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Zimmerman J. — Web Marketing For Dummies |
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.mobi domain 314
2 clicks to buy 105—106
301 redirect 56
404 Page Not Found error message 55—56
80/20 rule 180
A/B testing 188
Above the fold, pay per click ad and placement 257
Above the fold, placing product 97
Above the fold, staying 71
Accessibility issues 85
Accounting, setting up 319—320
Achieving internal needs 25
ACT! contact management software 196
Active voice 71
Activity, tracking 320—322
Add to Cart button 105
Advertising See also banner advertising; paid advertising; pay per click (PPC) ad
Advertising, allowing customer to create 146 350—351
Advertising, expandable ad 286
Advertising, generating revenue through 25
Advertising, house ad 287
Advertising, immersive 58
Advertising, including URL in 207
Advertising, interstitial ad 286
Advertising, market share of spending by medium 281—282
Advertising, online classified 294—296
Advertising, pay per click ad compared to 255
Advertising, word of mouth 143—144
Advertising.com Self-Service option 287
Aerotek Web site 24
Affiliate program, description of 215
Affiliate program, options for 216—217
Affiliate program, questions for 217—218
Affiliate program, resources for 216
Affiliate program, starting 218
Agreement, signing with professional 336
AHANews.com Web site 164
AIDA techniques 64—65
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) 354
Alexa.com Web site 236
AllBusiness.com, blog 132 133
AllBusiness.com, Web site 341
ALT tag 243
Amazon.com, Associates program 215
Amazon.com, Web site 99 111
American Dietetic Association press release 166
American Meadows Web site 278—280
AMP Concerts 160—161 162
Analytics, conversion rate 331—333
Analytics, description of 319
Analytics, diagnosing conversion rate problems 331—333
Analytics, identifying parameters to measure 322—329
Analytics, importance of 366
Analytics, interpreting sales statistics 329—330
Analytics, page statistics 370
Analytics, resources for 320—321
Analytics, reviewing 371
Analytics, sales 329—330
Analytics, statistical packages, free 321—322
Anchor paragraph 71
Anypay 108
AOL call script 352
Apache Mod Rewrite 229
Application See also software
Application interactive 354
Application, PO (purchase order) 93—94
ArtByUs.com blog 293
Assembly storefront 114
Assessing structure of site 65—66
Asynchronous communication 129
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) 354
Attention of visitor, catching 56—57 64
Audience for podcasting 308
Audience, conversion rate 331
Audience, for press release 165
Audience, for RSS 303
Audience, target, online compared to offline 28
Automatically updating content 126—128
Autoresponder message 179—180
Award sites, submitting to 140—141
B2B (business-to-business), definition of 19
B2B (business-to-business), frequency of newsletter from 194
B2B (business-to-business), guerrilla marketing 153—154
B2B (business-to-business), selling, with online store 93—94
B2B (business-to-business), social networks 161
B2B (business-to-business), Web education methods 304 305
B2C (business-to-consumer), definition of 19
B2C (business-to-consumer), frequency of newsletter from 194
B2C (business-to-consumer), Webcast 304—305
Back office problems 366
Banner advertising, agency, using 287—288
Banner advertising, cost of 286—287
Banner advertising, evaluating results of 291
Banner advertising, multimedia 292—293
Banner advertising, overview of 281 282—286
Banner advertising, placement of 288—289
Banner advertising, type, size, and position of 289—291
Banner advertising, using 286
Banner exchange program 286
Banner, internal 137—138
BannerCo-Op.com Web site 286
Benchmarks, break-even point 14
Benchmarks, cost of customer acquisition 13—14
Benchmarks, list of 13
Benchmarks, return on investment 15
Benefits of site, selling to visitor 59—60
Best practices for newsletter 192—193
Best practices, following 347
BestConnectionJewelry.com Web site 83
Bestsellers 100
Better Business Bureau 109 139 347
Bizrate.com Web site 140
Black-hat techniques 244
Blog for building online community 132—134
Blog for marketing 156—159
Blog, banner advertising 292 293
Blurb, packaged 180—181
Bookmarking site 12
Bookmarking software 136
BossTin Web site 43 44
Bounce rate 186
Branding company or product 24
Branding with logos and favicons 68 70
Break-even point, computing 14
Brevity 72
Broadband access 297 298 353
brochureware 23
Browser identification 324—325
Browser-use statistics 82—83
BrowserHawk software 82
budget 364
Bulk e-mail, sending 183—184
Bullet list 72
Bulletin board 130—131
Burger King Subservient Chicken Web site 146 147
Business card sites 23
Business fundamentals, conversion rate 332—333
Business fundamentals, importance of 9
Business fundamentals, reviewing 349—350
Business news sites 352
Business plan, preparing 17—19
Business Plans Kit For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Peterson, Jaret, and Schenck) 18
Business profile, preparing 19
Business social network 161
Business-to-Business See B2B
Business-to-customer See B2C
Buyer 120 184.
