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Fette B.A. (Ed) — Cognitive Radio Technology
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Íàçâàíèå: Cognitive Radio Technology
Àâòîð: Fette B.A. (Ed)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Cognitive radio technology is a smarter, faster, and more efficient way to transmit information to and from fixed, mobile, other wireless communication devices. Cognitive radio builds upon software-defined radio technology. A cognitive radio system is 'aware' of its operating environment and automatically adjusts itself to maintain desired communications-it's like having a trained operator 'inside' the radio making constant adjustments for maximum performance. Operating frequency, power output, antenna orientation/beamwidth, modulation, and transmitter bandwidth are just a few of the operating parameters that can automatically be adjusted "on the fly" in a cognitive radio system.
Fette has constructed a cutting-edge volume that hits all of the important issues including research, management, and support. Cognitive techniques will be discussed such as position and network awareness, infrastructure and physical and link layer concerns. Though still a nascent technology, cognitive radio is being pushed by the US military and for mission-critical civilian communications (such as emergency and public safety services).
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007
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Spectrum access, current techniques 33—39
Spectrum access, DFS 42
Spectrum access, dynamic 43—46 48 62—69
Spectrum access, non-interference methods 150
Spectrum access, opportunistic 39—41
Spectrum access, required financial transactions 591
Spectrum awareness 135—136 148—153 157
Spectrum awareness, channel awareness and MIMO signaling 174—176
Spectrum awareness, cognitive radio, role 165—166
Spectrum awareness, components 175
Spectrum awareness, creation 168—174
Spectrum awareness, creation, distributed sensing and operation 173—174
Spectrum awareness, creation, link rendezvous 173
Spectrum awareness, creation, potential interference analysis 170—173
Spectrum awareness, creation, reporting 168—169
Spectrum awareness, creation, sensing 169—170
Spectrum awareness, hidden node problem 136
Spectrum awareness, implications for cognitive radio hardware 180—182
Spectrum awareness, interference avoidance problem 163—165
Spectrum awareness, networking 176—178
Spectrum awareness, overlay and underlay techniques 178—180
Spectrum awareness, propagation energy loss 183—184
Spectrum awareness, spectral footprint minimization 166—168
Spectrum awareness, subleasing 144 145
Spectrum efficiency 23 25 64 166—168
Spectrum efficiency, bits per unit area 167
Spectrum efficiency, metrics 166
Spectrum management 17—22 29 66—67 67—68 148 163—164 168—169 191 194 214
Spectrum management, and subleasing methods 21—22
Spectrum management, commercial opportunities 212—213
Spectrum management, dynamic policy 56—58
Spectrum management, interference management 60—61
Spectrum management, noise aggregation 19—21
Spectrum management, priority access 22
Spectrum management, spectrum access 33—42
Spectrum management, unlicensed 18—19
Spectrum occupancy 135—136 149—150 152
Spectrum policy 57—58 60 65 66 68 138—140 187—189 200
Spectrum Policy Task Force (SPTF) 23 60 66 67 144 179 188
Spectrum policy, management 188—189
Spectrum policy, system requirements 189
Spectrum resources 191 195 198 210 213 406
Spectrum resources, relative scarcity assessment 175
Spectrum sensing 135—136 148 169—170 341
Spectrum subleasing 139 144 145
Speech algorithms, CR xxiii—xxiv
Speech and language processing 315
Speech and language processing, background noise suppression 327—328
Speech and language processing, language identification 323—325
Speech and language processing, machine translation 326—327
Speech and language processing, noise characterization 329—330
Speech and language processing, speaker recognition 315—323
Speech and language processing, speaker stress characterization 329
Speech and language processing, speech coding 328
Speech and language processing, speech-to-text (STT) conversion 325—326
Speech and language processing, text-to-speech (TTS)conversion 325
Speech coders 317 327 328
Speech-understanding technology xxiii—xxiv
Stand-alone radios 588—589
Standard interference function model 521—524
Stationary distribution 525 526 527
Sublattice 556
Sun Microsystems 109
Supermodular games 544 554 557—558
Supermodular games, example 558
Supermodular games, functions 556
Supermodular games, increasing differences 557
Supermodular games, mathematical preliminaries 554—558
Supermodular games, mathematical preliminaries, join and meet 555
Supermodular games, mathematical preliminaries, lattice 555
Supermodular games, mathematical preliminaries, partially ordered sets 554—555
Supermodular games, properties 558—563
Supermodular games, properties, adaptive dynamic process 561—562
Supermodular games, properties, convergence 561
Supermodular games, properties, desirability 561
Supermodular games, properties, fixed points in 559—560
