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Jarvelin K. — The Turn |
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Information need formation 290
Information need formation, Taylor's stage model 204
Information need invariability, assumption 337
Information need types 291 294
Information need types, intrinsic variables 298
Information need, capturing evidence 337
Information objects, cognitive framework 274
Information objects, polyrepresentation 342
Information processing 34
Information processing, cognitive view 26
Information retrieval, cognitive See Cognitive IR
Information seeker 276
Information seeker, cognitive framewok 274
Information seeking research, capturing document evidence 343
Information seeking research, capturing interaction evidence 355
Information seeking research, capturing searcher evidence 339
Information seeking research, capturing system evidence 350
Information seeking research, capturing work task context 329
Information seeking research, central empirical findings 85
Information seeking research, conceptual evolution 72 103
Information seeking research, grounded theory 88
Information seeking research, longitudinal studies 96
Information seeking research, non-empirical studies 101
Information seeking research, research framework evolution 102
Information seeking research, research models 58
Information seeking research, research questions 56
Information seeking research, research strategies 87
Information seeking research, theory development 104
Information seeking, research questions 371
Information source dimension, research variables 340
Information source knowledge 285
Information value 38 349
Infrastructural context, stratified model 281
Ingwersen's models, cognitive IR 201
Input selection, cognitive framework 271
InQuery query language 146
Instances of communication, IR interaction 302
Intellectual indexing 132
Intellectual topicality, relevance assessment 237
Intelligent IR 162
Intentionality 32 279
Intentionality, lost 37
Inter-object structures, stratified model 281
Interaction as context 280
Interaction dimension, research variables 351
Interactive IR See also IR interaction
Interactive IR dimension 317
Interactive IR, research questions 371
Interactive IR, research variables 369
Interactive IS&R, generalized model 261
Interactive track, TREC 177
Interactive Web IR 225
Interactive Web IR, authority and credibility 228
Interactive Web IR, children 227
Interactive Web IR, limitations and problems 258
Interactive Web IR, log studies 226 248
Interactive Web IR, search engines 225
Interactive Web IR, user studies 227
Interface design, analysis dimensions 136
Interface design, cognitive actors 269
Interface design, cognitive framework 269 274
Interface design, IR expert systems 162
Interface design, issues and findings 135
Interface design, Mediator Model 164
Interface design, Monstrat Model 164 220
Interface design, specific types 138
Interface dimension 317
Interface dimension, research design 371
Interface dimension, research variables 344
Interface evaluation 139
Interface functionalities 137
Interface variables, research design 368 370
Invariability assumption 337
IR engineering 323
IR expert systems 162
IR expert systems, findings 169
IR expert systems, functionalities 164
IR expert systems, knowledge and functions 163
IR interaction 217
IR interaction, central achievements 255
IR interaction, central framework dimension 300
IR interaction, central studies 223
IR interaction, early models 195
IR interaction, end-user searching 221
IR interaction, evaluation methods 251
IR interaction, feedback studies 222
IR interaction, human intermediary 221
IR interaction, instances of communication 302
IR interaction, limitations 256
IR interaction, longitudinal 303
IR interaction, online searching 196
IR interaction, open problems 256
IR interaction, process models 195
IR interaction, qualitative research designs 250
IR interaction, search tactics 218
IR interaction, session-based interaction 303
IR interaction, short-term 301
IR interaction, task-based 224
IR research in isolation 318
IR research questions, capturing task types 327
IR research, best match models 117
IR research, capturing document evidence 343
IR research, capturing evidence of algorithms 345
IR research, capturing interaction evidence 352
IR research, capturing searcher evidence 335
IR research, capturing task types 327
IR research, central questions 188
IR research, document representations 123
IR research, goals and research areas 113
IR theory, laboratory IR 187
IS&R framework 306
IS&R research, action lines 315
IS&R research, evaluation criteria 322
IS&R research, foci 315
IS&R research, Limitations and problems 315
IS&R, conceptual framework 263
IS&R, Puzzle Model 261
Isness, cognitive framework 271
IT component dimension, research variables 344
IT component, cognitive framework 274
Japanese text case 273
Japanese text case, information acquisition 48
Knowledge state specificity 293
Knowledge structures, iR expert systems 164
Knowledge types in IS&R 46
Knowledge types, cognitive framework 284
Knowledge work 323
Known item searching 291
Kuhlthau's process, central findings 82
Kuhlthau's process, model 65 198 229
Label Effect 296 299
Label Effect, relevance feedback 297
Laboratory IR, ad-hoc approach 187
Laboratory IR, assumptions 337
Laboratory IR, best match methods 117
Laboratory IR, central results 120
Laboratory IR, data collection 174
Laboratory IR, evaluation measures 173
Laboratory IR, evaluation studies 171
Laboratory IR, exact matching methods 116
Laboratory IR, history 111
Laboratory IR, hypertext IR matching models 118
Laboratory IR, independency assumptions 337
Laboratory IR, invariability assumption 337
Laboratory IR, language models 118
Laboratory IR, limitations and open problems 186
