Авторизация |
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Biskamp D. — Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Magnetic flux conservation 13
Magnetic flux expulsion 324
Magnetic flux tube 14
Magnetic helicity 12
Magnetic helicity generalized 167 291
Magnetic neutral point 72
Magnetic pitch 300
Magnetic pressure 26
Magnetic reconnection see "reconnection"
Magnetic Reynolds number 23
Magnetic shear 27
Magnetic surface 28
Magnetoconvection 233 324
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), equations dissipative 22
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), equations ideal 11
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), waves 51
Magnetosonic mode, fast and slow 52
Magnetostatic equilibrium 24
Magnetotail of the earth 164—166
Main phase of flare 333
Markovization 213
Mean field electrodynamics 189
Mean square magnetic potential 180
Memory time 211
Mercier's stability criterion 68
Micro-current sheets 215—18
Micro-scale modified Kolmogorov 201
Micro-scale Taylor 202
Micro-scale, Kolmogorov 201
Minimum energy theorem 187 188 193
Mixing length 320
Multi-helicity dynamics 275
Multi-variate normal distribution 182
Navier — Stokes equation 233
Navier — Stokes turbulence 185 198
Negative resistivity 279
Negative voltage spike 269
Network field in the photosphere 329
Neutral point see "magnetic neutral point"
Neutral sheet 71
Normal (= Gaussian) probability distribution 182
Normal mode analysis 50
Novikov's condition 222
Null, of magnetic field 170
Null-null line 171
O-point 72
Ohm's law 10 22
Ohmic dissipation 22
Ohmic heating 250
Parallel current 58
Parallel flow 130
Parallel heat conductivity 250 327
Paramagnetic pinch velocity 307
Paramagnetic poloidal current 27
Permeability of the vacuum 7
Petschek's reconnection model 133
Photosphere 326
Pinch cylindrical 26
Pinch parameter 295
Pinch reversed-field (RFP) 289
Pinch sheet 25
Pinch theta ( )- 26
Pinch theta Z- 26
Plage see "active region"
Plasma frequency 22
Plasma temperature 10 250 327
Poloidal beta 27
Poloidal field 30
Poloidal mode number 60
Post-flare loops 333
Potential energy W 54
Prandtl number 321
Prandtl number magnetic 233
Precursor oscillation 242 265 285
Predisruption phase 265 270
Preflare phase 333
Prominence see "filament"
Quadratic invariant 179
Quasi-linear approximation 87—90
Quasi-neutrality 9
Quasi-normal approximation 211
Radiation loss 264 272
Radiative interior of the sun 317
Rational surface 16
Rayleigh number 321
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 69 319
Reconnection complete 242
Reconnection driven 132
Reconnection due to electron inertia 254
Reconnection due to hyperresistivity 253
Reconnection fast and slow 127
Reconnection models, quasi-ideal 132
Reconnection partial 257
Reconnection rate 130
Reduced energy spectrum 208
Reduced MHD equations 17
Renormalization group theory for turbulence 209
Resistive 81—83
Resistive instability see "instability"
Resistive layer 74
Resistivity, anomalous 173 279
| Resistivity, collisional (or classical) 250
Resonant perturbation 45
Resonant surface 71
Reversed-field pinch (RFP) 289
Reynolds number 23 176
Reynolds number kinetic 23 176
Reynolds number magnetic 23 176
Reynolds number Taylor micro-scale 202
Rippling mode 83
Rotational transform 16 27
Rugged invariants 181
Runaway electrons 270
Safety factor 27
Sawtooth collapse (or crash) 240
Sawtooth collapse (or crash) partial 249
Sawtooth, compound 249
Sawtooth, giant 247
Sawtooth, monster 247
Sawtooth, normal 240
Selective decay 185
Self-organization 185
Semi-implicit method 20
Separator 171
Separatrix 72
Shafranov shift 33
Shear Alfven wave 51
Shear, magnetic 27
Sheet pinch 25
Sheet pinch corrugated 42
Single-helicity approximation 87 271 301
Singular surface see "resonant surface"
Skewness factor 232
Slow magnetosonic wave 53
Slow mode shock 134
Soft X-radiation (SX) 240
Solov'ev equilibrium 32
Sound wave 53
Spectrum, dissipation range 202
Spectrum, energy 196—209
Spectrum, inertial range 197
Spectrum, magnetic helicity 200
Spectrum, mean square potential 200
Spectrum, of eigenvalues 50
Spectrum, vorticity 233
Spicule 328
Stellarator 46
Stellarator expansion 46
Stochastic field lines 45
Stratification 319
Stream function 18
Structure functions 221
Superadiabatic temperature gradient 317
Supergranulation 324
Surface current 58 96
Suydam's criterion 64
Symmetry helical 28
Symmetry rotational (or axisymmetric) 30
Symmetry translational (or plane) 30
Symmetry, continuous 28
Syrovatskii's current sheet solution 138
Taylor micro-scale 202
Taylor micro-scale Reynolds number 202
Taylor's theory of magnetic relaxation 290
Tearing mode (or instability) cylindrical 76
Tearing mode (or instability) nonlinear finite beta 114—17
Tearing mode (or instability) nonlinear low beta 107—114
Tearing mode (or instability) plane 74—75
Tearing mode (or instability) toroidal 83
Tearing mode of Sweet-Parker sheet 152—156
TFTR 260
Thermal convection 319—21
Thermal instability 246
Theta( )-pinch 26
Tokamak equilibrium 42
Tokamak ordering 64
Toroidal curvature 67
Toroidal mode number 65
Trial (or test) function 56
Turbulence comparison Navier — Stokes and MHD 185
Turbulence homogeneous isotropic 177
Turbulence ideal truncated 179—183
Turbulent dissipation in 2-D MHD 214—218
Turbulent dynamo 189—192 309—312
Turbulent resistivity 279
Turbulent viscosity 279
Two-point closure theory 211
Two-ribbon flare 333
Universal energy spectrum 203
Upstream region 129
Vacuum magnetic energy 56 94
Viscosity, eddy 212
Viscosity, kinematic 22
Viscosity, turbulent 279
Voltage see "loop voltage"
Vortex tube 233
Vorticity magnetic field analogy 233
Wall stabilization 59 297
Waves, MHD 51
Woltjer invariant 14
X-point 72
Z-pinch 26
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