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Berger M. — A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry
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Название: A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry
Автор: Berger M.
Аннотация: In his latest book A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry, Marcel Berger does a remarkable job giving an in-depth survey ranging over almost the full spectrum of Riemannian geometry, furnishing the reader with some of the most exciting and elegant topics from classical to modern, and from local to global Riemannian geometry.
The reader will find that, unlike many other books on Riemannian geometry, the style of this 15-chapter 824-page manuscript is quite unique. The author does not follow the traditional definition-theorem-proof approach; instead, he only motivates and presents, without detailed proofs, the best possible results in many areas known to date, thereby providing interested readers with a valuable source and efficient means for learning about the latest advances. Additionally, throughout the book, open problems are introduced and discussed as soon as they can be stated.
The organization of the material in this book also distinguishes itself from many of its peers - as Berger says, "in our division into chapters, necessarily arbitrary, we did not follow any logical or historical order. We have tried to follow certain naturalness and simplicity."
Рубрика: Математика /Геометрия и топология /Дифференциальная геометрия /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2003
Количество страниц: 872
Добавлена в каталог: 12.11.2004
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
Product warped 215 601
Programming computer 2
Projective complex 171
Projective plane real 164
Projective quaternionic 171
Projective real 168 258 303
Projective space 213 228 260 304 315—321 414—415 593 594 604
Protractor 20
Pruefer, Friedbert 236
Przytycki, F. 5 7 112
Pseudo-Riemannian manifold 709
Pu theorem 352
Pu, P.M. 352
Puettmann, Thomas 605
Pullback 185
Pure polarized F structure 540 658
Quadric 42
Quadric homofocal 44
Quantum chaos 450
Quasi-isometry 633
Quasimode 107 432
Quaternionic Kaehler manifold 674
Quaternionic projectire plane exotic 490
Quaternions 164
Quotient space 203—206
Rademacher, Hans-Bert 490—492 710
Radius convexity 302
Radius filling 367
Radius of curvature 13
Radius of surface 49
Rado, Tibor 157
Radon transform 462
Railway metric 636
Rank of a map 183
Rank of Riemannian manifold 273 509
Rank of symmetric space 213 255 314 487 502 509 606 634 636 639
Rank of unit vector 273
Raphael, E. 26
Rasevskii, P.K. 774
Ratcliffe, John G. 38 196 201 206 315 318 320 359
Rational homotopy 178
Rationally elliptic 486 619
Rationally hyperbolic 486 619
Ratto, Andrea 61 151 701
Rauch comparison theorem 282 283
Rauch, H.E. 282 283 296 571 579
Ray 612
Ray — Singer torsion 453
Ray, D.B. 453
Rayleigh, John William 94
Real analytic 51
Real manifold 163
Real projective plane 164 340 352
Real projective space 258 303
Real Riemannian metric 163
Real spinor 694
Real, Christophe 555
Recknagel, Andreas 665 681
Reducible Riemannian manifold 203
Reeb’s theorem 581
Regular simplex 201
Reid, Alan W. 474
Reidemeister torsion 454
Residual 78 491
Resonance 92 417
Rham, Georges de 177 178 186 188 248—251 734
Ricci calculus 730
Ricci curvature 267
Ricci fiat metric 549
Ricci, Fulvio 314
Ricci, Giambattista 267
Riemann curvature tensor 117
Riemann hypothesis 448
Riemann surface 176 446
Riemann, Bernhard 116 194 277
Riemannian covering space 203
Riemannian manifold 193
Riemannian metric 191
Riemannian real analytic 163
Riemannian reducible 203
Riemannian structure 194
Riemannian submersion 213—215 230 745
Rigid body 116
Rigidity theorem 586
Rinow, Willi 248—251
Ritore, Manuel 342
Robert, Gilles F. 511
Rodrigues — Gaub map 66 127 153 158
Rodrigues, Olinde 66 127 153 158
Rollin, Yann 552
Rolling surface theorem 65
Rong, Xiaochun 453 540 542 547 611 617 618 687
Ros, Antonio 342
Rosenberg, Jonathan 627 628
Rotman, Regina 362 372 376
Rough Laplacian 732
Roy, Marie-Franqoise 179
Rozansky — Witten invariant 742
Rozoy, L. 55
Rudnick, Zeev 431 450 451 687
Ruh, Bernhard 234
Ruh, Ernst A. 579 583 594 595 656
Ruled surface 70
Sabitov, I. 148
Sabourau, S. 362 367
Sachs, Rainer Kurt 710
Saff, E.B. 568
Sakai, Takashi 30 162 193 209 215 229 251 280 282 294 296 303 305 327 328 349 377 386 387 399 427 578 596 612 615 640 745 746
Salamon, Dietmar 682
Salamon, Simon M. 664 672 676 677 680 681
Sambusetti, Andrea 558
Samelson, Hans 230 518 671
