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Ghazala R. — Circuit-bending |
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Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, case 212
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, circuits 211
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, control layout 212
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, control mounting 213
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, drilling holes 213
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, marking the board 212
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, musicality 216
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, opening up 210
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, painting 213
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, parts 210
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, reassembly 216
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, soldering 214
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, testing 214
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, troubleshooting 215
Pushbutton switches 51—52
Pushbutton switches, reset buttons 350
Pushbutton switches, schematic symbol 372—373
R&D Electronics 357
RA Enterprises 357
Radio Shack 202 204—205 357
Radio stations 353
Ramsey Electronics, Inc. 359
Rap Pad, case 292
Rap Pad, circuits 291
Rap Pad, control layout 291—292
Rap Pad, control mounting 292
Rap Pad, drilling holes 292
Rap Pad, marking the board 292
Rap Pad, musicality 293
Rap Pad, opening up 290
Rap Pad, painting 292
Rap Pad, parts 289—290
Rap Pad, reassembly 293
Rap Pad, soldering 293
Rap Pad, testing 293
RCA jacks 70—71
RCA jacks, schematic symbol 374
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, bending diagram 252
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, case 253
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, circuits 252
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, control layout 252—253
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, control mounting 253
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, drilling holes 253
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, marking the board 253
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, musicality 255
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, opening up 252
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, painting 253
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, parts 251
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, reassembly 255
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, soldering 254
Realistic Concertmate 380 Aleatron, testing 254
Reassembly, book strip bend 300
Reassembly, Casio MT-140 Aleatron 270
Reassembly, Casio SA-2 Aleatron 244
Reassembly, Casio SA-5 Aleatron 249
Reassembly, Casio SK-1 Aleatron 276
Reassembly, Casio SK-60 Aleatron 264
Reassembly, Concertmate 380 Aleatron 255
Reassembly, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick 308
Reassembly, Electronic Rap Pad 293
Reassembly, Fisher Price Electronic Womb 313
Reassembly, Harmonic Window 323
Reassembly, Hyper Sax 331
Reassembly, Inverter 288
Reassembly, Mall Madness 281
Reassembly, Speak & Math Incantor 237
Reassembly, Speak & Read Incantor 230
Reassembly, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version 223
Reassembly, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version 216
Reed switches 52—53
Rehousing circuits in another case 153—154
Reliance Merchandizing Co. 357
Relocating components 149—150
replacing 349
Replacing resistors 349
Reproducing instruments 170—171
reset buttons 350
Resistor substitution wheel 54—56
resistors 54—56
Resonance 104.4FM (London, UK) 353
Resources, body-contacts 354
Resources, discussion groups 353
Resources, metal knobs 354
Resources, radio stations 353
Respirators 45
Retailers, body-contacts 354
Retailers, electronic components 354—358
Retailers, electronic project kits 359—360
Retailers, electronics tools 360—361
Retailers, metal knobs 354
Retailers, paint booths 360
Retailers, potentiometers 205—206
Retailers, soldering stations 360
Retailers, specialty paints 360
Retailers, spikes 354
Retailers, studs 354
Retailers, weird electronics 361
Reverb Horn 159—161
Rib surgery on cases 132
Rifflers 42—43
Righter Group paint 360
Rohm Electronics USA, LLC 358
Rotary switches 52
Rotary switches, schematic symbol 373
Rustoleum paint 360
RYOBI 7.2-volt power driver 39
Sales policies 27
Sargent Art paint 360
Saturn Surplus 357
Schematic symbol 364
Schematic symbols 363—376
Schematic symbols, batteries 376
Schematic symbols, body-contacts 371
Schematic symbols, capacitors 365—366
Schematic symbols, crystals 366
Schematic symbols, diodes 368
Schematic symbols, ground 375
Schematic symbols, integrated circuits 367—368
Schematic symbols, LEDs 368—369
Schematic symbols, microphones 371
Schematic symbols, neon lights 369—370
Schematic symbols, one-quarter-inch audio (guitar) jacks 374
Schematic symbols, photocells 365
Schematic symbols, potentionmeters 364
Schematic symbols, power supplies 375
Schematic symbols, pushbutton switches 372—373
Schematic symbols, RCA jacks 374
Schematic symbols, resistors 364
Schematic symbols, rotary switches 373
Schematic symbols, speakers 370
Schematic symbols, toggle switches 372
Schematic symbols, transistors 367
Schematic symbols, tungsten light bulbs 369
Schematic symbols, wiring 376
Science Hobbyist 361
Screwdriver body-contact 112—113
Screwdrivers 37 104
Secondhand sound toys, batteries 104
Secondhand sound toys, bending probe 105—107
Secondhand sound toys, controls 105
Secondhand sound toys, finding 103 199
Secondhand sound toys, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) 125—126
Secondhand sound toys, panic button 128—129
