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Davies P. — The Cosmic Blueprint |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Life, Gaia concept 131—132
Life, mechanistic explanation 8 98—102
Life, order 65 73—71
Life, organization 75—76
Life, origin 115—120 201
Life, theories of 96—106
Life, vitalism 96—97 103 109
Limit cyde 47 67 69 84
Limit point 46 84
Linearity 23—25 see
Locality 176
Logical depth 76—77
Logical organizing principle 150—151 199
Logistic equation 37—42 51
Lorenz, Edward 52 64
Lovelock, James 131—132
Lysenko, Trofim 119
Mach (Ernst) principle 154—155
MacKay, Donald 192
magnetization 81 83 see
Mandelbrot set 62—63
Mandelbrot, Benoit 57 60 62
Markovian systems 67
Matter 87—92 124—125 133—137
Matter and antimatter 127
Matter, "active" 87—92
Matter, mind-matter interaction 148 191—192
Maxwell, James Clerk 16
Maynard — Smith, John 112—113
Measurement problem (in quantum physics) 167—171 195
Mechanics 9—18 138
Mechanics, statistical 18 33
Mechanism 8—20 98—102
Medawar, Sir Peter 146
Memory 185—186
Metastability 134
Miller, Stanley 117—118
Mind 183—196
Mind and matter 148 191—194
Mind-body problem 190
Minsky, Marvin 193
Molecules see also "DNA"
Molecules as building blocks of life 98—101
Molecules, forces between 86 134 179
Molecules, kinetic theory of gases 15—17
Molecules, organic 98—100 178—179
Molecules, random motion of 16—18 31 75
Monod, Jacques 18 96
Montalenti, Giuseppe 100—101 147
Morphic resonance 164
Morphogenesis 102—106
Morphogenesis, cell differentiation 103—104
Morphogenesis, information 109
Morphogenesis, morphogenetic fields 105—106 164
Morphogenesis, reaction-diffusion model 91—92
Morphogenesis, regeneration/regulation 103
Morphogenesis, video feedback model 69—71
Muons 125
Mutation, genetic 95 107—112 157
Natural selection 107 108 111—112 115
Necessity see "Determinism"
Neo-Darwinism 107—108
Neumann see "Von Neumann"
Neural nets 183—186
Neurones 183—186
Neutrinos 125
Neutrons 123 125 127
Newton, Sir Isaac/Newtonian physics 9—18 22 83 138
Noise (random perturbations) 67 109
Non-linearity 23—30
Non-locality 176—177 178
Novelty 140—142 200
Nuclear forces 124 127
Nuclear partides see "Protons" "Neutrons"
Nucleic acids see "DNA" "RNA"
Observables (in quantum mechanics) 180
Observer, effects of 148 167—172 194
Omega point 110
Oparin, Alexander 120 146
Open/closed systems 15—16 22
Order 6—8 16—18 73—76 176 see
Order and disorder 15—18
Order from chaos 4—6 8
Order in a crystal 78—79
Order, cosmic 152—154
Order, long-range 82—91 104
Organisms see also "Life"
Organisms as constructors 68
Organisms as machines 8 98—102
Organisms forms see "Morphogenesis"
Organisms growth 64
ORGANIZATION 75—77 139—164 see "Complexity" "Order"
Organization, cosmic 3—4 121—122 127—137 152—155
Organization, theories of (TOO) 138—139
Organizing principles 142—164 177—182 191—196 199—203
Organizing principles, weak/logical/strong 150—151 199
Orgel, Leslie 116
oscillators 149—150
Oxygen 131—132
Ozone 132
Panpsychism 190
Paranormal phenomena 196
Parmenides 4
Particle Physics 10 83 126—128 138 145 175
Particle physics and cosmology 123—127
Particle physics and time reversal 153
Pattee, Howard 101 149 178
Pauli, Wolfgang 159
Peacocke, Arthur 143 147
Pendulum, motion of 44—51
Pendulum, motion of, conical 44—45 64
Penrose, Roger 79—81 136 153 155 171
Phase diagrams 45—50
Phase transitions 81—83
photons 125
Planck (Max) temperature 125
Planets 9—10 53—54 128 129—131
Planets, Earth 131—132
Planets, Jupiter 55
Planets, motion 9—10 53—54 129
Planets, origin 128—129
Planets, Saturn 62 130—131
Podolsky, Boris 176
Poincare, Henri 53
Poincare, Henri, map 49
Polanyi, Michael 194
Popper, Sir Karl 5 141 149 194—196
Population dynamics 35M2 45 49
Predestiny 199—202
Predeterminism 201
Predictability 53—56 105 200
Predictability, breakdown of 30—34 44 50—56 72—74 84 89 95
Predisposition 200—202
Prigogine, Ilya 3 5 14 55 67 84—87 89 119 155—156 174—175
probability 52 67 108—109 166 185 see "Randomness"
Process structures 83 see
Proteinoids 116—117
Proteins 98—100 116 179
Protons 123 125 127—128
Pseudorandomness 74—75
Psychology, laws of 193
Psychophysical parallelism 190
Purposeful action 187
Quantum theory 5 138 165—182
Quantum theory and complex systems 170—171
Quantum theory and observation 148 167—170 174 182 194
Quantum theory in biology 177—182
Quantum theory, downward causation 172—176
Quantum theory, EPR experiment 176—177
Quantum theory, indeterminacy 166—167
| Quantum theory, measurement problem 167—174 178
