276 278—280
Color centers, V-centers in alkali halides 275 280
Coltman, R.R. 80 102 105 108 115 117 121 134 140—141 147 158 178—180 190
Conductivity, germanium 324 327 346
Conductivity, indium antimonide 335 337
Conductivity, silicon 331
Connell, L.F. 345—347
Conwell, E. 318
Cook, L.A. 162
Cook, L.G. 178
Cooper, B.P. 108
Cooper, H.G. 108 110—113 119
Copper alloys, resistivity 202 204
Copper, activation energy for annealing 112—113 145
Copper, alpha-particle bombardment 110 112—113
Copper, annealing 112—113 116 119—120 121
Copper, bubble formation 383
Copper, critical shear stresses 110 134 142
Copper, decrease in density 71 102
Copper, deuteron bombardment 111—113 119—120
Copper, deuteron bombardment at 101
Copper, diffusion 173
Copper, dislocation density 71
Copper, displacement cascades 36
Copper, displacement energies 25
Copper, elastic constants 102
Copper, electron bombardment 116 142
Copper, energy distribution of primaries 21
Copper, energy of vacancy formation 64
Copper, energy of vacancy motion 64
Copper, gamma-ray bombardment 128
Copper, grain growth 123
Copper, hardness 132 162
Copper, impurity content 117
Copper, internal friction 128 130
Copper, lattice parameter studies 101
Copper, length change 101 119—120
Copper, neutron bombardment 102 130
Copper, oxidation 212
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