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Padova T., Mason D. — Color Management for Digital Photographers For Dummies |
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Eye-One Display 2 32—33
Eye-One Photo system 65
Eye-One Proof system 65
Eyedroppers See also Black eyedropper; White eyedropper
Eyedroppers, Gray eyedropper 180 181—182 184 210 220
Eyedroppers, Hue/Saturation tool dialog box 165 171
Eyedroppers, White Balance 229 230
file formats See also camera raw images
File formats, bit depth 230—231
file formats, changing 71—72
File formats, profile support 69—70 72 276
File formats, recommended 71
File formats, resolution 244—245
File formats, saving 60 61
Filters 290—291
flat files 82—83 88 92—93 115—116 126—131
Flesh tones See skin tones
Flowers, challenges of shooting 217
fluorescent light 23
Full-spectrum light 23
Gamma monitor calibration 30 38—40 45 52 53
Gamma settings, adjusting 209
Gamma settings, Adobe Gamma control panel (Windows) 33 37—41 42 52—54
Gamma settings, channels, effects on 222—223
Gamma settings, color correction, effects on 184
Gamma settings, color saturation, effects on 219
Gamma settings, grayscale color mode support 18
Gamma settings, in Levels tool 89—91
gamut, color 13 57—58 281
GIF file format 18 70
gray See also gray cards
Gray cards 25 286—287
Gray eyedropper 180 181—182 184 210 220
Gray, clipping 13
Gray, color balancing 193
Gray, colors producing 11
Gray, levels 15
Gray, sampling neutral 287
Gray, saturation 11
Grayscale color mode 18 19 20
Grayscale files 18
GretagMacbeth tools, Color Checker 287
GretagMacbeth tools, Eye-One Display 2 32—33
GretagMacbeth tools, Eye-One Photo system 65
GretagMacbeth tools, Eye-One Proof system 65
Haloing 130
HDR, Merge to 300 301
Higher bit images, advantages 75
Higher bit images, converting to 8-bit 74 75 299—300 301
Higher bit images, editing 73—74 180 230—231 289
Higher bit images, gray levels in 18 73
Highlights 81 123.
Histogram palette 86. See also Levels tool histogram
Histogram, camera raw converter window 232
Histogram, defined 85
Histogram, Levels tool 85—88 231—232
Histogram, showing contrast 88
Histogram, showing overexposure/underexposure 87
history states 131—132
Hue 9—11 13
Hue, Saturation, and Brightness (HSB), color space 13
Hue/Saturation tool, brightness, adjusting 215
Hue/Saturation tool, capabilities 164
Hue/Saturation tool, dialog box 164—165 171
Hue/Saturation tool, edits, color-specific 212—216
Hue/Saturation tool, edits, example 211
Hue/Saturation tool, eyedropper 165 171
Hue/Saturation tool, preliminary steps 216
Hue/Saturation tool, saturation, adjusting 215
Huey Monitor Color Correction system 32 285
ICC (International Color Consortium) 56
ICC Profiles See color profiles
Icons used 3—4
Image Color Management (ICM) 252 260 263 266
image resolution 244—247
Image Size dialog 246—247
Index color mode 17—18
Inks, printer 271
International Color Consortium (ICC) 56
Interpolated resolution 244
JPEG file format 18 70 71
Kelvin rating 23
Keystrokes, combination 2
Lab color mode 300 301—302
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, black point settings 47
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, brightness 47 49 51—52
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, buying 30
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, calibration 31 34—36 41—47 49 51—52
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, characteristics 30 31
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, contrast 47
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, controls 31 34
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, technology improvements 31
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, white balance settings 50
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, white point settings 34 47
Levels adjustment layer 134—137 140 144—145 148 180
