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Getzlaff M. — Fundamentals of Magnetism |
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1T1MTJ architecture 295
abs 306
Active target 319
Adatom 168
Agglomeration 207
Alloy 36 97 105
AMR 262 306
AMR angle sensor 311
AMR sensor 306 307
Angle sensor 306
Angle sensor, AMR 311
Angle sensor, GMR 313
Angle, loss 138
Angular momentum quantum number, orbital 21
Angular momentum quantum number, spin 21
Angular momentum quantum number, total 14 21
Angular momentum, orbital 8 21
Angular momentum, spin 8 21
Angular momentum, total 14 20 21
Anisotropic magnetoresistance 262 306
Anisotropic magnetoresistive effect 262 306
Anisotropy constant 203
Anisotropy constant, shape 200
Anisotropy constant, surface 200
Anisotropy energy 197
Anisotropy energy, induced magnetic 106
Anisotropy energy, magnetic 219
Anisotropy energy, shape 254
Anisotropy, exchange 233 235
Anisotropy, induced magnetic 105
Anisotropy, magnetic 89 242
Anisotropy, magnetic interface 112 203
Anisotropy, magnetic surface 112 203 205
Anisotropy, magneto crystalline 90 263
Anisotropy, non-uniaxial magnetic 126
Anisotropy, orbital 262
Anisotropy, roll-magnetic 107
Anisotropy, shape 102 211 263
Anisotropy, stress 108
Anisotropy, uniaxial magnetic 124 176 213 219 234 242 314
Anti-lock braking system 306
Antibody 334
Antiferromagnet 4
Antiferromagnet, artificial 294
Antiferromagnet, synthetic 294 295
Antiferromagnet, topological 61 247 289
Antiferromagnetic coupling 232 240 291 313
Antiferromagnetic exchange coupling 269
Antiferromagnetic order 4 55
Antiferromagnetic spacer layer 247
Antiferromagnetism 4 55
Antigen 334
Antisymmetric wave function 42
Application 293
Application, biomedical 209 332
Application, MRAM 293
Application, read head 301
Application, sensor 304
Architecture 1T1MTJ
Architecture, chip 293
Architecture, cross.point 295
Architecture, MRAM array 295
Areal density 301
Artificial antiferromagnet 294
Astroid, Stoner — Wohlfarth 194 298
Asymmetric charge distribution 264
Atomic diamagnetism 9
Atomic force microscopy 211
Atomic paramagnetism 10
Automotive sensor 307
Axis, easy 90 200 220
Axis, easy magnetization 90 200 220
Axis, hard 95 200 220
Axis, hard magnetization 95 200 220
Band ferromagnet 4 30 33
Band structure 36
Band structure effect 272
Band structure, spin resolved 35
Band, majority 37 152
Band, minority 37
Band, spin down 30
Band, spin up 30
Barber pole 308
Barkhausen jump 119
Barkhausen regime 118
Barrier height 273
Barrier, insulating 272
BCS theory 275
Bead, magnetic 332
Bethe — Slater curve 62
Bilinear coupling 256
Binding energy 227
Biocompatibility 332
Biomedical application 209 332
Biosensor 332
Biquadratic coupling 256
Bit density 301
Bit line 295
Bloch theorem 246
Bloch wall 120
Bloch wall energy 123
Bloch- law 87
Blocking temperature 196 220 237
Bohr magneton 8
Bohr — van Leeuwen theorem 6
Boltzmann distribution 27
Bose distribution 86
Branching process 124
Bridge, full 315
Bridge, half 315
Bridge, Wheatstone 310 313
Brillouin function 17 48
Brillouin zone 246
Broken symmetry 71
C-state 177
Capping layer, magnetic 230
Capping layer, non-magnetic 230
Cell, magnetic storage 295 300
Cell, MRAM 293
Cell, reference 297
Cell, twin 297
cgs units 371
Charge transfer 153
Charge, surface 175
Charge, volume 175
Charging time 293
chemical potential 27
Chip architecture 293
CIP 268 313
Circular dichroism 165
Circularly polarized light 165
Closure domain 124 213 214
Cluster 165
Cluster at step edges 172
Cluster magnetization 166
Cluster, free 174
Cluster, supported 174
CMR 270
coating 235
coercive field 119 234
Coercivity 119 213 269 295
Collective magnetism 4 47
Colossal magnetoresistance 270
Colossal magnetoresistive effect 270
Commensurate spin density wave 247
Compensation temperature 65
Conductance, differential 154
Conductance, differential tunnelling 154 274
Conductance, electrical 239
Conductance, specific 265
| Conductance, spin averaged 288
confinement 227
Constant, anisotropy 203
Constant, elastic 109
