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Coxeter H.S.M. — Non-Euclidean Geometry |
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K see Curvature
Kepler (or Keppler), Johann 14
Klein's conformal model 258—263 266
Klein's projective model 157
Klein, Felix 13 14 17 33 95 107 115 126 139—144 153—160 182 209—212 215 220 224—226 243 248 252—264 295 300
Kronecker, Leopold 83
Laguerre, Edmond 107
Lambert, J.H. 6
Left generator 155
Left parallel 142 146 155
Left translation 139 146 149 155
Legendre, A M. 2 194
Length 6 103 106 157 180 248
Lieber, H.G. and L.R. 256
Liebmann, Heinrich 245 270 277 313
Light-ray 4
Line 1 4 14 20 24 see Elliptic Hyperbolic Ideal Projective
Line at infinity 24 31 106 117 178 186 192 195 200 209 217 253
Line, coordinates see Tangential Plucker
Line, element 12 248 255 260 265 299 313
Linear complex 69 92
Linear congruence 92 151 155
Linear transformation 75 82 90 124 285
Lobatschewsky, N.I. 2 8—10 158 175 176 182 201 206—208 218 220 238 247 277 280 282 289 299
Logarithmic-spherical geometry 8
Loxodrome 298
Loxodromic sequence of tangent circles 293
Ludlam, William 3
Lune 242
Maclaurin, Colin 48
Matrix of a linear transformation 83
McClelland, W.J. 220 232—237
McClintock, Emory 266
Measuring-rod, variable 265
Medians 221
Menaechmus 48
Metric see Distance Elliptic Hyperbolic
Mid-circle 265—266 297
Mid-line 267—273
Mid-point 100 180 268
Milne, W.P. 237
Minding, Ferdinand 256—257
Minkowskian geometry 178 256
Mlnkowski, Hermann 19
Model 13 23 97 157 203 253; Conformal Poincare
Moebius involution 265—266
Moebius, A.E. 83 118
Mohrmann, Hans 204 234
Moore, R.L. 179 186 187
Morris, W.S. 145
Multiplication of points 72
n-dimensional geometry 12 14 94 160 247 265 284
Napier, John 234 274 303
Net of rationality 73
Neumann, Carl 258
Non-Euclidean geometry 4 7 252
Non-homogeneous coordinates 12 122 144 145 248 251 283
Non-Legendrian geometry 194
Norm (of a quaternion) 123
Normalized coordinates 122 248
Null polarity 52 69 70 92
NUMBER see Complex Rational Real ix
Obtuse-angle hypothesis 5 11
One-dimensional geometry see Elliptic line Hyperbolic Projective
One-sided 33
Opposite congruent transformation 132 150 154 202;
Order in a pencil 164
Order on a conic 59
Order on a line 18 73 159
Ordered correspondence 35—40
Ordinary see Ideal
Orientability 32—34 109 113 129
Orthocentre 223 231 236 239
Orthogonal circles 297
Orthogonal projection 260 264
Orthogonal transformation 123
Oval quadric 68 92 157 195 219
Owens, F.W. 199
Pangeometry 10
parabola 18 48
Parabolic geometry 197 212
Parabolic projectivity 43 75 203
Parallax 9
Parallel displacement 201—203 214
Parallel line and plane 177
Parallel lines 2 8 17 134 136 141—144 151 154 175—178
Parallel planes 185
Parallel rays 176 300
Parallelism see Angle Axioms Symmetry Transitivity
Paratactic 134
Pascal, Blaise 48 59
Pasch, Moritz 159 166—173 179 186
Pencil axial 21
Pencil flat 6 20 58 158 175 199 213
Pencil generalized (axial) 166 169—171 184 193 213
Pencil of parallels 24 185 187 195 199 308
Pentagon complete 27 64 70
Pentagon simple 234 235
Pentagramma mirificum 234 275
Pentahedron, complete 27 64
Permutable correspondences 17
Permutable involutions 46 203
Permutable quaternions 123;
Permutable reflections 99 119
Permutable rotations 120
Permutable translations 99 139
Perpendicular line and plane 182
Perpendicular lines 18 110 121 133 147 157 181 224
Perpendicular planes 128 182
Perpendicular points 110 121 128
Perspectivity 21 22 39 40 43
Perspectivity double 34
Physics 4 24 209
Picken, D.K. 112
Pieri, Mario 18
Plane 20 162;
Plane at infinity 15 25 178 186 196 212
Playfair, John 3
Plucker, Julius 87 88 150 153
Poincare, Henri ix 263—265 295 299 309 313
Point 1 4 14 20 24 161; Ideal
Point at infinity 6 14 19 77 106 158 177 186 192 195—206 239 296 298
Point of contact 56
Polar coordinates 314
Polar, line 52 65 91 128 193 227
Polar, plane 65
Polar, triangle 53 119 223 231 233 236
Polarity in a bundle 62
Polarity in a plane 52 85 187
Polarity in space 65 70 91; Degenerate Elliptic Hyperbolic Null Trilinear
Pole 52 65 117
Poncelet, J.V. 18 31 106
Posidonius 2
Postulates of Euclid 1 11 13 181 197 255
Power of a point 259 261
Preston, Thomas 220 223 232—237
Primitive forms 21
Proclus 2
Product of correspondences 16
Product of points 72
Product of rotations 118 141
