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Rosenberg D., Stephens M. — Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice
Rosenberg D., Stephens M. — Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice

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Название: Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: Theory and Practice

Авторы: Rosenberg D., Stephens M.


Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UMLTheory and Practice shows how to drive an object-oriented software design from use case all the way through coding and testing, based on the minimalist, UML-based ICONIX process. In addition to a comprehensive explanation of the foundations of the approach, the book makes extensive use of examples and provides exercises at the back of each chapter.

This book leads by example. It demonstrates common analysis and design errors, shows how to detect and fix them, and suggests how to avoid making the same errors in the future. The book also encourages you to examine its UML examples and to search for specific errors. You'll get clues, then later receive the answers during "review sessions" toward the end of the book.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 475

Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007

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Предметный указатель
Edit Shopping Cart use case      220
Enterprise Architect (EA)      57 89 105 112 238 260
Enterprise Architect (EA), adding a test case scenario in      345 352
Enterprise Architect (EA), built-in features for managing requirements      382
Enterprise Architect (EA), creating a requirements tree      385
Enterprise Architect (EA), creating an extended class diagram      384
Enterprise Architect (EA), custom UML elements      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), dragging elements from the Project View      384
Enterprise Architect (EA), dragging requirements onto the use case      382
Enterprise Architect (EA), external requirements, definition of      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), generating a requirements traceability matrix automatically      374
Enterprise Architect (EA), Hierarchy window      386
Enterprise Architect (EA), importing requirements from a comma-separated value (CSV) file      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), internal requirements, definition of      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), linking any model element to a requirement      386
Enterprise Architect (EA), Move External button      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), opening the Properties dialog      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), organizing functional requirements in      379
Enterprise Architect (EA), Relationship Matrix, using      388
Enterprise Architect (EA), Require tab      382—383
Enterprise Architect (EA), requirements for BillyBob 2.0      379
Enterprise Architect (EA), supporting requirements using a visual modeling tool      382
Enterprise Architect (EA), turning internal requirements into external ones      383
Enterprise Architect (EA), use cases and domain model for BillyBob 2.0      380
Enterprise Architect (EA), using the Agile ICONIX/EA add-in to generate diagrams      336
Enterprise Architect (EA), using to generate Spring-ready Java code      165
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), disadvantages of      166
Entity objects      187
Entity objects, definition of      103
Entity objects, treating as nouns      103
entity-relationship (ER) diagrams      214
Errors object      290
Extended class diagrams, creating      384
External requirements, in Enterprise Architect (EA)      383
External systems, modeling as actors      35
Facilitator/moderator, benefits of      88
findByCustomerId()      286
findById()      243 286
Flowcharts, not drawing on sequence diagrams      189
Focus of control      187—188 192
formBackingObject()      280—283 320—321
Fowler, Martin      242
Functional requirements      3
Generalization (is-a) relationship      24 27
Generalization (is-a) relationship, notation for      37
getCommandClass()      241
getCustomer()      288
getCustomerSession()      288
GUI prototypes      51 56 87
Handle()      272 305 358
handleRequest()      347—348
Hibernate      166 260
Hierarchy window      386
home.jsp      269 271
HomeController      268 347—348
HSQL database      176
HSQL database, use of, in-memory persistence mode      165
HttpServlet interface      412
HttpUnit      179
iBATIS      166
ICONIX Process as an intensely feedback-driven process      96
