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Jelen B. — Charts and Graphs for Microsoft |
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%AppData% shortcut 35
.thmx file extension 35
100% stacked bar charts, when to use 83
100% stacked column charts 12 134—135
100% stacked column charts, when to use 82 127
1900, as leap year problem 88
1900, dates prior to 93—97
3-D 100% stacked column charts 12
3-D charts, elements of 40
3-D charts, lying with perspective 423—425
3-D charts, rotation, formatting 66—68
3-D charts, types of 11—12
3-D charts, walls/floor, formatting 65—66
3-D clustered column charts 11
3-D column charts 12
3-D Format settings, changing with VBA 390—397
3-D rotation settings, changing with VBA 386—390
3-D rotation settings, of surface charts 185
3-D stacked column charts 11
80/20 rule in pie charts 137—138
Accuracy of date-based axes 84
AddChart method 365—367
adding See inserting
Adjusted Close column (stock charts) for stock splits 191—193
Alexander, Mike 434
Aligning icon sets with numbers 292
Alt+F1 shortcut 17
Analysis elements, list of 40—41
Apostrophe ('), VBA comments 364—365
ApplyLayout method 365 373
Area charts, drop lines, inserting 71
Area charts, when to use 82
array formulas 302—303
Array functions 172
Arrows, converting columns to 109—110
Assistants in organization charts, adding 330
Attiliis, Andy 436
AutoComplete 359
AutoShapes See shapes
Axes, built-in options, depth axis 53
Axes, built-in options, horizontal axis 52—53
Axes, built-in options, vertical axis 53—54
Axes, date-based versus, text-based 55—56
Axes, logarithmic axis 54—55
Axes, scale, changing 56—59
Axes, secondary axis, inserting 74
Axes, time-based, creating 56
Axes, types of 51—52
Axis fields, filtering pivot tables 276—278
Axis titles, changing with VBA 380
Axis titles, formatting 44
Axis types, selecting 85
Axis values, hiding 196
AxisGroup property 401
Back wall (3-D charts) 40
Backward compatibility of VBA 357
Baker, Lisa 432
Balance layout (SmartArt) 334
Bar charts See also data bars; paired bar charts
Bar charts, column charts versus 122
Bar charts, comparisons with 122—123
Bar charts, comparisons with, component emphasis with 125
Bar charts, comparisons with, sorting items 122—123
Bar charts, comparisons with, time comparison series 123—124
Bar charts, gap width, changing 398—400
Bar charts, when to use 82 121
Bar of pie charts 143
Bar of pie charts, changing settings in VBA 403—408
Bar of pie charts, when to use 127
Basic Cycle layout (SmartArt) 335
Beautiful Evidence (Tufte) 434
Benchmark charts, creating 260—261
Bernardo, Brett 264
Bevel settings, changing with VBA 390—393
BevelBottomType property 391
BevelTopDepth property 391
BevelTopInset property 391
BevelTopType property 391
Bins for frequency distribution, creating 173—174
Birthcer, Dan 167
Black-and-white See monochromatic
Blank cells, filling with zeros 268
Blank cells, zeroed cells versus 426—427
Blank top-left cell 23—24
Blogs about charting 435
Break mode (VBA) 411
bubble charts 170—172
Bubble charts, changing settings in VBA 408—409
Bubble charts, when to use 147 157
BubbleScale property 409
Built-in layouts, applying with VBA 373
Built-in styles, applying with VBA 373—375
Bullet points in SmartArt 319
Bunzel, Tom 434
Business customers, mapping 315—316
Business diagrams See SmartArt
Business presentations, SmartArt for 334
Business presentations, SmartArt for, Balance layout 334
Business presentations, SmartArt for, Basic Cycle layout 335
Business presentations, SmartArt for, customizing layouts 338—339
Business presentations, SmartArt for, Diverging Radial layout 335—336
Business presentations, SmartArt for, hierarchy charts 337—338
Business presentations, SmartArt for, Table List layout 336
Business presentations, SmartArt for, Upward Arrow layout 334—335
Business presentations, SmartArt for, Venn diagrams 336—337
Calculations with dates 87—88
Candlestick charts 189
Candlestick charts, color in 210
Candlestick charts, competition and volume in 213—216
Candlestick charts, creating 209
Candlestick charts, volume in 210—211
Candlestick charts, volume in, creating manually 211—213
Caption property 380
