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Bacon G.E. — Neutron Diffraction |
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Gschneidner, K. 221
Guillaud, C. 287
Gutowsky, H.S. 227
gyromagnetic ratio 158
Haaymann, P.W. 339
Haematite 304 318
Hafnium hydride 220
Hagiwara, S. 108
Halban, H. 1
Hall, W.H. 302
Halliday, D. 40
Halpern, O. 25 147 155 161 296 311 347 351 355 360
Hamermesh, M. 20 40 136 347 360 362
Hamilton, W.C. 178—181 339
Harvey, J. 20
Hastings, J.M. 91 104—105 110 165 263 265—266 275—276 300 303 306 308 341 342 344 346 391 393
Havens, W.W.Jr 20 122 125 135
Heaton, Le Roy 33 99 140 220 387
Heavy-element compounds 218
Helium, cross-section 129
Helium, liquid scattering 382
Heller, R.B. 354 357 374
Helmholz, L. 222
Henshaw, D.G. 382 384 386 387
Hepworth, M.A. 332
Herpin, A. 184 291 316
Hibdon, C.T. 34 35
High-temperature measurements 108
Hofmann, U. 390
Hoilmann, E.L. 262 338
Holmium 286
Holmium, nitride 345
Holstein, T. 351 355
Hornig, D.F. 225 234
Hoshino, S. 108
Hughes, D.J. 20 182 191—194 196 201 213 350 354—357 360—364 374
Humo-Rothery, W. 271
Hunt, E.B. 221
Huret, D.G. 2 136 189 226 228 378—380 382 384 386
Hvoslef, J. 181 253 265
Hydrates 246
Hydrides 211 218 222
Hydrocarbon mirrors 132
Hydrogen bond 222 243 246 250 252 256
Hydrogen, disordered scattering by 104 213
Hydrogen, location of atoms of 210 246
Hydrogen, measurment of b for 131
Hydrogen, spin incoherence of 39
Hydrogen, total scattering cross-section of 134 213
Ibser, H.W. 122
Ice, structure of 214
Ideally imperfect crystals 65
Ilmenite structures 318 322
Incoherent scattering cross-section 25
Indium foil, use as detector 113
Inelastic scattering 29 45 47 185 413
Inelastic scattering, magnetic 198
Inert gases, refractive index of 127
Inorganic hydroxides 251
Instrumental constant for powder diffraction 101 126
Integrated reflection for single crystal 68 87
Integrated scattering 42 48 348
Intensity, absolute measurement of 100
Inversion, in spinel structures 261 265 342
Iron, elastic and inelastic scattering by 46 189 199
Iron, magnetic form-factor of 100
Iron, magnetic moment in metal 270
Iron, powder diffraction pattern of 269 365
Iron, small angle scattering 374
Iron-aluminium, 283
Iron-aluminium, carbonate 344
Iron-aluminium, chloride 314
Iron-aluminium, chromium 282
Iron-aluminium, cobalt 174 259
Iron-aluminium, fluorides 310 333
Iron-aluminium, nickel, 279
Iron-aluminium, nitride, Fe_4N 344
Iron-aluminium, oxides 302 304 318
Irving, H.M. 271
Ishikawa, Y. 322
Isotope incoherence 28 40 386
Iyengar, P.K. 194
Jack, K.H. 332
Jackson, J.D. 132
Jacrot, B. 316
James, J. 199
James, R.W. 46 56 153 390
Jay, A.H. 284
Johnson, F.A. 195
Johnson, M.H. 25 147 155 161 296 311 347 360
Jona, F. 221
Jones, F.W. 258
Jones, G.O. 264
Kaplan, H. 199
Kaplan, T.A. 199
Karpovich, I.R. 2
Kasper, J.S. 266 278 293
Katsuragi, H. 108
Kiselev, S.V. 2
Kistiakowsky, G.B. 227
Kittel, C. 343
Kleinman, D. 117 127
Knott, H.W. 220
Koating, D.T. 33
Koehler, W.C. 41 111 123 135—136 165 167 169 172—174 213 221—224 244 246 269 286 314 316 324 326 329 332 338 345—346 365
Kouvol, J.S. 293
Krueger, H.H.A. 373
Kruh, R.F. 380
Krypton, use of for neutron-electron interaction measurement 20
Kusch, P. 176
Lande splitting factor 155
Landon, H.H. 94
Langdon, F. 108
Laniesse, J. 391
Lanthanum hydroxide, 252
Lanthanum perovskites, , etc. 324
Laue pattern 113
Lavatelli, L.S. 64
Lead, inelastic scattering 388
Lead, liquid scattering 380
Lead, superconductivity 295
Lead, titanate, 221
Lead, zirconate, 221
Leciejewiez, J. 221
Levdik, V.A. 276
Levy, H.A. 81 107 130 135 143 216 222 228—229 231—233 236 247 250—252 387 389
Li Yin-Yuan 206 299
Liehtenbergor, H.V. 64
Light elements, determination of positions of 210
Linoage structure 91
Lipson, H. 390
Liquid air, immersion of crystals in 78
Liquid mirrors 127 132
Liquids, scattering by 380
Lithium chloride, liquid scattering 387
Lithium hydroxide 252
Lithium, complex scattering amplitude of 144
Lithium, liquid scattering 387
Lock, J.M. 195
Long-wavelength neutrons, use of 48 124 137 191 376 393
Lonsdale, K. 60
Lord Rayleigh 368
Loshmanov, A.A. 2
Low, G.C.E. 203
Low-temperature measurement 99 108
Lowde, R.D. 59 65—80 114 189 198—199 201 206 222 375
Lukesh, J.S. 391
Magnenium, aluminium oxide 261
Magnenium, ferrite 103 265 341
Magnenium, scattering by 51
