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Rosenberg D., Stephens M. — Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice |
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Robustness diagrams, working through a use case one sentence at a time 105 107 114
Robustness diagrams, Write Customer Review use case 117
save() 286
Screen mock-ups 8 51 56
Search for Books use case 131
Sequence diagrams as noun-verb-noun in nature 104
Sequence diagrams, actor 187
Sequence diagrams, adding implementation details to 211
Sequence diagrams, allocating behavior among collaborating objects 192
Sequence diagrams, allocating behavior to classes 188
Sequence diagrams, assigning operations to classes 188 194 202
Sequence diagrams, behavior allocation error 218
Sequence diagrams, boundary and entity classes becoming object instances 109
Sequence diagrams, boundary object 187
Sequence diagrams, cleaning up the static model before the CDR 188 194
Sequence diagrams, completed example of 208
Sequence diagrams, controller classes 187—188
Sequence diagrams, controllers becoming messages 109
Sequence diagrams, converging the problem space and solution space 211
Sequence diagrams, converting controllers from robustness diagrams 203
Sequence diagrams, copying boundary objects and actors from robustness diagrams 200
Sequence diagrams, copying entity objects from robustness diagrams 199
Sequence diagrams, copying use case text directly onto a diagram 197
Sequence diagrams, depicting how objects interact with each other 188
Sequence diagrams, determining which controllers go on which classes 204
Sequence diagrams, difficulty in drawing 193
Sequence diagrams, direct link to use cases 186
Sequence diagrams, discordant attributes 205
Sequence diagrams, drawing notation 186
Sequence diagrams, drawing one diagram for every use case 58 187 189
Sequence diagrams, entity object 187
Sequence diagrams, exercises and solutions for fixing errors 217—218 220—221 223—224 227
Sequence diagrams, expanding upon the robustness diagram 187 190
Sequence diagrams, filling in the implementation details before coding 208
Sequence diagrams, finalizing the distribution of operations among classes 188
Sequence diagrams, fixing leaps of logic in 227
Sequence diagrams, focus of control 187—188 192
Sequence diagrams, four criteria of a good class 205
Sequence diagrams, four essential steps for drawing 195
Sequence diagrams, getting “atomic” on 317
Sequence diagrams, guidelines 14 187
Sequence diagrams, invoking a use case from 245
Sequence diagrams, keeping the static and dynamic models in sync 211
Sequence diagrams, lack of controller objects on 187
Sequence diagrams, mapping use case text to messages 188 192
Sequence diagrams, not drawing flowcharts on 189
Sequence diagrams, object lifelines 187
Sequence diagrams, object-oriented design (OOD) 185
Sequence diagrams, overallocating a class 205
Sequence diagrams, overapplying design patterns 204
Sequence diagrams, passing messages 187
Sequence diagrams, pasting the entire use case text onto 190
Sequence diagrams, practice questions in modeling 228—230
Sequence diagrams, prefactoring designs 188 194
Sequence diagrams, putting the functions where the data lives 251
Sequence diagrams, real design vs. conceptual design 109
Sequence diagrams, reviewing frequently 188 194
Sequence diagrams, Show Book Details 347 353 358 363
Sequence diagrams, showing basic and alternate courses on the same diagram 187 189
Sequence diagrams, showing how objects accomplish use case behavior 188 190
Sequence diagrams, turning a controller into a control class 204
Sequence diagrams, turning controllers into operations on classes 188
Sequence diagrams, understanding the primary goals of 187—188
Sequence diagrams, use cases and 59
Sequence diagrams, using CASE tools 193
Sequence diagrams, using incorrectly as just a flowchart 223
Sequence diagrams, using to drive the detailed design 186
ServletRequestDataBinder class 306
setBookDao() 243 359
setUp() 354
Show Book Details use case 89 91 190—191 238 252 268 292 344 414—415
ShowBookTestHelper 368
Showing generalization and aggregation relationships 9
Singletons 411
software architecture see “Technical architecture (TA)”
Software functions 107
Solution space classes 201 211
Sparx Systems 112 195—196 297
Sparx Systems, MDG Integration plug-in 262
Spring Framework 20
Spring Framework as a lightweight J2EE application framework 166
Spring Framework, AbstractCommandController class 274
Spring Framework, Acegi Security 179
Spring Framework, anatomy of 165
Spring Framework, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and 172
Spring Framework, choosing a view technology 167
Spring Framework, Command classes and domain classes 168
Spring Framework, Command objects, definition of 168
Spring Framework, Constructor Injection 412
Spring Framework, Controller classes 216