Categories in secondary plots, determining 405—406
Categories switching with series 20—21
Cell contents, linking text in shapes to 339—341
Cell subsets, data bars for 286—287
Cells, blank cells 268
Cells, blank cells, filling with zeros 268
Cells, blank cells, zeroed cells versus 426—427
Cells, conditional formatting, creating charts via 293—296
cells, formatting 86—87
Chart area, defined 38
Chart area, formatting 65
Chart floor (3-D charts), defined 40
Chart floor (3-D charts), formatting 65—66
Chart Layouts gallery 13 25—26 373
Chart object 365
chart sheets 24
Chart Styles gallery 26—27. See also styles
Chart titles formatting, Format dialog 44
Chart titles formatting, Format ribbon 43—44
Chart titles formatting, Home ribbon 43
Chart titles formatting, mini toolbar 43
Chart titles, changing with VBA 380
Chart titles, defined 38
Chart titles, inserting 42
Chart titles, moving 42
Chart titles, resizing 43
Chart types, combining 223—224
Chart types, of pivot charts, changing 271—272
Chart types, selecting 9—10 81—83
Chart types, series settings 398
Chart types, specifying in VBA 369—370 372
Chart types, templates, specifying in VBA 372
Chart types, thumbnail icons 10—13
Chart walls (3-D charts), defined 40
Chart walls (3-D charts), formatting 65—66
ChartFormat object 365
ChartFormat object, Format method 380—381
| ChartFormat object, Format method, 3-D rotation settings 386—390
ChartFormat object, Format method, bevel settings 390—393
ChartFormat object, Format method, fill options 381—383
ChartFormat object, Format method, glow settings 384
ChartFormat object, Format method, lighting settings 395—397
ChartFormat object, Format method, line settings 383—384
ChartFormat object, Format method, material settings 393—395
ChartFormat object, Format method, reflection settings 385
ChartFormat object, Format method, shadow settings 384
ChartFormat object, Format method, soft edge settings 385—386
Charting tutorials 434
ChartObject object 365
Charts See also dynamic charts; pivot charts
Charts exporting as images 355—356 414
Charts exporting to webpages 355
Charts lying with deliberate lies 428—430
Charts lying with Excel rules 426—427
Charts lying with obscuring data 427—428
Charts lying with perspective 423—425
Charts lying with scale 426
Charts lying with shrinking charts 425
Charts moving 16—18
Charts moving, between worksheets 224—225
Charts moving, in VBA 367
Charts moving, to separate sheets 24—25
Charts moving, to top of dataset 19
Charts on maps 312—314
Charts resizing 16
Charts resizing, for dashboards 219—221
Charts saving as templates 79
Charts selecting type of 2—3
Charts top-left cell, leaving blank 23—24
Charts, 3-D charts, elements of 40
Charts, 3-D charts, lying with perspective 423—425
Charts, 3-D charts, rotation, formatting 66—68
Charts, 3-D charts, types of 11—12
Charts, 3-D charts, walls/floor, formatting 65—66
Charts, analysis elements 40—41
Charts, converting to XPS or PDF 356
Charts, copying to PowerPoint/Word 347—349
Charts, copying to PowerPoint/Word as linked object 352—353
Charts, copying to PowerPoint/Word as live chart linked to copy of workbook 350—351
Charts, copying to PowerPoint/Word as live chart linked to original workbook 349—350
Charts, copying to PowerPoint/Word as picture 351—352
charts, creating 14
Charts, creating, contiguous data, selecting 14
Charts, creating, in PowerPoint 353—354
Charts, creating, in VBA 366—367
Charts, creating, noncontiguous data, selecting 15
Charts, creating, steps for 3
Charts, creating, via conditional formatting 293—296
Charts, creating, via data visualizations See data visualizations
Charts, creating, via REPT function 296—297
Charts, creating, via scrollbar controls 297—300
Charts, creating, with Insert ribbon 15—16
Charts, customizing 25
Charts, customizing, Chart Layouts gallery 25—26
Charts, customizing, Chart Styles gallery 26—27
Charts, customizing, themes, changing 27—28
Charts, customizing, themes, creating 28—35
Charts, default chart, changing 17
Charts, elements of 38—39
Charts, new features 7—8
Charts, referencing in VBA 365—369
Charts.Add command 366
ChartStyle property 374
ChartType property 369—370 372 401
Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog 321
Choosing, axis types 85
Choosing, chart layouts 25—26
Choosing, chart types 2—3 9—10 81—83
Choosing, color schemes 26—27
Choosing, colors for custom themes 32—33
Choosing, contiguous data for charts 14
Choosing, effects for custom themes 29—30
Choosing, fonts for custom themes 33—34
Choosing, forecast methods for trendlines 70—71
Choosing, layouts for SmartArt 333
Choosing, map types 312
Choosing, noncontiguous data for charts 15
Circles on maps, coloring 312—314
ClearToMatchStyle method 375
Clip art, as data markers 77—78
Closing stock prices on line charts, creating 193—194
clustered column charts 11
Code See VBA
Code Window 359
Color scales 281 288
Color scales, converting to monochromatic 288—289
Color scales, data bars versus 285
Color scales, troubleshooting 290
Color schemes, changing with themes 27—28
Color schemes, selecting 26—27
Coloring map circles 312—314
Colors dialog 32
Colors for fill options, applying with VBA 382
Colors in candlestick charts 210
Colors, complementary colors, finding for custom themes 31—32
Colors, extrusion color 393
Colors, gradients for plot area 62—63
Colors, highlighting columns 108—109
Colors, highlighting pie chart slices 134
Colors, in SmartArt, changing 322
Colors, RGB values 30
Colors, RGB values, converting from hexadecimal 30—31
Colors, selecting for custom themes 32—33
Column charts, bar charts versus 122
Column charts, gap width, changing 398—400
Column charts, volume (of stocks traded) in, adding to line charts 194—197
Column charts, when to use 81
Column depth (3-D charts) 40
Column sequences for stock charts 191
Columns, converting to arrows 109—110
Columns, final column, jumping to 362
Columns, floating 227—230
columns, formatting 86—87
Columns, gap between, resizing 175
Columns, highlighting 108—109
Columns, switching with rows 20—21
Comments (VBA) 364—365
Communication with charts 104
Communication with charts, columns converting to arrows 109—110
Communication with charts, highlighting 108—109
Communication with charts, line types, changing 111—113
Communication with charts, long titles, creating 104—108
Communication with charts, sections of charts, highlighting 110—111
Communication with comparing variables See relationships with charts
Communication with comparisons with charts 100% stacked column charts 134—135
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar charts 122—123
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar charts, component comparison charts 126 128
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar charts, component emphasis with 125
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar charts, doughnut charts 135—136
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar charts, sorting items 122—123
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar charts, time comparison series 123—124
Communication with comparisons with charts, bar of pie charts 143
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts 80/20 rule 137—138
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, creating 128—129
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, exploding 132—133
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, highlighting slices 134
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, labeling 129—130
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, moving labels 131—132
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, rotating 131
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie charts, summary slices 138
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie of pie charts 138—139
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie of pie charts, creating 142—143
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie of pie charts, gap settings 139—141
Communication with comparisons with charts, pie of pie charts, splitting series 141—142
Communication with comparisons with charts, stacked column charts 117—118
Communication with comparisons with charts, waterfall charts 144
Communication with comparisons with charts, waterfall charts, creating 144—146
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