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Ghazala R. — Circuit-bending
Ghazala R. — Circuit-bending

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Название: Circuit-bending

Автор: Ghazala R.


* Fans will get bent out of shape if they miss the first book to cover circuit-bending-"bending," for short-the method by which an electronic toy or a device such as a keyboard is short-circuited and modified to create an entirely different sound
* Written by the inventor of the technology, this book covers the tools of the trade, shows how to build a bending workshop, and reveals secrets that will have readers of all levels making sweet music in no time
* Readers learn basic bends, body contacts, and other bending skills, as well as ways to create bent instruments from a variety of popular toys and electronic devices
* Features some of the author's own unique creations

Язык: en

Рубрика: Строительство и архитектура/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 450

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), finding      125—126
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), mounting      142
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), orientation      201
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), ornamentation      192—195
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), painting      61
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), retailers      358
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), schematic symbol      368—369
LEDs (light-emitting diodes), soldering      91
LEDtronics, Inc.      358
Leo Electronics, Inc.      356
Liberty Brass      354
light-emitting diodes (LEDs)      See LEDs (light-emitting diodes)
Lighting, paint booths      181
Lighting, workshop      76—77
Lights, fluorescent      76
Lights, jeweler’s lamp      76
Lights, neon light schematic symbol      369—370
Lights, three-point lighting scheme      77
Lights, tungsten      76—77
Lights, tungsten, schematic symbol      369
Line output bend      340
Linear taper potentiometers      58
Liquid Solder      85
Litz, Josh      13
Living instruments, aging      17—18
Living instruments, BEAsape (Bio-Electronic Audiosapian)      16—17
Living instruments, life cycle      17
LNS Technologies      359
Logic lamps      126
Lone Star Consulting      361
Looping bend      115
Lumex, Inc.      358
Lynx Motion, Inc.      359
Magnet for parts      82
MAI Prime Parts      356
Mall Madness, bending diagrams      279
Mall Madness, case      279—280
Mall Madness, circuits      278—279
Mall Madness, control layout      279
Mall Madness, control mounting      280
Mall Madness, drilling holes      280
Mall Madness, marking the board      280
Mall Madness, musicality      281
Mall Madness, opening up      278
Mall Madness, original equipment      277—278
Mall Madness, painting      280
Mall Madness, parts      277
Mall Madness, reassembly      281
Mall Madness, soldering      280—281
Mall Madness, testing      281
Marking control titles, pen and ink      180
Marking control titles, transfers      179—180
Marking the board, book strip bend      299
Marking the board, Casio MT-140 Aleatron      268
Marking the board, Casio SA-2 Aleatron      242
Marking the board, Casio SA-5 Aleatron      247
Marking the board, Casio SK-1 Aleatron      273
Marking the board, Casio SK-60 Aleatron      260
Marking the board, Concertmate 380 Aleatron      253
Marking the board, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick      306
Marking the board, Electronic Rap Pad      292
Marking the board, Fisher Price Electronic Womb      312
Marking the board, Harmonic Window      321
Marking the board, Hyper Sax      329
Marking the board, Inverter      287
Marking the board, Mall Madness      280
Marking the board, Speak & Math Incantor      234
Marking the board, Speak & Read Incantor      228
Marking the board, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version      221
Marking the board, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version      212
Marktech Optoelectronics      358
Marlin P. Jones & Associates      356
Masking      177—178
masks      45 182
Master parts list      204—205
McDaniels, Howard, modern blacksmith      6
MCM Electronics      356
Megaphone made from Mr. Coffee carafe      168
Mellotron      271
Mendelson Electronics Company, Inc.      202 356
Metal knobs      354
Metallic paints      176
MG Electronics      356
