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Zimmerman J. — Web Marketing For Dummies |
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localization 213
Logo, branding with 68 70
Logo, consistency of 204
LogoMaker.com Web site 68
Long tail of opportunity 11—12
Long-term strategy 13
Look and feel of site 63
Loyalty program 219—222
Macromedia Contribute software 79
Magic pixels 244
Maintaining list of e-mail addresses 196—197
Maintaining Web site See updating content
Maintaining, ranking with search engine 250—252
Mall 114
Mama's Minerals Web site 105 106 108 221
Many-to-many communication 129
Market segmentation 28
Marketing analysis 10—12
Marketing campaign, criteria for 12
Marketing communications principles, applying to design 67—68
Marketing copy, writing 71—74
Marketing e-mail 177—181
Marketing efficacy, call to action 87 88—89
Marketing efficacy, conversion rate 88
Marketing efficacy, definition of 65
Marketing efficacy, free, as magic word 90
Marketing efficacy, improving 87—88
Marketing guerrilla 28 152—154
Marketing mix 36
Marketing plan, reviewing and revising 350 352
Marketing plan, writing 29—30
Marketing tag 30
Marketing Tool Web site 47
Marketing, four Ps of 30—32
Marketing, golden rule of 119
Marketing, international 54 210—215
Marketing, onsite 121—123
Marketing, scope of 121
Marketing, search engine 226
Marketing, viral 144—147 352
Marketing, wireless 311—315
MarketingSherpa Web site 29
Maslow's Triangle 32—33 35
Measurement, identifying parameters for 322—329
Media kit 287
Merchandising online store, displaying products 97
Merchandising online store, enhancing revenue 99—102
Merchandising online store, including product detail 102—104
Merchandising online store, informing users of product options 97—98
Merchandising online store, overview of 94—95
Merchandising online store, selecting and pricing products 95—96
Message board for building online community 130—132
Message board, children 345
Message board, for marketing 154—156
Message board, netiquette for 156
Meta tag, keyword 239—240
Meta tag, page description 239
Meta tag, search engine 237—238
Meta tag, title 238—239
Meta-index 172
Meta-indices 246
Meta-search engine 246
Methods for updating content 78—80
Methods, black-hat 244
Methods, checklist of 37—39
Methods, education 304—307
Methods, fishing where fish are 35—36
Methods, using combination of 9 370
Methods, word-of-Web 152
Microsoft, online demonstrations 209
Microsoft, Usability Guidelines 84
Minicart 105 106
Minimum order 96
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) 314
Mobile marketing See wireless marketing
Moderated chat room 155
Moderated message board 130
MommyCast.com Web site 307 308
MontanaLegend.com loyalty program 221 222
MSN search engine, description of 224—225
MSN search engine, optimizing site for 236—244
Multimedia messaging service (MMS) 314
Multimedia, using 76—78 353
Museum of New Mexico Foundation Shops Web site 34 292
MyDomain.com Web site 56
MySpace.com Web site 160 161 162 341
Name-Finders Web site 199
National Fraud Information Center 347
National LambdaRail 353—354
Natural search 226
NatureMaker Web site 86
Navigation, accessibility issues 85
Navigation, definition of 65
Navigation, human factors in 83—85
Navigation, principles of 81—82
Navigation, usability issues 82—83
Needs, hierarchy of 32—33 35
Neopets.com Web site 58
Net neutrality 354—355
Netiquette 156
NetSuite PartsforScooters enterprise store solution 115
NewMexicoCreates.org Web site 290—291 292
Newsletter business, subscribing to 352
Newsletter, best practices for 192—193
Newsletter, click-through rate 184
Newsletter, creating effective 188—190
Newsletter, distributing 190—192 362
Newsletter, finding subscribers for 195—201
Newsletter, HTML versus text 192
Newsletter, improving efficacy of 185—188
Newsletter, sponsoring 293—294
Newsletter, timing and frequency of 193—195
Niche marketing 153
NMsitesearch.com Web site 125
No-storefront selling solution 113
Numbers, estimating 13—15
Numbers, evaluating 325
Numbers, seven, importance of 152
NYCabbie.com Web site 67
Objectives, specifying 26—27
Offer in pay per click ad 268—269
Offline, marketing business, advertising 207
Offline, marketing business, community events 206—207
Offline, marketing business, overview of 203—204
Offline, marketing business, URL, including on print and promotional items 204—206 359
One-stop storebuilder 113
One-to-many communication 129
Online classified advertising 294—296
Online community, building, blogs and wikis 132—134
Online community, building, commitment to 129
Online community, building, communication styles 129—130
Online community, building, guestbooks 135
Online community, building, message boards and chat rooms 130—132
Online community, building, overview of 128—129
Online community, building, social networking 135—136
Online community, building, software 136—137
Online community, building, Terms of Use agreement 342
Online escrow service 347
Online event, producing 209
Online store, B2B 93—94
Online store, converting shoppers to buyers 104—110
Online store, do's and don'ts 119—120
Online store, key components of 92—93
Online store, merchandising 94—104
Online store, options, narrowing 115—118
Online store, requirements, specifying 112—113
Online store, types of 91 113—115
