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Eddington A. — Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons |
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a priori probability 107 198
Absolute and relative displacement 109 183
Action invariant 136 243
Action principle 238 240
Added system 262 266 268
Addition, generalised 309
Addition, non-commutative 154
Additive characteristics 154 309 315
Affine geometry 183 323
Algebraic coordinate in phase space 106 216 220
Algebraic frame 48
Algebraic function 125
Algebraic function, wave function 120
Algebraic number 20
Algebraic wave tensor 89 248
Angular momentum, dynamical 123
Angular momentum, Macroscopic 248 326;
Angular momentum, quantisation of 147
Antedating 111 224
Anticommuting symbols 21 51 312
Antiperpendicular rotation 51 94
Antisymmetrical matrices 40 96
Antisymmetrical matrices, double matrices 159 166
Antisymmetrical tensors 54 57 58 181
Antisymmetrical wave functions 167 288 290
Antitetrad 23 69 128
Antithetic 75
Antitriad 23 69 128
Associated strain vector and space vector 103
Asterisk notation 16
Augmented phase space 217 219
Average particles 234
Basis of statistics 198 216 281 286
Bond, W.K. 272 273 303
Born — Infield theory 136
Born, M. 151
Box problem 235
Cardinal operator 312
CD frame 161 167 203
Chain multiplication 16 155
Chandrasekhar, S. 235
Characteristic equation 44
Charge (electric) association with mass 223
Charge (electric) origin of 283
Charge (electric) Value of e 304
Charge (electric), sign of 49 80 88 168
Charge-current vector 90; see “Stream vector”
Clifford's numbers 22
Closure of space 78 83 97
Cogredient 14
Collision interchange 245
Combined systems 110 158 215
Commutation rules, Einstein — Bose 314
Commutation rules, Jordan — Wignor 312
Commuting operators 128 141
Commuting operators for hydrogen 144
Compact E-numbers 72 101
Comparison fluid 180
Comparison indistinguishable 294
Comparison neutral 206
Comparison partial 196
Complementary stream vector 311
Complete constitution of 57
Complete energy tensor 163
Complete momentum vector 65
Complete sets 22 35 47 156
Complete space vector 54
Complete stream vector 65 73
Complete transformation of 27 160
Complex conjugate wave functions 131
Component of an E-number 23
Component of an E-number in double frames 157
Component of an E-number, formula for 37
Composite individuality 234 285 307 315
Configuration 95
Conjugate triads 23 42 47 160
Conservation of energy and momentum 229 327
Conservation of probability 115 120
Constant of gravitation 273
Constants of nature 3
Constants of nature, revision of 304
Continuous and discrete wave functions 213 226
Contracting universe 279
Contraction double matrix 156
Contraction of matrix (spur) 36
Contraction of wave tensor 206
Contraction volume element 213
Contragredient 14
Contravariant 15
Cosmical constant 3 188 194 279
Cosmical indeterminacy of 229 238 252
Cosmical Riemann — Christoffel tensor 202 210
Cosmical system (system A) 266
Coulomb energy 281 297 301
Coupling of spin 228
Covariant derivative 121
Covariant vector 15
Covariant wave tensor 19 94 109
Covariant with respect to 289 300
Crossed frames 161
Crossed significance of 162
Crystal grating 306
Curvature of space-time 5 55 82 126 203 256
Curvature tensor, gauge-invariant 251
Cylindrical curvature 220
D-symbols 125 317
Darwin, C.G. 1
de Sitter space-time 5 182 192 202 207 211 264
Debye — Hueckel effect 139
Deflection value of e/m 304
Degeneracy formula 234 253
Degeneracy of systems and eigenfunctions 5 247 292 321
Degenerate E-number 23
Description, systems of 13 14 117
Determinant of an E-number 42 107
Differential strain vector form of 130
Differential wave equation 119
Diffraction of electrons 305
Dirac's differential equation 119 130 144 151
Dirac's theory of the positron 265
Dirac's wave equation 63 87 106
Dirac, P.A.M. 1 6 15 36 62 90 115
Discrete and continuous wave functions 213 226
Displacement vector 15
Displacements, existence operators of 325
Divergence operators 118
Double existence operator 322 325
Double frame 155
Double phase space 166
Double tensors, importance of 169 181
Double tensors, reduction to simple tensors 207 212
Double wave vector 155
Double-valuedness of wave function 60 151
Du Val, P. 36
Dual of a tensor 162
Dual R.C. tensor 192
Dynamical coordinates 116 123 127 140
Dynamical equations 126 128 144 213
Dynamical equations for strain vector 136
E-numbers 21
E-numbers matrix representation (given in full) 42
E-symbols 22
E-symbols representation by matrices 36 39
E-symbols, line as independence of 24
Eigenfunctions, double and quadruple 321
Eigenfunctions, enumeration of independent 318
Eigensymbols and eigenvalues 44
Einstein space-time 5 195 211 264
Einstein Universe 192 256 258 278
Einstein universe, metastability of it 277
| Einstein — Bose particles 312
Einstein, A. 1
Electric charge see “Charge”
Electric moment 89
