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Hamilton J.D. — Time Series Analysis
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Íàçâàíèå: Time Series Analysis
Àâòîð: Hamilton J.D.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The last decade has brought dramatic changes in the way that researchers analyze economic and financial time series. This book synthesizes these recent advances and makes them accessible to first-year graduate students. James Hamilton provides the first adequate text-book treatments of important innovations such as vector autoregressions, generalized method of moments, the economic and statistical consequences of unit roots, time-varying variances, and nonlinear time series models. In addition, he presents basic tools for analyzing dynamic systems (including linear representations, autocovariance generating functions, spectral analysis, and the Kalman filter) in a way that integrates economic theory with the practical difficulties of analyzing and interpreting real-world data. Time Series Analysis fills an important need for a textbook that integrates economic theory, econometrics, and new results.
The book is intended to provide students and researchers with a self-contained survey of time series analysis. It starts from first principles and should be readily accessible to any beginning graduate student, while it is also intended to serve as a reference book for researchers.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1994
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 820
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.02.2008
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Elasticity, logarithms and 717—718
EM algorithm 688—689 696
Endogenous variables 225—226
Engle, Robert F. 227 387 571 575 596 661 664 667 668 670 671 672 698
Ergodic Markov chain 681—682
Ergodicity 46—47
Error-correction representation 580—581
Euler equations 422
Euler relations 716—17
Evans, G.B.A. 216 488 516
Everitt, B.S. 689
exchange rates 572 582—86 598 647—48
Exclusion restrictions 244
Expectation 740
Expectation, adaptive 440
Expectation, conditional 72—73 742
Expectation, of infinite sum 52
Expectation, stochastic processes and 43—45
Exponential functions 714—15
Exponential smoothing 440
F distribution 205—207 357 746 756—760
Fair, Ray C. 412 425 426
Fama, Eugene F. 306 360 376
Feige, Edgar L. 305
Ferguson, T.S. 411
Ferson, Wayne E. 664
Filardo, Andrew J. 690
Filters 63—64 169—172 277—279.
Filters, multivariate 264
FIML See Full-information maximum likelihood
First-difference operator 436
First-order autoregressive process 53—56
First-order autoregressive process, asymptotic distribution and 215 486—504
First-order difference equations 1—7
First-order difference equations, lag operators and 27—29
First-order moving average 48—49
Fisher effect 651
Fisher, Franklin M. 246 247
Flavin, Marjorie A. 216 335
Fletcher, R. 139—42
Forecasts / forecasting, AR process 80—82
Forecasts / forecasting, ARMA processes 83—84
Forecasts / forecasting, Box — Jenkins methods 109—110
Forecasts / forecasting, conditional expectation and 72—73
Forecasts / forecasting, finite number of observations and 85—87
Forecasts / forecasting, for Gaussian processes 100—102
Forecasts / forecasting, for noninvertible MA 97
Forecasts / forecasting, infinite number of observations and 77—84
Forecasts / forecasting, Kalman filter and 381—385
Forecasts / forecasting, linear projection and 74—76 92—100
Forecasts / forecasting, MA process 82—83 95—98
Forecasts / forecasting, macroeconomic 109
Forecasts / forecasting, Markov chain and 680
Forecasts / forecasting, nonlinear 73 109
Forecasts / forecasting, unit root process and 439—441
Forecasts / forecasting, vectors 77
Fractional integration 448—449
frequency 708
Frequency domain See Spectral analysis
Friedman, Milton 440
