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Bacon G.E. — Neutron Diffraction |
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Oxygen parameter in ferrites 296
Oxygen scattering by gas 378
Oxygen scattering by liquid 382
Oxygen, location of 241 262 341
Ozerov, R.P. 2
O’Connor, D. 2 186
Pake, G.E. 227
Palevaky, H. 191—194 196 201
Palladium-hydrogen 222
Palladium-hydrogen trifluoride 336
Paoletti, A. 94 166 175 274
Para-hydrogen 40 132
Parabolic law, for single crystals 74
Parallel position 92
Paramagnetic scattering 147 150 203
Patterson projection 245
Pauling, L. 150 216—218 226 336
Peacock, R.D. 382
Pease, R.S. 81 235—243
Peaslee, D.C. 22 23
Pelah, I. 196
Penetration distance 57
Penney, W.G. 157 305
Pepinsky, R. 107 221 236 244—245
Perfect crystal 53 55
Perovskitos, etc. 221 323
Peterson, K.C. 115
Peterson, R.E. 35
Peterson, S.W. 81 107 130 135 143—144 216 222 228—229 231 233 236 247 252 389
Petz, J.I. 380
Phase-determination for structure amplitude 244
Phonon absorption and emission 48 52 185
Photographic recording 113
Pickart, S.J. 322
Pigott, M.T. 283
Pile oscillator 63
Placzek, G. 195
Plumb, R.C. 284
Plutonium, use of foil as filter 90
Polarization cross-section 348
Polarization effects on Bragg intensities 365
Polarization of neutrons, by diffraction 173
Polarization of neutrons, by transmission 347
Polarized neutrons, use of 165 175 304
Pomerance, H. 63—64
Pope, N.K. 380 382 386
Posnjak, E. 261
Potassium, bifluoride 222
Potassium, chloride, liquid scattering 387
Potassium, cobalticyanide 266
Potassium, cyanide 266
Potassium, dihydrogen phosphate 235
Potassium, hydrogen bisphenyl acetate 254
Potassium, hydrogen maleate 252
Potassium, liquid scattering 387
Potential scattering 23 34
Powder diffraction patterns, angular resolution of 82
Powder diffraction patterns, details of technique for 95
Powder diffraction patterns, incoherent scattering in 82
Powder diffraction patterns, measurement of b from 125
Powder specimens, containers for 98
Powder specimens, cylindrical form of 96
Powder specimens, size of 98
Powder specimens, transmission form of 95
Powers, P.N. 1 347
Praseodymium oxide 222
Preferred orientation 391
Preiswerk, P. 1
Pressesky, A.J. 2
Pressure, effect of on antiferromagnotic alignment 290 303
Primary extinction 55 178
Prince, E. 108 342—343
Q, measurements of for pillar crystals 77
Quenching of orbital momentum 156 305
Rabi, I.I. 20 158 176
Radial distribution curve in liquids 382
Radial distribution curve of 3d electrons 154
Radium-beryllium source 1 7
Radius, nuclear 23
Rainwater, L.J. 20 122 125 135
Rare-earth carbides 221
Rare-earth ions, magnetic moments of 156 167 330 345
Rare-earth iron-perovskites, , etc. 329
Rare-earth metals, magnetic structures of 184 285
Rare-earth nitrides 345
Rare-earth oxides 167 222
Ratemeter, use of 15 112
Reactor, nuclear, flus of 8 99
Recording og diffraction patterns 15 111 113 222
Reflection method 66 89
Reflectivity of mosaic crystal 65
Refraction broadening in small-angle scattering 368
Refractive index of gases 127
Refractive index of magnetized iron 357
Refractive index, calculation of 116
Refractive index, effect on small-angle scattering 369
Refractive index, measurement of 116
Resonance scattering 22
Resonance width 22
Resoreinol 254
Ricci, F.P. 94
Ringo, G.R. 20 132 213 373
Riste, T. 199—201 304
Roberts, B.W. 278 288
Roberts, F.F. 263—264 341
Roberts, J.K. 46
Roberts, L.D. 296
Robertson, J.M. 254
Rocking curve of monochromator 90
Rogers, M.T. 222
Romeijn, F.C. 339
Rooksby, H.P. 300
Rose, M.E. 40
Rotatory motion 231 256
Roth, W.L. 33 300—303
Rubidium, liquid scattering 387
Ruderman, I.W. 122 124 137 149
Rundle, R.E. 218—219 221 247 250
Runeiman, W.A. 266
Russell Saunders coupling 155
Russell, H.N. 155
Ruthenium trifluoride 336
Sachs, R.G. 138 140
Sailor, V.L. 94
Saini, H. 233
Salpeter, E.E. 136
Sample, size of 13 15 98
Sass, R.L. 303
Satellite reflections 275 286 293
Saunders, F.A. 155
Sawyer, R.B. 115
Scattering cross-section 21 30
Scattering length 21 30
Scattering length, comparison of for neutrons and X-rays 31 53
Scattering length, complex values of 143
Scattering length, determination of 116
Scattering length, sign of 23 33 116 119 387
Scattering length, table of values 31
Scattering length, variation with atomic weight 33
Scattering measurement of 121
Scattering vector 161
Schlapp, R. 157 305
Schwinger, J. 39—40 132 136
Second-order reflection 5 90