ICONIX Process, acceptance testing      333
ICONIX Process, adding operations to the domain objects      4
ICONIX Process, allocating behavior to classes      188
ICONIX Process, analysis and preliminary design phase      3 9
ICONIX Process, analysis as building the right system      9
ICONIX Process, as a scenario-based approach      7
ICONIX Process, avoiding dysfunctional requirements      6
ICONIX Process, behavioral requirements      3—4 7
ICONIX Process, beta testing      333
ICONIX Process, boundary classes      8
ICONIX Process, CDR guidelines      15
ICONIX Process, class diagram      4
ICONIX Process, cleaning up the static model      14
ICONIX Process, Code Review and Model Update guidelines      18
ICONIX Process, coding and testing      4 15
ICONIX Process, compatibility testing      333
ICONIX Process, completing refactoring before coding      351
ICONIX Process, controllers      3 11
ICONIX Process, Critical Design Review (CDR)      4 15
ICONIX Process, depicting how objects interact      188
ICONIX Process, design as building the system right      9
ICONIX Process, detailed design phase      3 12
ICONIX Process, domain modeling      3 7 11
ICONIX Process, drawing a robustness diagram      3 11
ICONIX Process, driving test cases from the analysis model      20
ICONIX Process, dynamic workflows      2
ICONIX Process, entities      4
ICONIX Process, extensions to      19
ICONIX Process, finalizing the distribution of operations mong classes      188
ICONIX Process, functional requirements      3
ICONIX Process, implementation (coding) guidelines      17
ICONIX Process, implementation phase      4 15
ICONIX Process, improving by ongoing iteration and efinement      35
ICONIX Process, initial domain model as normally ncomplete      106
ICONIX Process, integration and scenario testing      4 18 333
ICONIX Process, interaction scenarios      19
ICONIX Process, iterative nature of      2
ICONIX Process, Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture      7
ICONIX Process, naming the logical software functions controllers)      3
ICONIX Process, nonfunctional requirements testing      333
ICONIX Process, organizing use cases into packages      9
ICONIX Process, overview of      2
ICONIX Process, performance testing      334
ICONIX Process, performing a Code Review and Model pdate      4
ICONIX Process, persona, definition of      19
ICONIX Process, prefactoring designs      14
ICONIX Process, Preliminary Design Review (PDR)      3 12
ICONIX Process, preliminary design steps      9
ICONIX Process, preventing entropy (code rot)      18
ICONIX Process, regression testing      334
ICONIX Process, release testing      333
ICONIX Process, requirements definition phase      4
ICONIX Process, requirements gathering guidelines      6
ICONIX Process, Requirements Review      3 8
ICONIX Process, robustness analysis      3 11
ICONIX Process, screen mockups      8
ICONIX Process, sequence diagramming      3 14 188
ICONIX Process, showing generalization and aggregation elationships      9
ICONIX Process, static model      4
ICONIX Process, static workflows      2
ICONIX Process, storyboarding the GUI      3 7
ICONIX Process, stress testing      334
ICONIX Process, suitability to agile projects      2
ICONIX Process, syncing code with design      297
ICONIX Process, system testing      333
ICONIX Process, Test-Driven Development (TDD)      19
ICONIX Process, types of tests and when to apply them      332
ICONIX Process, UML 2.0 extensions and      396
ICONIX Process, understanding the tests required at each life ycle stage      331
ICONIX Process, unit testing      17 332
ICONIX Process, updating the domain model      3
ICONIX Process, use case modeling guidelines      8
ICONIX Process, volume testing      334
implementation      4 15
Implementation, coding as a design review stage      272
Implementation, correcting wrong coding      258
Implementation, driving the code directly from the design      259
Implementation, fixing design problems immediately      259—260
Implementation, following the same coding conventions      260
Implementation, guidelines      17 259
Implementation, holding regular code inspections      259—260
Implementation, including alternate courses on sequence diagrams      259 263
Implementation, keeping the design and code in sync      259 261
Implementation, not leting framework issues drive business issues      259 261
Implementation, overcommenting code      259 262
Implementation, practice questions in programming and delivery      294—295
Implementation, preventing code from getting out of control      259 261
Implementation, programmer-driven design      258