Spring Framework, Controller interface 412
Spring Framework, controller, definition of 167
Spring Framework, creating a persistent object model using JavaBeans 169
Spring Framework, DAO and JDBC Support 413
Spring Framework, Data Access Objects (DAOs) 165 169—170 175
Spring Framework, definition of 165
Spring Framework, Dependency Injection (DI) 409 412
Spring Framework, differentiating Spring and UML controllers 168
Spring Framework, direct mapping between JavaBeans and domain classes 169
Spring Framework, DispatcherServlet 167 174—176 178 269 415—416 419
Spring Framework, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), disadvantages of 166
Spring Framework, Errors object 290
Spring Framework, form validation 417
Spring Framework, Hibernate 166
Spring Framework, HttpServlet interface 412
Spring Framework, iBATIS 166
Spring Framework, Inversion of Control (IoC) 166 283 409 411
Spring Framework, J2EE Servlet API 412
Spring Framework, Java Data Objects (JDO) 166
Spring Framework, Java Swing 166
Spring Framework, JavaBeans 165
Spring Framework, JavaServer Pages (JSP) 166
Spring Framework, JDBC 166 258
Spring Framework, lack of a security framework 179
Spring Framework, learning more about 172
Spring Framework, lightweight framework approach 267
Spring Framework, mapping entity classes to implementation classes 266
Spring Framework, Method Injection 412
Spring Framework, model, definition of 167
Spring Framework, Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture 165 167
Spring Framework, ModelAndView object 168 178 412 415
Spring Framework, object-relational mapping (ORM) 166
Spring Framework, Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) 165
Spring Framework, Resin 166
Spring Framework, running in a Java servlet/JSP container 166
Spring Framework, separating the view from the MVC framework 167
Spring Framework, ServletRequestDataBinder class 306
Spring Framework, Show Book Details use case 414—415
Spring Framework, singletons and the Singleton design pattern 411
Spring Framework, Spring Rich Client 166
Spring Framework, Spring Web MVC 165 167 258
Spring Framework, Struts 166
Spring Framework, Tomcat server 166—167
Spring Framework, using XML files for JavaBean dependencies 165
Spring Framework, Velocity 166
Spring Framework, view 167—168 412
Spring Framework, wiring beans together 410—411
Spring Framework, Write Customer Review use case 416—417
Spring Framework, YourBean class, code example 410
Spring Rich Client 166
Spring Web MVC 165 167
Spring Web MVC, Controller interface 412
Spring Web MVC, DAO and JDBC Support 413
Spring Web MVC, HttpServlet interface 412
Spring Web MVC, J2EE Servlet API 412
Spring Web MVC, ModelAndView class 412 415
Spring Web MVC, view 412
SQL and the domain model 259
State diagram 108
Static model 4
| Static workflows 2
Stereotypes, assigning to a UML element 63
Stereotypes, table of common use case relationships 67—68
Stereotypes, “extends” association 64 66 69
Stereotypes, “includes” association 64 69
Stereotypes, “invokes” association 63 69
Stereotypes, “precedes” association 63 66 69 91
storyboards 3 7 51 56
Stress testing 334
Struts 166
Stubs, using to simulate component, inputs/outputs 332
Subject matter experts 29
Subtyping, definition of 37
Subtyping, subclasses and superclasses 37
Sun Microsystems, Java 165
Sun Microsystems, JavaBeans 165
Sun Microsystems, JSP Tag Library (JSTL) 165
Sun Microsystems, Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) 165
System architecture see “Technical architecture (TA)”
System testing 333
System topology 160
tearDown() 350
Technical architect, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute 161
Technical architect, duties of 160
Technical architect, leadership skills required 161
Technical architect, pushing for TA adoption 162
Technical architect, role in documenting and communicating system architecture 160
Technical architecture (TA), analysis paralysis 175
Technical architecture (TA), analyzing usage and transaction requirements 160
Technical architecture (TA), architectural paralysis 180
Technical architecture (TA), basing the architecture on objective requirements 161
Technical architecture (TA), business-level system requirements 160
Technical architecture (TA), common errors to avoid 180—181
Technical architecture (TA), communicating and disseminating 160
Technical architecture (TA), completing before detailed design 160
Technical architecture (TA), considering the system’s scalability, security and availability 162
Technical architecture (TA), data model 161
Technical architecture (TA), definition of 160
Technical architecture (TA), deployment model 161 173 175
Technical architecture (TA), documenting 159—160
Technical architecture (TA), domain classes containing no behavior 175
Technical architecture (TA), examining the maintainability of a design 242
Technical architecture (TA), guidelines 161
Technical architecture (TA), HttpUnit 179
