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Jarvelin K. — The Turn |
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Access dimension 317
Access dimension, variables 351
Access of information, cognitive framework 271
Access points, classification by types 133
Actor dimensions 316
Actor dimensions, research design 364 371
Actor perception, cognitive framework 278
Actor types, IS&R 333
Actor variables 332
Actor variables, research design 368
Actor's cognitive space, polyrepresentation 335
ad-hoc approach, laboratory IR 187
Algorithmic design, cognitive framework 269
Algorithmic dimensions 317
Algorithmic dimensions, research design 361 364
Algorithmic IR See Laboratory IR
Algorithmic relevance 237
Anaphor and ellipsis resolution 159
ASK hypothesis 204 279 290 355
Assessor saturation effects 129
Assumption of invariability, information need 337
Authorship, cognitive framework 264
Automatic classification 134
Automatic indexing, cognitive actors 267
Automatic indexing, issues and findings 130
Automatic query modification 142
Automatic/routine tasks 287
Berry-Picking, information need stability 299
Berry-Picking, online IR interaction 218
Berry-Picking, session-based interaction 303
Best match IR interaction, new generation 233
Best match IR interaction, OKAPI experiments 231
Best match IR interaction, relevance feedback 233
Best-match IR, advantages 119
Best-match IR, structured facets 129
Best-match methods 117
Bibliographic relevance 354
Boolean Model, inherent problems 119
Bunge's framework, cognitive framework evaluation 309
Bunge's framework, scientific theories 12
Bystraem — Jaervelin model 68
Bystraem — Jaervelin model, central findings 83
Capturing searcher evidence, IR research 335
Case studies, cognitive IR 246
Central concepts, definitions 19
Central results, laboratory IR 120
Children in Web IR 229
Chinese Room Case 35
Citation indexes, document representation 123
Classes of relevance, document presentations 354
Classification algorithms 134
Clustering algorithms 134
CODER system 166
Cognitive actors 260
Cognitive actors, authors 264
Cognitive actors, automatic indexing 267
Cognitive actors, human indexing 266
Cognitive actors, interface design 269
Cognitive actors, peer community 264
Cognitive actors, selectors of objects 271
Cognitive actors, teamwork 261
Cognitive actors, utility community 264
Cognitive framework 316
Cognitive framework evaluation, bunge's framework 309
Cognitive framework evaluation, engelbart's framework 309
Cognitive framework, access of information 271
Cognitive framework, actor perception 277
Cognitive framework, actor variables 332
Cognitive framework, algorithmic design 269
Cognitive framework, algorithmic variables 344
Cognitive framework, all research variables 356
Cognitive framework, automatic indexing 268
Cognitive framework, central characteristics 306
Cognitive framework, cognitive actors 260
Cognitive framework, cognitive-emotional level 278
Cognitive framework, complexity of IS&R 274
Cognitive framework, cultural context 274
Cognitive framework, detailed model 274
Cognitive framework, document variables 340
Cognitive framework, information objects 274
Cognitive framework, interaction variables 351
Cognitive framework, interface design 269
Cognitive framework, interface structures 274
Cognitive framework, IT component 274
Cognitive framework, IT variables 344
Cognitive framework, knowledge types 284
Cognitive framework, meta-theoretical model 307
Cognitive framework, models of context 279
Cognitive framework, observable components 277
Cognitive framework, perceived search task variables 333
Cognitive framework, perceived work task variables 333
Cognitive framework, program committee members 272
Cognitive framework, search task variables 326
Cognitive framework, selectors of objects 271
Cognitive framework, social context 274
Cognitive framework, spin-off 311
Cognitive framework, stand-alone IIR system 270
Cognitive framework, time dimension 265
Cognitive framework, work task variables 324
Cognitive free fall 36
Cognitive information, conception 31
Cognitive information, implications 43
Cognitive information, novelty 52
Cognitive IR model 163
Cognitive IR, ASK hypothesis 204
Cognitive IR, central achievements 255
Cognitive IR, cumulated gain measure 182
Cognitive IR, difference to laboratory IR 192
Cognitive IR, digital Library research 230
Cognitive IR, discounted cumulated gain 182
Cognitive IR, empirical relevance studies 241
Cognitive IR, evaluation methods 251
Cognitive IR, generalized recall and precision 181
Cognitive IR, IIR Evaluation Package 251
Cognitive IR, ingwersen's models 201
Cognitive IR, limitations 256
Cognitive IR, longitudinal studies 246
Cognitive IR, non-binary recall 181
Cognitive IR, normalized performance measures 184
Cognitive IR, open problems 256
Cognitive IR, performance measures 179
Cognitive IR, ranked half-life measure 180
Cognitive IR, relative relevance measure 179
Cognitive IR, research methods 244
Cognitive IR, research models 195
Cognitive IR, saracevic' models 202
Cognitive IR, simplistic model 191
Cognitive IR, simulated work tasks 252
Cognitive IR, task-based 224
Cognitive IR, theory development 203
Cognitive IR, vakkari's models 199
Cognitive IR, Wang — Soergel model 201
Cognitive IR, Wilson's nested model 197
Cognitive model See also Cognitive framework
Cognitive models of context 278
Cognitive models, properties 34
Cognitive overlaps, polyrepresentation 347
Cognitive relevance See Pertinence
Cognitive research framework See cognitive framework
Cognitive resemblance, citation analysis 210
Cognitive structures, cognitive framework 275
Cognitive styles 215