Secondary extinction 55 178
Secondary extinction correction for 81 181
Selove, W. 34
Series termination errors 235
Serres, A. 287
Sharrah, P.C. 380
| Sherman, J. 336
Shielding material 8 12 104
Shirane, G. 165 171 221 274 276 310 322 345
Shockley, W. 258
Short-range order 200 297 374
Short-range order magnetic 152
Shubnikov groups 346
Shull, C.G. 2 8 30 37 41 88—89 94 104 109 113 123 125 130 132 135—137 142 150 165 169 172—174 201 2011 213—216 218—219 222 259 269 273—283 293 295—302 304 307 319 338 365 371 374
Sidhu S.S. 33 99 139—140 220 289
Siegel, S. 259
Silica, diffraction pattern of 389
Silicon, scattering length of 41
Sime, J.G. 256
Simon, F. 225
Simonson, S.H. 226
Singer, J. 221
Single crystal, analysis methods 14 79 106
Single crystals mounting of 15 106
Single crystals permissible size of 79
Single crystals resolution of 106
Single crystals, experimental measurement with 4 106 171
Single crystalsreflection by 65
Single transmission effect 349
Slater J.C. 159 243
Small-angle scattering 136 202 368 374
Smart, J.S. 296
Smirnova, T.S. 346
Smith, H.G. 113 143—144
Smith, J.A.G. 2
Smith, J.H. 269 291
Snow, A.I. 287
Snow, G. 117 127
Sodium deuteride 211
Sodium hydride 211
Sodium sesquicarbonate 246 249
Sodium, liquid scattering 387
Solid soutions, cross-section of 137
Specimen size 8 13 79 98
Spectrometers 2 7 106 114 191 203
Spectrum of neutron 4
Spedding, F.H. 221
Spiers, H.A. 136
Spin incoherence 25 37
Spin-flip method for reversing polarization 176
Spin-orbital coupling 154 167 305 318 322 325 330 335
Spin-waves 198
Spinel structures 261 338
Spiral-spin structures 261 338
Squire, C.F. 160 296
Squires, C.L. 135
Squires, G.L. 51 125 189 193 201
Stafne, M. 20
Staub, H. 347 350—352
Steinberger, J. 165 270 274 349
Stephen, R.A. 89
Stewart, A.T. 135 194 197
Stokes, A.R. 390
Stoner, E.C. 156
Strauser, W.A. 150 165 298—302 307 319
Structure factor 43 163 182
Structure factor, comparison of for powders and single crystals 81
Sturm, W.J. 88 138 140
Sucksmith, W. 158
Sulphur, scattering by liquid 380
Sulphur, scattering cross-section of 35
Superconducting metals 294
Superlattices in alloys 258
Sutton, R.B. 40 64 132
Suzuki, K. 108
Sykes, C. 258
Symbols, list of 396
Syrkin, Y.K. 155
Takei, W.J. 276 345
Tamor, S. 311
Tavger, B.A. 346
Teller, E. 39 132
Tenzer, L. 245
Terbium 286
Terbium nitride 345
Thermal motion 46 224 236 252 256 380 384
Thewlis, J. 3
Thin crystal criterion 72 80 222
Thorium dicarbide 221
Thorium hydride 219
Thorium-beryllium 221
Thulium 286
Titanium, carbide 139
Titanium, hydride 220
Titanium, scattering length of 33 139
Tombs, N.C. 300
Total reflection 118
Trammell, G.T. 167
Transition metals, alloys of 257
Transition metals, electronic configuration of 145
Transition metals, halides 310
Transition metals, magnetic moments in salts 157
Transition metals, nitrides, 344
Transition metals, oxides, MO 296
Transition metals, spin quantum numbers of 171
Transition metals, trifluorides 382
Transmission by magnetized materials 347
Transmission form of powder specimen 15 95
Transmission method for measurement of b 121 138
Transmission method for single crystals 66 89
Transmission of materials 63
Treuting, R.G. 342
Trifluoride 332 336
Troesch, A. 136
Tsai, B. 160 296 313
Tungsten carbide 221
Tungsten diffraction pattern of 278
Tunnicliffe, P.R. 2 13
Umakantha, N. 375
Umbrella structure of CrSe 303
Uranium carbide 221
Uranium hydride 169 218
Uranium nitride 220
Uranium oxides 220
Uranium, magnetic form-factor of 169
Uranium, preferred orientation 391
Uranium-beryllium 221
Urea 262
van de Hulst, H.C. 368
Van Hovo, L. 195 201 374 389
Van Vleok, J.H. 156—157 160 203 296 305 311
Vanadium carbide 131
Vanadium nitride 131
Vanadium, diffraction pattern of metal 278 295
Vanadium, diffuse scattering by 142
Vanadium, scattering by 37 130
Vanadium, use of for sample holders 99
Verde, M. 136
Verwey, E.J.W. 262 338—339
Villain J. 183 291
Vineyard, G.H. 105 368 380
Vinogradov, S.I. 276
von Nardroff, R. 368
Wagner, E.L. 225
Wallace, J.R. 350 354 356
Wallace, J.W. 357 374
Waller, I. 45 189
Warren, B.E. 392—393
Water, inelastic scattering by 388
Water, molecular shape in hydrates 246
Waterstrat, R.M. 266
Wattenberg, A. 20
Wavelength of change of on inelastic scattering 48 185 189
Wavelength of neutron 2
Wavelength of neutron, choice of for diffraction 5 89
Weber, A.H. 389
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