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Getzlaff M. — Fundamentals of Magnetism |
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Effect, orange peel 251
Effect, positive magnetoresistive 260
Effect, quantization 227
Effect, quenching 170
Effect, tunnelling magnetoresistive 272 295
Effective electron mass 27
Effective magnetic moment 20
Effective mean free path 260
Effective oscillation period 242
Elastic constant 109
Elastic energy 109
Elastic tunnelling 159
Electric transport 266
Electrical conductance 239
Electrical resistance 239
Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory 301
Electron gas 153
Electron gas, free 156
Electron gyromagnetic ratio 140
Electron microscopy with polarization analysis, secondary 244
Electron microscopy, photoemission 186
Electron microscopy, transmission 208
Electron spectroscopy, photo- 227
Electrons, itinerant 25
Electrons, majority 36 226 229
Electrons, minority 36 226 229
Electrons, resistance of majority 261
Electrons, resistance of minority 262
Electrons, spin down 29 225
Electrons, spin polarized secondary 231
Electrons, spin up 29 225
Energy, anisotropy 197
Energy, binding 227
Energy, Bloch wall 123
Energy, Coulomb 31
Energy, domain wall 254
Energy, elastic 109
Energy, Fermi 26 261
Energy, Helmholtz free 10 73 76 219
Energy, induced magnetic anisotropy 106
Energy, interlayer exchange 236
Energy, kinetic 7 225
Energy, magnetic anisotropy 219
Energy, magnetic hysteresis 119
Energy, magnetic moment 1
Energy, magneto crystalline 91
Energy, molecular field 31
Energy, potential 7 31
Energy, shape anisotropy 254
Energy, stray field 103 175
Energy, Zeeman 160 236
entropy 10 76
Equation, Landau — Lifshitz 142
Equation, Landau — LifshitzvGilbert 143
Exchange anisotropy 233 235
Exchange bias 233 294
Exchange bias field 234
Exchange bias, loop shift 234
Exchange constant 43
Exchange coupling 218 234 295
Exchange coupling across a spacer layer 239 247
Exchange coupling constant 240 255
Exchange coupling, antiferromagnetic 269
Exchange coupling, interlayer 239 241 264
Exchange coupling, intralayer 252
Exchange coupling, oscillatory 240 244
Exchange energy, interlayer 236
Exchange field 205
Exchange integral 43
exchange interaction 4 154 232
Exchange interaction, RKKY 44 239
Exchange splitting 33 261 266
Exchange, direct 42
Exchange, double 46
Exchange, indirect 43
Exchange, super 43 61
Excitation 77
Excitation, magnetic 83
Excitation, thermal 285
Factor, loss 138
Fano line shape 154
Fano model 154
Faraday effect 302
FeRAM 301
Fermi energy 26 261
Fermi function 27 273
Fermi sphere 25
Fermi surface 28 154 242 245
Fermi’s Golden Rule 272
Ferrimagnet 4
Ferrimagnetic order 4 62
Ferrimagnetism 4 62
Ferrite core storage 300
Ferroelectric random access memory 301
Ferromagnet 4
Ferromagnet, band 4 30 33
Ferromagnet, half-metallic 289
Ferromagnet, itinerant 4 30 33 247
Ferromagnet, strong 37
Ferromagnet, triaxial 120
Ferromagnet, uniaxial 120
Ferromagnet, weak 37
Ferromagnetic coupling 233 240
Ferromagnetic nanoparticle 301 304
Ferromagnetic order 4 48
Ferromagnetic probe tip 288
Ferromagnetic resonance 145
ferromagnetism 4 48
Field cooling 235
Field effect transistor 295
Field, coercive 119 234
Field, crystal 170
Field, demagnetizing 102 176
Field, exchange 205
Field, exchange bias 234
Field, magnetic 2
Field, molecular 48
Field, reduced magnetic 193
Field, saturation 119
Field, stray 102 188 215 251 302
Field, switching 192
Finite-size scaling model 225
Fir tree domain 129
Flash memory 301
Fluctuation, thermal 58 61 75 196 218
Flux change 209
Flux closure 126 181 185 188 251 294
Flux, magnetic 301 323
Fly-by-wire system 306
FM-I-FM contact in an STM 288
Force microscopy, atomic 211
Force microscopy, magnetic 187 215
Free cluster 174
Free electron gas 156
Free nanoparticle 199
Frequency, relaxation 142
Frequency, resonance 141
Friedel oscillation 153
Frustration effect 233 249 251
Full bridge 315
Function, Brillouin 17 48
Function, classical partition 6
Function, Fermi 273
Function, Langevin 12
Function, partition 14
g-factor 8
g-factor, Lande 20 160
