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Hock R., Grossman D. — The Traveler's Web: An Extreme Searcher Guide to Travel Resources on the Internet |
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10k Vacation Rentals 229—230
24 Hour Museum 345
50plus Expeditions 306
AAA Fuel Price Finder 159
AadvarkTravel.net 8 9
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) 305—306 313
About.com, Adventure Travel 255
About.com, Barge Cruises 192
About.com, Bed & Breakfasts 220 251
About.com, Business Travel 298—299
About.com, cruise webcams 196
About.com, Cruises 171—172 190—191 196
About.com, French language 335
About.com, Italian language 335
About.com, Japanese language 335
About.com, Kayak and 106
About.com, Learn Hebrew Online 335
About.com, River Cruise Lines 192
About.com, sailing ships 193—194
About.com, Senior Travel 307
About.com, Spanish language 335
About.com, Travel 13 45—46
About.com, Travel Blogs 67
About.com, Travel with Kids 294—295 313
About.com, windjammers 193—194
ABYZ News Links 327—329
Access-Able Travel Source 310—311
Accommodations 199—234
Accommodations through AreaGuides.net 55
Accommodations, B&Bs 218—223
Accommodations, background information 200—201
Accommodations, cottages 222—223
Accommodations, hostels 225—226
Accommodations, luxury level 224—225
Accommodations, online resources 5
Accommodations, resorts 226—228
Accommodations, trading homes 230—232
Accommodations, vacation rentals 228—230
Accommodations, “specialty” hotels 232—234
ACIS.com 277
ACSI Eurocampings 150
Active pursuits see also specific activities
Active pursuits through Expedia 92
Active pursuits, cruises and 188—196
Active pursuits, GORP 263—266
Active pursuits, information on Frommer's 34
Adventure travel 254—263
Adventure travel, discussion groups 284—285
Adventure travel, ElderTreks 305
Adventure travel, forums 284—285
Adventure travel, online resources 5—6
Advisories 29. see also alerts
Age/aging, discounts and 82
Age/aging, senior travel 232 303—307
Age/aging, traveling with infants 84
Age/aging, Travelocity features 84
Agritour 233
Airline Codes Web Site 365
AirlineNumbers.com 117
Airlines see also flights
Airlines sites 115—117
Airlines, reservations 28 35—36
Airport information 359—365
Alaska Inside Passage Cruises 191
Alerts through Expedia 93
Alerts through Travelocity 88
Alerts, health and safety 367—371
All-Hotels 204
AllConferences.com 347—348
Alpine Ascents International 260—262
Amadeus 107—108
Amateur Traveler Podcast 66
America Out of Doors 269
America's Byways 137—138
American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) Expeditions 279
American Revolution 138
Amtrak 131—133 132
Amtrak Unlimited 133
Amtrak Unlimited Forums 165
AND syntax 31
AOL, Kayak and 106
AreaGuides.net 53 55—56
ARTFL Project 337 339
Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel 3
Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel Online 63
ASE (Accommodation Search Engine) 206—207
Ask.com 356
ATMS 356—357
Attractions 34 57—59
Audible.com 65
Australia 51 56—57
Auto Europe 143
B&Bs (bed & breakfasts) 218—223
BabyCenter 295
Backroads 270—271
Barges 4—5 191—193
Barges in Europe 192
BBC Country Profiles 319
BBC Languages 333—334
BBC News 329—330
Bed & Breakfast Inns ONLINE 221
BedandBreakfast.com 220
BetterBidding.com 217
Bidding sites, car rentals 144
Bidding sites, forums 217
Bidding sites, hotels 213 215 217
Bidding sites, reservations 108—115
BiddingForTravel.com 115
BISNIS (Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States) 322
Black Flag Cafe 263 284—285
Blogs 66—67
Bluelist 29
Boats, online resources 4—5. see also cruises
Bonjour! 335—336
Boolean syntax 31—32
Bradmans 299—302 301
Britain on Track 130
BritRail 130
Brittany Ferries 162
Browsing, searching versus 13 15—17
Budget Travel 28
BugBog 346—347
bulletin boards see Message Boards
Burning Man Festival 29
Business travel 88 298—303 373—375.