Technical architecture (TA), identifying a stable set of abstractions 249
Technical architecture (TA), interfacing with external systems 162
Technical architecture (TA), internationalization and localization factors 162
Technical architecture (TA), making models minimal yet sufficient 175
Technical architecture (TA), minimizing code breakage and refactoring 249
Technical architecture (TA), overnormalizing a design 242
Technical architecture (TA), package/component model 161 173
Technical architecture (TA), planning ahead for testing 162
Technical architecture (TA), purpose of 159
Technical architecture (TA), scalability 180
Technical architecture (TA), separating functional, data, and system architecture 161
Technical architecture (TA), service-level system requirements 160
Technical architecture (TA), testing application logic 179
Technical architecture (TA), understanding the purpose of 161
Technical architecture (TA), writing JUnit tests 179
Terminology, ambiguous 29
Test-driven development (TDD) 19 330
Test-Driven Development (TDD), Beck, Kent 351
testBookDetailsFound() 362
testBookIdFound() 353
testBookIdNotFound() 353
Testing, aligning closely to requirements 331
Testing, beginning as the code is being written 329
Testing, discovering alternate courses during 338
Testing, driving unit tests from use cases 330
Testing, identifying test cases using robustness diagrams 329 334
Testing, identifying the test scenarios for each controller/test case 335
Testing, linking one test case to each controller 336
Testing, not writing tests connecting to external resources 353
Testing, preparing for, during the analysis stage 329
Testing, programmers’ attitudes toward 331
Testing, proving a test by trying to make it fail 348
Testing, tying closely to requirements 329
Testing, unit test skeletons, guidelines for creating 338
testPageDisplayed() 359—360 362
TestRunner (JUnit) 350
Together 260
Tomcat server 166—167 173 270
Traceability 96 374 378—379 388—389
UML 2.0, action pins 399
UML 2.0, activity diagrams 396 399
UML 2.0, artifacts 396 407
UML 2.0, assembly connectors, definition of 398
UML 2.0, class diagrams 396
UML 2.0, collaborations, definition of 398
UML 2.0, combined fragments 402
UML 2.0, communication diagrams 396
UML 2.0, component diagrams 396 406
UML 2.0, composite structure diagrams 396
UML 2.0, deployment diagrams 407
UML 2.0, diagram types, list of 395
UML 2.0, entry and exit point connections 401
UML 2.0, expansion regions, definition of 399
UML 2.0, extension mechanisms 395
UML 2.0, functional decomposition 403
UML 2.0, ICONIX diagrams remaining unchanged 396
UML 2.0, increased support for precision in diagrams 395
UML 2.0, input and output pins 399
UML 2.0, interaction diagrams 396 401—402
UML 2.0, interaction elements and operands (subfragments) 402
UML 2.0, interaction, definition of 401
UML 2.0, interfaces, definition of 397
UML 2.0, junction states, definition of 401
UML 2.0, linking components by assembly connectors 396
UML 2.0, new modeling constructs on composite diagrams 396
UML 2.0, new state diagram elements 401
UML 2.0, nodes 396 407
UML 2.0, omissions in 407
UML 2.0, overview of changes in 395
UML 2.0, parts and ports, definitions of 397
UML 2.0, profiles, definition of 396
UML 2.0, provided and required interfaces 406
UML 2.0, robustness diagrams, lack of 395
UML 2.0, sequence diagrams 401
UML 2.0, state lifeline 405
UML 2.0, state machine diagrams 396
UML 2.0, stereotyped class 397
UML 2.0, swimlanes 399
UML 2.0, test case diagrams, lack of 395
UML 2.0, timing diagrams, definition of 396 404
UML 2.0, value lifeline 405
UML, assigning a stereotype to a UML element 63
UML, custom elements 383
UML, model for the Internet Bookstore 324
UML, operation, definition of 189
UML, package mechanism 61
UML, stereotypes 63—64
UML, synchronizing model and code 262
UML, syntax 39
UML, tools that reverse-engineer code into sequence diagrams 307
UML, understanding the generalization and extends concepts in use cases 66
Unit testing, avoiding duplication in tests 343
Unit testing, creating tests for each controller on each robustness diagram 330
Unit testing, driving from use cases 330
Unit testing, driving unit test classes and methods from controllers 331
Unit testing, driving unit tests from test cases 338
Unit testing, ensuring that each test method tests exactly one thing 342
Unit testing, generating test skeleton code for 334
Unit testing, guidelines 17
Unit testing, keeping unit tests fine-grained 342
Unit testing, neglecting to fix a failing test 343
Unit testing, running unit tests quickly 353
Unit testing, treating unit test code with reverence 342
Unit testing, tying unit tests to the preliminary design objects 342
Unit testing, using mock objects sparingly 343 369
Unit testing, why bother with designing unit tests 366
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