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Miller W. — Symmetry Groups and Their Applications |
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Lie groups, abelian 167 182
Lie groups, compact 206
Lie groups, complex 163 340
Lie groups, connected 165
Lie groups, global 165
Lie groups, ISO locally isomorphic 164
Lie groups, linear 165 166
Lie groups, local 162
Lie groups, local linear 164
Lie groups, locally simple 394
Lie groups, real 163
Lie groups, Semisimple 394
Lie groups, simply connected 187
Lie groups, solvable 394
Lie S. 204 417
Lifshitz, R. 265 312 320 417
Linear functional 322
Linear functional, positive 327
Linear functional, real 327
Linear transformation 17 152
Linear transformation, hounded 219 413
Linear transformation, inverse 17
Linear transformation, orthogonal 67
Linear transformation, prod Ltd 17
Linear transformation, symmetric 414
Linear transformation, unitary 64 414
Littlewood, Dr 120 390 417
Liubarskii, G. 267 272 278 282 417
Loebl, E. 375 386 418
Lomont, J 384 386 418
Lonsdale, K 417
Lorentz group 284
Lorentz group, complete 305 316
Lorentz group, homogeneous 285 3
Lorentz group, inhomogeneous 294
Lorentz group, proper 288 316
Magnetic symmetry group 60
Magnus, W. 399 404 416
Matrix 17 414
Matrix, elements 202
Matrix, Hermitian (self-adjoint) 173
Matrix, inverse 17
Matrix, nonsingular 17
Matrix, product 17
Matrix, skew — Hermitian 173
Matrix, symplectic 174 347
Matrix, transpose 17
Matrix, unitary 66 173
Maxwell's equations 283 320
Meson 268 374
Miller, W. 204 235 247 402 418
Minkowski space 293 309
Minlos, R. 282 308 320 416
Momentum operators (linear) 275 278 310
Momentum operators (linear), four vector 310
Mull iplier 198
Mull iplier, rep 235
Muller, C 418
Multiplicity of a rep 69 75
Multiplicity of a weight 337 338
Multiplicity of an eigenvalue 1 10 264
Murnaghan, J. 151 41
Naylor, A. 407 418
Ne'eman, Y. 373 416
Negative reps 248
Neuiron 268 370
Neutrino 318
Norm (operator) 152 413
Norm (vector) 16 152 407
Nucleon 370
Null space 69 92
Nussbaum, A. 418
Nye, L. 418
Octahedral group 31 90
octahedron 31
Onto mapping 7
Orbit 9 27
Order of a group 1
Order of an element 6
Orthogonal group 16 172 351
Orthogonality relations 72 77 214
Outer product 390
Parallelepiped 35 207
Parallelepiped, basic 37
Parity 124 249 277
Parseval equality 215 236 412
Partition 119
Pauli exclusion principle 268 377 379
Pauli spin matrices 269 365
Periodic table 377
Permutation 3 8 117
Permutation, column 120 123
Permutation, corresponding 122
Permutation, even 117
Permutation, odd 117
Permutation, row 120 123
Perturbations 111 249 264
Peter — Weyl theorem 215 216
Petraschen, M., and Trifonov, E. 418
Photon 268 312
Planck’s constant 108 423
Pochammer’s symbol 423
Poincare group 294 311 313
Point group first kind 26
Point group first kind, second kind 26 32
Polar decomposition 295 349
Poles 27
Pollard, H. 376 418
Pontrjagin, L. 178 187 195 209 418
Position operator 275 277
Positive reps 248
Power series 156
Principal series 304
prism 30 34
Projection operator 92 137 218
Proton 268 370
Prugovecki, E. 418
Pseudo vector 306
Pseudoscalar 102 306 318
Pyramid 30 107
Quantum number 380
Racah coefficients 267
Racah, G. 393 395 418
Radius of convergence 156
Raetz, J. 293 418
RANGE 7 69 92
Ray 227 254
Real form (Lie algebra) 228 287
Recurrence formulas 238 244
Reduced matrix element 276
Reflection 19 305 316
Regee, T. 263 418
Reiner, L 151 416
Representation, algebra 132
Representation, group 61 219
Representation, group, alternating 117
Representation, group, bounded 219
Representation, group, continuous 213
Representation, group, dimension 61
Representation, group, double-valued 227 293 355
Representation, group, equivalent 62
Representation, group, faithful 365
Representation, group, half-integral 227
Representation, group, identity 78 120
Representation, group, induced, S 3 389