Onsite marketing, advantages of 121—122
Onsite marketing, techniques, choosing 122—123
Open Directory Project 244—246
| Open rate 186—187
Open source 79
Opentracker Web site 327 328
Operating system identification 324—325
Operation of site, reviewing 369
Opportunity, long tail of 11—12
Optimizing site for dmoz 244—246
Optimizing site for Google 231—236
Optimizing site for sales 371—372
Optimizing site for Yahoo! and MSN 236—244
Order tracking 92
Order, fulfilling 110—111
Organic search 226
Organizing site index 48
Orphan page 332
Overture keyword tool 241 242
Pablo's Mechanical Web site 26
Packaging, putting URL on 204 359
Packing slip 110
Page counter 128
Page description meta tag 239
Page Not Found error message 55
Page optimization 243—244
Page statistics 370
Page view per visit statistic 323
Page view statistic 323
Paid advertising banner 281 282—283
Paid advertising newsletter or site sponsorship 293—294
Paid advertising online classifieds 294—296
Paid advertising, overview of 281
Paid inclusion 260
Paid search 226
Parental advisory 345 346
PartsforScooters enterprise store solution (NetSuite) 115
Pay per action (PPA) 260
Pay per click (PPC) ad, advantages of 255—256
Pay per click (PPC) ad, bidding and budget for 263—265
Pay per click (PPC) ad, Google AdWords, using 272—275
Pay per click (PPC) ad, implementing plan 261—263
Pay per click (PPC) ad, planning campaign 259—261
Pay per click (PPC) ad, reviewing reports 269—271
Pay per click (PPC) ad, search terms, selecting 265—267
Pay per click (PPC) ad, shopping search engines 276—277
Pay per click (PPC) ad, specialty directories and search engines 277—280
Pay per click (PPC) ad, strategy for 257—259
Pay per click (PPC) ad, writing 267—269
Pay per click (PPC) ad, Yahoo! alternatives to 271—272
Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing For Dummies (Kent) 256
Payment options, offering 107—108
PayPal 107
PDF file 71
PeakOil.com message board 130 131
Percentage, focusing on 325
Permission, requesting to use content or image 338 339
Permission, requesting to use name in testimonial 138
Personal recommendation 100
Personal social network 160
Pew Internet & American Life Project 119 156—157
Pheedo network 292
Photography, using 74—76 102—103
Physiological needs 33 35
Picture messaging 314
Picture, telling story with 74—76
pinging 186
Placement as element of marketing 32
Placement of banner ad 289
Placement, above the fold 71 97 257
Placement, online store 93
Placement, upper-left corner of screen 68
Placement, upper-right corner of screen 68 97
Planning, business plan 17—19
Planning, importance of 364
Planning, marketing plan 29—30 350 352
PO (purchase order) account application 93—94
Podcast, audience for 308
Podcast, description of 307
Podcast, listening to 308
Podcast, making 309 310
Podcast, resources 309—310
Podcast, uses of 310—311
Pop-under 286
Pop-up 286
PPA (pay per action) 260
PPC See pay per click (PPC) ad
Prepaid deposit 107
Press release, distributing 166—167
Press release, using 164—165
Press release, writing 165—166
Price as element of marketing 31
Price of products 96
Price, online store 93
Price, reviewing and revising 350
Principles of Web marketing 9
Print material, including URL on 204 359
Privacy issues 109 343—344
privacy policy 193
Proctor & Gamble Send a Kiss promotion 145
Producer, video 301
Product as element of marketing 30—31
Product catalog 92 96
Product search engine 104—105
Product tree 329
Product warranty 341
Product, branding 24
Product, detail, including 102—104
Product, displaying 97
Product, informing users of options 97—98
Product, online versus offline 93
Product, out-of-stock 98
Product, pricing 96
Product, review of, soliciting 140
Product, selecting for online store 95—96
Production tracking 110
Professional See also designer/developer finding
Professional, signing agreement with 336
Profiting from success 10
Promotion See also self-promotion
Promotion as element of marketing 32
Promotion code 102
Promotion of site internationally 213—215
Promotion, online store 93
Promotional item 204—206
Promotional Products Association International 332
Proofreading 73
Prospect, developing 303—304
Prospect, qualifying 24—25
Protocol for external and reciprocal links 174—176
Providing customer service through information 23
Ps of marketing 30—32
publisher 283
Purchase order (PO) account application 93—9
Qualifying prospect 24—25
Query string 240
Rating from customer, soliciting 140
Ratio, focusing on 325
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, Google Sitemap 230
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, resources 302—303
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, sales prospects, developing 303—304
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, steps in 301—302
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, symbol for 301
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, uses of 303
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed, using to update content 126
Real World stories 2 6
Real-time card processing 107
Reciprocal link 168 174—176
Recommendation from customer 138—139 360
Recommendation, gift 101
Recommendation, personal 100
Redirect URL 153 155
Redirecting traffic 55—56 207
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