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Maier R. — Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management
Maier R. — Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management

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Название: Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management

Автор: Maier R.


Information and knowledge have fundamentally transformed the way business and social institutions work. Knowledge management promises concepts and instruments that help organizations to provide an environment supportive of knowledge generation, sharing and application. Information and communication technology (ICT) is often regarded as the enabler for the effective and especially the efficient implementation of knowledge management. The book presents an almost encyclopedic treatise of the many important facets, concepts and theories that have influenced knowledge management and integrates them into a general knowledge management framework consisting of strategy, organization, systems and economics. The book also contains the state of practice of knowledge management on the basis of a comprehensive empirical study, and concludes with four scenarios of the successful application of ICT in knowledge management initiatives.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd Edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 720

Добавлена в каталог: 14.01.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
KM instrument      88 195 198 215 218 295 623
KM measure      195
KM pendulum      619
KM process      214 219
KM project      161 195
KM role      162 501
KM service infrastructure      304
KM staff      565
KM starter scenario      221
KM strategy      107 215 471
KM strategy hypercube      129
KM task      207 498
Kmdl      242
Kms function      85 174 312 548
Know-how organization      65
Knowing      73
Knowledge      60 66 87 213
Knowledge activity      623
Knowledge administrator      165
Knowledge application map      202 264
Knowledge as a process      73
Knowledge as a product      73
Knowledge asset      136
Knowledge asset creation process      213
Knowledge asset map      202 264 265
Knowledge audit      220
Knowledge base administrator      166
Knowledge base integrator      166
Knowledge base sponsor      166
Knowledge broker      112 126 166 219 325 396
Knowledge category      241 246 248
Knowledge champion      167
Knowledge cluster      299 324 327 545
Knowledge community      155 180 183 451
Knowledge content      77
Knowledge culture      164
Knowledge development map      202 264
Knowledge diffusion      148
Knowledge discovery      370
Knowledge distance      144
Knowledge editor      165
Knowledge element      286 289 544 551
Knowledge engineer      165
Knowledge fair      210
Knowledge flow      126
Knowledge gap      104
Knowledge goal      132
Knowledge integrator      165
Knowledge intensity      213
Knowledge life Cycle      88 219 292 539
Knowledge loss      148
knowledge management      21 44
Knowledge Management Maturity Model      107
Knowledge management system      82 526
Knowledge manager      163 501
Knowledge map      113 197 241 249 263 324 327 556
Knowledge mapping      199
Knowledge maturing process      289
Knowledge modeler description language      242
Knowledge network      206 538
Knowledge organization      65
Knowledge partner      174
Knowledge portal      371
Knowledge process      111 125 213 306 593 623
Knowledge process redesign      112 593
Knowledge process reengineering      207
Knowledge product      158
Knowledge provider      136 171
Knowledge psychology      32
Knowledge push process      214
Knowledge quality      147 410
Knowledge repository      320 327 370
Knowledge resource      109
Knowledge risk      139
Knowledge role      126
Knowledge routine      203 256
Knowledge seeker      136 171
Knowledge service      89 320 575
Knowledge sharing      189 516
Knowledge skeptic      170
Knowledge source      157
Knowledge source map      202 264
Knowledge sponsor      167
Knowledge stance      254
Knowledge strategy      104 129
Knowledge structure      133 155 545 622
Knowledge structure diagram      241 248
Knowledge structure map      202 264
Knowledge transfer      133 140 148
Knowledge type      624
Knowledge work      46 170
Knowledge work process      356
Knowledge worker      1 126 171 262
Knowledge workspace      266 335
Knowledge-based information system      82
Knowledge-based organization      65
Knowledge-based systems      30
Knowledge-based view      102 137
Knowledge-intensive business process      111 125 212 614
Knowledge-intensive organization      65
Knowledge-intensive process      264
Knowledge-Memo      244
Law-and-order model      224
Learning content management system      84
Learning laboratory      178
Learning management system      84
Learning network      178
Learning organization      25 65
Legitimate peripheral participation      182
Legitimation      292
Lernstatt      178
lessons learned      197 202 221 282 284 396 535
Level of decentrality      576
Level of expertise      171
Level of integration      529
Level of intervention      215
Life cycle      362
Life cycle of information production      153
Life cycle of knowledge tasks      53 153 207