| Projection 21; see also Gnomonic Orthogonal Stereographic
Projective geometry 14; see also Complex Real
Projective line 28 31—33 35—47 71—77
Projectivities, one-dimensional 40—47 58—61 75 126 201—203
Projectivities, two-dimensional 49—52
Prosper, Reyes y 165
Pseudo-sphere 256
Pythagoras 1 275 296
Quadrangle complete 27 29 49 51 53
Quadrangle simple 5 6 190 194 241
Quadrangular set 44 72
Quadratic form 86 124 284
Quadric 68 94 207; Oval Ruled
Quadrilateral, complete 27 49 51
Quadruple contact 155
Quaternions 122—126 148—152
R, r see Circum-radius In-radius
Radian measure 6 106 112
RANGE 20 59
ratio 77; see also Cross ratio
Rational number 72 171
Rationality net of 73
Ray 161
Real number 25 73 94
Real projective geometry 15 19—94 203 296
Reciprocal pencils of planes 193
Rectangular Clifford hyperbola 254
Rectangular Clifford surface 134 153
Reflection 3 14 97 104 106 111 129 153 201—203 213 263
Regions 34 159 162 241
Regions, eight determined by a tetrahedron 35 66
Regions, four determined by a triangle 34 55 81 220
Regions, seven determined by a quadrilateral 66
Regulus 62 94 134 272;
Relativity 11 19
Representation of lines by point-pairs 146—148 203
Representation of rotations by points 136—149
Reye, Theodor 219
Reyes y Prosper, Ventura 165
Rhumb line 298
Richmond, H.W. 9 285
Riemann, Bernhard 11 157 265
Righ translation, etc. see Left
Right angle 1 13 113 181
Right segment 95 96
Right-angled triangle 117 231 234 238 272—282 296
Ring contact 155
Robb, A.A. 19
Robinson, G. de B. 22 31 50 59 71 78 87 96 154 159 165—173
Robson, Alan 28
Rodrigues, Olinde 109
Rotation 14 111—114 118—120 122—126 130 136—150 214;
Rotatory reflection 131 273
Ruled quadric 68 92—94 134 144 153 271
Russell, Bertrand 18 23 34 160
S(ABC) 32
Saccheri, Gerolamo 5 11 190 210
Schilling, Friedrich 209 245
Schlaefli, Ludwig 9 12 247
Schoute, R.H. 94
Schur, Friedrich 166—173
Schweikart, F.K. 7
Secant 56 68 87
Sector 249 250
Segment 23 161
Segment shortest 133
Self-duality 48 117
Self-perpendicular 126
Self-polar lines 67—70
Self-polar tetrahedron 65 91 129
Self-polar triangle 53—57 86 110
Semi-Euclidean geometry 187
Sense 31 100
Separation 18 22 31 164 174
Seydewitz, E. 57 219
Siegel, C.L. 312
Sine rule 11 233 238
Singly-asymptotic triangle 188 189 210
Skew lines 21 42 63 133—134 270
Sommerville, D.M.Y. 3 12 94 95 143 198 222 227 229 237—240 257—260 275
Space see Curvature Finite Homogeneous
Special linear complex 92
Sphere 218 255 258
Spherical geometry 6 10—13 259 264
Spherical trigonometry 8 232 273—276
Staeckel, Paul 6
Steiner, Jacob 18 48 58 219
Stephanos, Cyparissos 120 237
Stereographic projection 258 264 293
Study, Eduard 146 151—156
Subtraction of points 71
Summation convention 83
Supplementary angles 113 181
Supplementary rays 162
Supplementary segments 31 100
Sylvester, J.J. 109
Symmetry of parallelism 176
Szasz, Paul 295
Tangent circles 297
Tangent line 56 68 117 126 195 221
Tangent plane 62 68
Tangential coordinates 79 87
Tangential equations 80 122 228
Taurinus, F.A. 8 238
Tessellation ix
tetrahedron 26 35; Volume
Tetrahedron of reference 87 91
Thales 1
Third order contact 218
Tractroid 257
Transformation 17 120; Coordinate Fractional Linear Orthogonal
Transitivity of parallelism 177
Translation 97 104—106 112 135—142 149 155 201—204
Translation continuous 101—103 214
Trebly asymptotic 188 210 240 244 245 301 315
triangle ix 34 57 200 220—223 257; Angle-sum Area Colunar Diagonal Doubly-asymptotic Polar Right-angled Self-polar Singly-asymptotic Trebly-asymptotic
Triangle of reference 78 86 229—240
Triangular prism 293
Trigonometry 8 104; Hyperbolic
Trihedron 14 164 274
Trilinear coordinates 237
Trilinear polarity 30 52 79 160 221 230
Trirectangle 6 194 277
Tucker, A.W. 145
Types of polarity 67—69
Ultra-infinite 192 195 200 225 239
Ultra-parallel lines 188 191 199 204 268 295
Uniform polarity 66 91 95 128 194
Unit of measurement 6 201 206 241—242 250 265 299
Unit point 78
Vailati, Giovanni 18 22
Veblen, Oswald 17 18 22 23 27 31—34 72—74 86 91—94 101—103 157 161—175 202 203 218
Vector (localized) 119 137
Volume of a tetrahedron 9 247 285—289
von Staudt, G.K.C. 18 22 40 44 48—66 70—77 219
Wachter, F.L. 7 220
Wallis, John 2
Whitehead, A.N. 160 166—173
Wood, P.W. 93
Young, J.W. 17 27 31 72—74 93 94 218
Zeuthen, H.G. 48
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