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Miller W. — Lie theory and special functions |
Предметный указатель |
elobenko, D. 335
Addition theorem(s) 22 29
Addition theorem(s), for spherical waves 264
Akim, E. L 242 334
Analytic basis 28
Andrews 330
Angular morentum operators 33
Automorphism see Homomorphism
Bargmann, V. 118 137—139 141 142 175 222 230 232 234 236 238 330
Barut, A. O. 330
Beltrametti, E. G. 330
Bessel functions 48 51—77 145 150 153 192 241 328 329
Bessel functions, generalized 316 319
Bingen, F. 77 330
Boerner, H. 6 330
Cartan, H. 238 330
Casimir operator 32
Chevalley, C. 331
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 98 129 134 149 174 178 221 263
Cohn, P. 1 279 331
Cohomology classes 281—297
Commutator 3 13
Commutator, subgroup 286
Complexification of Lie algebra 66
Confluent hypergeometric functions 47 78—153 183—194 232 254 304 327
Contraction of Lie algebras 37 150 238
Courant, R. 138 331
Derivation see Generalized derivation
Dolginov, A. Z. 331
Dunford, N. 26 331
Eilenberg, S. 288 330
Eisenhart, L 4
Erd lyi, A. 36 63 107 198 270 316 324 331
Euclidean group in 3—space 255—266
Euclidean group in plane 65—77
Euler coordinates 256
Exponential map 5 10 19
Factorisation method 267 276
Factorization types 46 48 272—276
Factorization types, A 194
Factorization types, B 183
Factorization types, C’ 106
Factorization types, C’’ 59
Factorization types, D’ 101
Factorization types, D’’ 65
Factorization types, E 249
Factorization types, F 253
Friedman, B. 264 331
Fronsdal, C. 330
Furstenberg, H. 331
Gamma function 324
Garding, L. 331
Gegenbauer polynomials 202 252 326
Gel’fand, I, M 36 172 215 220—222 331
General linear group 5
Generalized derivation 278
Generating function 29
Godement, R. 331
Graev, M. 222 331
Graf’s addition theorem 63 75
Guggenheimer, H. W. 1 331
Gunning, R. C. 28 278 332
Gunson, J. 330
Haar measure 123 220
Halmos, P. 26 332
Hamermesh 1 31 175 214 221 332
Helgason, S. 2 66 69 332
Hermann, R. 332
Hermite functions see Parabolic cylinder functions
Hilbert space 67 117
Hilbert, D. 138 331
Hille — Hardy formula 193
Homomorphism 3 4
Hull 46 268 274 332
Hypergeometric functions 47 154—241 250 325
In nu, E. 38 238 335
Ince, E. L 323 332
Infeld, L. 46 268 274 332
Isomorphism see Homomorphism
Isotropy subgroup 285
Isotropy subgroup, subalgebra 287
Jacobi polynomials 100 131 164 205 211 241 327
Jacobson, N 39 252 277 232 283 288 289 332
Kaufman, B 332
Khriptun, M 320 332
Kunze, R. A. 332
| Kur uno lu, B 263 332
Laguerre functions see Confluent hyper-geometric functions
Landau, L. 34 332
Legendre functions 198
Levin, A. A. 242 330 334
Lie algebra 3 25
Lie algebra, finite-dimensional 3
Lie derivatives 13
Lie derivatives, generalized 17 30
Lie derivatives, linearly independent 15
Lie group 1
Lie group, complex 5
Lie group, real 5
Lie transformation group 12—24
Lie transformation group, effective 14 18
Lie, S. 1 278 281 290 293 295 299 312 332
Lifshitz, E. 34 332
Linear operator 26
Lommel's formulas 62
Luzatto, G. 330
Lyubarskii, G. Y. 175 332
Mackey, G. W. 266 332
Magnus, W. 36 60 63 107 198 270 316 324 331 333
Matrix elements 22 29 73
Mehler’s formula 140 311
Miller, W. 242 266 333
Minlos, R, A. 36 172 215 220 221 331
Multiplier representation 17
Multiplier representation, isomorphic representations 19
Murray, F. J. 146 333
Naimark, M. A. 67 69 123 137 221 246 262 331 333
Nelson, E. 333
Oberhettinger, F. 36 60 63 107 198 270 316 324 331 333
Occupation number space 117
Parabolic cylinder functions 48 102—106 138 304 328
Pauli, W. 333
Peter — Weyl theorem 77 221
Petrovsky I. G 271 333
Pontrjagin, L. S. 1 2 6 9 11 220 280 285 333
Projection operator 123
PTJ 2 331
Puk nszkv, L. 222 238 333
Real form of Lie algebra 66
Realizations of groups and algebras 27 45 279 293
Recursion relations 29 244 268
Regge, T 333
Regular realization 290
Representation, irreducible 27 39 68
Representation, of Lie algebra 25 38
Representation, of Lie group 27 67
Representation, unitary 67
Romm, B. D. 233 333
Rose, M. E. 333
Rossi, H. 28 278 332
Rotation group 31 215 256
Russek 264 331
Saletan, E. J. 38 334
Schwartz, J. T. 26 331
Schwinger, J. 175 334
Segal, I. E. 118 334
Shapiro, Z. Y. 36 172 215 220 221 331
Sharp, W. 38 334
Simply connected group 9
Soni, R. 60 324 333
Special functions 30
Special linear group 7 156
Special unitary group 214 256 262
Spectrum 38
Spherical Bessel functions 252 263 329
Spherical harmonica 31 34 160 198 263 326
Stein, E. 332
Tangent vector 2
Tensor products of representations 94 127 170 221 238
Tricomi, F. 36 63 107 198 270 316 324 331
Truesdell 252 334
Type A-F operators see Factorization types
Van der Waerden, L 334
Vector space 25
Vilenkin, N. Y. 51 77 79 222 242 299 331 334
von Neumann, J. 146 333
Watson, G. N. 319 320 334
Weisncr's method 63 190 210 322
Weisner, L. 65 210 298 334
Weyl, H 334
Whittaker, E. 319 320 334
Wightman, A. S. 259 266 335
Winner, E. P. 38 51 175 238 335
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