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Eddington A. — Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons
Eddington A. — Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons

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Название: Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons

Автор: Eddington A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1936

Количество страниц: 342

Добавлена в каталог: 14.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Tensor-density      58
Tetrode, H      2
Threshold energy      262
Time in internal states      92
Time, distinctive character of      75
Time, imaginary relative      295
Time, irreversibility of      117 225
Time, linkage of displacement in      187 192
Time, treated differently from spatial displacement      201; see also “Invariant time”
Time-like matrices      96
Time-like matrices in double frame      165
Tolman, R.C.      256 273 326
Transformations associated with interchange      283 287
Transformations of complete orthogonal sets      27
Transformations of double frames      162
Transformations of double wave vectors      155
Transformations of existence conditions      308; see also “Lorentz transformations”
Transformations of gauge      134
Transformations of strain vectors      94
Transformations of wave tensors      17 18
Transformations, etymological      136
Transformations, general symbolic      125
Transformations, linear      13
Transformations, non-integrable      137
Transformations, unitary      43 98
transitions      185 292
Translations      77
Translations, linkage of      189
Triads      23
Triads, corrugate      23 42 47 160
Two particles, representations of      167
Uncertain energy tensor      164 203 210
Uncertainty principle      74 162 169 179 191 275 286 329
Unified theories      4 243
Unit matrix      18
Unitary transformation      43 98
Universe      7
Universe, analysis of Einstein universe      256
Universe, Einstein and de Sitter forms      211
Universe, expanding      273 279
Universe, number of particles in      272 316 325
Unspecified particles      196
Vector      16
Vector density      58
Vector density by reality conditions      86 87
Vector density, discriminated by uncertainty principle      74
Vector density, three-dimensional      59 105
Vector wave function      60
Vector wave function, relation to scalar wave function      248
Vector, basic      15 54
Vector, double      155
Vector, space      53 54
Vector, strain      94
Velocity of indistinguishable particles      285
Volume element      58 99
Volume element, contraction of      213
Volume of phase space      99
Volume of spherical space      257
Wave equation      1 62 106
Wave equation for hydrogen      144 153 298
Wave equation, differential equation      119 130
Wave functions      60 66
Wave functions, Jordan — Wigner      310
Wave functions, n-tuple      244
Wave functions, replacement of double by single      212
Wave functions, scalar      229
Wave mechanics      1
Wave mechanics, a statistical theory      239
Wave mechanics, importance of conception of states      32 115
Wave mechanics, method, not theory      7 66 256
Wave mechanics, modified outlook of secondary theory      309 315
Wave mechanics, principles of approximation      112 129 249
Wave packets      225 263 286
Wave pockets      263
Wave tensor calculus, origin of      2 15
Waves equivalent to curvature      256
Weak action principles      242
Weak and strong magnetic fields      228
Weyl's theory      1 5 85 135 136 252 295 327;
White dwarf stars      235 255
Zanstra, H.      10
Zariski, O.      36
Zero reckoning of energy and pressure      188 195 197 229 238 258 266 313
“Blank sheet”      32 40 56 107 109 287
“Hybrid” particles      201
1 2 3
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