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LoCascio T. — Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing
LoCascio T. — Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing

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Íàçâàíèå: Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing

Àâòîð: LoCascio T.


Combining Images with Photoshop Elements uses great photography and expert design sense to show how you can accomplish beautiful composites in Elements — from simpler tasks such as replacing an image background to more advanced ones such as creating a photomontage. Topics include making selections, working with layers, masking, and applying filters, effects, and layers styles. The book's tone is informative but loose and playful, as veteran designer Ted LoCascio mixes narrative instruction and step-by-step demonstration. Projects span a wide range of image types, including replacing a portrait background, creating a wedding montage, and building an abstract photo collage.

The companion CD includes more than two hours of video training based on the projects and instruction in the book, so you can read about each tool and effect and then actually see how it's done.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 288

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Framing, photographs      26—28 26—29
Freeform selections      32
Frequency setting      35 35
Full Color Management setting      20
Full Size Brush Tip option      167
Galleries for inspiration      5
Galleries, Filter Gallery      225—227 226
Galleries, Filter Gallery, Oil Paint effect      235—239 235—239
Galleries, Filter Gallery, working with      233—235 233—234
Gamut      20
Gathering images      8
Gathering images, observation in      8 9
Gathering images, resources for      9—10 9—11
Gaussian blur for layers      116 116
Gaussian blur for outer glow      68
Gaussian blur, working with      229 229
Glass effect      236
Good selections      24
Gradient Editor      157 161—162 161—163
Gradient Fill dialog      95—97 96—97
Gradient Fill layers      95—96 96
Gradient Map layers      100 101
Gradient Name dialog      158 158
Gradient Picker      156 158
Gradient tool      156—158 156—157
Gradients with layer masks      155—165 155—165
Gradients, deleting      160
gradients, editing      161—162 161—163
Gradients, example      163—165 163—165
Gradients, presets      158—161 158—160
Gradients, renaming      158
Green channel      194
Group command      144 146
Group image layers      79
Group With Previous Layer option      133
Groups, clipping      142—146 142—146
Grow command      63—64 64—65
Hand tool for Camera RAW files      194
Hand tool with Lasso tools      32
Hand tool with Magic Extractor      53
Hard drive space for layers      106
Hard Light blend mode      124 124
Hard Mix blend mode      126 126
Hardness setting for brushes      41 41 174 174
Hidden layers, deleting      109 109
Hide All Effects option      251
Highlighting in Camera RAW files      195 212—218 212—218
Histogram palette      194
Histograms      194—196 196
Horizontal Type tool      179 249
Hue blend mode      127 127
Hue for frames      256—257 256
Hue Jitter setting      168 173 173
Hue, adjustment layers for      99—100 100
Hue/Saturation dialog      99—100 100
ICC profile      19
Image layers      78 78
Image layers, adding      88—89 88—89
Image layers, creating      90—91 90—91
Image layers, naming      91—93 92
Image pack rats      9
Image Size dialog      13 13 16 16
Images, framing      251—257 251—257
Images, gathering      8
Images, gathering, observation in      8 9
Images, gathering, resources for      9—10 9—11
Images, resolution      11—12
Images, resolution with sharpening      232
Images, resolution, displaying      14—16 14—16
Images, resolution, pixel logic in      12—14 12—13
images, size      13—14 13 16—18 16—17
Imitation vs. inspiration      5
Indicate Background tool      51 60 60
Indicate Foreground tool      51 60 60
Info palette      16 16
Inspiration      5—8 6
Intersect feature      75
Invert layers      102 103
inverting selections      72 73
ISO setting      210
Jitter for brushes      168 173 173
Keep These Settings For All Brushes option      175
keyboard shortcuts      93
Keystroke modifiers      61 61—62
Large capture setting      14
lasso tools      31—32 31—33
Lasso tools, Magnetic Lasso      33—36 34—36
Lasso tools, modifier keys for      61 61
Lasso tools, Polygonal Lasso      36—38 37—38
Layer Comps palette      108
layer masks      79
Layer masks with Elliptical Marquee      30
Layer masks with Rectangular Marquee      27—28 27—28
Layer masks, feathering      71 151—154 152—155
Layer masks, filling selections in      147—151 147—151
Layer masks, gradient blending with      155—165 155—165
Layer masks, painting in      See Brush tool and brushes
Layer palette      246
Layer Properties dialog      92
Layer Style option      243
Layers      77
Layers for brushes      166
Layers for filters      228
Layers palette      81
Layers, background      94
Layers, controls      80—81 80
layers, deleting      108—109 108—109
Layers, effect      79—80 80 94 234
Layers, effect, adjustment      See adjustment layers
Layers, effect, fill layers      94—97 94—97
layers, flattening      108 108
Layers, image      78 78
Layers, image, adding      88—89 88—89
Layers, image, creating      90—91 90—91
Layers, image, naming      91—93 92
Layers, linking and unlinking      84—85 85—86
Layers, locking and unlocking      86—88 86—87
layers, merging      106—108 107
Layers, navigating      93 93
Layers, opacity of      112—116 113—116
layers, selecting      82—84 82—83 91
Layers, simplifying      244 244
Layers, styles for      See styles
Layers, visibility of      81 81
Levels dialog for adjustment layers      27—28 97—98 98
Levels dialog for effects      246
Levels dialog for feathering      71
Levels dialog for thresholds      104 104