Levels tool See also Auto Levels option
Levels tool for Photoshop users 221—222
Levels tool, adjustment layers versus 134
Levels tool, black-and-white point 88—89 97—100
Levels tool, black-point adjustments 105—109
Levels tool, camera raw converter window versus 231—232
Levels tool, capabilities 84
Levels tool, color correction for individual channels 222—223
Levels tool, color correction steps 181—183 223—226
Levels tool, color correction, effects on tone distribution 184
Levels tool, contrast, adjusting 126—127
Levels tool, Curves tool versus 221
Levels tool, dialog 16 73 74 84—86
Levels tool, Gamma settings 89—91
Levels tool, Gray eyedropper 180 181—182 184 210 220
Levels tool, histogram 85—88 231—232
Levels tool, nonstandard edits, reasons for 100—102
Levels tool, overexposed images, correcting 217—221
Levels tool, preliminary steps 88
Levels tool, Remove Color Cast tool versus 179—180
Levels tool, white-point adjustments 102—105
Lighting, balanced 23—24
Lighting, choosing 287—288
Lighting, color balance 287—288 290—291
Lighting, color rendering 23
Lighting, consistency 24
Lighting, daylight 22 23
Lighting, environment 8 23
Lighting, filtering for 290—291
Lighting, human perception 22
Lighting, monitors, effects on 23
Lighting, online resources 23
Lighting, rating 23
Lighting, types 21 23
Lighting, uneven, editing for 102—105 290
Lighting, windows, effects on 24
Liquid crystal display monitors See LCD monitors
Local color correction 170
Look Up Tables (LUT), monitor color 31
Lossy compression format 71
Low light images, editing for 105—109
Luminance Smoothing control 232—233
Luminosity blend mode 139 219
LUT (Look Up Tables), monitor color 31
Macintosh, Curves tool (Elements) 122
Macintosh, monitor calibration 33 37 42—47 54
Macintosh, monitor profiles 32 33 42—47 54
Macintosh, printing 257—259
Macintosh, soft proofing 277—279
Macintosh, using 1 2
Magenta color shift 261
masks 125 130 306 307
Memory colors 153—154 156 157
Menu commands format 2
Merge to HDR 300 301
| Midtones, adjusting brightness 123
Monitor calibration, adjustments 29—30
Monitor calibration, brightness 29—31 41—42 44 49 51—52
Monitor calibration, color balance 29 285
Monitor calibration, contrast 29 31 49 51—52
Monitor calibration, CRT monitors 31
Monitor calibration, gamma 30 38—40 45 52 53
Monitor calibration, goal 29
Monitor calibration, hardware tools 30 31 32—36 285
Monitor calibration, importance 8 22
Monitor calibration, LCD monitors 31 34—36 41—47 49 51—52
Monitor calibration, Macintosh 33 37 42—47
Monitor calibration, online resources 32
Monitor calibration, saving 42 47 53 54
Monitor calibration, software tools, generally 30 31 36—37
Monitor calibration, ViewSonic monitors 48—49
Monitor calibration, visual 32 33—36
Monitor calibration, Windows 33 37—41 42 52—54
monitor profiles See also color profiles
Monitor profiles, characteristics 56 57
Monitor profiles, creating (LCD monitors with brightness and contrast controls) 47—52
Monitor profiles, creating (Macintosh) 32 33 42—47 54
Monitor profiles, creating (Windows) 32 33 37—42 52—54
Monitor profiles, custom 56
Monitors See also LCD monitors
Monitors, color display capability 14 15
Monitors, color Look Up Tables 31
Monitors, CRT 26 30—31
Monitors, display technology 14 15 17
Monitors, environment for 24
Monitors, room lighting, effects on 23
Monitors, types 30—31 34
Neutral gray software background 27
Noise, reducing 232—233
Obermeier, Barbara 233 293
Online resources, companion site 4
Online resources, Curves adjustment layers 288
Online resources, gray/color cards 286 287
Online resources, lighting 23
Online resources, monitor calibration 32
Online resources, monitors 30
Online resources, photographic supplies 25
Online resources, profile conversion 275
Online resources, profile services 64
Online resources, service centers 275
Opacity, changing 137
Output devices, calibration systems for 65
