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Davies P. — The Cosmic Blueprint |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
"Brainwashing" algorithm 184—185
"Life" (game) 68
Action-at-a-distance see "Non-locality"
Action/reaction 148
Aggregation/cosmic clustering 121—122 124 128 133 153 see
Algorithm 25—26
Algorithmic complexity theory 33
Amino acids 99—100 116 117
Anderson, P.W. 145
Animism 6—8 97 109
Anthropic principle 163 201
Anthropocentrism 202—203 see
Antimatter 127
Aristotle 6—8 95—97 100 109
Arrhenius, Svante 118
Arrow of time 9—21 95 106 112—115 136 141 153 156
Astrology 196
Atmosphere 131—132
Atmosphere, movement of 51—52
Atmosphere, primitive 117
Atomism 7 100
Attractors 63—61 67 69
Autocatalysis 86
Automata, cellular 64—69 71 115 151
Automata, self-reproducing 68—69
Barrow, John 126 148—149
Behaviour 111—112 183 187—189
Behaviourism 190
Bekenstein, Jacob 135
Bell, John 177
Belousov — Zhabatinski reaction 85—87 92 134 179
Benard instability 82 see movement"
Bennett, Charles 76—77 88
Bergson, Henri 21 109 140—141
Bernard, Claude 95—96
Bifurcations 43 88—91
Bifurcations, evolution 114
Bifurcations, morphogenesis 104
big bang 4—6 122—125
Big bang, 'little bang' 128
Big bang, symmetry breaking 126—128
biology see also "Life"
Biology and quantum theory 156—157 177—182
Biology and reductionism 7—8
Biology, as a branch of physics 98
Biology, hierarchical nature of life 145—146 149
Biology, laws of 144 147—151
Biology, non-local processes 178—182
Biosphere see "Life"
Biotonic laws 147—149 179—180 199
Birds, migration of 188—189
Black holes 133 134—136 155
Bode’s law 129—130
Bohm, David 77 156—157 176
Bohr, Niels 167 171 177 179 181—182
Boltzmann, Ludwig 16 18
Bondi, Sir Herman 154
Brain 183—194
Brain as a constrained system 193
Brain, mind-body problem 190
Brownian motion 60—61
Butterfly effect 52
Cairns-Smith, Graham 117
Campbell, Donald 149
Cantor (Georg) set 61—62 64
Carbon dioxide 131—132
Cassini, Giovanni 62
Catalysis 86
Catastrophe theory 104
Causality see also "Causation" "Determinism"
Causality, and World 3 entities 195
Causality, higher-level effects 147 191—193
Causality, non-caused/acausal events 4—5 140—142 153
Causality, synchronicity 159—163
Causation, downward 149—150 157—159 172—174 191—192 195
Causation, downward, as primary 175
Causation, emergent interactionism 191—192
Causation, final see "Teleology"
Causation, non-Newtonian 146—147 157—159
Causation, retro-causation 174
cells 102—106 117
Chance 16—18 see
Chance, laws of 30—34
Chance, synchronicity, I 60
Chaos 16—18 35—56 74—75 see
Chaos and free will 190
Chaos and organization 77
Chaos and weather forecasting 50—52
Chaos, creative potential of 54—56
Chaos, deterministic 42 73
Chaos, fractal attractors 64
Chaos, insect populations 34—41 48
Chaos, order out of 5 87 156
Chaos, period doubling 46—50
Chaos, primordial 5 125
Chaos, turbulence in fluids 50—51 55 64 72—73
Chaos, unpredictability 43 52—56
Chemical dock 85—87
Closed/open systems 15—16 22
Clumpiness in the universe 133 136 153—154 see
Coastlines, shapes of 57—60
Coincidences 160
Collective unconscious 196
Complementarity principle 167 182
Complex plane 62
Complexity/complex systems 21—34 74 76—77 see "Organization"
Complexity/complex systems in living organisms 94 112—115 144—145
Complexity/complex systems in randomness 30—34
Complexity/complex systems in simple dynamical systems 25—30 63 64—69 87
Complexity/complex systems, algorithmic 33
Complexity/complex systems, increase of 4—6 20—21 112—115 129 139 142 144 198 201—202
Complexity/complex systems, laws of 21 150—151
Complexity/complex systems, principles of 142—151 199
Complexity/complex systems, quantification of 76—77 144
Complexity/complex systems, stability of complex systems 130—132
Computers 91
Computers, artificial intelligence 183—185
Computers, as constrained systems 193
Computers, cellular automata 68
Computers, neural net models 183—186
Computers, universal/Turing machine 68—69 91
Consciousness 182 183—189 189—194 see
Consciousness, anthropic principle 163
Consciousness, in quantum mechanics 148 170 174 182 194
Consciousness, transcendence of 194—196
Conway, John 68
Correlations (as quantification of order) 74
Cosmic censorship hypothesis 155
Cosmological principle 122 152—153
Cosmological principle, perfect 154
Cosmos see "Universe"
creation 3—8 122—125 200 see origin"
Creation, continuous 5—6 21 129 140—141 154 200
Creation, ex nihilo 4—6 128
Creation, inflationary universe hypothesis 128—129 152—153
Creation, metaphysical theories 4 7
Creation, symmetry-breaking 127—128
Creation, ultimate 128—129