Cognitive team 261
Cognitive turn 3
Cognitive view, central dimensions 25
Cognitive view, history 23 28
Cognitive view, holistic approach 29
Cognitive view, individualism 28
Cognitive view, information processing 26
Cognitive view, role of context 30
| Cognitive work analysis 78
Cognitive-emotional level, cognitive framework 278
Collaborative IR 262
Combining variables, research design 360
Complementarity principle, cognitive and social influence 31
Complementarity principle, cognitive framework 306
Complementarity principle, freedom of interpretation 265
Complexity of IS&R, cognitive framework 274
Conceptual evolution, information seeking 103
Conceptual framework, IS&R 263
Conceptual models, functionality 12
Conceptual models, types 15
Context stratification model 281
Context-free IR 114 338
Controlled vocabulary vs. natural language keys 131
Critical incident method 91
Cultural context 261
Cultural context, cognitive framework 274
Cumulated gain 182
Data collection, laboratory IR 174
Deep knowledge 288 291
Definitions, central concepts 19
Dervin's Sense-making approach 59
Design and evaluation framework IS&R 321
Design framework, cognitive IR 316
Diaries in data collection 92
Diary form sample 94
Digital library research 230
Dimensions of context, conceptual model 281
Dimensions of relevance 235
Discounted cumulated gain 182
Discounted cumulated gain, advantages 186
Discounted cumulated gain, normalized 184
Discourse analysis 85 100
Discourse analysis, meta model for information seeking 70
Discourse levels in IR 159
Discourses in society 85
Document dimension 317
Document dimension, research variables 340
Document feature relevance 354
Document presentations, relevance classes 354
Document relevance 354
Document representation, feature-based 125
Document representations, issues and findings 123
Document variables, research design 361 368 370
Documents, cognitive framework 274
Documents, polyrepresentation 342
domain analysis 320
Domain analysis, empirical understanding 320
Domain analysis, information Science 244
Dublin Core 134
Ellis' Feature Set 63
Ellis' Feature Set, central findings 82
Emotional states 279
Empirical evidence, polyrepresentation 209
Empirical relevance studies 241
Empirical understanding domains 320
End-user searching IR interaction 221
Engelbart's framework 263
Engelbart's framework, cognitive framework evaluation 309
Engelbart's framework, conceptual models 12
Engelbart's framework, knowledge work 324
Epistemological relevance 237
Evaluation criteria, IS&R 322
Evaluation framework, cognitive IR 316
Evaluation measures, cognitive framework 304
Evaluation measures, cumulated gain 182
Evaluation measures, discounted cumulated gain 182
Evaluation measures, generalized recall and precision 180
Evaluation measures, non-binary weighting 184
Evaluation measures, operational IR systems 176
Evaluation methods, IR interaction 251
Evaluation methods, simulated work tasks 252
Evidence on information needs 337
Evolution of research frameworks, information seeking 102
Exact matching methods 116
Experimental IR, central results 120
Experimental repetition 375
Experimental setup, laboratory Model 172
Experts vs. novices 84
Extended document relevance 354
Feedback studies, IR interaction 222
Fiction retrieval and strategies 214
Field experiments, cognitive IR 246
Field experiments, research variables 373
Focus shifts, session-based interaction 303
Freedom of interpretation 265
Freedom of interpretation, human indexing 267
Generalized recall and precision 180
Genuine tasks 287
Google 213
Graded relevance 180 235
Graded relevance, best match IR 148
Graded relevance, cognitive framework 306
Graded relevance, IR interaction 242
Graded relevance, open problems 257
Graded relevance, test collections 129
Grounded theory 88
HCI technology 137
HEARSAY II 153 166
Hidden variables 359
Highly relevant documents, IR interaction studies 242
Highly relevant documents, performance 149
Historic context 281
Holistic cognitive view 29
Human actors in IS&R 260
Human indexing 132 266
Human indexing, reductionism 268
Human intermediaries, studies 219
Human intermediary, IR interaction 221
Hypertext IR matching models 118
I3R system 166
IIR Evaluation Package 251
IIR evaluation package, recommendations 253
Ill-defined needs 291
Ill-defined needs, stability 298
Image interpretation 44
Implicit relevance feedback 233
Implicit relevance feedback, IR interaction 304
Inconsistency in IR 189
Indexing algorithms, cognitive framework 268
Indexing and classification 132
Inductive content analysis 97
Information acquisition 47
Information acquisition, Japanese text case 273
Information acquisition, Okawango Pursuit 51 273
Information acquisition, scientific discovery 52
Information acquisition, sensory data 51 53 273
Information acquisition, Tycho Brahe Case 54
Information acquisition, unknown signs 48
Information and meaning 43 349
Information behavior, cognitive framework 306
Information behavior, generalized model 261
Information behavior, nested model 198
Information beyond meaning 38
Information concept, cognitive view 32
Information conceptions 308
Information conceptions, Artandi 39
Information conceptions, Bateson 41
Information conceptions, Belkin 40
Information conceptions, Buckland 42
Information conceptions, Machlup 40
Information conceptions, Salton 38
Information conceptions, Shannon 38
Information conceptions, Wersig 39
Information gap 290
Information interaction 300
Information interaction, longitudinal 303
Information interaction, session-based interaction 303
Information interaction, short-term 301
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