Supermodular games, properties, random sampling 562
Supermodular games, properties, stability 562—563
Supervised learning 260 380—381
Symbolic knowledge representation 371
Symbolic knowledge representation, benefits 372
System control and DomainManager 104—105
System performance analysis 593—594
Tarski's fixed point theorem 559—560
Tarski's fixed point theorem, visualization for supermodular games 560
Telecommunications Act 1996 36
Telecommunications policy, basic geometrics 53—56
Telecommunications policy, dynamic policy 56—58
Telecommunications policy, interference avoidance 60—61
Telecommunications policy, overarching impact 61
Telecommunications policy, policy-enabled devices 58—60
Telecommunications policy, technology impact, on regulation 53
Telephony services 590
TellMe® Networks xxi—xxii
Temporal difference 389—390
Temporal knowledge 378—379
TestableObject 99
Text-to-speech (TTS) conversion 325
Time difference of arrival (TDoA) approach 280—284
Time difference of arrival (TDoA) approach, common coordinate system 283—284
Time difference of arrival (TDoA) approach, curve 281—283
Time difference of arrival (TDoA) approach, source transmitter, position 284
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) 10 131 294 492
Time of arrival (ToA) approach 279
Time-based approaches, DME 279 280
Time-based approaches, estimation 285—286
Time-based approaches, LORAN 285
Time-based approaches, round-trip timing 279—280
Time-based approaches, TDoA approach see Time difference of arrival approach
Time-based approaches, ToA approach see Time of arrival approach
Time-based approaches, TV broadcast 285
Timeline 156—157
Timeline, decisions, directions, and standards 157
Timeline, new products manufacturing 157—158
Timeline, roots of SDR 4—5
Toffler Associates 65—66
Tokens 201 467
Tokens, user authentication 318
Totally ordered set 555 556
Training sequence length, adaptation 423—425
traits 233 244 245
Traits, user authentication 319
Transition probability matrix 525—526
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 171 261 300 303
Transmitter power 221 229—230
Transparent interface 330
Transportation and telecommunication commonalities 340—341
Trunked radio 21
Two-way radio communication, challenges 413—414
Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio 179 180 590
UML model 197 414 416
UML model, SDR Forum 437 460 488—490
Unilateral deviation 538—539 543—544 550
Unintentional radiator 38
Unlicensed devices 33 50 52 55 57—58
Unlicensed devices, operational envelopes 37—38
Unsupervised learning 242 260 261 381
Upper semicontinuous function 559 560
US Department of Commerce (DoC) 68—69 271
US Department of Commerce (DoC), NTIA 48 50—51 62 146 156 188
US telecommunications policy 49—52
US telecommunications policy, Federal Communications Commission 50
US telecommunications policy, National Telecommunication and Information Administration 50—51
US telecommunications policy, State Department 51
US telecommunications policy, technology, pace with 51—52
user authentication 155—156 158 318—321 332
User authentication, biometric sensors, applications 322—323
User authentication, biometric sensors, processing, with security architecture 321—322
User knowledge, in architecture 452—453
Utility-based agent 141
Utopian point 231 260
Velcro radio 484 506
Very high frequency omnidirectional ranging (VHF VOR) 270 287
Very high-speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) VHDL 13 86 142
Video coder 11
Video link 245 251
Virtual data integration 428
Vision and speech perception, combination xxiii—xxiv
Vision-processing algorithms xxii—xxiii
Vocoder (voice coder) 5 11 79 82 155 317n 585
Voice 80—81 313 316 319 325 448 537
Voice biometrics 317—318
voice communication 80 327 328
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 299 590
Voltage standing wave radio (VSWR) 10 76
VT-CWT cognitive engine 219 240
Wake epoch 460 461 466
Waveform 5—6 7 12 150—151
Waveform control 103
Weak improvement cycle 550
Web Ontology Language (OWL) 59 140 331 373 409—411
Web Ontology Language (OWL), OWL Full 409 410 411 430
Web Ontology Language (OWL), OWL Lite 409 410—411 430
Web Ontology Language (OWL), OWL-DL 409 410 411 430
Web Ontology Language (OWL), OWL-QL 411—412 422—423
Weight values and objective functions 263
Weighted potential game 545—546
WiFi protocol 18 270 426
WiFi protocol, hierarchy 417
WiMAX waveforms, properties 20
Wireless local area network (WLAN) 20 37 39 42 270 288 355 503 588.
Wireless network and service offered, through infrastructure 587—593
Wireless personal area network (WPAN) 20 588
Wireless system generic algorithm (WSGA) 240 241 242 243 245 264
Wireless system generic algorithm (WSGA), example 249—252
Wireless system generic algorithm (WSGA), optimization 258—259
Wireless Telegraphy Act 1998 36
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 355 503
World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) 188
Writable parameters see Knobs
WxWidgets 111
XML 15 59n 103 106 139 409 419
XML Topic Maps (XTM) 409
Yttrium — iron — garnet (YIG) circulators 78
Zero-sum game 535n
ZigBee 588
ZigBee, waveforms, properties 20
“Radar” O'Reilly 1n
“telematics”™ 588