Lighten blend mode      121 121
Limited Color Management setting      20
Limits option      56
Linear Burn blend mode      120 120
Linear Dodge blend mode      122 122 184
linear gradients      157
Linear Light blend mode      125 125
Link With Layer option      97
Linked layers, deleting      109 109
linking layers      84—85 85
Liquify command      227
Live effects      239
Load Selection dialog      74 74
Loading selections      73—75 74—75
Lock Transparent Pixels option      86 86
locking layers      86—88 86—87
Low effect      255
Luminance Smoothing setting      210 210
Luminosity blend mode      129 129
Magazines for inspiration      5
Magenta channel      194
Magic Eraser      45—48 45—49
Magic Extractor      3 42 51—55 51—54 60 60
Magic Selection brush      49—51 49—51 60
Magic Wand      42—45 42—44
Magic Wand, Grow and Similar for      63 64
Magic Wand, modifier keys for      61
Magnetic Lasso tool      31—36 34—36
Marching ants      24
marquee tools      25
Marquee tools, Elliptical Marquee      29—30 29—30
Marquee tools, Rectangular Marquee      25—28 26—28
Mask mode for Selection brush      39—41 39
masks      139
Masks with Camera RAW      See Camera RAW files
Masks, clipping      177
Masks, clipping, shape      181—186 181—187
Masks, clipping, type      177—181 178—181
Masks, clipping, working with      142—146 142—146
Masks, concealing and revealing with      140 140
Masks, elliptical      30
masks, layer      See layer masks
Masks, shape      181—186 181—187
Masks, type      177—181 178—181 248—251
measurement units      15—16 15
Medium capture setting      14
memory cards      5
Merge Down option      106—107
Merge Layers option      107—108
Merge Visible option      107
merging layers      106—108 107
Metals set      159 160
modifier keys      61 61—62
Monitors, calibrating      18—19
Montages      2 2—3
Mood      4 4
Move tool for layers      82—83 88 88
Move tool for shape masks      183
Move tool for type masks      179
Multiple layers, selecting      82—84 82—83
Multiple styles, applying      241
Multiply blend mode      119 119
Museums for inspiration      5
Music for inspiration      7
Names, brushes      169 169
Names, gradients      158
Names, layers      91—93 92
Names, presets      172
Navigating, blend modes      157
Navigating, Camera RAW files      194 195
Navigating, layers      93 93
Navigating, presets      161
New document dialog      248 248
New Effect Layer option      236—237
New Layer dialog      90 92 92
New Selection option      60
No Color Management option      19—20 19
Noise in Camera RAW files      210—211 211
Noncontiguous pixels with Grow and Similar      63
nondestructive editing      72 115
Normal blend mode      118 118
Normal mode for Rectangular Marquee      26
Observation for image gathering      8 9
Oil Paint effect      235—239 235—239
Old photos as image sources      10
Opacity      111
Opacity in Filter Gallery      239
Opacity, Background Eraser      57 57
Opacity, Brush tool      168
Opacity, gradients      157 162 163
Opacity, layers      112—116 113—116
Opacity, Magic Eraser      46
Opacity, Selection Brush      40
Option key for selections      61 62
Options dialog      16 16
Order of layers      234
Outer glow      67—68 67—68 240
Overlay blend mode      123 123
Oversharpened images      232
Paint Daubs effect      236
Painting in layer masks      See Brush tool and brushes
Painting, straight lines      42 166
Palette Options dialog      79
Paste Layer Style option      242
Pastels set      159
Pasting for image layers      88—89 89
Paths for selections      73
Pattern Fill dialog      96
Pattern fill layers      96—97 97
Photo Filter layer      101 102
Photographs, framing      26—28 26—29
Photorealistic shadows      114—116 114—116
Pin Light blend mode      125 125
Pixel logic      12—14 12—13
pixel-based layers      78
pixels per inch (ppi)      12
Point Eraser tool      55
Polygonal Lasso tool      31—32
Polygonal Lasso tool, modifier keys for      61
Polygonal Lasso tool, Smooth command for      68—69
Polygonal Lasso tool, working with      36—38 37—38
Post-feathering edges      70—72 71—72
Posterize dialog      105 105
ppi (pixels per inch)      12
Pre-feathering edges      70 70
Preferences dialog, Background Eraser      57
Preferences dialog, Magic Eraser      47 47
Preferences dialog, Measurement units      15 15
Preserve Luminosity option      101
Preset Manager      172 172
Presets, Brush tool      168—172 169—172
Presets, gradients      158—161 158—160
Presets, navigating      161
Preview window      194
Previewing in Filter Gallery      233
Previewing, blend modes      118
Previewing, Camera RAW files      194 195
Previewing, sharpening      231
Previous Conversion settings      197
Printing, optimizing for      20
Printing, resolution for      12
Printing, sharpening for      232
Profiles, color      19—21 19—21
Psychedelic Strings effect      249
radial gradients      157
Radius with Smooth command      69 69
Radius, feathering      70 217
Radius, outer glow      68
Radius, sharpening      231—232
Raster layers      78
RAW files      See Camera RAW files
Rectangular Marquee tool, Expand and Contract for      62
Rectangular Marquee tool, working with      25—28 26—28
Red channel      194
Reflected gradients      157 223
Relative option      254
Remove from Selection tool      55 60 60
Rename Layer option      92
Renaming, brushes      169 169
Renaming, gradients      158
renaming, layers      92—93
Renaming, presets      172
Resample Image option      17
Reset Brushes option      171
Reset Camera RAW defaults option      197
Reset Gradients option      160
Resizing images      16—18 16—17
Resolution      11—12
Resolution with sharpening      232
Resolution, displaying      14—16 14—16
Resolution, pixel logic in      12—14 12—13
Resources for images      9—10 9—11
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