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Witten I.H., Gori M., Numerico T. — Web Dragons: Inside the Myths of Search Engine Technology |
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Google, landing pages 166
Google, library collaboration 54
Google, Linux operating system 127
Google, misspellings 138 139
Google, nofollow links 170—171
Google, PageRank calculation 116 118—119
Google, paid advertising revenue 202
Google, privacy policy 190
Google, query processing 137
Google, self-censorship 191—192
Google, spelling correction system 138
Google, Zeitgeist 140
Gopher 132 133
Gori, Marco 174
Gray, Mathew 81
Hamlet 44—45 104
Hardware failures 152
Harper, Georgia 209
Hart, Michael 49
Havlin, Shlomo 175
Hiding techniques 156 161
Hiding techniques, cloaking 161
Hiding techniques, defined 156—157
Hiding techniques, redirection 161
hierarchies 95
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection) 119
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), authority rank 122—123
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), boosting tricks 160
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), computational load 120
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), defined 119
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), matrix 121
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), neighborhood graph 119 121 123 221
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), search results 122
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), spam and 120
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), synonyms 120
HITS (Hypertext-Induced Topic Selection), topic drift 121
How to Build a Digital Library 58
hubs 120—121
Hubs as set of resources 122
Hubs destruction 153
Hubs vulnerability 156
Hyperlinks See links
Hypertext as research area 133
Hypertext markup language (HTML) 61 67—69
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), code 68
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), defined 67
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), description 73
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), document representation 68
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), pagination and 69
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), tags 68 69
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), web growth and 69
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) 61 63—65
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as stateless protocol 64
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), defined 64
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), origin 98
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), servers 64
Hypertext, defined 18 98
Hypertext, editor 19
Hypertext, emergence 18—19
images, metadata 77
Impact factor 123
Indexes, build time 109
Indexes, comprehensive 102
Indexes, development 143
Indexes, distributing 126—128
indexes, full-text 103 104—105
Indexes, ignoring words 108
Indexes, results evaluation 110—111
Indexes, retrieval performance 111
Indexes, using 106—107
Influence weight 123
Information as process 10—11
Information control 177—209 240
Information explosion 33—35
Information forms 214
Information revolution 14—20
Information security 226
Information, defined 214
Information, filtering 219
Information, library aids 42
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) 123
Intelligence amplification 16
Intelligent agents 169
Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) 209
Internet Archive 51—52 58—59 200
Internet Archive, collaboration 51—52
Internet Archive, defined 51
Internet Archive, digitization initiatives 51
Internet Archive, scope 52
Jobs, Steve 63
judgment 13
JumpStation 134
Junk pages 163
Kahle, Brewster 58 67 200
Kant, Immanuel 4 10
Kipling, Rudyard 10 11
Kleinberg, Jon 119
Knowledge as dynamic 8
Knowledge as language 8
Knowledge as relations 5—7
Knowledge communities 7—8
Knowledge gap 16—17
Knowledge repositories 30
Knowledge visibility 165
Knowledge, creation metaphor 7
Knowledge, expressing as numbers 80
Knowledge, social interpretation 8
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 20—21
Lesk, Mike 58 99 241
Lessig, Lawrence 197
Librarians, experience 42
Librarians, Trinity College 42
Librarians, users as 229—233
Libraries See also books
Libraries as knowledge repositories 30
Libraries, Alexandrian 32—33
Libraries, ancient 31
Libraries, beginnings 32—33
Libraries, British National 34 35 39
Libraries, changing face of 30—41
Libraries, digital 30 32 232—233
Libraries, focused collections 37
Libraries, French National 35 36
Libraries, Google collaboration 54
Libraries, information seeking aids 42
Libraries, public 32
Libraries, San Francisco Public 36—37
Libraries, stock, increasing 35
Libraries, Trinity College 33—35
