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Biskamp D. — Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Biskamp D. — Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence

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Название: Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence

Автор: Biskamp D.


After a brief outline of magnetohydrodynamic theory, this introductory book discusses the macroscopic aspects of MHD turbulence, and covers the small-scale scaling properties. Applications are provided for astrophysical and laboratory systems. Magnetic turbulence is the natural state of most astrophysical systems, such as stellar convection zones, stellar winds or accretion discs. It is also found in laboratory devices, most notably in the reversed field pinch.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 310

Добавлена в каталог: 11.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Petschek's reconnection model      189
Piecewise parabolic method (PPM)      203
Pinch, cylindrical, or screw      26
Pinch, plane, or sheet      26
Pinch, reversed-field      8
Poisson's equation      16
Poloidal magnetic field      161
Polytropic gas law      14
Potential vorticity      184
Prandtl number      54
Prandtl number, magnetic      54
Pressure-fluctuation spectrum      196
Quadratic ideal invariant      75
Quasi-incompressibility      see "Anelastic approximation"
Quasi-linear approximation      73
Quasi-neutrality      11
Quasi-normal approximation      115ff
Rankine — Hugoniot relations      187
Rayleigh number      54
Rayleigh — Taylor instability      30 51ff
Rayleigh’s stability condition, plane flow      47
Rayleigh’s stability condition, rotating flow      51
Reduced MHD equations      163
Refined similarity hypothesis      142
Residual energy      32
Resistive instability      see "Instability"
Resistive layer      59
resistivity      13
Resonant surface      58
Reversed-field pinch      76
Reynolds (stress) tensor      20 67
Reynolds equations for MHD      67
Reynolds number      47
Richardson number      57
Roche lobe      235
Roche overflow      235
Rossby number      54
Rugged invariants      89
Safety factor      27
Schwarzschild condition      52
Schwarzschild radius      238
Screw pinch      26
Selective decay      75
Self-organization      75
Self-similarity      133
Separatrix      59
Shakura — Sunyaev model      242
She — Leveque formula      155
Shear Alfven wave      28
Shear-flow instability in neutral fluids      45
Shear-flow instability in plasmas      48
Sheet pinch      26
Singular surface, see resonant surface skewness      146 172
Slow magnetosonic wave      29
Slow-mode shock      189
Solar wind      217
Sonic radius      218
Sound speed      28
Sound wave      29
Spectral (pseudospectral) methods      201
Spectrum, dissipation range      103
Spectrum, energy      95
Spectrum, Iroshnikov — Kraichnan (IK)      98
Spectrum, Kolmogorov      97
Spectrum, magnetic helicity      100
Spectrum, mean-square magnetic potential      180
Spectrum, MHD      102
Spectrum, passive scalar      208ff
Spectrum, residual      106
Spectrum, temperature      205
Standard disk model      238ff
Stellar wind      217
Strain, or deformation, tensor      12
Stratification, stable      30
Stratification, unstable      30
Stream function      19
Stress tensor      12
Structure function      137
Structure function, probabilistic constraints      139
Structure function, scaling exponents      138
Subgrid-scale model      70
Super-adiabatic temperature gradient      52 212
Supersonic turbulence      260
Supersonic turbulence, hydrodynamic      191
Supersonic turbulence, MHD      202
Sweet — Parker current sheet      62
Switch-off shock      189
Symmetry classes      26
Synchrotron radiation      265
Tangential discontinuity      44
Taylor hypothesis      80 225
Taylor microscale      94
Taylor number      54
Taylor — Green vortex      37
Taylor — Proudman columns      164
Taylor's theory of magnetic relaxation      76
Tearing instability, or mode      57ff
Tearing instability, or mode, nonlinear evolution      61
Thermal convection thermal diffusivity      19
Thermal pressure      12
Thermal-expansion coefficient      18
Thin-disk approximation      238
Three-halves law in 2D turbulence      172
Tidal force      250
Toroidal (or axial) magnetic field      161
Turbulent dissipation      79
Turbulent resistivity      70
Turbulent transport coefficients      68ff
Turbulent viscosity      see "Eddy viscosity"
Two-fluid theory      219
Two-point closure theory      113ff
Upstream state      187
Velocity dispersion      260
Virial theorem      268ff
viscosity      12
Viscosity, electron      15
Viscosity, kinematic      12
Viscosity, turbulent      see "Eddy viscosity"
Viscous-convective subrange      209
Viscous-stress tensor      12
von Karman — Howarth equation      145
Vortex-stretching effect      184
Vorticity      16
Vorticity, generalized      40
Vorticity-magnetic-field analogy      214
Waves, Alfven      28
Waves, compressional      29
Waves, MHD      28
Waves, shear      28
Waves, sound      29
X-point      59
Yaglom's four-thirds law for scalar      147
Yaglom's four-thirds law in MHD      149
Zeeman splitting      265
ZEUS code      203
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