Implementation, questioning a framework’s design choices      259 261
Implementation, Show Book Details use case      268
Implementation, Write Customer Review use case      278
Implementation, writing code and unit tests at the same time      259 262 329
initData(), changing      355
Integration and scenario testing      4 18 333
Interaction scenarios      19
Intermangling, definition of      375
Internal requirements, in Enterprise Architect (EA)      383
Internet Bookstore, .error style      265
Internet Bookstore, accounting for alternate courses of action      93
Internet Bookstore, action list following the Code Review and Model Update      322
Internet Bookstore, actors      53
Internet Bookstore, Add External Books to Catalog use case      128
Internet Bookstore, adding a MockBookDao class      354
Internet Bookstore, adding a tearDown() method      350
Internet Bookstore, adding assert statements into the test methods      361
Internet Bookstore, adding individual tests to the test suite      351
Internet Bookstore, adding new properties and operations to entity classes      267
Internet Bookstore, adding save() onto CustomerReview      321
Internet Bookstore, addToPendingReviewsQueue()      284
Internet Bookstore, analyzing basic and alternate courses      72—73
Internet Bookstore, anemic domain model      242
Internet Bookstore, avoiding overly abstract use case text      93
Internet Bookstore, Book class      238 266
Internet Bookstore, Book Details Not Found page controller      308
Internet Bookstore, Book Not Found page displayed test scenario      363
Internet Bookstore, Book.java, code example      266
Internet Bookstore, BookDao      243 255 275
Internet Bookstore, bookdetails.htm      270
Internet Bookstore, bookdetails.jsp      274 277
Internet Bookstore, BookDetailsCommand      240 255
Internet Bookstore, BookDetailsController      240 243 270 272—273 275 305 360 362
Internet Bookstore, bookstore-servlet.xml      275 283 287 290 315 419—421
Internet Bookstore, bookstore.css      265
Internet Bookstore, boundary classes and display()      212
Internet Bookstore, bridging the modeling and development environments      324
Internet Bookstore, browser request, flow of events      178—179
Internet Bookstore, callTestHandle()      365
Internet Bookstore, candidate domain classes      33
Internet Bookstore, catching a NotFoundException      309
Internet Bookstore, changing statements from passive to active voice      95
Internet Bookstore, checkBookFound()      358 360
Internet Bookstore, checkRating()      319
Internet Bookstore, checkReviewLength()      318
Internet Bookstore, checkTitleLength()      318
Internet Bookstore, cheering a failing test      356
Internet Bookstore, clarifying relationships between domain classes      38
Internet Bookstore, code generation and CASE tools      260
Internet Bookstore, Command classes      216
Internet Bookstore, completed sequence diagram      208
Internet Bookstore, constructor detail as commonly missed      310
Internet Bookstore, Controller classes      216
Internet Bookstore, controller layer      175
Internet Bookstore, Create New Customer Account use case      128
Internet Bookstore, creating a BookDetailsController object      359
Internet Bookstore, creating a first domain model diagram      33
Internet Bookstore, creating a persistent object model using JavaBeans      169
Internet Bookstore, creating a resource in the test method itself      349
Internet Bookstore, creating a second domain model diagram      35
Internet Bookstore, creating a single BookstoreValidator class      313
Internet Bookstore, creating the database      263
Internet Bookstore, Customer class      266
Internet Bookstore, CustomerDao      255
Internet Bookstore, CustomerReview      216 247 255 266 279 284 311
Internet Bookstore, CustomerReviewDao class      284
Internet Bookstore, CustomerReviewValidator class      311
Internet Bookstore, CustomerSession class      179 206 287
Internet Bookstore, Data Access Objects (DAOs)      165 169—170 175 216 413
Internet Bookstore, dataSource property      275
Internet Bookstore, defining and separating architectural layers      172 174—176
Internet Bookstore, delegating behavior into helper classes      243
Internet Bookstore, deployment model      175
Internet Bookstore, determining if the sequence diagram matches the class diagram      250
Internet Bookstore, direct mapping between JavaBeans and domain classes      169
Internet Bookstore, discovering additional domain objects      35
Internet Bookstore, DispatcherServlet      167 174—176 178 216 271 306 347