Linking pin      178
Listserver      328 554
Living document      383
Loner      130
Lost-in-cyberspace      323
Machine bureaucracy      75
Maintenance process      214
Management & support process      213
Management of change      31
Management support      132
Market model      225
Market office      230
Market-based view      94
Market-driven architectures      315
Mash-up      628
Maturity path      295
Maxim      173
Medium      77
Medium of knowledge      198
MEMO      240 244
Mentoring      169 226
meta-data      335 353 379
Meta-data ontology      261
Meta-search system      323 371 550
Method and task ontology      261
Microarticle      200 284
Mitbestimmungspflicht      225 555
Mobile environment      335
MODE      256
Model      237
Model of knowledge management roles and collectives      163 596
Model of the tasks and flows in knowledge management      154 498 539 596
Modeling      237
Monitoring      256
Motivation      133
MPEG      297
MPEG-7      381
Multi-perspective enterprise modeling      240 244
Multi-user dungeon      183
Multimedia      281 297 543
Namespace      376
Navigation      113 323 325 371 551 556
Network      608
Network analysis      268
Network chair      167
Network management process      357
Network manager      167 219
Networking      256
News channel      333
Newsgroup      298 328 543 554
Nomadic office      230
Non-disclosure agreement      147
Not invented here      228
Novice      172 283
Objective reality      61
Occasion      255
OLAP      277 350
on-demand      303
On-demand KM      310
On-line analytical processing      322
On-line community      181
On-line data base      321
On-line journal      285 535
Ontology      89 133 258 298 387
Ontology language      388
Ontology middleware      389
Open-minded inquiry      124
Operating process      213
Operation      254
Organization development      23
Organizational action      65
Organizational asset      98
Organizational change      23
Organizational competencies      105
Organizational culture      26 132 221 511 576
Organizational design      219 576
Organizational infrastructure      133
Organizational intelligence      26
Organizational knowledge      55
Organizational knowledge base      22
Organizational learning      22 24 153 515
Organizational learning cycle      156
Organizational memory      22 25
Organizational memory system      82
Organizational proposal system      200
Organizational psychology      32 153
Organizational sociology      32 153
Organized chaos      27
Outgroup      177
Outlearn      144
Over-stretching      128
Overlapping group      178
Overprotection      140
OWL      262 378
Participant      88 171 215 501
Patent      282 284 535
Peer-to-peer      341 350 628
Personal content      538
Personal experience management      200
Personal information management      335
Personal knowledge management      128
Personalization      87 174 239 262 263 312 329 557
Personalization Service      320
Personalization strategy      129 595
Philosophy      61
Pile metaphor      351
Platform      89
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol      335
Portal      334 371
Positivism      61
Post-merger integration      121
Pragmatism      62
Procedural knowledge      286
Procedure model      387
Process      88 624
Process benchmarking      112
Process controlling      112
Process focus      125
Process Manager      219
Process modeling      240
Process orientation      133
Process owner      112 221
Process team      179
Process-oriented knowledge management      112 217
Process-oriented knowledge management strategy      108
Production factor      64
Professional bureaucracy      75
Professional communities      182
Profile      262 333 556
Project debriefing      202
Project memory      180
PROMET      240
PROMET$\circledR$I-NET      242
Proposal management      197
Protection of knowledge      72
Psychology      32
Public relations      176
Push-oriented system      371
Quality circle      178
quality management      593
Quantity of knowledge      73
Quick win      125
R&D intensity      149
Radical learning      122
ranking      324 551
Rate of KM activity      429 487 578
Rate of participation      429 483 487
RDF Schema      262 378
RDQL      385
Reasoning system      389
Record      287
Recruitment      230
refinement      253
Remote access system      335
Replication      335
reporting      325
Reporting level      494
Repository      389
Representational ontology      261
Research and development      121 176 593
Research model      451
Resource description framework (RDF)      262 377
Resource-based view      96 137
response rate      461
Return on assets      426
Return on investment      426
Revolution of thought      61
Risk management      137 140
SAP R/3      241 245
Sarbanes-Oxley-Act      137
Search process      214 357
Semantic content management      201
Semantic net      324 327
Semantic object modeling      240
Semantic Web      262 375
Semi-autonomous work group      178
Semi-structured data      287 375
Sempai-kohai principle      169
Senior management      175 573
Sensitivity of interest      225
Separate organizational unit      160 492 568
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