Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (part 2) |
Предметный указатель |
Weakly amenable radical banach algebra 193
Weakly complementable subspace 157
Weakly embedded subgroup 303
Weakly full functor 55
Weakly full representation 55
Weakly initial data types 43
Weakly initial t-algebra 23
Weakly reducible ring 451
Webb, p. 770 772 777 781 783 785 788 789 796 799
Wedderburn decomposition 223
Wedderburn theorem 222
Weierstrass preparation theorem 328
Weight of der g 638
Weighted convolution algebra 186 254
Weil, A. 296
Wermer, J. 176
Weyl algebra 384 442
White 251
Whitehead group 694 809
Whitney, H. 695
Wickless,w. 691 692
Wiegold, j. 572
Wiener algebra 185 254
Wigner, E. 517
Wille, R. 554
Wilson, J. 291 363
Winning strategy 56
Winskel, G. 67
Witt formula 590
Witt, E. 485 589
Wodzicki excision theorem 262
Wodzicki, M. 256 261 262
Wolk, B. 573
Word problem for free biccc's 16
Word problem for typed -calculi 33
Wreath products of dbs 104
X y 767
X-outer automorphism 374
X-outer group 369
| Yakovlev, a.v. 678—680 684
Yang — Baxter equation 709
Yanking for traces 58
Yanking, generalized yanking 58
Yetter cyclic linear logic 56
Yetter, d. 40 51
Yoneda 40
Yoneda embedding 24 30 54 56
Yoneda extension 210
Yoneda functor 54
Yoneda isomorphism 31
Yoneda Lemma 7 29 30 784 832 833
Yoneda methods 48
Yoshida theorem 826
Yoshida, T. 750 762 773
Young tableaux 395
Yuan, s. 477
Z(n) 670
Zalesskii, a.i. 387
Zariski geometry 280
Zariski open set 476
Zariski tangent space 516
Zariski topology 280 479
Zel'manov, e. 567 569 571
Zelinsky, D. 466
Zermelo — frenkel axioms 677
Zero-dimensional ring 452
ZFC 677
Zfc+v=l 694
Zil'ber conjecture 279
Zil'ber indecomposability theorem 280
Zil'ber, B. 279 280
Zippin existence theorem 675
Zippin theorem 675
Zmud, e.m. 484
Zonal spherical functions 722
Zorn ring 442
[g/h] 741
[h\g/k] 742
Реклама |