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Fette B.A. (Ed) — Cognitive Radio Technology
Fette B.A. (Ed) — Cognitive Radio Technology

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Íàçâàíèå: Cognitive Radio Technology

Àâòîð: Fette B.A. (Ed)


Cognitive radio technology is a smarter, faster, and more efficient way to transmit information to and from fixed, mobile, other wireless communication devices. Cognitive radio builds upon software-defined radio technology. A cognitive radio system is 'aware' of its operating environment and automatically adjusts itself to maintain desired communications-it's like having a trained operator 'inside' the radio making constant adjustments for maximum performance. Operating frequency, power output, antenna orientation/beamwidth, modulation, and transmitter bandwidth are just a few of the operating parameters that can automatically be adjusted "on the fly" in a cognitive radio system.

Fette has constructed a cutting-edge volume that hits all of the important issues including research, management, and support. Cognitive techniques will be discussed such as position and network awareness, infrastructure and physical and link layer concerns. Though still a nascent technology, cognitive radio is being pushed by the US military and for mission-critical civilian communications (such as emergency and public safety services).

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 656

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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GA technique for MOMD, radio parameters, as genes in chromosome      244—245
GA technique, CBDT initialization      255—258
GA technique, CBDT initialization, implementation      256—258
GA technique, CBDT initialization, theory      255—256
GA technique, knapsack example      235—239
GA technique, population initialization      253—254
GA technique, priming      254
GA technique, tournament selection      236
Game models      534 544
Game models, normal form game model      534—536
Game models, potential games      544—554
Game models, repeated game model      536—538
Game models, supermodular games      544 554 557—558
Game theory      530
Game theory, analysis techniques      538—544
Game theory, analysis techniques, convergence      542—544
Game theory, analysis techniques, desirability      541—542
Game theory, analysis techniques, NE existence      540—541
Game theory, analysis techniques, NE identification      541
Game theory, analysis techniques, steady states      538—540
Game theory, and simulation      393—394
Game theory, application      529
Game theory, basic elements      530—532
Game theory, basic elements, actions and outcomes      531
Game theory, basic elements, cognition cycle      533—534
Game theory, basic elements, player      530
Game theory, basic elements, preferences      531—532
Game theory, basic elements, rules      532
Game theory, basic elements, utility functions      532
Game theory, basic game models      534—538 544
Game theory, mapping      533—534
Gaussian probability density functions      246 247
General convergence theorem      521
General purpose processors (GPPs)      83—84
Generalized $\varepsilon$-potential game      545
Generalized ordinal potential game      545 547
Genetic algorithm      see GA technique
Geographical environment awareness      348
Geolocation      135
Geolocation, AOA approach      286—287
Geolocation, applications      269
Geolocation, RSS approach      287—288
Geolocation, time-based approaches      279—286
Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP)      286n
Geometries, telecommunications policy, fixed transmitter, fixed receiver system      54—55
Geometries, telecommunications policy, fixed transmitter, mobile receiver system      53—54
Geometries, telecommunications policy, mobile transmitter, fixed receiver system      55
Geometries, telecommunications policy, mobile transmitter, mobile receiver system      55—56
getPort()      99
Glicksberg—Fan fixed point theorem      540
Global policy interest      61—69
Global policy interest, global interest      62
Global policy interest, US reviews, dynamic spectrum access      62—69
Global Positioning System (GPS)      271—274
Global positioning system (GPS), accuracy and coordinate system      272
Global positioning system (GPS), control segment      271
Global positioning system (GPS), error source      274
Global positioning system (GPS), navigation message      273
Global positioning system (GPS), satellite signals      272—273
Global positioning system (GPS), signal processing      273—274
Global positioning system (GPS), signal processing, axes      274
Global positioning system (GPS), signal processing, differential      274
Global positioning system (GPS), space segment      271
Global positioning system (GPS), time      136—138
Global positioning system (GPS), user segment      271—272
GNURadio      94—95
Goal-based agent      140 141
Government Accountability Office (GAO)      62—64
GPS      see Global positioning system
Greedy algorithm      178
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)      14
Hardware architecture, SDR, baseband processing, deployment      87—89
Hardware architecture, SDR, baseband processing, engines      82—87
Hardware architecture, SDR, block diagram      76—82
Hardware architecture, SDR, design choices      81—82
Hardware architecture, SDR, multicore systems and system-on-chip      89—90
Hardware architecture, SDR, user application      80—81
Hardware control      97 101
