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LoCascio T. — Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing
LoCascio T. — Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing

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Íàçâàíèå: Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing

Àâòîð: LoCascio T.


Combining Images with Photoshop Elements uses great photography and expert design sense to show how you can accomplish beautiful composites in Elements — from simpler tasks such as replacing an image background to more advanced ones such as creating a photomontage. Topics include making selections, working with layers, masking, and applying filters, effects, and layers styles. The book's tone is informative but loose and playful, as veteran designer Ted LoCascio mixes narrative instruction and step-by-step demonstration. Projects span a wide range of image types, including replacing a portrait background, creating a wedding montage, and building an abstract photo collage.

The companion CD includes more than two hours of video training based on the projects and instruction in the book, so you can read about each tool and effect and then actually see how it's done.

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 288

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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.CRW files      191
.MRW files      191
.NEF files      191
.ORF files      191
.RAF files      191
16-bit files vs. 8-bit RAW files      190
16-bit files, RGB images      18
8-bit RGB images      18
Add To feature      75
Add to Selection tool      55 60 60
Adding to selections      60—66 60—66 75
Additional Brush Options dialog      172—173 173
Adjust tab      198—208 198—208
Adjustment layers      79 97
Adjustment layers for masks      142—143 143
Adjustment layers, brightness / contrast      99 99
Adjustment layers, gradient maps      100 101
Adjustment layers, hue / saturation      99—100 100
Adjustment layers, invert      102 103
Adjustment layers, levels      97—98 98
Adjustment layers, Photo Filter      101 102
Adjustment layers, posterize      105 105
Adjustment layers, threshold      102—104 103—105
Adobe Gamma software      18—19
All Layers option      84
Allow Me To Choose option      20—21
alpha channels      73
Alt key for selections      61 62
Always Optimize Colors For Computer Screens Option      20—21
Always Optimize For Printing option      20
anchor points      35—36 35
Angled Strokes filter      234 234 237
Angles for brushes      166 174 174
Angles for gradients      95 156
Angles for Polygonal Lasso tool      38
Anti-alias option for Elliptical Marquee      29
Anti-alias option for Lasso tools      32
Anti-alias option for Magic Eraser      46
Anti-alias option for Magic Wand      43
Anti-alias option for Magnetic Lasso      34
Anti-alias option for Polygonal Lasso      37
Antique stores      9
Applying effects      245 245
Applying filters      228—229 228—230
Applying styles      240—241 240—241
Artifacts from Magic Eraser      47
Artistic menu      227 227
As Shot option      198
Auto option for Camera RAW files      198 203—204
Auto Select Layer option      82—83 83
Background brush      52—55 52
Background color for gradients      162
Background Eraser      45 55—57 55—57
Background layers      94
Background marks      60
Background menu      53
Backup batteries      5
backup plans      7
Backyards as image sources      10
batteries      5
Beveled effects      240—241 241
Black channel      194
Black color in layer masks      140 140
blend modes      111 117 117
Blend modes for layer masks      155—165 155—165
Blend modes for shape masks      184
Blend modes in Filter Gallery      238
Blend modes, Color      128 128
Blend modes, Color Burn      120 120
Blend modes, Color Dodge      122 122
Blend modes, Darken      119 119
Blend modes, Difference      126 126
Blend modes, Dissolve      118 118
Blend modes, example      129—137 129—137
Blend modes, Exclusion      127 127
Blend modes, Hard Light      124 124
Blend modes, Hard Mix      126 126
Blend modes, Hue      127 127
Blend modes, Lighten      121 121
Blend modes, Linear Burn      120 120
Blend modes, Linear Dodge      122 122
Blend modes, Linear Light      125 125
Blend modes, Luminosity      129 129
Blend modes, Multiply      119 119
Blend modes, navigating      157
Blend modes, Normal      118 118
Blend modes, Overlay      123 123
Blend modes, Pin Light      125 125
Blend modes, previewing      118
Blend modes, Saturation      128 128
Blend modes, Screen      121 121
Blend modes, Soft Light      123 123
Blend modes, Vivid Light      124 124
Blue channel      194
Blur      227
Blur for layers      116 116
Blur for outer glow      68
Blur, working with      229 229
Books for inspiration      5
Border command      66—68 67—68
Borders, beveled      240
Borders, selection      24 66—68 67—68
Breaks for inspiration      8
Brightness / Contrast dialog      99 99
Brightness in Camera RAW files      192 193 206 206
Brightness, adjustment layers for      99 99
Brush dynamics      173
Brush Name dialog      169 169
Brush Strokes effects      227
Brush tool and brushes      165—167 166—167
Brush tool and brushes for Background Eraser      56 57
Brush tool and brushes, editing      172—175 173—174
Brush tool and brushes, example      175—177 175—177
Brush tool and brushes, Magic Extractor      52—53
Brush tool and brushes, Magic Selection Brush      49—51 49—51
Brush tool and brushes, presets      168—172 169—172
Brush tool and brushes, renaming      169 169
Brush tool and brushes, Selection Brush      39—42 39—41 65—66 66
Brush tool and brushes, size      41 50 167
Brush tool and brushes, tips      167
Calibrating monitors      18—19
Camera RAW files      189
Camera RAW files, Adjust tab      198—208 198—208
Camera RAW files, color temperature for      198—199 218—223 218—223
Camera RAW files, defining      191
Camera RAW files, Details tab      208—212 208—211
Camera RAW files, dialog for      192—193 193 212
Camera RAW files, settings for      194—197 195—197