Electrical energy tensor 189 194
Electrical matrices 84
Electrical rotations 84
Electromagnetic potential 119
Electromagnetic potential, gauge transformation of 134
Electromagnetic, macroscopic character of 139
Electromagnetic, origin of 137
Electron pressure, minimum 234 258
Electron-point 140
Elementary particle 74
Energy furnished by specification 197
Energy invariants 221 260 267
Energy levels of hydrogen 147 303
Energy negative levels 265
Energy operator 230 250
Energy tensor 91 162 169 188 229 315
Energy threshold 262
Energy, conservation of 229 327
Environment 32
Environment standard 129 143 150 180
Epistemology 5 328
Equipartition of energy 221 254 268
Equivalence of frames 29 32
Equivalence of points in space-time 56 77
Equivalence of volumes 99
Exact energy tensor 164
Exclusion principle 231 233 253
Exclusion principle in secondary quantum theory 315
Exclusion principle limited to steady systems 246 254
Existence operators 308
Existence operators, double 317 322
Existence operators, geometrical representation 320
Existence, degree of 309 320
Expanding Universe 225 273 279
Expectation of energy operator 231 257
Expectation of spin momentum 122
expectation value 38 149
Exponential, non-algebraic 50
Extended wave function 284
External and internal states 92
Factorisation of wave tensors 66
Factorisation of wave tensors in secondary quantum theory 310 314
Factorisation of wave tensors, conditions for 69 70
Factors, numerical, 143 152 261 274 277 318 319
Factors, numerical, 10 302 304 307
Factors, numerical, 227 258 276
Factors, numerical, 259 276 278
Factors, symbolic 37
Fermi — Dirac law of anti- symmetry 290
Fermi — Dirac particles 312
Fermi — Dirac statistics 282
Field theories see under “Generalised Unified
Final wave vectors 16 18
Fine structure constant 3 153 295 298
Five-dimensional relativity 190
Five-dimensional space vectors 63
Flat space-time 5
Four dimensions, reason for 3 325
Four dimensions, space vectors in 55
Four-point elements of structure 170 323
Four-point matrices 34 38 96
Fowler, R.H. 236
Frame of identity 291
Frame, crossed 161
Frame, double 155
Frame, geometrical 179
Frame, neutral and macroscopic 84
Frame, right- and left-handed 48
Frame, symbolic 29
Friedman — Lemaitre theory 279
Frobenius's theorem 46
Gauge transformation 135 223 226 295
Gauge transformation, natural gauge 136
Gauge transformation, non-integrable 137
Gauge-invariant curvature tensor 190 251
Generalised field theory 5 85 190 295 324 327
Generalised field theory, Amendment of 136
Gravitation, constant of 3 273
Gravitation, law of 136
Gravitational potential energy 264
Ground state of the universe 256 259 279
Group property 13
Hamiltonian 63 129
Hamiltonian for internal coordinates 175
Hamiltonian for standing waves 237
Hamiltonian strain vector form 106
Hamiltonian, reality conditions for 87
Heisenberg, W. 1; see “Uncertainty principle”
Helium, packing ratio in 10
Hermitic conditions 75 131 152
Homothetic 75
Hydrogen atom evaluation of Coulomb term 298
Hydrogen atom in practical units 153
Hydrogen atom, interaction in 291
Hydrogen atom, wave equation of 145
Hyperbolic rotation 76 97 217
Idempotent symbols 70
Idempotent symbols, physical importance of 91
Identity (physical), composite 234 285 307 315
Identity (physical), relativity of 290
Identity, generalisation of 187
Identity, the fundamental 67
Imaginary gauge-transformation 135
Imaginary matrices 40
Index of wave tensor 131 152 274 304
Indistinguishable particles 282
Indistinguishable particles, comparison fluid 293
Indistinguishable particles, dynamics of 285
Indistinguishable particles, protons indistinguishable from electrons 287
Inhibited rotation 110
Initial probability distribution 107 198 216 281 286
Initial wave vectors 16 18
Inner product 15
Inner product, notation for 17
Integrated energy tensor 253
Interaction 281
Interaction at boundary 249
Interaction in general systems 154 298
Interaction in hydrogen atom 291
Interaction of system with environment 112 116 129
Interchange coordinate see “Permutation coordinate”
Interchange energy 245 283 293
Interchange operator 158
Interchange operator for double frames 160
Interchange operator, associated with Coulomb energy 301
Interchange operator, factors of 159
Interchange, continuous 283
Interlocked transformations 54 109
Internal and external states 92
interval 75
Interval, measurement of 81 242
Invariant time (s) 116 129
Invariant time (s) represented by algebraic coordinate 106 216
Inverted cross 161 164
Irrational laws 329
Irregular metric 211
Irreversibility of time 117 225
Jordan — Wigner wave functions 169 311
Jordan, P. 151
K state of a system 259 269
Kinematical energy tensor 189
Kinematical matrices 84
Kinematical matrices rotations 84
Kinetic energy, distribution law 246
Kummer collineation group 36
Left-handed frames 48 81 85 172
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