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Billington D.S., Crawford J.H. — Radiation Damage in Solids |
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Copper, range of recoils from reactions, 47—48
Copper, residual resistivity 104
Copper, resistivity 71 309—317 121
Copper, rolling texture 123
Copper, shear modulus 102
Copper, slip lines 123
Copper, stored energy 71 105—106
Copper, surface behavior 123
Copper, temperature dependence of yield stress 140
Copper, temperature of irradiation 140 142
Copper, tensile properties, 135
Copper, thermal recovery 111
Copper, volume change 101
Copper, yield strength 141
Copper, Young’s modulus 103
Copper-aluminum, resistivity 204—205 208 231
Copper-beryllium, anomalous line shift 190
Copper-beryllium, diffusion 190
Copper-beryllium, grain boundaries 100
Copper-beryllium, hardneas 189
Copper-beryllium, resistivity 189
Copper-beryllium, thermal spike 190
Copper-beryllium, Young’s modulus 189
Copper-iron, precipitation 194
Copper-iron, proton bombardment 194
Copper-iron, resistivity 195—196
Copper-iron, saturation induction 195
Copper-iron, thermal spike 196
Copper-nickel, magnetic susceptibility 211
Copper-zinc, electron bombardment 206
Copper-zinc, lattice parameter 207
Copper-zinc, resistivity 206—207
Corbett, J.W. 110 120—122
Cork, J.N. 241
Corundum see “Alummum oxide”
Cottrell, A.H. 59 68 122 148—149 153—156 378—380
Coulomb, P. 149
Coulson, C.A. 243—244 247—248 320
covalent bond 216 figures
Covalent bond, diamond 216 244
Covalent bond, germanium 217
Covalent bond, incomplete 217
Covalent bond, rigidity 217—218
Covalent bond, ruptured, in diamond 244
Covalent bond, ruptured, in silica 2 52
Covalent bond, silica 216
Covalent structures, defects 216 figures
Covalent structures, structural effects 218 figures
Crawford, J.H. 191 259—262 313 321 325—326 328—329 332 336 338 340—342 346—349 351—353 360 362—363
Creep, alpha-particle bombardment 160—162
Creep, aluminum 161—162
Creep, cadmium 160—162
Creep, compressive, alpha-iron 364
Creep, copper 161—162
Creep, dislocation climb 71 160
Creep, gamma heating 166
Creep, Inconel 161—162
Creep, stainless steel 161—162
Creep, strain measurements 165
Creep, thermal gradients 165
Creep, transmutation 165
Creep, uranium 369 378—380
Creep, zinc 161—162
Creep, zirconium 161—162
Critical shear stiess, aluminum 110
Critical shear stiess, copper 110 129 134 142
Critical shear stiess, electron bombardment 142
Critical shear stiess, neutron bombardment 110 129 134
Critical shear stiess, temperature dependence 145
Croall, I.F. 94
Croloy 16—18
Croloy, tensile properties 143
Crooks, W. 239
Crowdion 58—60 146—149
Crowdion, energy of formation 60
Crowdion, interstitial 58—60
Crowdions, dynamic 37 40
Crystal growth, mechanism 73
CuAu, disordering 177
CuAu, lattice parameter 177
CuAu, resistivity 377
Cummings, W.V. 378
Curie point, nickel-beryllium 192
Curtis, G.C. 380 383
Curtis, O.L. 35 321 340—343
Damage rate in germanium 35
Damask, A.C. 202 206—207 224
Damour, A. 6
Davidson, C.K 98
Davies, T.H 256
Davis, W.W. 162—163
Day, P.P. 218—222
Debye, P. 5
Decoration of dislocations, silver chloride 73
Decoration of dislocations, sodium chloride 73
Defects, aggregates, alkali halides 275—270 287 292 302
Defects, concentration 64
Defects, coppex 64
Defects, covalent structure 216 figures
Defects, evaporation 65
Defects, formation 64 72
Defects, interstitial 64
Defects, local stresses 218
Defects, localized energy states 218
Defects, production by Augei processes 269
Defects, production by cold working 64
Defects, production by deuteron bombardment 121
Defects, production by dislocation jogs 269
