Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wawrzynczyk A. — Group representations and special functions |
Предметный указатель |
-function 243—646
-function, duplication formula for 252
-function, Hankel integral representation for 255
-function, reflection formula for 247
-function 647
-function, number theoretic expression for 253
Abel transformation 370 384
Addition formulas 235
Ado theorem 50
Affine mapping 499
Algebra, abelian 89
Algebra, automorphism of 560
Algebra, central sequence of 89
Algebra, compact 561
Algebra, Lie, of a group 44
Algebra, nilpotent 89
Algebra, semi-simple 90
Algebra, simple 90
Algebra, solvable 90
Algebra, structure constants of 51
Algebra, universal enveloping 130
Ambrose's theorem 201
Atlas 15
Automorphism, inner 4
Automorphism, topological 8
b-function 253—646
Bargmann, V. 103
Bessel equation 268 278 650
Bessel functions 208 236 650
Bessel functions of first kind 457
Bessel functions of second kind 457
Bessel functions, addition formulas for 265 652
Bessel functions, Gegenbauer formula for 277
Bessel functions, generating function for 265 651
Bessel functions, multiplication formula for 277
Bessel functions, Poisson formula for 276 651
Bessel functions, recurrence formulas for 268
Bessel functions, Schlafli integral for 277 5
Bianchi's identities 486 491
Blattner, R.J. 116
Bochner — Weil theorem 167
Bochner, S. 142
Borel subgroup 586
Bruhat, F. 96 103 113 554 617
Bundle of forms 24 25
Bundle of k-vectors 25
Bundle of tensors of type (r,s) 24
Bundle, cotangent 24
Bundle, frame 21
Bundle, principal 62 478
Bundle, section of 25
Bundle, tangent 23
Bundle, trivial 22
Burnside theorem 204
Burnside, W. 173
Cartan centre of a group 13
Cartan decomposition of an algebra 573
Cartan numbers 597 598
Cartan of an algebra 29
Cartan subalgebra 569
Cartan theorem 540
Cartan, E. 91 241 475 532 536 540 558 570 584
Chart(s) 15
Chart(s), compatible 15
Chart(s), negatively oriented 69
Chart(s), positively oriented 69
Chevalley, C. 622
Christoffel symbols 497
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 306 309
Commutation relations, canonical 138
Commutator 27
Confluent 465
Confluent hypergeometric function 649
Conjugacy class 6
Connection 484
Connection form 486
Connection, affine 488
Cosets, left 6
Cosets, right 6
Covering, two-fold 36
Curvature form 484
Curvature, sectional 507
Curve, lenght of 64
Curve, smooth 19
Derivations, inner, of algebra 29
Derivative, covariant 495
Diffeomorphism 17
Differential of a mapping 31
Distribution, k-dimensional 63
Dym, H. 214
Dynkin diagrams 570
Ehrenpreis, L. 643
Element, inverse 7
Element, neutral 7
Euler angles 236 287 288 349
Euler beta function 253 646
Euler function 240
Euler gamma function 243 646
Euler limit formula 254
Euler transformation 458
Expansions of functions corresponding to orthogonal polynomials 670
Expansions of functions on the sphere 669
Exponential mapping 495
Fell, I.M.G. 116
Fibre of a point 22
Fixed point property 587
Fourier transformation 667
Fourier transformation on a symmetric space 615
Fourier transformation on D 376
Fourier transformation on the circle group 667
Fourier transformation on the Lobatschevsky space 405
Fourier transformation, generalized 151
Fourier transformation, inversion formula for 376
Fourier transformation, Plancherel formula for 376
Fourier transformation, spherical on a symmetric space 618
Fourier transformation, spherical on the disc 369
Fourier — Bessel transformation 272
Frobenius theorem 183
Frobenius, G. 103 173
Function (s) 281 653
Function (s) , addition formulas for 293—255
Function (s), associated -spherical 209
Function (s), central 195
Function (s), differentiable 16
Function (s), modular 75—76
Function(s) , orthogonality relations for 291 292 654
Function(s) , positively homogeneous 109
Function(s) , spherical, mean value theorem for 267
Function(s) , zonal -spherical 209
Fundamental form 515
Furstenberg, H. 359 412 488 613
Garding, L. 132
Gegenbauer equation 331
Gegenbauer equation polynomials 207 208 238 330 658
Gegenbauer equation, orthogonality relations for 335
Gelfand pair 221—222 225
Gelfand — Graev transformation 413
Gelfand — Graev transformation dual 415
Gelfand — Raikov construction 219 550
Gelfand — Raikov theorem 122
Gelfand, I.M. 96 103 122 152 207 242 370 413 545 559 643
Geodesic 494
Geodesic submanifold 590
Gindikin, S.G. 627 628