Hardware control, DeviceManager      102—103
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)      359—360
High-Level Data Link Control protocol (HDLC)      417 417—418 418
Higher-layer intelligence, adjusting parameters autonomously      258
Higher-layer intelligence, radio algorithm-inflicted rewards and punishments      259—260
Higher-layer intelligence, user-inflicted rewards      260
History and background      1—26
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)      245 300 302
Hypertext markup language (HTML)      106
iCR      461—462
IIR filter      84 97
Incidental radiator      38
Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band      39 220
Industrial-strength inference hierarchy, hypothesis management      482
Industrial-strength inference hierarchy, noise      481—482
Industrial-strength inference hierarchy, nonlinear flows      482
Industrial-strength inference hierarchy, training interfaces      482
Inference hierarchy      see CRA III
Infrastructure-based system      48
inheritance      14 193 424
initialize()      99
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)      37 157
Integrated communications, navigation and identification architecture (ICNIA)      4—5
Intelligent computer operation, case-based learning      262
Intelligent computer operation, decision-making and optimization      262
Intelligent computer operation, distributed learning      263
Intelligent computer operation, environmental awareness      261—261
Intelligent computer operation, user awareness      261
Intelligent computer operation, weight values and objective functions      263
Intentional radiator      38
Inter-network      302
Interface Definition Language (IDL)      96
Interference avoidance problem      163—165
Interference temperature      67 179 188
Internal network      338—339
Internally oriented action      464
International regulatory activities (2005)      63
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)      157 188 451
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), GSC proposed definition      32
Internet engineering task force (IETF)      3 190
Internet protocol (IP)      190 261 302 303 590
Interruptible spectrum access      40
Iris scan      136
Java      15 16 109—110 192 199 200 203
Java, garbage collection      109
Join operation      555
Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) JPO      30 95 130 204 487
Kalman filter, GPS receiver      135
Killer applications for wireless device      119
Knapsack example, crossover      236—237
Knapsack example, evaluation and replacement      237—238
Knapsack example, initialization, chromosome      235
Knapsack example, mutation      237
Knapsack example, parents, choosing      235—236
Knapsack example, results      238—239
Knobs      219 223 225 227 229 230 244 263
Knobs, classification      224
Knowledge      369
Knowledge, behavioral      374—375
Knowledge, ontology-based      372—374
Knowledge, representation      370
Knowledge, symbolic      371—372
Knowledge, user authentication      318—321
Knowledge-intensive applications      413—414
Knowledge-intensive characteristics      401
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, command execution      405—406
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, constraints and requirements      403—404
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, dynamic interoperability, at any stack layer      406—407
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, information collection and fusion      404
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, query by user, self, or radio      405
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, query responsiveness and command execution      405—406
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, resource negotiation      406
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, self-awareness      405
Knowledge-intensive characteristics, situation awareness      404—405
Language awareness      349
Language identification      323—325
latency      80 81 143 226 307
Lattice      555—559
Layered ontology, DL layer ontology      416—421
Layered ontology, PHY layer ontology      414—416
Learning system, enabling within system      395
Learning system, implementation considerations, brittleness and edge conditions      394—395
Learning system, implementation considerations, computational requirements      394
Learning system, implementation considerations, predictable behavior      395
Learning system, supervised      380—381
Learning system, unsupervised      381
Leray—Schauder—Tychonoff fixed point theorem      515 560
lifecycle      99
Limiting distribution      525—526 527
Linear programming      91
Link rendezvous      173
Lipschitz continuous function      513n 514
LoadableDevice      101 102
Local area network (LAN)      56 147 305 577
Location awareness      348 496
Logical reasoning, ontology      430—431
Lombard effect      328n
LOng RAnge Navigation (LORAN)      270 285
Low battery power      365
Low noise amplifier (LNA)      77
Lyapunov function      517—518 529 544 565
Lyapunov function for contraction mapping      520
Lyapunov stable      516—517
Lyapunov’s direct method      553
Lyapunov’s direct method for discrete time systems      517—518
M*A*S*H      1n
Machine learning      xxii 380
Machine learning, architecture      368
Machine learning, Bayesian logic      383—385
Machine learning, classifiers      382—383
Machine learning, decision trees      385—386
Machine learning, genetic algorithms (GA)      392—393