Defects, production by electron bombardment 121
Defects, production by excitons 269 279 286
Defects, production by fast particles 13 figures
Defects, production by ionizing radiation 268—269 283 308
Defects, production by neutron bombardment 121
Defects, production by Seitz’s mechanism 269 279 286
Defects, production by Varley’s mechanism 260 276 279 286
Defects, quenching 64
Defects, semiconductors, electronic energy levels 820 figures
Defects, semiconductors, energy levels from minority carrier lifetime 330
Defects, semiconductors, interactions between 323 328 331 345 358
Defects, semiconductors, ionization energies in silicon 331 figures 334 343
Defects, semiconductors, ionization, energies m germanium 325 327—328 330—331
Defects, semiconductors, kinetics of thermal relaxation in indium antimomde 337
Defects, semiconductors, model of James and Lark — Horovitz 320ff 328 345 36l
Defects, semiconductors, multiple energy states 320 figures 328 341
Defects, semiconductors, rate of production m germanium 324 327—328
Defects, semiconductors, recombination centers 330
Defects, semiconductors, statistics of multiple ionization 321
Defects, semiconductors, thermal relaxation m germanium 350 figures
Defects, semiconductors, thermal relaxation m indium arsenide 338
Defects, semiconductors, thermal relaxation m silicon 332
Defects, state of aggregation 72
Defects, temperature dependence 64
Defects, vacancy 64
Defects, vacancy pair 64
Dekeyser, W. 300
Denney, J.M. 25 116 194
Density change, alkali hahdes 289
Density change, aluminium oxide 237
Density change, beryllium oxide 237
Density change, borosilicate glass 235
Density change, chamond 218 figures
Density change, cordiarite 237
Density change, cristobalite 224
Density change, forstente 237
Density change, fused silica 224 237
Density change, gallium antimonide 222
Density change, germanium 222
Density change, indium antimomde 222
Density change, ionic crystals 284 figures
Density change, lithium fluoride 290 figures
| Density change, mica 237
Density change, plate glass 237
Density change, porcelain 237
Density change, proton bombarded alkah hahdes 286—287
Density change, quartz 224 252
Density change, silicon 222
Density change, silicon carbide 222
Density change, spinel 237
Density change, steatite 237
Density change, titania 237
Density change, tridymite 225
Density change, X-rayed alkali hahdes 285 287
Density change, zircon 237
Des Cloizeaux, A. 6
Deuteron bombaidment, cobalt 112—113
Deuteron bombaidment, copper 101 106 111—113 161 162
Deuteron bombaidment, defects produced 13 19
Deuteron bombaidment, diamond 241
Deuteron bombaidment, gallium antwnonide 222—223
Deuteron bombaidment, germanium 223 327 344 350
Deuteron bombaidment, gold 111
Deuteron bombaidment, indium antimomde 222—223
Deuteron bombaidment, molybdenum 109
Deuteron bombaidment, nickel 111—113
Deuteron bombaidment, non 112—113
Deuteron bombaidment, silicon 331 figures
Deuteron bombaidment, silver 111
Deuteron bombaidment, tantalum 111
Deuteron bombaidment, titanium 112—113
Deuteron bombaidment, vanadium 112—113
Dexter, D.L. 104 108
Diamond, molecules 246
Diamond, acceptors and donors 240
Diamond, activation energy spectrum 219 248
Diamond, amorphism 220
Diamond, annealing of electronic effects 242—244
Diamond, annealing; of density change 219
Diamond, anomalous reflections 219
Diamond, band structure 239—240
Diamond, coloration by radiation 239 figures
Diamond, counting properties 239 247
Diamond, covalent bonds 216—217 244
Diamond, defect migration 244
Diamond, density change 218 figures
Diamond, electron spin resonance 230 244 249
