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Maier R. — Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management
Maier R. — Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management

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Название: Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management

Автор: Maier R.


Information and knowledge have fundamentally transformed the way business and social institutions work. Knowledge management promises concepts and instruments that help organizations to provide an environment supportive of knowledge generation, sharing and application. Information and communication technology (ICT) is often regarded as the enabler for the effective and especially the efficient implementation of knowledge management. The book presents an almost encyclopedic treatise of the many important facets, concepts and theories that have influenced knowledge management and integrates them into a general knowledge management framework consisting of strategy, organization, systems and economics. The book also contains the state of practice of knowledge management on the basis of a comprehensive empirical study, and concludes with four scenarios of the successful application of ICT in knowledge management initiatives.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd Edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 720

Добавлена в каталог: 14.01.2008

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Предметный указатель
Service      89 302 624
Service description      306
Service quality      403
Service-oriented architecture      302
Servqual      403
Skandia Navigator      400
Skill data base      126
Skill directory      285 534
Skill management      201 263 396
Smart document      383
Social anthropology      267
Social context      76
Social network      267 356 628
Social presence      414
Social process of communication      72
Social software      6 628
Social strategy      131
Social system      80
Socialization      80 127 160 212 224
Socially constructed knowledge      63
Socially-distributed activity system      250
Sociology of knowledge      33 62
Sociometrics      267
SOM      240
SPARQL      385
Spider’s web organization      160
Sponsoring      192
Stage model      618
Stakeholder      174
Starburst organization      160
Start-up      176
Statistical methods      455
Storytelling      301
Strategic alliance      177 593
Strategic business unit      95 108
Strategic community      181
Strategic gap      104
Strategic knowledge asset      109
Strategic management      31 94
Strategic option      122
Strategy      93 218 471 573 593
structured data      287 375
Subject matter specialist      165 239 325 501
Submission process      213 357
Success factor      132 134 191 572
Supervision      231
SWOT analysis      94
system      29
System quality      403
Systems of activities      109
Systems theory      29
Tacit dimension      79
Tacit knowledge      63 79 122 169
Target group      124
Task-technology fit      403
Taxonomy      258
Teachability      292
Team      179 189 485
Technology-enhanced learning      197 205
Technology-oriented KM      239 434 595
Teleconferencing      330
Telelearning      331
Terminology management      197
Text mining      263 277 327 370
Theories-in-use      153
Theory-driven architectures      311
Therapeutic intervention      231
Thesaurus      261 323
Think tank      161
Three-dimensional visualization      551
Tobin’s q      401
Top-level ontology      386
Topic      215
Training and education      230
Transaction processing system      41 321
Transactive memory system      153 157 267
Transfer of knowledge      70
Transfer policy      145
Transformation      334
translating      256
Translation      334
Trust      144 181 193 223 227 573
Trust network      270
Truth      61
Types of contents      282 532
Types of knowledge      66 77 122 596
Typology of business processes      213
UML      240
Unicode      376
Unified Modeling Language      240
Unified Resource Identifier      376
User model      333
user satisfaction      403
user tracking      263
Validation      291 301
Value chain      94 111 253
Value chain management      121
Vendor-specific architectures      314
Video-on-demand      332
Videoconference      329 553
Videoserver      332 555
Virtual community      181
Virtual organization      121
Virtual Private Network      335
Virtual team      179
Virtualization of work spaces      230
Visualization      324 371
Web 2.0      6
Web mining      263 277
Web Ontology Language      262 378
weblog      6 275 625 628
Weltanschauung      63
Whiteboard      330
Wiki      6 275 625 628
Willingness to share knowledge      512 578
Work group      178 189 485
Workflow management system      275 328 555
Workplace learning      310
Workspace      354
WWW      489
XML      262 297 376
XML schema      377
XPath      377
XSLT      377
Yellow Pages      126 201 282 284 285 534
1 2 3
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