Quantum theory, non-locality 162 176—177
Quarks 125 127
Quasicrystals 78—79
Random numbers 30—34 74—75
Randomness 16—18 31 34 41 43 55 74—75 see "Chaos"
Reaction-diffusion equation 70 91—92
Reductionism 7—8 12—13 24—25 100—101 138 139—140 143—144 198 see
Regeneration 103
Regulation in embryos 103
Relativity, theory of 138 153 154—155 160
Relativity, theory of, and non-locality 163 176—177
Rensch, Bernhard 145—146
Reproduction 95 170 see
Resonance 130 164
Reversibility 14 153
Ribosomes 99
Richardson, Lewis Fry 60
RNA (ribonucleic acid) 98—100 116
Rosen, Robert 77 157—159 176 180
Ruelle, David 64
Russell, Bertrand, Earl 19
Sagan, Carl 201
Saturn 62 130—131
Schrodinger, cat 169—170
Schrodinger, equation 168—169
Schrodinger, Erwin 93 169—170 177—178 181
Scientific method 11—13 203
Scott, William 181
Self-gravitation 133—137
Self-organization 1—2 5—6 72—92 198
Self-organization, cellular automata 66—69
Self-organization, cosmic 1—2 5—6 121—122 135—136 139—142 152—154 198
Self-organization, dissipative structures 83—85
Self-organization, entrainment 149—150
Self-organization, evolution 114
Self-organization, gravity as agent of 135—137
Self-organization, neural nets 183—186
Self-organization, phase transitions 81—83
Self-organization, video feedback 69
Self-regulation 129—132
Self-similarity 43 58—62 see
Shapiro, Robert 200
Sheldrake, Rupert 106 164
Shepherding of moons 130
Silk, Joseph 126
Singularities (in spacetime) 135 155 200
Society 194—196
Software 142—146 159 173—174 178
Software laws 142—146 159
Space, creation of 123 128—129
Sperry, R.W. 191—192
Split-brain experiments 191
Stars 121—122 128 133 see "Galaxies"
State vector see "Wave function"
State, concept of 11 158
Statistical mechanics 18 33
Steady-state theory 154
Stengers, Isabelle 5
Stevens, P.S. 64
strings 125 138
Strong anthropic principle 163 201
Strong organizing principle 150—151 199
Subjectivity 31 74 77 139
Sun 131—132 133
Superconductivity 82
Superforce 124
Supergravity 13
Symmetry 78—81 83 126—129
Symmetry in crystals 78—81
Symmetry, breaking of 82—83 86—89 104 126—129
synchronicity 160—163
Takens, F. 64
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 110 190
Teleology/teleonomy/finalism 6—8 77 95—97 100—103 107 132 140—141 148—149 159 187
Temperature and symmetry breaking 127
Temperature of black holes 136
Temperature of Earth 131—132
Temperature ultra-high 124—125
Theory of Everything (TOE) 13 138
Theory of Organization (TOO) 138—139 142—151
Thermodynamics 15—20 83 151
Thermodynamics and gravitation 133—137
Thermodynamics and living organisms 95 113
Thermodynamics of black holes 135—136
Thermodynamics, second law of 15 18—20 67 76 109 113 136 151 153 175
Thom, Rene 104
Thompson, D’Arcy, W. 65
Thorpe, W.H. 145
Time 14—20 197 see
Time, asymmetry see "Arrow of time"
Time, origin of 123 128—129
Time-travel 155
Tipler, Frank 149
Titius, J.D. 129
Toffler, Alvin 86
Tritton, David 44—45
Turbulence 64 73
Turing machine 68—69 91
Turing, Alan 91—92
Ulam, Stanislaw 65
Ultraviolet radiation 132
Uncertainty principle 166—167
Universal constructor 68—69
Universe 121—137 197—203
Universe, as organism 7
Universe, blueprint, cosmic 197—203
Universe, chaotic 55—56
Universe, clockwork 9—20
Universe, creative 5—6 83 85 129 138—151
Universe, expanding 122
Universe, gravitational evolution 133—137
Universe, heat death 19—20 196
Universe, inflationary scenario 128—129 152—153
Universe, intelligence in 110
Universe, multiple copies of 170
Universe, open 56
Universe, origin of 3—6 122—125 127—137
Universe, principles, cosmic 152—155
Universe, progressive nature 20
Universe, self-awareness 163 203
Universe, self-regulating 129—137
Universe, steady-state 154
Universe, symmetry-breaking in 83
Universe, unfinished 196
Universe, unfolding 3 4 121—137
Universe, uniform 122
Universe, wave function for 177
Urey, Harold 117—118
Van der Waal’s forces 134
Video feedback 69—71
Vitalism 96—97 103 109
Volition 189—190
von Neumann, John 65 68—69 76 169 170—171 180
Wave function 24 166—177
Wave function for universe 177
Wave function, collapse of 168—174
Wave-particle duality 167
Weak organizing principle 150—151 199
Weather 51—52
Weyl tensor/curvature 136 153—154
Wheeler, John 174
Wickramasinghe, Chandra 110 119
Wiener, Norbert 149
Wigner, Eugene 148 169—170 177
Will 189—190
Wolfram, Stephen 66—67 71 151
World lines 161—162
Worlds 1/2/3, concept of 194—196
Young, Louise 6 196
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