Diamond, electronic effects 239 figures
Diamond, energy states of defects 243 246
Diamond, graphitic regions 241 243 247
Diamond, haidness 224
Diamond, Hall coefficient 240
Diamond, heat of combustion 219
Diamond, lattice expansions 218 figures
Diamond, local strains 219
Diamond, luminescence 239—240 244—245 248
Diamond, optical absoiption edge 241
Diamond, optical absorption 230 figures
Diamond, photoconductivity 239—240 247
Diamond, recombination renters 247—248
Diamond, semiconducting 239—240
Diamond, stored energy 219 248
Diamond, thermal bleaching of absorption bands, Type I 239 figures
Diamond, thermal bleaching of absorption bands, Type II 239 figures
Diamond, thermal bleaching of absorption bands, X-ray patterns 218 figures
Dieckamp, H. 129
Dienes, G.J. 28 36 39 64 102—103 126 187 198—202 205 281—282 305 414 417 420—421
Dietze, H.D. 187
Diffusion 171 figures
Diffusion coefficient, X-rayed sodmm chloride 270 275
Diffusion, anisotropy 373
Diffusion, copper 172—173
Diffusion, mterstitial 61
Diffusion, order-disorder 61
Diffusion, precipitation 61
Diffusion, role of dislocations 72
Diffusion, silver in lithium 380
Diffusion, vacancy 61 172
Dimensional changes, irradiated graphite 400
Dislocations, chemical activity 72
Dislocations, climb 71 369
Dislocations, core 73
Dislocations, Cottrell locking 124
Dislocations, covalent structures 217 247
Dislocations, decoration 73
Dislocations, density, copper 71
Dislocations, detection 73
Dislocations, determination of number 70
Dislocations, division 72
Dislocations, electron transmission microscopy 73
Dislocations, etch pits 70 72
Dislocations, extended 73
Dislocations, formation from vacancies 66
Dislocations, formation of point, defects 67
Dislocations, Frank — Read mechanism 69
Dislocations, glissile 68
Dislocations, grain boundary 56 72
Dislocations, interaction 67
Dislocations, internal friction 70
Dislocations, line 65 71
Dislocations, loops 73
Dislocations, means of impeding motion 124
Dislocations, mechanical properties 68
Dislocations, nueieation center 72
Dislocations, pinning, alkali hahdes 300
Dislocations, pinning, high pinity copper 326
Dislocations, pinning, internal friction 125
Dislocations, pinning, neution bombardment 127
Dislocations, pinning, Young’s modulus 126
Dislocations, point defect formation 71
Dislocations, polygonization 70
Dislocations, resistivity 70
Dislocations, screw 65 71 74
Dislocations, sessile 56 68
Dislocations, silver chloride 73
Dislocations, sodium chloride 73
Dislocations, stored eneigy 70
Dislocations, stress fields 69
Dislocations, velocities in lithium fluoride 298
Dislocations, work hardening 69
Disordering, 40 42 44
Disordering, 40
Disordering, polyatomic solids by replacements 37 39
Disordering, thermal spikes 41
Displacement energy 13 24—25 37
Displacement energy, 25
Displacement energy, copper 25
Displacement energy, germanium 25 318
Displacement energy, graphite 25
Displacement energy, indium antimonide 25 319
Displacement energy, iron 25
Displacement energy, semiconductors 318 figures
Displacement energy, silicon 25 319
Displacement flux, definition 15(n)
Displacement probability 38
Displacements, cascades of 13 29 32
Displacements, cross action for 15 17 19 27
Displacements, number per primary 11 figures 32
Ditehburn, R.W. 241—244 246
Dixon, C.E. 176 179—180
Doig, L.J. 123
Dolphin, G.W. 247
Domain wall motion, effect of vacancies 167
Dorn, J.E. 160
Dreyfus, R.W. 283
Dubrovin» K.P. 380
Ductility 137
Ductility, beryllium 156
Dugdale, R.A. 25 26 180 241
Dunlap, W.C. 321
Dunning, K.L. 35
Duplex microstructure 153
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