Businesses, locating 218
Byways.org 137—138
Campgrounds 148—149 271—272
camping 165 268—274
Camping-Canada.com 273
CampingFrance.com 274
Canada, Camping-Canada.com 273
Canada, Keep Exploring 49—50
Canada, Parks Canada 268
Canada, rail travel 133—134
Canada, Rand McNally maps 155 157
Canada, Travel Alberta 139—140
Canada-Keep Exploring 49—50
Canadian Rockies 273—274
Cancellation policies 80 112
Car rental companies 145
Caravan Club 149
Caravans see recreational vehicles (RVs)
CARS see also maps; road travel
Cars through Expedia 92
Cars through Orbitz 97
Cars, fuel prices 159
Cars, international driving permits 160
Cars, LongTermParking.com 365
Cars, rentals 140—145
| Cars, road trips 136—161
Cars, through Travelocity 87
Cars, travel resources 4
Casterbridge 278
Castles on the Web 232—233
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 368—369 370
CHA Educational Tours 278
CheapTickets 100—101 209
Chicago Tribune (online) 60—61
China, China National Tourist Office 51
China, river cruises 192 193
China, TravelChinaGuide.com 57
Chinese-English Dictionary 339
CIA World Factbook 319
City Guides, Frommer’s 33
City Guides—overview 52—57
City-eating 242
Classic Train Journeys 135
CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) 189—190 190
Clothing sizes 358
CNN Business Traveler 302
CNN.com International 330
Coffman, Linda 174
Columbus Guides see World Travel Guide
Come Back Alive 284—285
Communities see discussion groups; forums; message boards
Comparison shopping sites 101—108
Concierge.com 62
Conde Nast Traveler 62
Conferences 346—348
Connected Traveler 65—66 322
Corporate travel 88 89 93.
Costs on Lonely Planet 28
Costs, comparisons of 79 91 98 187—188
Costs, coupons 91
Costs, discounts 81—82
Costs, early bookings 81
Costs, fees and 82
Costs, flexibility and 80
Costs, hotels 215—217
Costs, package prices 82
Costs, Saturday night stays 81
Costs, taxes and 82
Costs, Travelocity-FareWatcher 87
Cottage Guide 222—223
Cottages 222—223
Council for National Parks 267—268
Country guides 318—322
Country Walkers 274
coupons 91. see also discounts
Cruise Addicts 196 197—198 198
CruiseCompete.com 187—188
CruiseDiva.com 174
CruiseMates 169—171 170 189
CruisePage.com 172—174 197
Cruises 167—198
Cruises through CheapTickets 101
Cruises through Expedia 92
Cruises through Orbitz 97
Cruises through Travelocity 87
Cruises, cost comparisons 187—188
Cruises, day-long 195—196
Cruises, discussion groups 197—198
Cruises, forums 197—198
Cruises, guides 169—174
Cruises, information on Frommer's 35—36
Cruises, kinds of 168
Cruises, last-minute packages 184—186
Cruises, luxury level 179 195
Cruises, major cruise lines 186—188
Cruises, online resources 4—5
Cruises, reservation sites 174—186
Cruises, sailing ships 193—195
Cruises, search criteria 176
Cruises, smaller lines 189
Cruises, smaller ships 188—196
Cruises, specialty ships 188—196
Cruises, theme-style 189
Cruises, travel agency sites 196
Cruises, webcams 196
Cruises, World Travel Guide 43
Cuisine International 247—248
Cuisines, resources on 342—343
Currency information 355—356
Custom Classic Vacations 89
Cybercafe Search Engine 372
Cybercafe.com 372
Cybercafes 371—373
CyberRentals 229
Dan Youra Ferry Guide 161—162
Dates, flexibility on 84
Day cruises 195—196
Deals see also bidding sites; discounts; last-minute packages
Deals Newsletter, Frommer's 36
Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) 49
Dictionaries 336—340
Die Bahn 128
Digital Podcast 65
Dine.com 238—239
dining see also food and wine tours; restaurants
Dining, information on Frommer's 32—33
Dining, online resources 5
Disability Travel and Recreation Resources 311
Disabled travelers 310—312
Discounts 81—82 213 215
discussion groups see also forums; message boards
Discussion groups for adventure travel 284—285
Discussion groups for flyers 121—122
Discussion groups for road trips 164
Discussion groups for special groups 312—314
Discussion groups for train travel 164
Discussion groups on hotels 250—251
Discussion groups on restaurants 250—251
Discussion groups, about countries 348—349
Discussion groups, about cruises 197—198
Discussion groups, about cultures 348—349
Discussion groups, travel 67—73
Distinguished Restaurants of North America (DIRoNA) 241—242
Dude ranches 262
Early bookings 81
Earth River Expeditions 262
Earthwatch Institute 282
Educational travel 5—6 275—283
EF Educational Tours 278
EINnews 331
Elderhostel 281 303—305 304
ElderTreks 305
Electrical connections 375
Embassy of the Russian Federation 342 343
Encarta 318
Encyclopedias, online 316—318
England 139. see also road travel
Epicurious 241 251
Epinions.com 73
ETrav Educational Travel America 278
Eurail 127
Europe see also specific countries
Europe, Barge cruises in 192
Europe, road maps 151
Europe, road trips 139—140
Europe, train timetables 127
Europe, train travel 125—127
Eurotunnel 162
Executive Planet 299 300 314
Expedia, accounts 93
Expedia, car rentals 142
Expedia, Cruises 180—182 181
Expedia, Fare Comparisons 91
Expedia, Hotels 209 211 212
Expedia, main page 90
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