Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lukacs E. — Characterisic functions |
Предметный указатель |
Pure type (c.f. of) 26
Quadratically integrable function 67
Quasi stable 102
Radius of convergence 130
Raikov, D.A. 125 174 175 176 178 180 211
Raikov’s theorem 174 175 176 196
Ranulac, B. 125 210
Rationally independent 177
Real part (Re) 24
Rectangular d. 15 21 26 81 129
Regular 130 132
Regularity, strip of 130 132 170 172
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 26
Riesz, M. 71 211
Right extremity 106
Right-continuous 10
Robbins, H. 199 211
Rosenthal, A. 76 210
Saltus 10 43 47
Sapogov, N.A. 176 211
Schwarz’ inequality 21 208
Second characteristic 33 188
Self-decomposable 107
Semi-invariant 33
Semi-stable 107
Shohat, J.A. 20 211
Simpson’s d. 15
singular 12 15 26 43
Skorohod, A.V. 105 211
Smirnov, N.V. 106
Spectrum, Poisson 180
Stable c.f. 97
Stable d. 97 122 130
Stable d. in the restricted sense 103
Stable type 98
| Step function 10
Stirling’s formula 104
Strip of regularity 130 ff. 170 172
Student’s d. 15 19 21
Symmetric derivative 33
Symmetric d. 36 37 190
Symmetric moment 32
Szasz, O. 146 211
Szegoe, G. 20 211
Takano, K. 146 211
Tamarkin, J. D. 20 211
Teicher, H. 176 212
Titchmarsh, E.C. 26 71 74 134 162 191 212
Transformations of c.f. 199 202
Triangular d.f. 15
Trivial product representation 78
Type of a d.f. 23
Type of c.f. 182
Type, stable 98
Uniform convergence (of a sequence c.f.) 55
Uniform d. 15
Unimodal 205
Uniqueness theorem 35 ff. 40
Uniqueness theorem for almost periodic functions 43
Weak convergence 48 49 54
Weierstrass’ approximation theorem 3 77 208
Weierstrass’ factorization theorem 74
Weierstrass’ function 30
Weight function 201
Widder, D.V. 132 212
Wiener, N. 67 211
Wintner, A. 25 27 32 210 212
Zinger, A.A. 160 161 196 212
Zolotarev, V.M. 106 107 212
Zygmund, A. 29 33 141 212
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