Internet Bookstore, Display Book Details controller, test class skeleton      358
Internet Bookstore, DisplayBookDetailsPageTest      365
Internet Bookstore, DisplayBookNotFoundPageTest, refactored      368
Internet Bookstore, dividing code into smaller, well-named methods      320
Internet Bookstore, doesBookIDExist()      247
Internet Bookstore, domain classes and database dependencies      176
Internet Bookstore, DomainObject interface      315
Internet Bookstore, doSubmitAction()      283 290
Internet Bookstore, Edit Customer Review use case      324
Internet Bookstore, ensuring proper test coverage for controllers      350
Internet Bookstore, entity classes and database tables      266
Internet Bookstore, Errors object      290
Internet Bookstore, examining the handle() method      305
Internet Bookstore, expecting to add new functionality      324
Internet Bookstore, exposing leaps of logic in the design      310
Internet Bookstore, extracting domain classes from high-level requirements      30—33
Internet Bookstore, filling in implementation details on sequence diagrams      208
Internet Bookstore, findByCustomerId()      286
Internet Bookstore, findById()      243 286
Internet Bookstore, forgetting to code an alternate course of action      316
Internet Bookstore, formBackingObject()      280—283 320—321
Internet Bookstore, generating the entity classes for Spring      260
Internet Bookstore, getCommandClass()      241
Internet Bookstore, getCustomer()      288
Internet Bookstore, getCustomerSession()      288
Internet Bookstore, getting “atomic” on the sequence diagram      317
Internet Bookstore, handle()      272 358
Internet Bookstore, handleRequest()      347—348
Internet Bookstore, handling an unused object on a sequence diagram      246
Internet Bookstore, handling the “validation” controllers      311
Internet Bookstore, home.jsp      269 271
Internet Bookstore, HomeController class      268 271
Internet Bookstore, how the home page is displayed      271
Internet Bookstore, HSQL database      165 176
Internet Bookstore, identifying a stable set of abstractions      249
Internet Bookstore, implementing the home page (home.jsp)      268
Internet Bookstore, IncludeTop.jsp      270 277 421
Internet Bookstore, index.jsp      271
Internet Bookstore, initData(), changing      355
Internet Bookstore, insufficiently detailed sequence diagram      243
Internet Bookstore, invoking a use case from a sequence diagram      245
Internet Bookstore, isLoggedIn()      288
Internet Bookstore, isUserLoggedIn()      206 212
Internet Bookstore, Java package hierarchy      422—423
Internet Bookstore, Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL)      412 422
Internet Bookstore, JavaServer Pages (JSP)      165 179 412
Internet Bookstore, JdbcBookDao class      275
Internet Bookstore, JdbcCustomerReviewDao class      284
Internet Bookstore, JSP Tag Library (JSTL)      165
Internet Bookstore, load()      240 243
Internet Bookstore, Login use case      105 122
Internet Bookstore, Login use case, example robustness diagram      110
Internet Bookstore, mapping browser requests to Controllers      419
Internet Bookstore, mapping entity classes to implementation classes      266
Internet Bookstore, minimizing code breakage and refactoring      249
Internet Bookstore, Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture      165 167
Internet Bookstore, ModelAndView object      178 216 272
Internet Bookstore, Moderate Customer Reviews use case      122
Internet Bookstore, Moderate Pending Reviews use case      324
Internet Bookstore, moving the validation code into CustomerReview      315
Internet Bookstore, naming participating domain objects      92
Internet Bookstore, not creating a Validator class for every domain class      313
Internet Bookstore, not generating SQL from the domain model      259
Internet Bookstore, organizing use cases into packages      61
Internet Bookstore, overall folder structure      418
Internet Bookstore, picking up warning signs from sequence diagrams      305
Internet Bookstore, prefix and suffix properties      421
Internet Bookstore, preparing the style sheet      265
Internet Bookstore, problems with a single “blanket” validation method      316
Internet Bookstore, proving a test by trying to make it fail      348
Internet Bookstore, removing out-of-scope information      90
Internet Bookstore, Retrieve Book Details controller, test class skeleton      353
Internet Bookstore, reversing the relationship between Book and CustomerReview      322
Internet Bookstore, reviewing the Show Book Details use case      304
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