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Biskamp D. — Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence |
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model 68
Absolute equilibrium distribution 90
Absolute equilibrium distribution, 2D hydrodynamic 166
Absolute equilibrium distribution, 2D MHD 174
Absolute equilibrium distribution, hydrodynamic 92
Absolute equilibrium distribution, MHD 91
Accretion disk 233
Adiabatic change of state 14
Adiabatic exponent 14
Advection-diffusion equation 13
Alfven effect 77
Alfven Mach number 17
Alfven radius 220
Alfven velocity 17
Alfven wave 28
Alfven wave, compressional see "Magnetosonic mode"
Alfven wave, shear 28
Alfvenic state 77
Aligned state see "Alfvenic state"
Alignment, velocity-magnetic field 76
Alpha ( ) disk model 242ff
Alpha ( ) effect 74
Ambipolar diffusion 272
Ambipolar drift 272
Amphre’s law 12
Analogy of vorticity and magnetic field 214
Anelastic approximation 213
Anisotropy of MHD turbulence 100ff
Anomalous resistivity see "Turbulent resistivity"
Anomalous resistivity in mean-field electrodynamics 74
Astronomical unit (UA) 217
Axisymmetric equilibrium 26
Baroclinic effect 184
Barotropic pressure 14
Beta ( ) 12
Bolgiano length 205 206
Bolgiano scaling 205
Bolgiano spectrum 205
Bonnor — Ebert mass 270
Bottleneck effect in turbulence spectrum 110
Boundary-layer problem 59
Boussinesq approximation 17
Brownian motion 133
Brunt — Vaisala frequency 30
Buoyancy braking 213
Buoyancy force see "Gravitational force"
Burgers equation 34 185
Burgers turbulence 185 192
Cantor set 263
Cascade, direct (or normal) and inverse 92 167
Cataclysmic variables 237
Centrifugal force 16
Circulation 23
Closure problem 114
Collision frequency, electron-ion 272
Collision frequency, ion-neutral species 272
Collisionless shock 186
Compressive (irrotational) part of velocity 184
Conductivity, electrical 13
Conservation of angular momentum 20
Conservation of circulation 23
Conservation of cross-helicity 22
Conservation of energy 21
Conservation of kinetic helicity 24
Conservation of magnetic flux 23
Conservation of magnetic helicity 24
Conservation of mass 20
Conservation of mean-square magnetic potential 25
Conservation of momentum 20
Constant- approximation 59
Continuity equation of charge 12
Continuity equation of mass 13
Convection, magneto- 214ff
Convection, thermal 203ff
Coriolis force 16
Corotating inieraction region (CIR) 222
Correlated turbulence 125ff
Correlation function 138
Correlation, velocity-magnetic field 85
Cosmic dust 258
Critical temperature gradient 55
Critically balanced cascade 101
Cross-helicity 22
Cumulant 115
Current sheet, resistive 62
Current-driven instabilities 82
Curvature of magnetic field 11
Cyclotron frequency 231
Cylindrical equilibrium 26
de Hoffmann — Teller frame 187
Decay laws, 2D MHD 175
Decay laws, hydrodynamic turbulence 79
Decay laws, MHD turbulence 81
Decay laws, supersonic turbulence 192
Density-fluctuation spectrum 196
Diffusion layer 59
Dilatation 184
Direct-interaction approximation (DIA) 99
dispersion relation 28
Dissipation range 103
Dissipation rate of cross-helicity 22 75
Dissipation rate of energy 22 75
Dissipation rate of enstrophy 167
Dissipation rate of magnetic helicity 75
Dissipation scale 102ff
Dissipation, collisionless 186
Dissipation, resistive, or ohmic 22
Dissipation, turbulent 69
Dissipation, viscous 69
Dissipativity 15
Downstream state 187
Dual cascade of 168
Dust polarization 266
Dynamic alignment 77
Dynamo theory, kinematic 72
Dynamo theory, nonlinear 124
Eddington luminosity 236
Eddy viscosity 68
Eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian approximation (EDQNM) 117ff
Eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian approximation (EDQNM) for MHD 119
Eddy-damping rate 117
Ekman number 54
Electrical conductivity 13
Electron viscosity 15
Electron-density power spectrum 262
Elsaesser fields 31
energy equation 14
Energy flux 21
Energy spectrum, Iroshnikov — Kraichnan (IK) 98
Energy spectrum, Kolmogorov 97
Energy spectrum, normalization of 103
Energy spectrum, residual 106
Energy-decay, 2D MHD 175
Energy-decay, law hydrodynamic turbulence 79
Energy-decay, MHD turbulence 81ff
Enstrophy decay 166
Enthalpy 21 187
Entropy of ideal gas 14
Epicyclic frequency 246
Equation of motion see "Momentum equation"
Equilibrium 25
Equilibrium, cylindrical 26