Representation, group, integral 227
Representation, group, irreducible 67 219
Representation, group, IS 6
| Representation, group, left (right) regular 64
Representation, group, local 187
Representation, group, local multipliers 197
Representation, group, matrix 61
Representation, group, real 62
Representation, group, reducible 67 219
Representation, group, space 61
Representation, group, unitary 66 220
Representation, Lie algebra 186
Representation, Lie algebra, adjoint 183 322
Representation, Lie algebra, faithful 402
Representation, Lie algebra, space 186
Restricted rep 67 79
Riesz, F. 253 418
Robinson, G. de B. 117 418
Rohrlich, R 312 417
Roman, P. 312 419
Root 322 341 345 353
Rotation 18 21 26
Rotation group 18
Rotation group, improper 18 286
Rotation group, proper 18 222
Rotation, inversion 19 21 26
Rudin, W. 211 419
Ruhl, W. 305 419
Runge — Lenz vector 376
Russell — Saunders approximation 380
Rutherford, D. 117 419
scalar 102 306 318
Scattering 266
Schdenflies notation 34 60
Schiff, L. 265 419
Schroedinger equation 65 109 253
Schur lemmas 69 70 187
Schwartz, J. 165 181 187 391 417
Schweber, S. 311 419
Screw displacement 22
Selection rules 278
Self-adjoint operator 92 219 414
Sell, G. 407 418
Semidirect product 14 21
Semigroup 130
Shapiro, Z. 282 308 320 416
Sherman, T. 377 419
Sigma hyperon 372
Skew — Hermitian 173
Skew-symmetric 105 286
Slater, J. 419
Smirnov, V. 419
Space groups 53 55
Space groups, enantiomorphic 59
Space groups, nonsymmorphic 57
Space groups, symmorphic 56
Special linear group 3 171 340
Special orthogonal group 9 172 222 356
Special relativity 294 310
Special unitary group 174 222 340
Spherical function 424
Spherical harmonics 231 237 241 424
Spherical tensor 274 284 300
Spin 267 312
Spinor 307
Spinor, field 268 279 311
Spinor, rep 356 362 367
Spivak, M. 206 419
Sposito, G. 419
Square 10
Stakgold, L. 419
Standard tableau 127
Stark effect 252
Steele, D. 419
Strong interactions 370
Structure constants 167
Subalgebra 183 184
Subgroup 1 183
Subgroup, commutator 15 114
Subgroup, generated 6
Subgroup, improper 1
Subgroup, isotropy 11
Subgroup, local Lie 184
Subgroup, normal 5 185
Subgroup, one-parameter 176
Subgroup, proper 1
Sugano, S. 419
Symmetric (Hermitian) operator 108 254 414
Symmetric group 3 8 116
Symmetric tensor 105 129
Symmetry classes (of tensors) 128 141
Symmetry group 23 108
Symmetry group, complete 109
Symplectic group 174 344
Talman, L 220 419
Tanabe, Y. 419
Tangent matrix 168 207
Tangent space 207
Tangent vector 166
Tensor 128 309
Tensor product of matrices 364
Tensor product of reps 79 80
Tensor, axial 102
Tensor, contravariant 101
Tensor, field 279 311
Tensor, polar 102 252
Tensor, rank of 101
Term 383
Tetrahedral group 30 86 89
tetrahedron 30 90
Timelike vector 287
Timelike vector forward 287 321
Timelike vector, backward 287
Tinkham, M. 375 419
Trace 19
Trajectory 188
Transformation group 8 199
Transformation group, effective 193 198
Transformation group, local Lie 188
Transformation group, transitive 9
Translations 20
Transposition 117
Tricomi, F. 399 404 416
Unitary group 173 329
Upper triangular matrix 154
Van Dam. H. 415
Van der Waerden 130 419
Vector space 61 306
Vector space, invariant 67 187
Vector space, irrecl 187
Velocity transformation 295
Vilenkin, N.M. 247 419
Volume of a group 21
Volume of a group, I 212
Volume of a group, maximal (highest) 327 342 345 354
Volume of a group, positive 327 342 354
Volume of a group, vector 323 342 367
Weight 323 345 354
Weight, function 206 408
Weyl group 326 345 350 360
Weyl reflection 326 346 4 24
Whippman, M. 419
Wigner — Eckart theorem 273 275
Wigner, K 2271 258 420
World time 310
Wybourne, B. 386 391 420
Wybourne, B., Vale, P. 34 420
Young operator (symmetrizer) 121 146 333
Young tableau (diagram) 119 120 331
Zeeman effect 251
Zero operator 69
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