Constant, exchange 43
Constant, exchange coupling 240 255
Constant, magneto crystalline anisotropy 92 94
Constant, magneto elastic 110
Constant, magnetostriction 110
Constant, molecular field 48
Constant, shape anisotropy 200
Constant, stiffness 123
Constant, surface anisotropy 200
Contact, FM-I-FM in an STM 288
Contact, planar FM-I-FM 283
Contact, planar FM-I-SC 279
Contact, planar N-I-N 273
Contact, planar N-I-SC 275
Contribution, dipole 204
Coordination number 166 168 199 230
Coordination number, reduced 223
core memory 300
Correlated roughness 251
correlation length 79
Coulomb energy 31
Coulomb gauge 7
Coupling constant, exchange 240 255
Coupling, antiferromagnetic 232 240 291 313
Coupling, antiferromagnetic exchange 269
Coupling, bilinear 256
Coupling, biquadratic 256
Coupling, exchange 218 234 295
Coupling, ferromagnetic 233 240
Coupling, interlayer exchange 239 241 264
Coupling, intralayer exchange 252
Coupling, orange peel 252
Coupling, oscillatory 245
Coupling, spin orbit 262
Cpp 268 313
critical exponent 78 225
Critical regime 77
Critical spanning vector 245
Critical temperature 4 71
Cross point architecture 295
Cross-tie wall 179
Crystal field 170
Curie law 3 14 20
Curie temperature 4 49 224 230 260
Curie temperature, Fe, Co, Ni 6
Curie temperature, in molecular field approximation 50
Curie — Weiss law 53 56
Currency detection 328
Current eddy 330
Current in plane 268 313
Current perpendicular to plane 268 313
Current sensing 296 326
Current tunnelling 272
Curve, Bethe — Slater 62
Curve, Slater — Pauling 36
Curve, universal 225
Damping parameter 143
Damping process 141
data storage 140
Data storage, magnetic 208
Deformation parameter 109
Deformation tensor 109
Degenerate limit 27
Demagnetized state 214
Demagnetizing field 102 176
Demagnetizing field, cylinder 104
Demagnetizing field, ellipsoid 103
Demagnetizing field, sphere 103
Demagnetizing field, thin film 104
Demagnetizing tensor 103
Density of states 26 154 261 273 275
Density of states, local 154
Density of states, spin resolved 182 261 266 272
Density, areal 301
Density, bit 301
Density, storage 198 301 304
Density, track 301
Detection, currency 328
Detection, material defects 330
Detection, vehicle 323
Detector, proximity 320
Device, mass storage 293
Diamagnetism 3
Diamagnetism, atomic 9
Dichroism, circular 165
Dichroism, x-ray magnetic circular 165
Differential conductance 154
Differential tunnelling conductance 154 274
Diffusive transport 272
Dimensional resonance 140
Dimensionality 76 166 213
Dimer 168
Dipole contribution 204
Dipole interaction 207
Dipole, magnetic 1
Direct exchange 42
Direct exchange interaction 42
Direction cosine 90
dispersion relation 83
Distribution, asymmetric charge 264
Distribution, Boltzmann 27
Distribution, Bose 86
Domain boundary 117
Domain nucleation 244
Domain rotation 107 118
Domain wall 120 233 252
Domain wall energy 254
Domain wall pinning 118
Domain wall propagation 244
Domain wall width 121 249
Domain wall, 120 127 129
Domain wall, 120 127 129 185 254
Domain, closure 124 213 214
Domain, fir tree 129
Domain, lancet 129
Domain, magnetic 117 175
DOS 26 154 261 273 275
DOS, spin resolved 36
Double exchange 46
Double exchange interaction 46
DRAM 301
Drive-by-wire system 306
Dual element head 302
Dynamic random access memory 293 301
Dynamics, magnetization 133
Easy axis 90 200 220
Easy magnetization axis 90 200 220
Eddy current 330
Eddy-current loss 140
Effect, anisotropic magnetoresistive 262 306
Effect, band structure 272
Effect, colossal magnetoresistive 270
Effect, Faraday 302
Effect, frustration 233 249 251
Effect, giant magnetoresistance 255
Effect, giant magnetoresistive 264 306
Effect, Hall 306
Effect, junction magnetoresistive 284
Effect, Kondo 154
Effect, magnetic after- 133
Effect, magneto-optical Kerr 212 213 269
Effect, magnetoresistive 259 293 306
Effect, Meibner — Ochsenfeld 3
Effect, negative magnetoresistive 260 270
Effect, normal magnetoresistive 260
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