Equilibrium, hydrostatic 17
Equilibrium, magnetostatic 26
Equilibrium, plane 26
Equilibrium, stratified 27
Euler's equation 19
Extended self-similarity (ESS) 140
Faraday rotation 265
Faraday's law 13
| Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 201
Fast magnetosonic wave 29
Field-line curvature 11
Field-line twist 27
Finite-lime singularity (FTS) 34
Flatness 134
Flux conservation 19
Flux function 19
Flux tube 23
Force-free magnetic field 27
Force-free magnetic field, linear 27 76
Fourier modes 87
Fractal 133
Frozen-in property 23
Gauge invariance of magnetic helicity 24
Geostrophic approximation 164
Giant molecular cloud (GMC) 258
Godunov’s method 202
Gravitational force 11 18
Gravity waves, internal 30
Gyrofrequency see "Cyclotron frequency"
Harris sheet 58
Heat diffusivity 14
Heat flux 15
Helical turbulence 120
Helicity, kinetic 24
Helicity, magnetic 23
Heliosphere 217
Heliospheric current sheet 221
Helmet streamer 221
Helmholtz decomposition 184
Henon map 133
Hill approximation 250
Homogenous (isotropic) turbulence 87
Hydrostatic equilibrium 17
Hyperdiffusion 15
Ideal external region 60
Ideal fluid, singularities of 34ff
Ideal invariants 25
Ideal invariants, quadratic 89
Ideal invariants, rugged 89
Ideal-gas law 13
Incompressibility 16
Incompressibility, conditions for 17
Induction equation see "Faraday’s law"
Inertial range 95
Inertial wave 31
Inertial-convective subrange 208
Inertial-diffusive subrange 209
Injection wavenumber 80
Instability, convective 52
Instability, current-driven 57
Instability, Kelvin — Helmholtz 45ff
Instability, magnetorotational 248ff
Instability, Rayleigh — Taylor 51ff
Instability, tearing 57ff
Integral scale 79 94
Intermittency 134
Intermittency models for MHD turbulence 156
Intermittency models, log-normal 150
Intermittency models, log-Poisson 153
Intermittency parameter 151
Intermittency, dissipation range 134
Intermittency, inertial range 137
Interstellar magnetic field 265
Interstellar medium (ISM) 256
Inverse energy cascade 171
Iroshnikov — Kraichnan (IK) spectrum 98
Isentropic How 14
Island width 59
Island, magnetic 59
Isothermal How 198
Jeans mass 268
Jeans radius 268
Jump conditions 186
Kelvin — Helmholtz instability 45ff
Kelvin — Helmholtz instability, stabilization by magnetic field 50
Keplerian disk 238
Kinematic dynamo 72
Kinetic helicity 24
Kolmogorov constant 97
Kolmogorov energy spectrum 97
Kolmogorov microscale 102
Kolmogorov phenomenology, or K41 97
Kolmogorov's four-fifths law 145
kurtosis 134
Lagrange point 235
Large-eddy simulation (LES) 70ff
Laval nozzle 219
Log-normal distribution of 151
Log-normal distribution of 199
Log-normal model 150
Loitsiansky integral 79
Lorentz force 11
Lundquist number 31
Mach number, Alfven 17
Mach number, sonic, or acoustic 17
Magnetic buoyancy 254
Magnetic diffusivity 13
Magnetic field line 23
Magnetic flux 22
Magnetic flux conservation 23
Magnetic flux tube 23
Magnetic helicity 23
Magnetic helicity, alternative form 24
Magnetic invariant 22
Magnetic neutral point (line) 58
Magnetic Prandtl number 93
Magnetic pressure 12
Magnetic reconnection 23
Magnetic Reynolds number 93
Magnetic stress tensor 12
Magnetic, or flux, surface 26
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), equations 12ff
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), waves 28
Magnetorotational instability 248ff
Magnetosonic mode, fast and slow 29
Magnetostatic equilibrium 26
Magnetostrophic approximation 183
Magnetoviscosity 253
Markovianization 118
Mass distribution function 264
Maxwell tensor 20 67
Mean-field electrodynamics (MFE) 72ff
Mean-square magnetic potential 25
Micro-current sheet 162
Microscale Reynolds number 95
Microscale, Kolmogorov 102
Microscale, Taylor 94
Minimum-energy theorem 76
Mixing length 68
Molecular cloud 258
Momentum equation 12
Multivariate Gaussian distribution 90
Navier — Stokes equation 19
Neutral sheet, see sheet pinch nonlinearity depletion 36
Nonlinear transfer function 89
Nusselt number 204
O-point 59
Obukhov — Corrsin constant 208
Ohm's law, generalized 13
Ohmic dissipation (heating) 22
One-point closure theory 66ff
Orr — Sommerfeld equation 47
Parker instability 254
Parker spiral 220
Passive-scalar turbulence 207ff
Peclet number 47
Periodic boundary conditions 87
Permanence of big eddies 80
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