Michel Waisvisz/Geert Hamelberg crackle box      7
Micro sparkle      178—179
Micro switches      52
Microphone schematic symbol      371
Midwest Surplus and Electronics      356
Mini jacks      71—72
Momentary pushbutton switches      52
Mondo-tronics, Inc.      359
Mono jacks      69
Montek Electronics      359
Moog, Bob (electronic synthesizer)      7
Motion-sensitive switches      52
Mounting controls, body-contacts      142
Mounting controls, book strip bend      300
Mounting controls, Casio MT-140 Aleatron      269
Mounting controls, Casio SA-2 Aleatron      243
Mounting controls, Casio SA-5 Aleatron      248
Mounting controls, Casio SK-1 Aleatron      275
Mounting controls, Casio SK-60 Aleatron      262
Mounting controls, Common Speak & Spell Incantor      221
Mounting controls, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick      306
Mounting controls, Electronic Rap Pad      292
Mounting controls, Fisher Price Electronic Womb      312—313
Mounting controls, Harmonic Window      321
Mounting controls, Hyper Sax      330
Mounting controls, Inverter      287—288
Mounting controls, LEDs      142
Mounting controls, Mall Madness      280
Mounting controls, output jacks      142
Mounting controls, pilot lenses      142
Mounting controls, potentiometers      141—142
Mounting controls, Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor      213
Mounting controls, Speak & Math Incantor      235
Mounting controls, Speak & Read Incantor      228
Mounting controls, switches      141
Mouser Electronics, Inc.      356
Mr. Coffee carafe voice toy      168
Multistep paints      177
Multistrand wire      65 67
Musicality, book strip bend      301
Musicality, Casio MT-140 Aleatron      270
Musicality, Casio SA-2 Aleatron      239 244
Musicality, Casio SA-5 Aleatron      249
Musicality, Casio SK-1 Aleatron      276
Musicality, Casio SK-60 Aleatron      264
Musicality, Concertmate 380 Aleatron      255
Musicality, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick      308
Musicality, Electronic Rap Pad      293
Musicality, Fisher Price Electronic Womb      313
Musicality, Harmonic Window      323
Musicality, Hyper Sax      331
Musicality, Inverter      288
Musicality, Mall Madness      281
Musicality, Speak & Math Incantor      237
Musicality, Speak & Read Incantor      230
Musicality, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version      223
Musicality, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version      216
Needle-nose pliers      35
Neon glow paints      177
Neon light schematic symbol      369—370
Newark Electronics      356
Numbers for parts      203—204
Ocean State Electronics      357 359—360
Oddmusic Web site      361
One-quarter-inch audio (guitar) jacks schematic symbol      374
One-shot bend      116
Opening up, book strip bend      297
Opening up, Casio MT-140 Aleatron      265—266
Opening up, Casio SA-2 Aleatron      240
Opening up, Casio SA-5 Aleatron      245
Opening up, Casio SK-1 Aleatron      273
Opening up, Casio SK-60 Aleatron      258—259
Opening up, Concertmate 380 Aleatron      252
Opening up, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick      304
Opening up, Electronic Rap Pad      290
Opening up, Fisher Price Electronic Womb      310
Opening up, Harmonic Window      318
Opening up, Hyper Sax      327
Opening up, Inverter      285
Opening up, Mall Madness      278
Opening up, Speak & Math Incantor      233
Opening up, Speak & Read Incantor      225
Opening up, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version      219
Opening up, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version      210
Optigan      271
Opto Technology      358
Ornamentation for controls, body-contacts      188—191
Ornamentation for controls, buttons      191—192
Ornamentation for controls, LEDs      192—195
Ornamentation for controls, raw materials      187—188
Ornamentation for controls, switches      191—192
Output jacks      See jacks
Paget, Sir Richard, scientist      207
PAiA Electronics, Inc.      359
Paint booths, exhaust      182
Paint booths, lighting      181
Paint booths, retailers      360
Painting instruments, book strip bend      300
Painting instruments, Casio MT-140 Aleatron      269
Painting instruments, Casio SA-2 Aleatron      242
Painting instruments, Casio SA-5 Aleatron      248
Painting instruments, Casio SK-1 Aleatron      275
Painting instruments, Casio SK-60 Aleatron      261
Painting instruments, Concertmate 380 Aleatron      253