Full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) 247—250 331—332. full-information
Fuller, Wayne A. 152 153 164 275 454 464 475 476 483 488 493 506 516
Functional central limit theorem 479—486
Fundamental innovation 67 97 260
Gagnon, Joseph E. 444
Gain 275
Gain, Kalman 380
Galbraith, J.I. 124 133
Galbraith, R.F. 124 133
Gallant, A.Ronald 283 412 421 427 431 672
Gamma distribution 355
Gamma function 355
Garber, Peter M. 426
Gauss — Markov theorem 203 222
Gaussian distribution 745—746 748—749 751—752
Gaussian forecasting 100—102
Gaussian kernel 671
Gaussian process 46
Gaussian white noise 25 43 48
Gaussian, maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian AR process 118—127
Gaussian, maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian ARMA process 132—133
Gaussian, maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian MA process 127—131
Generalized error distribution 668
Generalized least squares (GLS), autocorrelated disturbances 221—222
Generalized least squares (GLS), covariance matrix and 220—221
Generalized least squares (GLS), estimator 221
Generalized least squares (GLS), heteroskedastic disturbances 221
Generalized least squares (GLS), maximum likelihood estimation and 222
Generalized method of moments (GMM), ARCH models 664
Generalized method of moments (GMM), asymptotic distribution of 414—415
Generalized method of moments (GMM), estimation by 409—415
Generalized method of moments (GMM), estimation of dynamic rational expectation models 422—424
Generalized method of moments (GMM), examples of 415—424
Generalized method of moments (GMM), extensions 424—427
Generalized method of moments (GMM), identification (econometric) and 426
Generalized method of moments (GMM), information matrix equality 429
Generalized method of moments (GMM), instrumental variable estimation 418—420
Generalized method of moments (GMM), instruments of choice for 426—427
Generalized method of moments (GMM), maximum likelihood estimation and 427—431
Generalized method of moments (GMM), nonlinear systems of simultaneous equations 421—422
Generalized method of moments (GMM), nonstationary data 424
Generalized method of moments (GMM), optimal weighting matrix 412—414
Generalized method of moments (GMM), ordinary least squares and 416—418
Generalized method of moments (GMM), orthogonality conditions 411
Generalized method of moments (GMM), overidentifying restrictions 415
Generalized method of moments (GMM), specification testing 415 424—426
Generalized method of moments (GMM), testing for structural stability 424—426
Generalized method of moments (GMM), two-stage least squares and 420—421
Geometric series 713 732
Gevers, M. 388
Geweke, John 305 313—14 365 449 670
Ghosh, Damayanti 389
Ghysels, Eric 426
Giannini, Carlo 334 336 650
Gibbons, Michael R. 376
Global identification 388
Global maximum 134 137 226
Glosten, Lawrence R. 663 669 672
GLS See Generalized least squares
GMM See Generalized method of moments
gnp See Gross national product
Goldfeld, Stephen M. 1 3
Gonzalez-Rivera, Gloria 672
Goodwin, Thomas H. 698
Gourieroux, C. 431 670
Gradient 735—736
Granger causality test 302—309
Granger representation theorem 582
Granger, C W.J. 126 291 302—9 448 449 557 571 581—82
Gregory, Allan W. 214
Grid search 133—34
Griffiths, William E. 142 148 227
Gross national product 112 307 444 450 697—698.
Haider's inequality 197
Hall, Alastair 426 427 530 532
Hall, B.H. 142 661
Hall, P. 481 482
Hall, R.E. 142 361 661
Hamilton, James D. 307 388 397 444 662 689 695 698
Hammersley, J.M 365
Hand, D.J. 689
Handscomb, D.C. 365
Hannan, E.J. 47/133 388
Hansen, Bruce E. 589 596 601 613—18 651 698
Hansen, Lars P. 67 218 280 335 409 411 412 414 415 419 421 422 424
Harvey, A.C. 226 386
Haug, Alfred A. 596
Haugh, Larry D. 305
Hausman, J.A. 142 247 661
Hendry, David F. 571 572 581
Hessian matrix 139 736
Heteroskedasticity 217—220 227.
