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Hock R., Grossman D. — The Traveler's Web: An Extreme Searcher Guide to Travel Resources on the Internet |
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Netcafeguide.com 372—373
New York Times (online)—Travel 60
NewRVer.com 147
News resources 326—331
newsletters 25 36 39
Newspapers 59—61 326—329
Nightlife information 34
NOT syntax 31
NY Waterway 163
OAG.com 121
Oceancruises.com 192
Official Tourist Information Offices Worldwide 47 52
OfficialTravelGuide.com 48 52
One Bag 376
OneTravel.com 209
Opado 101
Open Directory 10
OpenTable 248
OR syntax 31
Orbitz through AreaGuides.net 55
Orbitz, accounts with 97—98
Orbitz, Bonus Days option 94
Orbitz, car rentals 143
Orbitz, Cruises 182—184 183
Orbitz, flexible stays option 94—95
Orbitz, Gay & Lesbian Travel 310
Orbitz, Hotels 211 213
Orbitz, main page 95
Orbitz, Neighborhood Matrix 214
Orbitz, overview 93—98
Orbitz, size of 93
Orient-Express 135
Outdoor travel 5—6 263—275
OutdoorPlaces.com 269
Packages, information on Frommer's 35—36
Packages, last-minute 87—88
Packages, prices 82
Packing lists 375—377
Paradores 233
Parks 267—268
Parks Canada 268
Passports 351—352
Passports.com 278
Pelton, Robert Young 262—263
Perry — Castaneda Library Map Collection 323
photography 379
Phrases, searching for 15—16 137
PlacesToStay.com 205
PlanetRider.com 12
Planning flexibility on dates 84
Planning health and safety alerts 367—371
Planning, International Train Planner 127—128 129
Planning, itineraries 85
Planning, newspaper travel sections in 59—60
Planning, online travel resources 6
Planning, packing lists 375—377
Planning, passports 351—352
Planning, time differences 352—354
Planning, Yahoo! Trip Planner 99—100
Podcasts 39 64—66
Politics & International Relations 342
Portals to the World 320 321
postcards 29—30
Precision, term selection and 16
Preparation see planning
Priceline.com 109—112 111 144 213 215
Print versions 21
PROMT-Online 340
QT Magazine 308
Queries, design of 137
Quikbook 205—206
Quotation marks, use of 15—16 137
Radio stations 326—329
Radio travel shows 63—64
Rail Europe 126
Rail passes 125
Rail travel through Orbitz 97
Rail travel through Travelocity 87
Rail travel, passes 125
Railfaneurope.net 129
RailroadData.com 136
Rails USA 135—136
Ranchweb.com 262
Rand McNally 155 157
Recreational vehicles (RVs) 145—150 271—272
Redundancy of information 21
Refund policies 80 112
Relais & Chateaux 225
Religion Resources on the Web 342
Religious services 377—378
Rentalo.com 229
Reservation site for cruises 174—186
Reservation site for major hotels 201—207
Reservation site for restaurants 248—249
Reservation sites 75—122
Reservation sites bidding sites 108—115
Reservation sites car rentals using 141—144
Reservation sites comparison shopping sites 101—108
Reservation sites CruisePage.com 173
Reservation sites frequent flyer resources 118—119
Reservation sites information on Frommer's 35—36
Reservation sites online 4
Reservation sites overview 77—78
Reservation sites tips for use of 79—82
Reservation sites train travel 124
Reservation sites travel agency sites 117—118 196
Reservation sites types of 75—77
Reservation sites, airline sites 115—117
ReserveAmerica 272—273 273
Resort Vacations To Go 228
ResortQuest 230
Resorts 226—228
Resource guides 7—13
Restaurant Row 239—240
Restaurants see also dining
Restaurants, discussion groups 250—251
Restaurants, forums 250—251
Restaurants, reservation sites 248—249
Restaurants, Web sites about 237—242
Restaurants.co.uk 242
Restaurants.com 237—238 239
Reuters 330
reviews 234 293.
