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Close F. — The New Cosmic Onion: Quarks and the Nature of the Universe |
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't Hooft, Gerhard 119 131
1 TeV 184
Accelerators 5 see
Accelerators as B factories 160
Affinity for pairs 43
Air as a basic element 3
Allowed orbits, Bohr's hypothesis of 26
Alpha decay 37
Alpha particles 20 34 37
Alpha particles as atomic probes 21
Alpher, Ralph 190
Amplitude 156
Analogous mesons 125
Anderson, C.D. 51 60
Anderson, Philip 183
Anti hydrogen 51 196
Anti protons 120
Anti protons, creation of 11
Anti-gravity 192
Antimatter 1 51
Antimatter, annihilating 125
Antimatter, formation of 11
Antimatter, imbalance with matter 149 195
Antineutrinos 55 170
Antineutrinos, CP symmetry and behaviour of 150
Antiquarks 76
Appelquist, Tom 132
Astatine 43
Astrophysics 8
Asymmetry 149
asymptotic freedom 132
Atom bomb, physics behind 35
Atomic elements 3 14 see
Atomic nuclei 40 see
Atomic particles, computing electromagnetic properties of with Feynman diagrams 51
Atomic physics 31
Atomic structure 14
Atomic theory of matter 13
atoms 3 13
Atoms, heavy 38
Atoms, internal structure of 17
Atoms, pattern of energy levels in 84
B factories 135 160
B mesons, CP violation and 151
BaBar 160
Background radiation 1
Baryon number, conservation of in particle interactions 66
Baryon spins 95
Baryons 64 66
Baryons, abundance of in the universe 195
Baryons, bottom 135
Baryons, charmed 130
Baryons, delta 69
Baryons, Eightfold Way 72 79
Baryons, formation of by colour attraction 98
Baryons, quarks in 75
Baryons, Sigma charm 130
Becquerel, Henri 5 17
Bell, Alexander Graham 50
Belle 160
Beta decay 37 55 107
Beta decay, among generations 154
Beta decay, destruction of strangeness by 153
Beta decay, inverse 42 45
Beta decay, neutron 108
Beta particles, emission of 55
Beta radiation 20
Beta radioactivity 37
Beta radioactivity as the cause of quark decay 107
Big Bang, neutrino masses after 199
Big Bang, physics of 8
Big Bang, theory of genesis 1 149
Big crunch 193 201
Big Rip 192
Biot's law 48
Black holes 4 41
Black-body radiation 190
Blue charge 93
Bohr orbits 27
Bohr, Niels 25
Bosons 118 180
Bosons, super-partners of 181
Bottom quarks 51 97 133 151
Bottom quarks, CKM and 161
Brout, Robert 119
Bubble chambers 61 64
Butler, Clifford Charles 64
Cabibbo, Nicola 150 154
Carbon 14
Cerenkov radiation 165
CERN 2 51 69 198
CERN, evidence for quarks seen at 85
CERN, Gaigamelle collaboration 115
CERN, LEP collider, ALEPH experiment at 100
Chadwick, James 31
Charge, conservation of in particle interactions 66
Charm 51 97
Charmed quarks 124 129
Charmonium 129
Chemistiy 13
Christenson, James 154
CKM matrix 151 157 202
CKM matrix, bottom quarks and 161
Cloud chambers 59 64
COBE 190 192
Cold dark matter 194
Cold epoch 199
Colliders 69
Colour 95 175
Colour, charges 93
Colour, theory, quark forces and 97
Constructive interference 28
Cool epoch 198
Cosmic background explorer see "COBE"
Cosmic rays 59 167
Cosmic rays, positrons in 51
Cosmological constant 192
Cosmology 8
Coulomb's law 48
Cowan, Clyde 163
CP invariance 149
CP symmetry 150
CP violation 150 154 202
Cronin, James 154 200
Curie, Irene Joliot 32
Curie, Marie 19
Curie, Pierre 19
Cyclotron 34
D meson 130
Dalton, John 13
Dark energy 191 201
Dark matter 166 171 193 199 201
Dark matter, cold 194
Dark matter, hot 194
de Broglie electron 28
de Broglie, Louis 27
Decuplets 71 79 see
Delta baiyons 69
Democritus 13
Detectors 64
Deuteron 33 45
Dirac mass 170
Dirac, Paul 29 51 170
DNA, use of x-ray ciystallography to discover structure of 4
Down quarks 75
Earth as a basic element 3
Earth, age of 44
Eightfold way 70 180
| Eightfold Way, patterns 84 91 125
Einstein's equation 38