Sampson, J.H. 684 701
Sands, Matthew 11
Santalo, Luis A. 388 717
Santalo’s formula 388
Sario, Leo 157
Sarnak, Peter 86 90 97 99 107 110 366 431 438 443 444 450 451 529 687
Sasakian 427
Satake, I. 703
Savo, Alessandro 348 411 425 438
Scalar product 192
Scar 107 451
Scherbel, H. 54
Schiemann, Alexander 441
Schlenker, Jean-Marc 150 702
Schmidt, Erhard 30 77
Schmutz, Paul 449
Schneider, Rolf 717
Schnirelmann, L.G. 492
Schoen, Richard 320 561 627 628 688
Schouten, J.A. 223 731
Schrader, Robert 257 347 704
Schroeder, Viktor 278 280 503 504 509 523 598 632 633 635—639 687 688
Schroedinger equation 79 400 405 525
Schueth, Dorothee 443
SchwachhSfer, Lorenz J. 606
Schwartz, Richard 456
Schwarz symmetrization 95
Scott, Peter 702
Seaman, Walter 587
Second Bianchi identity 731
Second fundamental form 53—61 232 337
Second on a surface 54
Second variation 133 264
Secondary characteristic class 697
Segment 40 244
Seiberg — Witten equations 558
Seiberg — Witten invariants 559
Seiberg, N. 179 528 701
Seifert, Herbert 176
Selberg trace formula 416 447 450
Selberg, Atle 398 471
Semiclassical limit 400 450
Semmelmann, Uwe 674
Semmes, Stephen 392 688
Semmler, Klaus-Dieter 99
Seppala, Mika 317
Series, Fourier 30
Serre, Jean-Pierre 441 480
Sha, Ji-Ping 621
Shanlmr, Krishnan 611
Sharafutdinov, Vladimir A. 444 445
Shen, Zhongmin 688
Shi, Wan-Xiong 656
Shikata, Yoshihiro 583 652 654
Shimizu, Yasushi 451
Shiohama, Katsuhiro 309 579 581 583 584 590 705
Shiokawa, Iekata 112
Shioya, Takashi 687 704
Shnirel’man, A. 437
Shortest path 244
Shteingold, S.D. 348 595 650
Shudo, Akira 451
Siebenmann, Laurence C. 178 641
Sign of Einstein metric 549
Signature 743
Simon, Leon M. 368 717
Simons, James 670 697 698
Simple plane curve 12
Simple point 614
Simplicial volume 255 544 568
Simply connected 168
Sinai, Yakov G. 5 460 498 501
Sinclair, R. 46
Singer, David A. 144 308
Singer, I.M. 103 171 226 227 236 398 418 428 452 453 669 699
Singerman, David 317
Singularity conical 703
Siu, Yum Tong 633 683 684
Skein 486
Skinny 78
Skorniakov, L. 464 708
Sloane, N.J.A. 110 365 441 609 610
Smale, Stephen 550 557 568
Small eigenvalue 447
Smirnov, M. 709
Smooth 162
Smyth, Brian 55
Sobolev, Sergei L. 349
Socie-Methou, Edith 709
Softel, Michael 167
Sommese, Andrew John 681
Sotomayor, Jorge 54
Soul 611
Soule, Christophe 698 700
Space covering 167 203—206
Space form 166 274—277 311—321
Space homogeneous 170 206—209 321
Space hyperbolic 195
Space length 4
Space lens 269
Space locally symmetric 209
Space mean value 499
Space of paths 480
Space projective 213 228 260 315—321 414—415 604
Space projective complex 171
Space projective quaternionic 171
Space projective real 168
Space quotient 203—206
Space Riemannian covering 203
Space symmetric 209
Space symmetric rank 1 320—321
Space symmetric rank > 1 321
Spatzier, R.J. 258
Special Laplacian 693
Special orthogonal group 164
Spectral gaps 417
Spectrum X 85 404
Spectrum length 85 429
Speed 11
Speed of sound 83
Sphere at infinity 318 321 511 635
Sphere exotic 582
Sphere theorem 580
Spherical codes 609
Spherical harmonics 30 110
Spherical trigonometry 36
Spin structure 695
Spinor 694
Spinor bundle 694 695
Spinor field 695
Spinor real 694
Spivak, Michael 2 20 59 162 163 222 232 708 716 735
Splitting theorem 622
Stability of minimal manifold 692
Stable 78
Stable systole 375
Stadium Bunimovitch 7
Starfish three-legged 476
Stasheff, James D. 178 641 741
Steenrod, Norman 697
Steiner symmetrization 31
Steiner’s quadrilateral 31
Stepin, A.M. 7
Sterling, I. 151
Sternberg, Shlomo 2 120 399 427
Stiefel — Whitney classes 695
Stillwell, John 157 176
Stoker, J.J. 2 20 21 120 148 152
Stokes, Sir George Gabriel 188
Stokes’ Theorem 188
Stolfi, Noelle 79
Stolz, Stephan 620 627 628 630 642
Stone — Weierstras theorem 406 414
Straightedge 19
Strangulation 476
Strelcyn, Jean-Marie 5 7 112
Stroboscope 85
Stroock, Daniel W. 424 426 711
Strutt, Baron 94
Sturm — Liouville theory 136 338 426 466
Sub-Riemannian geometry 707
Submanifold 716
Submanifold embedded 169
Submanifold immersed 169
Submanifold totally geodesic 254—255
Submersion 183
Submersion Riemannian 213—215 230 745
Suciu, Alexander I. 372—374
Sukhov, Yu.M. 460
Sullivan, Dennis 178 490 619 683 690
Sum connected 218
Sunada, Toshikazu 441
Supermanifold 700
Superrigidity 321
Supersymmetry 700
surface 33—79 119—158
Surface constant curvature 38 133 274—277 528
Surface Delaunay 61
Surface Klein 317
Surface of revolution 42
Surface Riemann 176
Surface Weingarten 150
Surface Weinstein 464
Surface Zoll 461
Surgery 174 215—218
Surgery trivial 218
Suyama, Yoshihiko 583
Svarc, A.S. 330