g-factor, orbital angular momentum 20
g-factor, spin angular momentum 20
Geophysical surveying 332
| Giant magnetoresistance 255 264 306
Giant magnetoresistance, discovery 264
Giant magnetoresistive effect 264 306
GMR 255 264 306
GMR angle sensor 313
GMR sensor 306 313
GMR, discovery 264
Granular system 301
gyromagnetic ratio 140
Half bridge 315
Half-metallic ferromagnet 289
Hall effect 306
Hall effect sensor 306 316
Hard axis 95 200 220
hard disk 301
Hard magnetization axis 95 200 220
Head, dual-element 302
Head, inductive 302
Head, inductive write 302
Head, magnetoresistive read 302
Head, print 321
Head, read 301
Head, recording 302
Head, write 301
Head-to-head wall 185
Heavy fermion 155
Heisenberg model 43 75
Helical order 65
Helimagnetism 66
Helmholtz free energy 10 73 76 219
Hole state 37 165
Hund’s rules 21 270
hybridization 174 223 230
Hybridization, d electrons with d electrons 152 162 172
Hybridization, s-p electrons with d electrons 152 161
Hysteresis loop 113 119 194 205 211 234 235 242 244 269
Hysteresis loss 140
Ideal interface 233
IEC 239 264
IETS 160
Impurity 152 286
Impurity, Kondo 154
Incommensurate spin density wave 247
Indirect exchange 43
Indirect exchange interaction 43
Induced magnetic anisotropy 105
Induced magnetic anisotropy energy 106
Inductive head 302
Inductive sensor 306 316
Inductive write head 302
Inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy 160
Inelastic mean free path 225
Inelastic mean free path, spin dependent 225
Inelastic tunnelling 159
Insulating barrier 272
Interaction, dipole 207
Interaction, direct exchange 42
Interaction, double exchange 46
interaction, Exchange 4 154 232
Interaction, indirect exchange 43
Interaction, magnetic dipole 41
Interaction, magnetostatic 180
Interaction, RKKY exchange 44 239
Interaction, spin orbit 90 262 264
Interaction, superexchange 43 61
Interdiffusion 227 230 254
Interface roughness 250
Interface, ideal 233
Interface, real 233
Interface, rough 241
Interface, smooth 241
Interlayer exchange coupling 239 241 264
Interlayer exchange energy 236
Intralayer exchange coupling 252
Ising model 76
Ising model, one-dimensional 76 219
Ising model, three-dimensional 77
Ising model, two-dimensional 77
Itinerant electrons 25
Itinerant ferromagnet 4 30 33 247
Itinerant moment 3
JMR 284
Julliere model 283
Junction magnetoresistance 284
Junction magnetoresistive effect 284
Junction, tunnelling magnetic 293
Kerr effect, magneto-optical 212 213 269
Kerr microscopy 213
Kerr rotation 213
kinetic energy 7 225
Kittel mode 145
Kondo effect 154
Kondo impurity 154
Kondo resonance 154
Kondo screening 154
Kondo temperature 154
Lancet domain 129
Landau state 175 213
Landau theory 73
Landau — Lifshitz equation 142
Landau — Lifshitz — Gilbert equation 143
Lande, g-factor 20 160
Langevin function 12
Langevin paramagnetism 3
Langevin susceptibility 3
Laptop 293
Law, Bloch- 87
Law, Curie 3 14 20
Law, Curie — Weiss 53 56
Law, scaling 83
Layer, antiferromagnetic spacer 247
Layer, non-magnetic spacer 239
Layer, reference 295
LDOS 154
Length, correlation 79
Light, circularly polarized 165
Limit, degenerate 27
Limit, non-degenerate 27
Line, bit 295
Line, word 295
Linear material 2
Linear sensor 306 320
Local density of states 154
Local magnetic moment 152
Localized magnetic moment 270
Localized moment 3
Long-period oscillation 241
Longitudinal magnetoresistance 260
Longitudinal recording 304
Loss angle 138
Loss factor 138
Loss, eddy-current 140
Loss, hysteresis 140
Low-dimensional systems, atoms 151
Low-dimensional systems, clusters 165
Low-dimensional systems, multilayers 239
Low-dimensional systems, nanoparticles 175
Low-dimensional systems, thin films 223
Low-dimensional systems, wires 211
Magnetic after effect 133
Magnetic anisotropy 89 223 242
Magnetic anisotropy energy 219
Magnetic anisotropy energy, induced 106
Magnetic anisotropy, perpendicular 231 304
Magnetic bead 332
Magnetic circular dichroism 165
Magnetic data storage 198 208
Magnetic dipole 1
Magnetic dipole interaction 41
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