Painting instruments, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick      306
Painting instruments, Electronic Rap Pad      292
Painting instruments, Fisher Price Electronic Womb      312
Painting instruments, fixing mistakes      186
Painting instruments, Harmonic Window      321
Painting instruments, Hyper Sax      330
Painting instruments, Inverter      287
Painting instruments, light-emitting diodes (LEDs)      61
Painting instruments, Mall Madness      280
Painting instruments, Speak & Math Incantor      234
Painting instruments, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version      221
Painting instruments, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version      213
Painting instruments, step-by-step process      183—185
Painting techniques, colored powders      178
Painting techniques, glosses      181
Painting techniques, pattern masking      177—178
Painting techniques, sparkle dust      178—179
Paints, acrylic latex spray      176
Paints, drying process      185—186
Paints, dusts      178
Paints, flat finish      176
Paints, gloss finish      176
Paints, multistep paints      177
Paints, powders      178
Paints, specialty paints, crackle      177
Paints, specialty paints, glitter      177
Paints, specialty paints, hammer tone      176
Paints, specialty paints, metallic      176
Paints, specialty paints, neon glow      177
Paints, specialty paints, retailers      360
Paints, specialty paints, stone finishes      177
Paints, specialty paints, textured finishes      177
Panic button      128—129
Part numbers      203—204
Particle masks      45 182
PARTS      See also electronic parts
Parts containers      81—82
Parts Express      357
Parts magnet      82
Parts, advice about      202—203
Parts, availability of      25—26
Parts, book strip bend      295—297
Parts, Casio MT-140 Aleatron      265
Parts, Casio SA-2 Aleatron      240
Parts, Casio SA-5 Aleatron      245
Parts, Casio SK-1 Aleatron      272
Parts, Casio SK-60 Aleatron      257
Parts, Concertmate 380 Aleatron      251
Parts, Cool Keys Bent Music Stick      303—304
Parts, electronic components      354—358
Parts, Electronic Rap Pad      289—290
Parts, Fisher Price Electronic Womb      309—310
Parts, Harmonic Window      315—318
Parts, Hyper Sax      325—327
Parts, Inverter      285
Parts, LEDs      358
Parts, Mall Madness      277
Parts, master parts list      204—205
Parts, Radio Shack      202
Parts, Speak & Math Incantor      231
Parts, Speak & Read Incantor      225
Parts, Speak & Spell Incantor, common version      217
Parts, Speak & Spell Incantor, pushbutton version      210
Parts, warnings      202—203
Pasternack Enterprises      357
Patch bay      117—119 351
Pattern masking      177—178
Peak lamps      127
Pembleton Electronics      108 202 205—206
Phono jacks      70—71
Phono jacks, schematic symbol      374
Photo resistors      63
Photocells      63 124—125
Photocells, schematic symbol      365
Photon clarinets      154—157 166—167
Pigments      178
Pilot lenses      142
Pin-tip test leads      108
Pitch dial and body-contacts      345
Plastikote paint      360
Pliers      35
Polarity, schematic symbol      365
Potentiometers, audio taper potentiometers      58
Potentiometers, bending through a potentiometer      343
Potentiometers, body-contacts      120
Potentiometers, chance triggers      346
Potentiometers, defined      56—58
Potentiometers, electrical resistance      204
Potentiometers, finding      119—124
Potentiometers, linear taper potentiometers      58
Potentiometers, mounting      141—142
Potentiometers, resistor replacement      349
Potentiometers, retailers      205—206
Potentiometers, schematic symbol      364
Potentiometers, soldering      90
Potentiometers, substituting      58
Potentiometers, trimmed potentiometer      347
Potentiometers, trimmers      58—59
POTS      See potentiometers
Powders (colors)      178
Power supply schematic symbol      375
power, batteries      See batteries
Power, drivers      39
Power, input      143—146
Pricing      26
Prime Electronic Components, Inc.      357
Project boxes      154—157 169—170
Project conventions, circuit standards      201
Project conventions, LED orientation      201
Project conventions, switch depiction      200—201
Project kits      359—360
Purple Haze      22
Pushbutton Speak & Spell Incantor, bending diagram      211
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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