| Magnesium-iron aluminium oxide 263
Magnetic coherent spectra 160
Magnetic critical scattering 201
Magnetic form-factor 147 153 165 270 274 279 308 336
Magnetic interaction vector 160
Magnetic moment, orientation of 164 182 304 310
Magnetic refraction 365
Magnetic scattering 145 198
Magnetic scattering amplitudes 171
Magnetic scattering calculation of 163
Magnetic spin waves 198
Magnetic suspectibility 155 296 313
Magnetic symmetry 171 304 346
Magnetic unit cell 164 297 310
Magnetite, polarization of neutrons from 174 177 365
Magnetite, structure of 263 338
Magnetite, use of as monochromator 92
Magnotized samples, diffraction by 171 316 334
Manganese antimony, 293
Manganese, -structure 278
Manganese, -structure 289 293
Manganese, arsenide, MnAs 287
Manganese, bismuthide, MnBi 287
Manganese, bromide, 318
Manganese, carbonate, 344
Manganese, chloride, 314
Manganese, chromite, 344
Manganese, cobalt 197
Manganese, copper 289
Manganese, diffraction pattern of -metal 276
Manganese, dioxide, 313
Manganese, ferrite, 265
Manganese, fluoride, 310
Manganese, fluoride, 333
Manganese, gold, MnAu, 182 291
Manganese, magnetic form factor of 167 308
Manganese, magnetic moment of 278 289
Manganese, nickel 259 293
Manganese, nitride, 344
Manganese, oxide, MnO 296
Manganese, scattering amplitude of 34 137
Manganese, selenides, MnSe 307
Manganese, sulphide, 307
Manganese, sulphide, MnS, polymorphic forms 306
Manganese, telluride, 307
Manganese, titanide, 322
Marney, M.C. 113
Marshall, L. 20 74 79 119 135—136
Marshall, W. 201 203
Massey, H.S.W. 22
Maxwell distribution 3
Mazzi, F. 221
McDaniel, B.D. 64
McHargue, C.J. 286
McRoynolds, A.W. 91 127 129 199 201
McWeeny, R. 390
Medrud, R.C. 221
Megaw, H.D. 252
Melkonian, E. 134
Mercuric cyanide 265
Mercury, liquid scattering 380
Meriel, P. 184 291 316 391
Methane, gas scattering 378
Milligan, W.O. 389
Millman, S. 176
Mirror reflection 118 359
Mitchell, D.P. 1
Miyake, S. 108
Miyashita, K. 108
Modulated-spin structure 276 286
Molecular structure 246
Molten salts 387
Molybdemim trifluoride, 336
Molylxlenum, form-factor of 278 336
Molylxlenum, structure of 278
Monitors of beam intensity 15 101 112
Monochromatic beam, analysis of 92
Monochromatic beam, intensity of 11 88
Monochromatic beam, production of 5 85 108 174
Monochromator bent crystal types of 115
Monochromator choice of 88
Monochromator choice of Bragg angle for 95
Monochromator for polarized-neutron production 174
Monochromator rocking curve of 90
Monochromator, adjustment of 91
Monoghetti, D. 139 289 373
Morrison, J.A. 275
Morton, G.A. 132 211
Mosaic crystal 53 60
Mosaic crystal, distribution of blocks in 65
Mosaic spread, determination of 75
Motizuki, K. 302
Mott, N.F. 22
Muehlhause, C.O. 34—35
Mueller, M.H. 33 220
Multi-axis spin structures 303
Multiple scattering 104 105 376
Multiplicity of planes 164
Multiplicity of reduction of in antiferromagnetics 164 303
Nagamiya, T. 225 302
Nathans, R. 165—166 175 274 283 304 322
Near-neighbour ordering 299 306 308
Negative scattering length 23 33 99
Neidhardt, W.J. 33
Neodymium 286
Neodymium oxide, 167 222
Neronova, N.N. 346
Neutron crystallography 79
Neutron diffractometer 2
Neutron spectrometer 2 7 106 114
Neutron spectrum 3
Neutron time-of-flight 191 203 206
Neutron wavelength 2
Nickel ferrite, 341
Nickel fluoride, 310
Nickel manganese 259 293
Nickel oxide, NiO 300
Nickel titanate, 267
Nickel vanadium -phase 267
Nickel, coherent scattering amplitude of 41
Nickel, cros-section of 122
Nickel, diffraction pattern of 274
Nickel, disordered scattering by 124
Nickel, form-factor for 274
Nickel, scattering lengths of 41
Nickel-arsenide type of structure 287
Nicodemus, D.B. 350—352
Niobium, diffraction pattern of 278 295
Nishikawa, S. 261
Nitrides 220 344
Nitrogen, cross-sections of 129
Nitrogen, gas scattering 378
Nitrogen, liquid scattering 382
Nix, F.C. 258
Noel structure 298 320 338 344
Noel temperature 159
Noel, L. 296 298 320 338
Non-collinear spins 303 343
Nuclear reactor 2
Nuclear scattering 19 21
Nuclear size resonance 36
Nul-matrix alloys 99 268
Orbital momentum 154 285
Orbital momentum, form factor for 167
Order in alloys 257 279
Organic compounds 248 252
Ortho-hydrogen 40 132
Oxalic acid dihydrate 248
Oxides of rare-earth metals 167 222
Oxides of transition metals 296
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