Rick on Radio 42
Rick on TV 42
Rick Steves' Europe 12 125—126
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door 3 39—42 41
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door, Favorite Links 40
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door, Graffiti Wall 40
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door, Plan Your Trip 40
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door, Railpasses 41
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door, Travel Tips 40
River cruises 191—193
Road closure information 160—161
Road maps 150—151
Road travel 136—161
Road travel, American Revolution tours 138
Road travel, destinations 136—137
Road travel, discussion groups 164
Road travel, European 139—140
Road travel, forums 164—165
Road travel, maps 150—151
Road travel, Open Roads Forum 284
Road travel, Roadfood.com 245
Road travel, tools 150—161
Road travel, travel games 160
Road Trip USA 139
Roadfood.com 245 251
Roadsideamerica.com 58—59 138
RoadTrip America 137
| Robert Young Pelton's Come Back Alive 262—263
Rough Guides, adventure travel 255—256
Rough Guides, Community section 38
Rough Guides, Destinations section 37 38
Rough Guides, lodging by country 201
Rough Guides, message boards 39
Rough Guides, newsletter 39
Rough Guides, photogalleries 39
Rough Guides, podcasts 39 65
Rough Guides, redundancy of information in 21
Rough Guides, Spotlights 37—38
Rough Guides, Travel section 36—39
Rough Guides, Travel Talk 39 71—72
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 65 67
Rudy Maxa—Traveling in Style for Less 64
Russia 192 193 342
RV Links 147
RV Travel 147
RV Travel Forum 165
RVing 145—150
RVNetLinx 147—148
Safety, alerts 367—371
Safety, overseas roads 160
Safety, Vessel Sanitation reports 169
Sailing Ship Adventures 194
Sailing ships 193—195
satellite images 324—325 325
Saturday night stays 81
Scotland 139 222—223
scuba diving 275
Search engines 13 31—32
Searching by title 16
Searching, query design 137
Searching, term selection 15
Searching, versus browsing 13 15—17
SeatGuru 119—120 120
Security checkpoints 364
SeeAmerica.org 50
Self-Catering Holiday Cottages 222—223
Semester at Sea 280—281
Seniors Go Travel 307
Seniors Home Exchange 232 306
Seniors, Web offers 303—307
Sharnash — Kosher Restaurant Database 244
ShawGuides 246—247 276 277
Ship Finder link 179
Ships, online resources 4—5
Shoe sizes 358—359
shopping 34
SideStep, car rentals 144
SideStep, hotels 216 217
SideStep, overview 102—103 104
Silversea.com 195
Site59.com 117—118
Ski Newsletter 36
Skytrax 116 120—121
Small Luxury Hotels of the World 224
SmallShipCruises.com 194
Smith, Mark 126—127
Smithsonian Journeys 279
Spain—Welcome to Spain 51
Spanish language 335
Special groups, cruise information 171 179
Special groups, discussion groups 312—314
Special groups, educational travel 283
Special groups, general sites 288—292
Special groups, online travel resources 6
Special groups, restaurants 243—245
Special needs 6
Specialty Travel Index 259 290
Sports 34
Star Clippers 195
State parks 267—268
Study abroad 279—281
StudyAbroad.com 280
Subway Navigator 366 367
Subway Page 366—367
Subways 266—367
Sushi restaurants 245
Swiss Federal Railroads (SBB) 126
T+L Family 295
Taxes, total costs and 82
The Man in Seat Sixty-One 126—127
TheInnkeeper.com 221
Theme cruises 189
Theme Guides 29
Thorn Tree 28 71 314
Time differences 352—354
Timeanddate.com 353
TimeOut—City Travel Guides 56
Times Online (London) 60
Times Online (London), Business Travel 302
Timetables, European trains 127
Titles, searching by 16
Totaltravel.com 56
Tour de Forks 247
Tourism Offices Worldwide Directory 47—52
TouristClick.com 290—292 291
Tours, American Revolution 138
Tours, educational 278
Tours, food and wine 246—248
Tours, history 138
Tours, international 278—279
Tours, nature 275
Tours, organized 32
Town and Country Homes 221—222
Trading homes 230—232
Traffic information 160—161
Train travel, European 125—127
Train travel, forums 164—165 165
Train travel, links 136
Train travel, online resources 4
Train travel, overview 123—124
Train travel, rail passes 125
Train travel, reservations 124
Train travel, schedules 124
Train Traveler 133
Transitions Abroad 305
Translation tools 336—340
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 364
Travel & Leisure magazine 295
Travel + Leisure (T+L) online 62—63
Travel agency sites 117—118 175—184 196 207—213
Travel Alberta 139—140
Travel Channel 296 297
Travel Features 29
Travel guides through Travelocity 88
Travel guides, country-specific 46—51
Travel guides, general 19—46
Travel guides, online 3 19—73
Travel Insurance 28—29
Travel magazines 61—63
Travel services 28—29
Travel supplies 377
Travel Ticker 29
Travel Wire 22 24—25
Travel with Rick Steves 65
Travelazer.com 10—12
TravelChinaGuide.com 57
TraveLearn 283
Travelocity 82—89 83
Travelocity, accounts with 88—89
Travelocity, car rentals 141—142
Travelocity, cruises 176—179 178
Travelocity, FareWatcher 87
Travelocity, flight information 84—87 86
Travelocity, Flight Status option 87
Travelocity, Gay Travel 310
Travelocity, hotels 209 210
Travelocity, size of 83 84
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