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Padova T., Mason D. — Color Management for Digital Photographers For Dummies
Padova T., Mason D. — Color Management for Digital Photographers For Dummies

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Название: Color Management for Digital Photographers For Dummies

Авторы: Padova T., Mason D.


* Shows digital photo enthusiasts how to ensure that the color in an image file is accurately represented and reproduced, from camera or scanner to monitor or printer
* Packed with color management solutions that will help novices create picture-perfect images
* Discusses the main components of color management including understanding light, matching digital images to displays and prints, working with color spaces, calibrating a printer, and using color management tools
* Familiarizes readers with the various color management tools that help calibrate consistent picture quality

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 318

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Saturation, contrast adjustments, effects of      219
Saturation, defined      11 12 155
Saturation, effects on      13
Saturation, excessive      155—156
Saturation, Gamma settings, effects on      219
Saturation, in camera raw images      229 238
Saturation, levels for best results      184
Saturation, problems, identifying      156 165—168
Saturation, reducing      218
Saturation, skin tones      163 165 166—168
Scanner resolution      244—245 247
Scitex CT file format      70
Selection tools (Photoshop)      306—307
Service centers, printing      275
Service centers, profiles      63—64
shadows      82 123
Shadows control (camera raw converter window)      228 236—237
Shadows/Highlights tool      124—125 128—131 220
Sharpness, controlling      232—233
Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras      232
Skin tones, as memory color      153 157
Skin tones, color saturation      163 165 166—168
Skin tones, correcting      157—163 169—170 173 193
Skin tones, identifying unnatural      155
Skin tones, preventing problems      288
Skin tones, tools needed for      165 166—168
SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras      232
Soft proofing, advantages      251 273 274
Soft proofing, converting color for (Macintosh)      277—279
Soft proofing, converting color for (Windows)      274—276
Soft proofing, defined      273
Soft proofing, in Photoshop      304
Soft proofing, in Photoshop Elements      274 281
Soft proofing, printing converted file      280
Soft proofing, viewing      279—280
Spiralux form light bulbs      23
Spyder2express      32 285
SRGB color monitor profile      49
SRGB color workspace profile      57 58 59—60
Standard edits      101
Subjects, popular photograph      157
Sun Stick lamps      23
Symbols used      3—4
Targa file format      70
Target color, defined      173
temperature, color      See color temperature
TIFF file format      70 71
Tone levels      See brightness image
Triten 50 full-spectrum tube lighting      23
Underexposed images      82 84 87 93—94 216
Undo command      131
Uneven lighting, editing for      102—105 290
Viewing booths      24 25—26 27
ViewSonic monitors, calibration      48—49
Web pages, color      18
Web sites      See online resources
white balance      22 229—230
White Balance eyedropper      229 230
White balance monitor settings      30 50
White Balance tool (camera raw converter window)      229—230
White eyedropper      204 205 206 210.
White point image settings, example changes      220
White point image settings, in camera raw images      228 236
White point image settings, manual adjustments      204
White point image settings, selecting      98—99 100 199 207—209
White point image settings, tone level changes, effects of      201
White point monitor settings, goal      22 29
White point monitor settings, LCD      34 47
White point monitor settings, Macintosh      45—46
White point monitor settings, Windows      38 39—42 52 53
White, colors producing      11
Windows, effects on lighting      24
Workflow      7
Workspace profiles      57—61 304—305.
Yellow, colors producing      10
1 2 3
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