Call to action in pay per click ad 269
Call to action, conversion rate 88—89
Call to action, description of 87
| Call to action, using in text 360
Campaign, marketing, banner advertising 291
Campaign, marketing, criteria for 12
Campaign, marketing, inbound link 168—176 361 365—366
Campaign, marketing, pay per click advertising 259—261
Campaign, marketing, text messaging 312—313
CAN-SPAM Act, newsletter 188
CAN-SPAM Act, preexisting business relationship 196
CAN-SPAM Act, unsubscribe option 187
CAN-SPAM Act, Web site 177
Canada 212
Catalog, product 92 96
Catster.com Web site 135
Cell phone, unsolicited text messaging to 312
Change, importance of 366
Channel cannibalization 32 94
Chat room for building online community 130—132 146
Chat room for marketing 154—156
Chat room, children 345
Chat room, netiquette for 156
Check stand 92
Checker Auto Parts Web site 68 69
Checking references 46
Checking spelling and grammar 72—73
CheetahMail Web site 70
Cherry Moon Farms Web site 89
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act 344—345
click-through rate (CTR) 184 187—188 260
Click-to-Call (Google) 275
Clickstream tracking 327
ClickZ Web site 29
Cloaked page 236
CMS (Content Management System) 79—80
Collecting new name for e-mail address list 197—198
Collectors Guide Web site 81—82
Color meaning 68
Communication about shipping policies 112
Communication with customer 108—109
Communication, styles of, in online community 129—130
Community event, participating in 206—207
Community, building online, blogs and wikis 132—134
Community, building online, commitment to 129
Community, building online, communication styles 129—130
Community, building online, guestbooks 135
Community, building online, message boards and chat rooms 130—132
Community, building online, overview of 128—129
Community, building online, social networking 135—136
Community, building online, software 136—137
Community, building online, Terms of Use agreement 342
Company, branding 24
Competitor, keeping up with 353
Competitor, naming 30
Concept, branding with logos and favicons 68 70
Concept, creating 67
Concept, definition of 65
Concept, marketing communications principles, applying to design 67—68
ConstantContact.com Web site 143 190 191
Content See also updating content
Content ad partner 258—259
Content copyright 338
Content Management System (CMS) 79—80
Content, definition of 65
Content, developing 70—71
Content, font, choosing 74
Content, marketing copy, writing 71—74
Content, picture, telling story with 74—76
Content, rich media, using 76—78
contest 143 300
Contract, signing with professional 336
Conversion rate, definition of 260
Conversion rate, diagnosing problems with 331—333
Conversion rate, increasing 33
Conversion rate, tracking 88 324
Conversion tracking 265
Converting shopper to buyer, 2 clicks to buy 105—106
Converting shopper to buyer, fulfilling order 110—111
Converting shopper to buyer, payment options, offering 107—108
Converting shopper to buyer, product search engine 104—105
Converting shopper to buyer, supporting customers 108—110
Cookie 109—110
Copy, writing 71—74
Copyright protection 336—339
Cost of banner advertising 286—287
Cost of customer acquisition 13—14
Cost of development and promotion 364
Cost of goods 14
Cost of sales 14
Cost per click See pay per click (PPC) ad
Cost per thousand impressions (CPM), banner ads 257 286—287
Cost per thousand impressions (CPM), definition of 260
Cost per thousand impressions (CPM), Google AdSense program 275
Cost tracking 319
Country statistics 325
Coupon 142
Crawler 226
Credit card transaction, processing 107
Crime, reporting 347
Criteria for campaign 12
Cross-sales 99
CTR (click-through rate) 184 187—188 260
Custom 404 redirect 55
Custom e-commerce solution 114
Customer See also converting shopper to buyer
Customer service, providing through information 23
Customer, feedback from 350—352
Customer, finding new 11
Customer, focusing on 9 365
Customer, rating from 140
Customer, reaching online 10
Customer, retaining 219
Customer, supporting 108—110
Customer, testimonial from 138—139 360
Cyberinsurance 347
CyberSource Web site 347
C|Net Web site 351
DalmoWorks Web site 223
Data card 200
Data transmission speed 353—354
Date reminder service 101
Day of week of visit statistic 324
Decoration, definition of 65 85
Decoration, stylebook for 86
Deep linking 343
Defining target market 27—29
Del.icio.us Web site 12
Demographic segmentation 28
Demographics for rich media use 353
Demographics of buyers 120 184
Demographics of podcast audience 308
Demographics of RSS audience 303
Demographics of vlog viewers/producers 299
Demographics of wireless subscribers 311
Design See also content; navigation
Design, branding with logos and favicons 68 70
Design, concept, creating 67
Design, marketing communications principles, applying to 67—68
Design, reviewing 368—369
Design, Web site resources for 87
Designer/developer, banner ad 283
Designer/developer, deciding on 41—42
Designer/developer, nonprofessional 42
Designer/developer, professional 45—47
Designer/developer, RFP 64
Designer/developer, selecting 113
Designer/developer, techniques for onsite marketing 123
Designer/developer, working with 51
Desire, creating 64
developer See designer/developer
Development timeline, establishing 51
Diagnosing problem with site 331—333 367—368
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