Heteroskedasticity, consistent standard error 219 282—283
Heteroskedasticity, GLS and 221
Heyde, C. C 481 482
Higgins, M.L. 670 672
Hill, R. Carter 142 148 227
Hoel, Paul G. 704
Hoerl, A.E. 355
Hong, Y.S. 671 672
Hood, William C. 638
Hosking, J.R. M. 448
Hsieh, David A. 662 672
Hypothesis tests, cointegration and 601—18 645—650
Hypothesis tests, efficient score 430
Hypothesis tests, Lagrange multiplier 145 430
Hypothesis tests, likelihood ratio 144—145 296—298
Hypothesis tests, linear restrictions 205
Hypothesis tests, nonlinear restrictions 214 429—430
Hypothesis tests, time trends and 461—63
Hypothesis tests, Wald 205 214 429—30
I(d) See Integrated of order d
I.i.d. 746
Idempotent 201
Identification 110 243—246
Identification, covariance restrictions 246—247
Identification, exclusion restrictions 244
Identification, global 388
Identification, GMM and 426
Identification, just identified 250
Identification, Kalman filter and 387—388
Identification, local 334 388
Identification, order condition 244 334
Identification, overidentified 250
Identification, rank condition 244 334
Identification, structural VAR 332
Identity matrix 722
Imaginary number 708
Imhof, J.P. 216
Impulse-response function, calculating by simulation 10
Impulse-response function, orthogonalized 322
Impulse-response function, standard errors 336—340
Impulse-response function, univariate system 5
Impulse-response function, vector autoregression and 318—323
Independence, linear 728 729—730
Independence, random variables 742
Industrial production 167
Inequalities, Cauchy — Schwarz 49 745
Inequalities, Chebyshev's 182—183
Inequalities, Hoelder 197
Inequalities, triangle 70
Inequality constraints 146—148
Infinite-order moving average 51—52
Information matrix 143—44
Information matrix, equality 429
Innovation, fundamental 67
Instrumental variable (IV) estimation 242—243 418—420
Instruments 238 253 426—427
Integrals, definite 719—721
Integrals, indefinite 718—719
Integrals, multiple 738—739
Integrated of order d 437 448
Integrated process 437. See also Unit root process
Integrated process, fractional 448—449
Integration 718
Integration, constant of 719
Interest rates 376 501 511—512 528 651
Invertibility 64—68
IV See Instrumental variable (IV) estimation
Jacobian matrix 737
Jagannathan, R. 663 669 672
Janacek, G.J. 127
Jeffreys, H. 533
Jenkins, Gwilym M. 72 109—10 111 132 133
Johansen's algorithm 635—638
Johansen, Soren 590 601 635—36 640 646 649 650 651
Johnston, J. 704
Joint density 741
Joint density-distribution 686
Jordan decomposition 730—731
Jorgenson, D.W. 421
Jorion, Philippe 662
Joyeux, Roselyne 448
Judge, George G. 142 148 227
Kadane, Joseph B. 363—65
Kalman filter, autocovariance-generating function and 391—394
Kalman filter, background of 372
Kalman filter, derivation of 377—381
Kalman filter, estimating ARMA processes 387
Kalman filter, forecasting and 381—385
Kalman filter, gain matrix 380
Kalman filter, identification 387—388
Kalman filter, MA(1) process and 381—384
Kalman filter, maximum likelihood estimation and 385—389
Kalman filter, parameter uncertainty 398
Kalman filter, quasi-maximum likelihood and 389
Kalman filter, smoothing and 394—397
Kalman filter, state-space representation of dynamic system 372—377
Kalman filter, statistical inference with 397—398
Kalman filter, steady-state 389—94
Kalman filter, time-varying parameters 399—403
Kalman filter, Wold representation and 391—394
Kalman, R.E. 372
Kane, Alex 672
Keating, John W. 335
Kelejian, Harry 226
Kennard, R.W. 355
Kernel estimates 165—167. See also Nonparametric estimation
Kernel estimates, Bartlett 167 276—277
Kernel estimates, Gaussian 671
Kernel estimates, Parzen 283
Kernel estimates, quadratic spectral 284
Khinchine's theorem 183
Kiefer, Nicholas M. 689
Kim, K. 513 516
Kinderman, A.J. 216
King, Robert G. 426 573
Kloek, T. 365
Kocherlakota, N.R. 426
Koopmans, T. C 638
Koreisha, Sergio 133
Kremers, J.J.M. 573
Kronecker product 265 732—733
Kroner, Kenneth F. 658 665 668 670
kurtosis 746
Kwiatkowski, Denis 532
Laffont, J.J. 305 421
Lafontaine, Francine 214
Lag operator, first-order difference equations and 27—29
Lag operator, initial conditions and unbounded sequences 36—42
Lag operator, polynomial 27
Lag operator, pth-order difference equations and 33—36
Lag operator, purpose of 26
Lag operator, second-order difference equations and 29—33
Lagrange multiplier 135 145 430
Laird, N.M. 387 689
Lam, Pok-sang 450 532 691
Lamoureux, Christopher G. 672
Lastrapes, William D. 672
Law of iterated expectations 742
Law of iterated projections 81 100
Law of Large Numbers 183 749
Law of large numbers, covariance-stationary processes 186—189
Law of large numbers, mixingales 190—192
Leadbetter, M.R. 157
Learner, Edward 335 355
Lee, Joon-Haeng 690 691
Lee, Tsoung-Chao 142 148 227
LeRoy, Stephen F. 335
Leverage effect 668