Godment, R. 141 207 476 613
Graev, M.I. 370 413 643
Graff's formula 265
Grassman algebra 24
Group 1
Group "ax + b" 4 41 258
| Group of displacements 518
Group, abelian 1—92
Group, automorphism of 2
Group, character of 102
Group, commutative (abelian 1 92
Group, derived 93
Group, dual 165
Group, general linear 2
Group, Heisenberg — Weyl 51 137
Group, homomorphism of 2
Group, identity of 1
Group, infinitesimal generator of 3
Group, invariant, of a form 5
Group, isotropy 6
Group, Lie 41
Group, Lie, Lie algebra of 44
Group, Lie, one-parameter subgroup of 43
Group, local one-parameter 33
Group, locally compact 10
Group, motion 58—258
Group, motion proper 236—258
Group, nilpotent 92
Group, normalizer of 13
Group, orthogonal 5
Group, projective 66
Group, semi-simple 92
Group, simple 92
Group, solvable 92
Group, stability 6
Group, symplectic 5
Group, topological 9
Group, transformation 3
Group, transformation, homomorphism of 7
Group, transformation, isomorphism of 7
Group, transformation, topological 10
Group, transformation, transitive 6
Group, unimodular 76
Group, unitary 67
Haar measure 71
Haar, A. 71
Hansen formula 266
Harish — Chandra 152 207 476 477 559 621—627 631
Harish — Chandra c(•)-function 623
Harmonic functions on a symmetric space 613
Harmonic functions on the Lobatschevsky space 412
Harmonic functions, mean value formula for 208
Harmonic, spherical 233—315
Helgason, S. 384 544 559 594 625 629 631 634 642
Hermite polynomials 666
Hilbert — Schmidt (H—S) operators 175
Hilbert — Schmidt (H—S) operators, norm of 175
Hilbert — Schmidt (H—S) operators, spectral theorem for 177
Homogeneous topological space 10
Homomorphism, topological 8
Hopf mapping 68
Horocycle(s) 344—351 398 592
Horocycle(s), parallel 351
Horocycle(s), pencil of parallel 398
Horocyclic coordinates 368
Hurwitz measure 71—73
Hyperbolic space 389
Hypergeometric equation 452
Hypergeometric function 453—647
Hypergeometric function, confluent 465—649
Ideal(s) 28
Ideal(s), derived sequence of 90
Ideal(s), left-sided 200
Ideal(s), right-sided 200
Idempotent 200
Indical equation of the singularity 447
Inducing in "stages" 116
Intertwining number 144
Invariant, function 11
Involution 79
Isometry 504
Isomorphism, topological 8
Iwasawa decomposition 576 578
Iwasawa decomposition for SL(2,C) 390
Iwasawa decomposition for SL(2,R) 347
Jacobi equation 469
Jacobi functions 238—239 357 660
Jacobi functions, mean value formula for 362
Jacobi identity 28
Jacobi polynomials 207—236 237 279 281 653
Jacobian matrix 18
Johnson, D.L. 384
K-multipler 211
Karpelewic, F.I. 627 628
Killing form 90
Kostant, B. 617
Laguerre equation 469
Laguerre equation, associated 469
Laguerre polynomials 664
Laplace — Beltrami operator 289—302 411
Legendre equation 658
Legendre equation, associated 360
Legendre functions 208—238 239 257 663
Legendre functions, addition formula for 384
Legendre functions, associated 236—237 239 281 317 656 662
Legendre polynomials 208—236 237 240 279 281 341 657 664
Legendre polynomials, generating function for 316—664
Legendre polynomials, integral formula for 315—664
Legendre polynomials, orthogonality relations for 441—665
Legendre polynomials, spherical equation for 293
Level set 35
Lie (Palais) theorem 56
Lie algebra 28—44
Lie bracket 27
Lie, S. 56
Lobatchevsky space 394 589
Loos, O. 521 537
Lorentz group, proper 395
Mackey, G. 86 96 103 136
Manifold, analytic 16
Manifold, differentiable 16
Manifold, orientation of 62
Manifold, parallelizable 38
Manifold, Riemannian 63
Mapping, analytic 16
Mapping, compact 199
Mapping, differentiable (smooth 16
Mapping, exponential 45
Matrix element 125
Matrix orthogonality relations for 190
Matrix, Jacobian 18
Matrix, upper triangular 5
Maurer — Cartan equation 482
Maurin, K. 551 553
Mautner, F. 140 141 151 643
Mc Kean 214
Measure(s), convolution of 77
Measure(s), invariant 85
Measure(s), positive definite (P.D.) 118
Measure(s), quasi-invariant 85
Mehler — Fok transformation 373—670
Mellin transformation 159 246 667
Minkovsky space 411
Multiplier(s) 107 211
Multiplier(s), cohomological 135
Murphy formula 383
Naimark, M.A. 103 146 151
Nomizu, K. 483
Occurence number 144
Operator, compact 199
Operator, d'Alembert 411
Operator, decomposable 149
Operator, diagonal 149
Operator, intertwining 115
Operator, Laplace 156
Operator, Laplace — Beltrami 289 302 411
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