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Biskamp D. — Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics
Biskamp D. — Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics

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Название: Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics

Автор: Biskamp D.


This book provides a self-contained introduction to magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), with emphasis on nonlinear processes. The book outlines the conventional aspects of MHD theory, magnetostatic equilibrium and linear stability theory. It concentrates on nonlinear theory, starting with the evolution and saturation of individual ideal and resistive instabilities, continuing with a detailed analysis of magnetic reconnection and concluding with a study of the most complex nonlinear behavior, that of MHD turbulence. The last chapters describe three important applications of the theory: disruptive processes in tokomaks, MHD effects in the reversed field pinch, and solar flares.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 392

Добавлена в каталог: 11.03.2008

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Предметный указатель
$H_{\alpha}$ radiation      285 328
Absolute equilibrium distributions      181
Active region (or plage)      328
Active region (or plage), filament      331
Active region (or plage), magnetic field      330
Adiabatic change of state      10
Adiabatic temperature gradient      317 320
Alfven continuum      61
Alfven effect      192 194 199
Alfven velocity      51
Alfven wave compressional      52
Alfven wave nonlinear      193
Alfven wave shear      51
Algebraic growth law of resistive kink mode      163
Algebraic growth law of tearing mode      110
Aligned states      193
Aligned states, spectra of      306—308
Ambipolar diffusion      283
Ampere's law      9
Analogy of vorticity and magnetic field      233
Analogy of vorticity and magnetic potential      236
Anomalous (or turbulent) resistivity      173 273
Anomalous (or turbulent) viscosity      273
Anomalous electron viscosity      22 253
Anomalous transport      282 308
Arcade, magnetic      331 336
ASDEX      285
Aspect ratio of current sheet      130
Aspect ratio of toroidal plasma column      31
Axisymmetric equilibrium      30
Ballooning criterion      68
Ballooning mode      68 286
Bennet pinch      41
Bessel Function Model      39 292
Bessel function model modified      296
Beta ($\beta$), plasma      26
Beta ($\beta$), plasma poloidal      27
Beta limit, due to ballooning modes      68
Beta limit, due to kink mode      70
Bifurcation of equilibrium      86
boundary conditions      57—58 137 143
Boundary layer problem      75 137
Boussinesq approximation      319
Bubble, magnetic (or vacuum)      95—101
Buoyancy      317
Buoyancy, magnetic      329
Cascade, direct and inverse      183—5
Cauchy — Riemann relations      41
Charge density      9
Chromosphere      326
Closure equations      311
Coalescence instability      157
Coalescence of magnetic islands (flux tubes)      156—159
Coherent structure      185
Collapse (or crash), sawtooth      240 242 249
Compressibility      11 83 322
Conducting wall      43
Confinement of energy      247
Confinement of impurities      272
Confinement time      247
Conservation laws, global      11—14
Conservation of cross-helicity      13 179
Conservation of energy      12 179
Conservation of enstrophy      180
Conservation of kinetic helicity      180
Conservation of magnetic flux      13
Conservation of magnetic helicity      12 179
Conservation of mean square potential      180
Conserved quantities, ideal      179
Constant-$\mu$ force-free field      38^40
Constant-$\psi$ approximation      73
Continuity equation      10
Continuous spectrum      61
Convection thermal      319
Convection zone      317
Convection, magneto-      324
Corona      326
Cowling's theorem      304
Critical $\Delta$'      84
Critical beta      264
Critical density      263
Critical plasma current      263
Cross-helicity      13
Current density      9
Current filament      see "filament"
Current profile      27
Current sheet, dynamic      129
Current-driven modes      58
Curvature, magnetic field line cylindrical      64
Curvature, magnetic field line effect on tearing mode      83
Curvature, magnetic field line favorable and unfavorable      58
Curvature, magnetic field line toroidal      67
Cylindrical equilibrium      26
Cylindrical tokamak approximation      64
Density limit      263—264
Detailed balance relations      181
Diamagnetic and paramagnetic poloidal current      27
Diamagnetic effects      87 257
Diffusion region      133
Diffusion resistive      127
Diffusion turbulent      282
Diffusion, ambipolar      283
Diffusivity, eddy      see "eddy viscosity"
Diffusivity, magnetic      22
Diffusivity, thermal      320
Direct interaction approximation (DIA)      212
Displacement vector      50
Disruption, current (or major)      265 270
Disruption, sawtooth (or internal)      241
Disruption, soft and hard      265
Dissipation operator, order of      204
Dissipation range      200
Dissipation rate of cross-helicity      186
Dissipation rate of energy      186
Dissipation rate of enstrophy      186
Dissipation rate of magnetic helicity      186
Dissipation rate of mean square potential      186
Dissipation, resistive (or ohmic)      22
Dissipation, viscous      22
Divertor      282
Double tearing mode      273
Doublet(D)III-D      239
Downflow (or downdraft)      322
Downstream region (or cone)      134
Driven reconnection      132
Dynamic alignment      193
Dynamo fast and slow      234
Dynamo helical      304
Dynamo kinematic      191
Dynamo turbulent      189 309
E x B drift      168
Eddy turnover time      197
Eddy viscosity      212
Eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian (EDQNM) approximation      213
Edge-localized mode (ELM)      281—287
Electron cyclotron emission (ECE)      241
Electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH)      256
Electron gyro-radius      22
Electron heat conductivity      250 327
Electron inertia      253
Electron viscosity      22
Elliptical plasma cylinder      35
Ellipticity of equilibrium      33
Elsasser variables      193
Emerging flux      330
Energy conservation      12 179
Energy integral $\delta$ W      54
Energy integral $\delta$ W, different forms of      56 58
Energy principle      54
Energy principle of reduced MHD      59
Energy spectrum equilibrium equation, axisymmetric      30
Energy spectrum equilibrium equation, cylindrical      26
Energy spectrum equilibrium equation, helical      29
Energy spectrum equilibrium equation, plane      30
Energy spectrum for 2-D Navier — Stokes turbulence      198
Energy spectrum for 3-D Navier — Stokes turbulence      198
Energy spectrum for MHD turbulence      199 207
Ergodic field lines      45
Erupting filament      333 346
Euler potentials      15
External kink mode      66
F-$\theta$ diagram      295
Faculae      328
Fadeev equilibrium      41
Faraday rotation      257
Faraday's law      10
Fast magnetosonic wave      52
Fast reconnection      127
Field line curvature, unfavorable      58
Field line velocity      168
Field-reversal parameter      294
Filament (or prominence), active-region      331
Filament (or prominence), quiescent      346
Fishbone oscillation      240
Five-minute oscillation      318
Flare classification      333
Flare, compact (or simple loop)      333
Flare, two-ribbon      333
Flash phase of flare      333
Flatness factor      232
Flux conservation      13
Flux coordinates      47 82
Flux function      29
Force-free magnetic field      38
Forced reconnection      see "driven reconnection"
Fourier modes      178
Free-boundary problem      43
Frozen-in condition      138
Fully developed turbulence      175
Galilean invariance, violation of      199
Galilean transformation      9
Gauge invariance      12
Gaussian (=normal) probability distribution      186 226
Generalized differential equation      306 337
Gibbs distribution      181
Grad — Shafranov equation      30
Granulation      318
Granule      323
Gravitational force      9 116
Growth rate of ballooning mode      69
Growth rate of interchange mode resistive      84
Growth rate of internal kink mode nonlinear      163
Growth rate of internal kink mode resistive      78—80
Growth rate of internal kink mode toroidal      70
Growth rate of tearing mode nonlinear      110
Growth rate of tearing mode toroidal      83
Gyro-frequency      21
Gyro-radius      21
Hain — Luest equation      60
Hamada coordinates      82
Heat flux      320
Heating of corona      326
Heating of tokamak plasma      247
Helical flux function      29
Helical magnetic field      29 244
Helically symmetric equilibrium      28
Helicity kinetic      13
Helicity magnetic      12
Helmet configuration      346
Hierarchy of moments      210
Homogeneous turbulence      177
Hoop force      33
Hugill diagram      264
Hydrodynamic turbulence      see "Navier — Stokes turbulence"
Hyperresistivity      22
Ideal external (or outer) region      133
Ideal fluid      21
Ideal gas law      10
Ideal invariants      179—80
Impulsive phase of flare      333
Impurity radiation      272
Incompressibility      10
Induction equation      see "Faraday's law"
Inertial range      196
Inertial skin depth      254
Instability ballooning      68
Instability convective (or thermal)      69 317
Instability current-driven      58 174
Instability double tearing      273
Instability flute (or interchange)      63
Instability kink      65
Instability kink external      66
Instability kink internal      65 69
Instability kink resistive      77—80
Instability localized      63 67
Instability pressure-driven      58
Instability Rayleigh — Taylor      69
Instability resistive      71
Instability rippling      83
Instability tearing      73
Interchange mode      63 67
Interior, solar      317
Intermittency      218
Inverse variable technique      44
Inviscid fluid      179
Ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH)      249
Ion gyro-radius      21 283
Iroshnikov — Kraichnan spectrum      199
Island overlap      45
Island width      72 277
Islands, magnetic      72
Islands, magnetic, algebraic growth of      110 116 163
j x B force      see "Lorentz force"
jet      239
Jump conditions      134
Kadomtsev model of sawtooth collapse      242—246
Kinematic dynamo      191
Kink mode external linear      65
Kink mode external nonlinear      90
Kink mode internal ideal linear      65
Kink mode internal ideal nonlinear      103
Kink mode internal ideal toroidal      69
Kink mode internal resistive linear      77
Kink mode internal resistive nonlinear      159
Kolmogorov micro-scale      201
Kolmogorov spectrum      198
Kolmogorov — Arnol'd — Moser (KAM) theorem      45
Kolmogorov — Obukhov constant      198
Kruskal — Shafranov criterion      66
kurtosis      see "flatness factor"
Lagrangian history direct interaction approximation      198 212
Langevin equation      213
Large-aspect-ratio approximation      64
Limiter      43
Linear pinch      26
Linearized MHD equations      50
Lithium deficiency      318
Localized modes      63 67
Log-normal theory      219
Loop coronal      331
Loop post-flare      333
Loop twisted      336
Loop voltage      263 269
Lorentz force      9
Lundquist number      23
Mach number      130
Magnetic axis      30
Magnetic bubble      see "bubble"
Magnetic diffusivity      22
Magnetic field line      14
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