Laboratory IR, logical models 118
Laboratory IR, major developments 120
Laboratory IR, non-text media 124
Laboratory IR, query length 127
| Laboratory IR, relevance independence assumption 353
Laboratory IR, requests 126
Laboratory IR, research design 362
Laboratory IR, research variables 362
Laboratory IR, stand-alone systems 270
Laboratory IR, structure-based matching models 117
Laboratory IR, term independency assumption 348
Laboratory IR, test collections 171
Laboratory Model, challenges 1
Laboratory Model, experimental setup 172
Laboratory Model, extension 9 322 362
Laboratory Model, justification 6
Laboratory Model, objections and responses 7
Laboratory Model, schematized 5
Laboratory Model, simplistic version 114
Language models in IR 118
Latin square research design 253
Lemmatization 154
Lexical ambiguity 157
Lexical level 153
Limitations and problems, cognitive IR 256
Log studies, interactive Web IR 127 226 248
Longitudinal IS&R interaction 303
Longitudinal IS&R, cognitive framework 274
Longitudinal, cognitive IR 246
Longitudinal, studies 96 222 227 243
Mapping and visualization 139
Mark Twain Painting Case 44
Matching methods 345
Meaning and information 43 349
Meaning recovery 37
Mediator Model, interface design 165
MEDLARS evaluation 133 175
Meta-theoretical challenges, information seeking 105
Meta-theoretical model, cognitive framework 307
Meta-theories, IR research 11
Metadata, Dublin Core 134
Methodological caveats 375
Monologism vs. dialogism 106 262
Monstrat Model 168 220
Morphology, NLP 153
Natural language features, explanations 151
Natural language processing, compound words 154
Natural language processing, lemmatization 154
Natural language processing, lexical ambiguity 157
Natural language processing, lexical level 153
Natural language processing, morphology 153
Natural language processing, phonology 153
Natural language processing, processing levels 152
Natural language processing, shallow syntactic analysis 157
Natural language processing, stemming 154
Natural language processing, string matching 152
Natural language processing, sub-lexical level 152
Natural language processing, term phrases 156
Natural language processing, tokenization 153
Natural language processing, word sense disambiguation 157
Natural phenomena, information acquisition 273
Natural search tasks, research variables 316 363
Natural work tasks 283
Natural work tasks, research variables 316 363
Nested model, context dimensions 281
News documents 123
NLP ee Natural Language processing
Non-binary recall 181
Non-binary weighting 184
Non-empirical studies, information seeking 101
Non-empirical studies, IR interaction 244
Non-stochastic processes, text writing 348
Non-text media, laboratory IR 124
Non-text media, request representation 128
Normal tasks 287
Novel test collections 178
Objective relevance 236
Observation, IR interaction 247
OKAPI evaluation method 251
OKAPI experiments 231
Okawango Pursuit, information acquisition 51 273
Online searching, central studies 223
Online searching, effectiveness 222
Online searching, end-user searching 221
Online searching, experience 215
Online searching, moves and styles 215
Online searching, search tactics 218
Ontology-based query, modification 144 146
Operational IR systems 121
Operational IR systems, evaluation measures 176
Operational IR systems, study designs 174
Organizational context 261
Organizational context, cognitive framework 274
Organizational context, research design 371
Organizational context, research variables 324
Organizational task dimensions 316
PageRank 123 131
Part-of-speech tagging 156
Partially relevant documents, iR interaction studies 242
Passage retrieval 124
Peer community, cognitive actor 264
Perceived search task, variables 333 365 373
Perceived work task complexity 287
Perceived work task, variables 333 365 373
Performance measures, cognitive IR 178 304
Performance measures, cumulated gain 182
Performance measures, discounted cumulated gain 182
Performance measures, generalized recall and precision 180
Performance measures, non-binary recall 181
Performance measures, non-binary weighting 184
Performance measures, ranked half-life measure 180
Performance measures, relative relevance 180
Person and group knowledge 286
Pertinence, relevance type 240
Philosophy of science, bunge 12
Phonology 153
Poisson distribution, words 348
Polyrepresentation continuum 346
Polyrepresentation documents 342
Polyrepresentation hypothesis 208
Polyrepresentation principle 206 209
Polyrepresentation, cognitive overlaps 347
Polyrepresentation, cognitive space 335
Polyrepresentation, empirical evidence 209
Polyrepresentation, matching possibilities 346
Polyrepresentation, non-textual media 342
Polyrepresentation, query representation 212
Polyrepresentation, relevance feedback 213
Polyrepresentation, structured documents 211
Polyrepresentation, web retrieval 213
Popper's Three-World Ontology 48
Potential information 266
Pragmatic levels in IR 159
Problem and task solving 285
Program committee members, cognitive framework 272
Properties of cognitive models 34
Protocol analysis 98 248
Puzzle Model 261 263
Qualitative research designs, IR interaction 250
Query drift 143
Query expansion, types 140
Query expansion, wordNet 145
Query formulation, abstraction levels of NLP 161
Query modification 130 140
Query modification, abstraction levels of NLP 161
Query modification, automatic 142
Query modification, based on relevance feedback 141
Query modification, best match IIR 257
Query modification, collection dependent features 143
Query modification, human 142
Query modification, ontology-based 144 146
Query modification, operational systems 150
Query modification, structured queries 146
Query modification, TREC request types 145
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