Output profiles See also color profiles
Output profiles for specific paper 271
Output profiles, acquiring 62—65
Output profiles, applying twice 260 261
Output profiles, canned 62—63
Output profiles, converting 69 303
Output profiles, custom 57 261—262 263 264
Output profiles, customizing, services for 63—64
Output profiles, described 8 58 61—62
Output profiles, embedding 304—305
Output profiles, installing 65—67
Output profiles, printing with 67—69 250 251—252 273
Output profiles, proofing 304
Output profiles, renaming 268
Output profiles, selecting 251—252 254 256—258 259—260 262—264
Over-correction, black-and-white point 100
Overexposed images 82 83 87 94—95 216—221
Oversaturated colors 155—156
Padova, Ted 233
Pantone Huey Monitor Color Correction system 32 285
Paper, printer 68 69 271
PCX file format 70
PDF file format, Photoshop 70
Phosphors, monitor 14 15 38 52 53
Photo bin 140—141
photography See also digital cameras
Photography, backgrounds 288
Photography, filtering 290—291
Photography, lighting 277—278
Photography, online resources 25
Photography, subject matter, popular 157
Photoshop CS2 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Obermeier) 293
Photoshop Elements 5 For Dummies (Obermeier and Padova) 233
Photoshop Elements, Photoshop, compared to 221—222
Photoshop Elements, versions used 1
Photoshop file format 70 71
Photoshop tools, bit depth, changing 299—300
Photoshop tools, camera raw format conversion 305—306
Photoshop tools, Channels dialog 297—298
Photoshop tools, color mode conversion 300—302
Photoshop tools, color profile conversion 303
Photoshop tools, color profile embedding 304—305
Photoshop tools, color profile proofing 304
Photoshop tools, Color Range tool 305—306
Photoshop tools, Curves 121 293—297
Photoshop tools, Merge to HDR 300 301
Photoshop tools, Quick Mask tool 306 307
Photoshop, advantages 293
Photoshop, Elements, compared to 221—222
PICT file format 70
Pixar file format 70
PNG file format 70
Posterization 95—96 100 119
Preferences, undo count 131—132
Printer calibration systems 65
Printer Profile menu 67—68
Printing See also output profiles; soft proofing
Printing to specific printers, Canon 265—267
Printing to specific printers, Epson (Macintosh) 257—259
Printing to specific printers, Epson (Windows) 252—257
Printing to specific printers, HP inkjet 262—264
Printing, Automatic profile selection printing option 251—252 254 256—258 262—264
Printing, clipping 13
Printing, CMYK color mode 64
Printing, color conversion 67—69 250 251—252 273
Printing, Color Conversion printing option 251—252 259—260 262 263 264
Printing, color loss 13
Printing, contact sheets 268—270
Printing, Converted color printing option 252
Printing, cropping images 248—250
Printing, limitations 13
Printing, Macintosh 257—259
printing, options 244
Printing, paper/ink selection 68 69 271
printing, previewing 67—69 252 254
Printing, problems, common 251
Printing, process, generally 251—252
printing, resolution 244—247 250
Printing, service centers 275
Printing, sizing images 246—247
Printing, technology 17
Profiles See specific types (e.g. output profiles color
Proofing systems 65. See also soft proofing
QPcard 286—287
Quick Mask tool (Photoshop) 306 307
RAW Converter 227 228—234 237—239 305—306
RAW format See camera raw images
Reference color, defined 173
Remove Color Cast tool 173—177 179—180 184
Replace Color tool 213
Resizing images 246—247
Resolution 244—247 250
Reverting to saved image 132
RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) channel 16
RGB Color Mode 17 19 20 301
RGB color space 13 73
Ring around 185 186
Saturation See also Hue/Saturation tool
Saturation control (camera raw converter window) 229
Saturation, brightness adjustments, effect of 16 215
Saturation, cautions 220
Saturation, changing, effects created by 155 168
Saturation, characteristics 218
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