Camera RAW files, shadow / highlight information for      212—218 212—218
Camera RAW files, working with      190
Canvas Extension Color option      254
Canvas Size dialog      254
Channels for Camera RAW files      194
Channels for selections      73
Channels in RGB color mode      18
Channels, displaying      14
Classes for inspiration      7
Clear Styles command      243—244 243—244
Clearing styles      243—244 243—244
Clipping groups      142—146 142—146
clipping masks      177
Clipping masks, shape      181—186 181—187
Clipping masks, type      177—181 178—181
Clipping masks, working with      142—146 142—146
Clipping tools for Camera RAW files      194—196 195—196
Clipping Warning options      195 196
Cloudy setting      199 199
Color blend mode      128 128
Color Burn blend mode      120 120
Color channels for Camera RAW files      194
Color Dodge blend mode      122 122
Color Noise Reduction setting      211 211
Color Settings dialog      19—21 19—20
Color temperature in Camera RAW files      198—199 218—223 218—223
Color, Background Eraser      57
Color, borders      67 67
Color, fill layers      95
Color, gradients      158 162 162
Color, Magic Eraser      47
Color, Magic Selection Brush      51
Color, Magic Wand for      42 42
color, profiles      19—21 19—21
color, RGB      18—21 19—21
Color, Selection Brush      40
Color, styles      240
Colorful Center effect      246—248
Constraining brush strokes      166
Contiguous areas with Background Eraser      56
Contiguous areas with Grow and Similar      63
Contiguous areas with Magic Wand      43
Contract command      62 63 254
Contrast in Camera RAW files      192 193 207 207
Contrast, adjustment layers for      99 99
Converting color profiles      20—21
Cooling filters      101 102
Copy Layer Style option      242
Copying, images to layers      88—89 89
copying, layers      91
Copying, styles      242—243 243
Copyright infringement      5
Create a New Layer option      90 92
Create Adjustment Layer option      94—95 94 97
Create New Effect Layer option      234
Creative process      2
Creative process, inspiration      5—8 6
Creative process, storytelling      2—4 2—4
Crosshair in brush tips      167
Cursor Coordinates menu      15
Custom settings for Camera RAW files      197 201—202 202
Custom Shape picker      182
Cyan channel      194
Darken blend mode      119 119
Day-to-day activities for inspiration      7
Daylight setting      199 199
Defaults, Camera RAW file settings      197
Defaults, measurement units      15—16 15
Defringe option      55
Delete Layer command      80
Deleting, brushes      171
Deleting, effect layers      234
Deleting, gradients      160
deleting, layers      108—109 108—109
Deleting, presets      172
Deleting, styles      243—244 243—244
Depth menu      194
Desaturate mode      247
Deselect Layers option      84
Details tab      192 193 208—212 208—211
Diamond gradients      157
Difference blend mode      126 126
Digital cameras, batteries for      5
Digital Negative (DNG) format      192
Discontiguous option      56
Display & Cursor options      167
Display Calibrator Assistant      18
Display menu      53
Dissolve blend mode      118 118
Distortion setting      236
Dither option      158
DNG (Digital Negative) format      192
DNG Converter      192 192
Docked palettes      25 25
Document Profile option      21
Downsampling      17
drop shadows      239—241 241 255
Dry Brush filter      229
Duplicate Layer command      80
Duplicating layers      80 91
Edge Contrast option      35
Edges, Background Eraser      56—57
Edges, Border command      66—68 67—68
Edges, feathered      70—72 70—72
Edges, inverting for      72 73
Edges, Magic Extractor      55
Edges, Magnetic Lasso      35—36
Edges, Selection Brush      40 40
Edges, Smooth command      68—69 69
Editing, brushes      172—175 173—174
Editing, gradients      161—162 161—163
Editing, styles      242 242
Effect layers      79—80 80 94 234
Effect layers, adjustment      97—105 98—105
Effect layers, fill layers      94—97 94—97
effects      225 245
Effects, altering      246—248 246—248
effects, applying      245 245
Effects, Oil Paint      235—239 235—239
Effects, textures and type masks      248—251
Elliptical Marquee tool, Expand and Contract for      62 63
Elliptical Marquee tool, working with      29—30 29—30
Embed Color Profile option      19—21
emboss effect      238—239
Eraser tools, Background Eraser      45 55—57 55—57
Eraser tools, Eraser      45
Eraser tools, Magic Eraser      45—48 45—49
Everyday activities for inspiration      7
Exclusion blend mode      127 127
Exercise for inspiration      7
expand command      62 63
Expectations      7
Exposure settings for Camera RAW files      192 193 204 204 210
Fade setting      173 173
Family photos as image sources      10
Feather amount, Elliptical Marquee      29
Feather amount, Lasso tools      32
Feather amount, Magnetic Lasso      34
Feather amount, Polygonal Lasso      37
Feather amount, Rectangular Marquee      26
Feather Selection dialog      70 71
Feathering, edges      70—72 70—72
Feathering, layer masks      151—154 152—155
Feeling      4 4
Fill Holes option      55
Fill layers      79 94—95 94
Fill layers, gradient      95—96 96
Fill layers, pattern      96—97 97
Fill layers, solid color      95
Filling selections      147—151 147—151
Filter Gallery      225—227 226
Filter Gallery, Oil Paint effect      235—239 235—239
Filter Gallery, working with      233—235 233—234
Filter menu      227—228 227
Filters      225—227 226
Filters for layers      78
Filters for sharpening      230—232 230—233
filters, applying      228—229 228—230
Filters, tips for      227
Filters, warnings for      227—228 228
Flash setting      201 201
Flattened composites      240
Flattening layers      108 108
Flea markets      9
Fluorescent setting      201 201
Focus, softening      114—116 114—116
Fonts      179
Foreground Brush tool      52—55 52
Foreground color for gradients      162
Foreground marks      60
Foreground to Transparent gradient      223
Framing, images      251—257 251—257
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