Libraries, Warburg 215
Library catalogs 42—46. See also catalogs; libraries
Library catalogs, authors 43—44
Library catalogs, classification codes 45—46
Library catalogs, creation 43
Library catalogs, defined 42
Library catalogs, subjects 45
Library catalogs, titles 44 44—45
Library of Congress 34 221
Library of Congress Subject Headings 45
Library of Congress, Classification 46
Library of Congress, information size 48
Licklider, J. C. R. 14—15 16 26
Linear algebra 115
Lingua characteristica 21
Link analysis 159
Link farms, defined 160
Link farms, illustrated 160
Link farms, spam alliance 173
Link rot 67
links 64
| Links analysis 95
Links from trusted pages 171
Links, attachment 66
Links, boosting 158—161
links, broken 66—67 152
Links, company home page 91
Links, directed 92
Links, economy of 185
Links, further structure implication 96
Links, hidden 161
Links, new 183
Links, node target 91
Links, nodes 86 90
Links, nodes, attracting 182
Links, nofollow 170—171
Links, number prediction 99
Links, PageRank contribution 115
Links, power-law distribution prediction 91
Links, rarer 114
Links, rot 67
Links, updates 116
Links, value 114
Linux operating system 127
localization 205
Lorie, Raymond 98
Lycos 134
Machine learning 124
Mann, Thomas 58
Mason, Richard 179
Matrix computations 116
Memex 12—13
Metadata 41—47
Metadata blog 128
Metadata community 230—232
Metadata in image retrieval 77
Metadata, digital libraries 232
Metadata, Dublin Core 46—47
Metadata, production 230
metatags 77
Microsoft Windows 18
Milgram, Stanley 85—86 92 94
Million Book project 50—51
Million Book project, book availability 51
Million Book project, defined 50
Million Book project, partners 50
Moore, Gordon 37 49
Moore’s Law 37 83 224
Mosaic 133
Mosher, Edward 98
MSN Search 135 136 170 202
My Own Web 217—218
Neighborhood graph 119 121 221.
Neighborhood graph, connection matrix, building 127
Neighborhood graph, structure 122
Nelson, Ted 18 26 98
NetFind 136
Netscape Navigator 133
Networks in nature 91
networks, peer-to-peer 224—227
Networks, scale-free 88—90
Networks, targeted attacks 153
Networks, wide-area computer 16
New archipelago 92—93 94
NeXT 19 133
Next Generation Internet Protocol 81
Nielsen, Jacob 83
nodes See also links
Nodes, defined 86
Nodes, number of 86
Nodes, removing 152
Nodes, strongly connected 90
Nodes, updates 116
Nofollow links 170—171
NP-complete problem 150
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) 58
Online office 236—238
Open Content Alliance 51 55
OpenNet Initiative 208
OpenText 134
Overuse, restricting 151—152
Page, Larry 118 135
PageRank and zero-sum game 164
PageRank, calculating 115—116
PageRank, defined 113
PageRank, inverse 171
PageRank, link contribution 115
PageRank, no outlinks and 117
PageRank, problems 116—117
PageRank, random surfer and 184
PageRank, recomputation 115
PageRank, teleportation and 117
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) 17
Parasites 149—151
Parasitic computing 150—151
Pay-per-click model 167
PDP-1 14
Peer-to-Peer networks 224—227
Peer-to-peer networks in information distribution 225
Peer-to-peer networks, collective resource use management 227
Peer-to-peer networks, copyright violation and 224
Peer-to-peer networks, development 226
Peer-to-peer networks, functioning of 225
Peer-to-peer networks, leading-edge systems 226
Peer-to-peer networks, reputation systems 227—229
Peirce, Charles S. 6 7 8
Personal file spaces 234—235
Personal file spaces, uniform mechanisms 236
Personal file spaces, web and 235—236
Personal library 12—13
Personalization 205 206
Personalization in practice 216—219
Personalization, clickstream analysis 218—219
Personalization, information filtering 219
Personalization, My Own Web 217—218
Personalization, opportunity 206
Pertinence 186
Pew Internet & American Life Project 27
Plato 5 6 23
Popularity, authority versus 185—187
Popularity, prestige and 185
Power-law distribution 89 90.
Power-law distribution, defined 89
Power-law distribution, illustrated 89
Power-law distribution, number of links 91
Power-law distribution, occurrence 90
Practical Digital Libraries 58 99 241
Prestige, combined with relevance 117—118
Prestige, defined 113
Prestige, measuring 113—117
Prestige, popularity and 185 186
Privacy approaches 187
Privacy legislation 187
Privacy on the web 188—190
privacy policy 190
Privacy, defined 187
Privacy, global office and 238
Privacy, information security 226
Privacy, web dragons and 190—191
Private subnetworks 223—229
profiling 205
Project Gutenberg 49—50
Project Gutenberg achievements 49
Project Gutenberg, defined 49
Project Gutenberg, public domain works 50
protocols, defined 64
Protocols, friend-to-friend 228
protocols, HTTP 63—65
Protocols, stateless 64
Proxies 147—148
Proximity searches 106
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