Machine learning, memorization      381—382
Machine learning, neural networks      390—392
Machine learning, reinforcement-based      386—389
Machine learning, simulation and gaming      393—394
Machine learning, temporal difference      389—390
Machine readable policy-controlled radio      132
Machine Translation      326—327
Markov chain      525
Markov chain, ergodicity theorem      526
Markov model      524 525
Markov model, absorbing Markov chain      527—529
Mathematical operations per second (mops)      12n
McGurk effect      327
Medium access control (MAC)      80 108 142—143 179 219 278 305 407
Medium access support      342
Meet operation      555
Memorization      381—382
Memory Management Unit (MMU)      83—84
Meters      219 223 225 230 263
Meters, classification      224
Military opportunities for cognitive policy management      211—212
Million instructions per second (MIPS)      73 89 490
Mission, context, and background awareness      349 351
Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET)      142
Mobile transmitter, fixed receiver system      55
Mobile transmitter, mobile receiver system      55—56
Mobility and trajectory awareness      348 350
Model-based reflex agent      141
Modem      9 79
Modulation      136 166 226 262
Modulation types      244—245
Moore’s Law      3 483
Multi-dimensional analysis, chromosomes      245—249
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM)      219 264 359
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), constraint modeling      231
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), GA approach      233—239
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), GA approach, cognition loop      239—244
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), GA approach, multi-dimensional analysis, chromosomes      245—249
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), GA approach, normalizing objectives      247—248
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), GA approach, objective function results, linear combination      246—247
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), GA approach, radio parameters, as genes in chromosome      244—245
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), pareto front      231—232
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), problem      232—233
Multi-objective decision-making (MODM), theory and application definition, basic formulation      230—231
Multicore systems and system-on-chip      89—90
Multiple input, multiple output (MIMO)      174—175 352
Multiple input, multiple output (MIMO), antenna      77
Multiple learning methods      397
Nash equilibrium (NE)      509 538 539 539—540
Nash equilibrium (NE), $\varepsilon$-NE      553
Nash equilibrium (NE), existence      540—541
Nash equilibrium (NE), identification      541
National Science Foundation (NSF)      23 40 145 582
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)      17 48 50—51 65 146 157 188
Natural language (NL)      138 439
Natural language (NL), CRA inference hierarchy      470—472
Negative reinforcement, punishment      258—259
Network awareness      299
Network awareness, architectural model      302
Network collection      589
Network localization      146
Network localization, functions      278
Network localization, geolocation-enabled routing      278
Network localization, spatially variant service      276—277
Network policy management architecture radio integration      209—211
Network support, external      338—339
Network support, infrastructure based and centralized global REM      354—355
Network support, internal      338—339
Network support, radio environment map (REM)      338
Network support, REM based      353
Network support, scenarios and application      353—357
Network, applications and requirements      300—302
Network, solutions to requirements      302—304
Network-based approaches      288 294
Network-based system      48
networking protocols      142
Neural networks      390—392
Niching, GA      253
Noise characterization      329—330
Noise temperature      179n
Nondeterministic behaviors      42
Normal form game model      534 544 557
Normal form game model, cognitive radios’ dilemma      535—536
Normal form game model, finite improvement path (FIP) property      543
Normal form game model, Paper—Rock—Scissors game      536—537
Normal form game model, weak FIP property      543
object-oriented programming (OOP)      91—92 373 374 414
Obligation policies      192 200 202
Observable parameters      see Meters
Observe—orient links, radio skill sets      473—474
Observe—orient links, scene interpretation      472—473
Ontology Inference Layer (OIL)      139—140
Ontology, and frame systems      372—373
Ontology, and frame systems, classifier      374
Ontology, basics      408—409
Ontology, definition      407—408
Ontology, languages, web-based      409—411
Ontology, layers      414—421
Ontology, open research issues, learning      429—430
Ontology, open research issues, mapping      428—429
Ontology, open research issues, project development and consensus      427—428
Ontology, open research issues, reasoning efficiency      430—431
Ontology, querying      411—412
Ontology, reasoning      412—413
Ontology, role      407
Ontology, role, in knowledge-intensive applications      413—414
Ontology-based radio      401 406
Open systems interconnection (OSI), stack      107 222
Operational behavior, radio and external influences      365—366
Ordinal potential game      545 547 550—551
1 2 3 4
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