Creativity (in nature) 72—73 138—151 200
Creativity (in nature, uncaused 140—142
Crick, Francis 98 118
Critical thresholds 72—73 88—91 200
Crutchfield, James 69—70 190
Crystals 73—74 128 150 164
Crystals, clay "organisms" 117
Crystals, quasicrystals 78—79
Cvitanovic, Predrag 23
Darwin, Charles/Darwinism/neo-Darwinism 7—8 107—109 156—157 see
Delayed choice experiment 174
Delbrueck, Max 177
| Democritus 7 100
Denbigh, Kenneth 141
Determinism 10—12 30—31 53 55 72 140 143 166—167 171 197—202
Determinism and free will 190
Determinism, Laplace’s calculator 10—11 31
Deterministic chaos 42 73
Deterministic motion 25 30—31 42 65 67
Deuterium 123
Dewan, E.M. 149
Dialectical materialism 119—120 146
dimensions 59—64 125 128 138
Dimensions, extra 125 128 138
Dimensions, fractional 59—64
Disequilibrium 82 83—92
Disequilibrium as a source of order 87 156
Disequilibrium in biology 114 119
Disorder see "Chaos"
Dissipative structures 67 70 83—92 119
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 98—99 103—106 115—116
Dreams 186
Driesch, Hans 97 103
Dualism (Cartesian) 190
Duality hardware/software 173—174 178
Duality matter/symbol 178
Dyson, Freeman 190
Eagrangian 13 143
Earth, as a self-regulating system 131—132
Eddington, Sir Arthur 20 175
Eigen, Manfred 116 119
Einstein, Albert 176
Elan vital 97 109
Electromagnetism 124 127 134
Electrons 125 128 167 175
Elsasser, Walter 148 151 177 179—180
Embryo, development of 102—106
Emergence 94 139—151 198
Emergent interactionism 191
Emergent phenomenon 106 115 142—149 151 188—189
Engels, Friedrich 19—20
Entelechy 97
Entrainment 149—150
entropy 15—20 75 76 see second
Entropy and black holes 135—136
Entropy and information 109
Entropy and living organisms 95 113
Entropy, decrease of 67
Entropy, gravitational 136—137
Entropy, increase of 15—20 76 85
Enzymes 100 178
Epimenides 69
EPR experiments 176—177 178
Equilibrium 15—20 75 88 see
Ergodicity 33
Evolution (biological) 95 107—120 141 156—157
Fatalism 196
Fate map 103
Feedback 67 69 86 132 173
Feigenbaum (Mitchell) numbers 42M 51 151
Field concept 12
Field concept, cosmological creation field 154
Field concept, morphogenetic 164
Finalism see "Teleology"
Fluctuations 88—89 105 124 128
Fluid turbulence 64 73
Forces 9—10 124 127
Ford, Joseph 31 54 55
Formlessness, primordial 4—5 123—125
Fourier, Jean 24
Fox, Sidney 116—117
Fractals 57—64
Free will 190 201
Functionalism (and mental events) 190
Gaia concept 131—132
Galaxies 121—122 124 128 133 153
Galileo Galilei 9 130 138
Games theory 65—69
Genes 98—100 104 116 178—179 187—188
genetic code 98—100
Gold, Thomas 154
Gravity/gravitation 9—10 121—122 133—137 see
Gravity/gravitation and collapse of wave function 171
Gravity/gravitation Mach's principle 154—155
Gravity/gravitation, cosmic censorship 155
Greenhouse effect 131—132
Hailey, Edmund 10
Hardware/software duality 173—174 178
Hausdorff (F.) dimensionality 59—60
Hawking, Stephen 13 135—136
Heat death (of universe) 19—20 196
Heisenberg, Werner 166 182
Helium 123 127—128
Helmholtz, Hermann von 19
Heredity 98—100 178
Hierarchical order biological 145—146 149
Hierarchical order, brain 191—192
Holism 6—7 8 138—139 198—199
Holism, brain 186 191
Holism, complex systems 22—23
Holism, evolution 114—115
Holism, Gaia concept 131—132
Holism, organisms 94—95 105—106
Holism, quantum physics 175—176
Homeobox 104
Hopfield, J.J. 185—186
Hoyle, Sir Fred 110 118 154
Huygens, Christiaan 150
Hydrogen 123
Hypercydes 116 119
Idealism 6—7 190
Immune system 55
information 76—77
Information and causality 192—193
Information and quantum wave function 172—174
Information, cellular automata 68—69
Information, complex systems 159
Information, morphogenesis 109
Instinct 187—188
Intelligence, artificial 183—185
Interconnectedness 69—70 76 95
Irrational numbers 32
Irregular systems 22 57—64
Irreversibility 14—20 67 129 155—157 171 174 see
Jantsch, Erich 5 119
Jordan, Pascual 177
Jung, Carl 159—163 196
Jupiter 55
Kauffman, Stuart 115 151
Kimura, Motoo 113
Kinetic theory of gases 16—18
Koch curve 58—60
Koestler, Arthur 160
Laplace, Pierre 10—11
Lasers 82 149 150
Laws of complexity 21 150—151
laws of physics 143—144 152—153 157
Laws of psychology 193
Laws, biotonic 147—149 179—180 199
Laws, cosmic 152—155
Laws, higher level 142—164 174—176 180
Laws, microscopic 155—157
Laws, primary/secondary 175
Laws, software 142—146 159
Lederman, Leon 13
Leptons 125
Life 93—120 see
Life force see "Vitalism"
Life, biosphere 95 106
Life, criteria for 94—96
Life, evolution of 112—115
Life, from space 110 118—119
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