Einstein's equation, pions and 53
Einstein's relativity 191
Einstein's relativity, time dilation in 160
Einstein, Albert 25
Electromagnetic force 6 19 47 57 174
Electromagnetic force, mediation of by photons 51
Electromagnetic interactions 121
Electromagnetic interactions, weak interactions and 115
Electromagnetic radiation 18
Electromagnetic spectrum 4 9 18
Electromagnetic waves 17
Electromagnetism 50 174
Electron scattering, mirror symmetry and 117
Electron-neutrino 62 107 164 170
Electron-photon coupling 111
Electron-positron annihilation 124
Electron-positron annihilation, quarks and gluons in 99
Electron-volt see "eV"
Electrons 3 5 163
Electrons, creation of 11
Electrons, de Broglie's 28
Electrons, discoveiy of by Thomson 19
Electrons, electrical Charge of 111 175
Electrons, left- and right-handed 118
Electrons, mass of 12
Electroweak force 54
Electroweak theory 109 123 132 141 185 202
Electroweak unification 131
Elements, earthly, age of 44
Elements, formation of 43
Elements, Greek view of 3
Elements, natural occurrences of 41
Elements, stability of 43
Emulsions, use of to find pions 62
Energy conservation, virtual violation of 26
energy levels 138
Energy, accounts 11
Energy, correspondence with temperature 10
Englert, Francois 119
EV 11
Excitation energy, scale of 138
Exotic forces 179
Families 111
Faraday, Michael 50
Fermi, Enrico 35 107
fermions 180 182
Feynman diagrams 50 110
Feynman, Richard 13 50
Fire, as a basic element 3
First orbit 27
Fission 43 see
Fitch, Val 154 200
Forces 174 see
Forces, exotic 179
Francium 43
Frisch, Otto 35
Fundamental forces 47 105
Fusion processes 164
Galactic rotation curves 194
Galaxies, remote, red shifts of 189 192
Gallium 72
Gamma emission 37
Gamma radiation 20
Gamma rays 4 37 38
Gamma rays, autograph of 44
Gamow, George 190
Gases 14
Gauge theories 121
Geiger, Hans 22
Gell-Mann, Murray 65 70 75 123
Generations of particles 150
Generations of particles, beta decays among 154
Germanium 72
GIM theory 124
Glaser, Donald 61
Glashow, Sheldon 116 119 123
Gluinos 181 194
Gluons 87 98 121 175
Gluons, radiation of 100
Gold 14 43
Gran Sasso laboratory 169
Grand Unified Theory of matter and forces 8 121 179
Gravity 6 7 19 47 57 165
Greenberg, Oscar (Wally) 93
Gross, David 131
Hadronic particle patterns 82
Hadrons 66 68
Hadrons, atomic model of 82
Hadrons, decay of 65
Hadrons, Eightfold Way 71 91
Hadrons, size of 103
Hadrons, spin of 83
Hahn, Otto 35
Heat 39
Heisenberg, Werner 29
Helium 6 37 41
Helium, abundance of after the Big Bang 199
Herman, Robert 190
Hidden symmetry 183
Higgs boson 26 119 146 173 182 198
Higgs field 184
Higgs mechanism 121
Higgs, Peter 119 146 183
High-energy physics 5 8
Higher dimensions 165
Hot Big Bang theory 2 190 see
Hot dark matter 194
Hot epoch 197
Hubble expansion rate 44
Hubble Space Telescope 4
Hubble, Edwin 1 189 192
Hydrogen 6 199
Hydrogen, atoms 32
Hydrogen, scale of size 50
Hypercharge 116
Iliopoulos, John 123
Inertial frame 185
Inflation 197
Infra-red light 4
Inverse beta decay 42 45
Iron 43
Isospin doublets 116
Isotopes 35
Isotopes, instability of 37
J/I meson 126
J/I meson, significance of 131
K mesons 64 70 150
Kaons 64 149
Kaons, neutral 151
KEK 125 168
Klein, Oscar 108
KM 150
Kobayashi, T. 150
Lambda particles 64 78
Large Electron Positron Collider see "LEP collider"
Large Hadron Collider see "LHC"
Lawrence, Ernest 34
Lead 43
Lederman, Leon 133
Left-handed neutrinos 150 170
Left-handed preference in nature 118
Left-right symmetry 57
LEP collider 121 141
LEP collider, ALEPH experiment at 100
Leprince-Ringuet, Louis 64
Leptons 62 66 111 123 132 175 202
Leptons, generations of 127 133
Leptons, generations of beta decays among 154
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