Secondhand sound toys, photocells 124—125
Secondhand sound toys, potentiometers 119—124
Secondhand sound toys, voice selection 105
Secret Technology Labs 361
Security drivers 38
Self-tapping spiral drill bit 135
Selling instruments 203
| Shielded audio cable 68—69
Silicon adhesives 44—45
Skycraft Parts and Surplus, Inc. 357
Small Parts, Inc. 357
Socket drivers 38
Solar bug box 172—173
solder 85—86
Soldering equipment, Liquid Solder 85
Soldering equipment, soldering guns 31
Soldering equipment, soldering irons 31 96—97
Soldering equipment, soldering pencils 31
Soldering equipment, soldering stations, down-draft technology 78—79
Soldering equipment, soldering stations, models 31—32 360
Soldering instruments, book strip bend 300
Soldering instruments, Casio MT-140 Aleatron 269
Soldering instruments, Casio SA-2 Aleatron 243
Soldering instruments, Casio SA-5 Aleatron 248
Soldering instruments, Casio SK-1 Aleatron 275
Soldering instruments, Casio SK-60 Aleatron 262
Soldering instruments, Concertmate 380 Aleatron 254
Soldering instruments, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick 307
Soldering instruments, Electronic Rap Pad 293
Soldering instruments, Fisher Price Electronic Womb 313
Soldering instruments, Harmonic Window 321—322
Soldering instruments, Hyper Sax 330
Soldering instruments, Inverter 288
Soldering instruments, Mall Madness 280—281
Soldering instruments, Speak & Math Incantor 235
Soldering instruments, Speak & Read Incantor 228—229
Soldering instruments, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version 221
Soldering instruments, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version 214
Soldering lugs (jacks) 69
Soldering techniques 96—99
Soldering, circuit board 92—93
Soldering, circuit trace 94
Soldering, component leads 93
Soldering, directions 86
Soldering, fixing mistakes 99—101
Soldering, heat sinks 91
Soldering, how it works 85—86
Soldering, IC pins 94—96
Soldering, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) 91
Soldering, potentiometers 90
Soldering, speakers 91
Soldering, switches 90
Soldering, temperatures 86
Soldering, tinning 88—90
Soldering, wires 87—88
Solid-core wire 65—67
Sound toys, batteries 104
Sound toys, bending probe 105—107
Sound toys, controls 105
Sound toys, finding 103 199
Sound toys, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) 125—126
Sound toys, panic button 128—129
Sound toys, photocells 124—125
Sound toys, potentiometers 119—124
Sound toys, voice selection 105
Sounds, business considerations 26
Sounds, womb sounds 309
Spade drill bit 136
Sparkle dusts 178—179
Speaker cabinet project box 169—170
Speakers, installing 168—169
Speakers, schematic symbol 370
Speakers, soldering 91
Speakers, speaker leads 127
Specialized Products Co. 360
Specializing in instruments 26
Specialty paints, crackle 177
Specialty paints, glitter 177
Specialty paints, hammer tone 176
Specialty paints, metallic 176
Specialty paints, neon glow 177
Specialty paints, retailers 360
Specialty paints, stone finishes 177
Specialty paints, textured finishes 177
speech synthesizer 207—208
Spikes 354
Spiral drill bit 135
Splicing wires 87—88
Spray-on glosses 181
Squeal fix for Casio DH 100, 332—333
Stanley Electric Sales of America, Inc. 358
Stone finishes (paint) 177
Stranded wire 65 67
Streaming bend 115
Studs 354
Studs and Spikes online store 354
Sub-Chant Generator 157—158
Substituting potentiometers 58
Suminagashi 15
SunLED Corp. 358
Surfaces for working 82
Surplus Center 357
Surplus Sales of Nebraska 357
Surplus Traders 357
Switch depiction 200—201
Switches, custom switches 52—53
Switches, micro switches 52
Switches, motion-sensitive switches 52
Switches, mounting 141
Switches, ornamentation 191—192
Switches, pushbutton switches 51—52
Switches, pushbutton switches, schematic symbol 372—373
Switches, reed switches 52—53
Switches, rotary switches 52
Switches, rotary switches, schematic symbol 373
Switches, soldering 90
Switches, toggle switches 49—50
Switches, toggle switches, schematic symbol 372
Switches, toggle switches, two-way choice 344
Synthesizers, ambiance 173
Synthesizers, human speech 207—208
Synthesizers, invention of 7
Tape 74
Techni-Tool, Inc. 361
Tecra Tools, Inc. 361
Templates for instruments 170—171
Ten-Tec, Inc. 360
Test leads 105—108
Testing, book strip bend 300
Testing, Casio MT-140 Aleatron 270
Testing, Casio SA-2 Aleatron 243—244
Testing, Casio SA-5 Aleatron 248—249
Testing, Casio SK-1 Aleatron 275—276
Testing, Casio SK-60 Aleatron 263
Testing, Concertmate 380 Aleatron 254
Testing, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick 307
Testing, Fisher Price Electronic Womb 313
Testing, Harmonic Window 322
Testing, Hyper Sax 331
Testing, Inverter 288
Testing, Mall Madness 281
Testing, Speak & Math Incantor 235
Testing, Speak & Read Incantor 229
Testing, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version 222
Testing, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version 214
Testing, testing, Electronic Rap Pad 293
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, bending diagram 233
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, case 234
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, circuits 233—234
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, control layout 234
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, control mounting 235
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, drilling holes 234
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, marking the board 234
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, musicality 237
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, opening up 233
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, original equipment 231—232
Texas Instruments Speak & Math Incantor, painting 234
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